The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 20, 1908, Image 4
REMOVAL SALE ON FEBRUARY I ST. We will move in STAR STORE And we have put a lot of mer chandise on the market COME TO SEE US AND WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. % Walker-Turner Co. ~v McDonough* ■ - Ca. lENRY COUNTY WEEKLY. j. a. FJl't’HK. PublhJier. K. I-- JOHNSON Fill tor. tlntered at the postofflca at McDon- K(h, aa lecond-clase mall mattar. Advertising Rate#: SI.OO per l»ch par month. Reduction on standing •retracts by special agreement r?ruL_jt t ..nig. ■„ t!=j-sar McDonwigh. Ga , Nov. 20, 1908. OAKLAND The people of Oakland areliving hi ;h now hog killing time is here again. Mrs. Lucy Tarpley returned home Sunday from an extended vi-it to her sons Mr. Jackson’s. Mrs. Dun Henderson was the truest-of Mrs. E, M. Burnett Sun dn v p in. Miss Mammie Mays, of White II ms t was the mi st- of Miss Muvy M ivs last week. Messers Oxford Barnette and Homer Patterson spent Monday night with Mr. Tom Sims. ?\I s H T. M Hiloelc was the guest of Mr. J . H M tys Wednesday p. in. Miss Livie Popfc, of Rex, was the guest of the .Misses Sorrows last week. Miss Mattie Patterson spent Sat- TtrJay ni'ht with her Aunt Mrs. J. H Moss. Miss Lena Allen, of The Rook, has come to assist Miss Anna New t.m in her school .Miss Mattie Alexander spent M >nday with her Grandmother M s Himp Tarpley. Misses Annie Loo Callaway and Li la Babb were at Oakland San duy p. m. Miss Juliet Parin' was the guest of Miss Lethia St irrow Sunday. Ko lul contains the same diirestlve juries ti; lire feund in an ordinary healthy s'-enaeh, uni there is therefore, no ques tion bur what- any form of stomach trou ble. Indipesteon or Nervous Dyspepsia, wi’i y; -hi readily yet naturally to a short tt es. uncut of tv. idol Try it today on our •jruur mtee. Take it for a little while, as that is all you will need to take. Kodoi digests wing you eat and makes the stom ach sweet. It is sold by Horton Drug Co. , CARMACK’S TRIBUTE TO THE SOOTH. The south is a land that has seen sorrows; it is a land that has broken the ashen crust and moist ened it with its tears; a land scarred and riven by the plow share of war and billowed with the graves of her dead ; hut a land of legened, a land of song, a land of hallowed and heroic memories. To that land every drop of my blood, every fiber of my being, ev ery pulsation of my heart is con secrated forever. I was born of her womb: I was 1 nurtured ut her breast, and when my last hour shall come, I pray God That I may be pillowed upon her bosom and rocked in sleep within her tender and encircling arm. UNION JlwTI SCHOOL lu too presence cil l 1.0 ox wv.i pin l oos UiiU pUpiiS \> o Ij.uU li.e iuj j le e. listening to one ui .Ho neat ieotuics wn tUutj.Uou vu; nave ever notiiu. itn'. J. Jii Eagi.iua iiauUied tli. t suuject iti a Very inaaieriy manlier tut olio nulir. tuiiu lie : n your principal lieu ilie au tlioiity be vvoitlU tUsinirs school tpiia.v aiiu vvouiu entei tbe borne oi every patron in tbis uistrici ajut would deinaud mat every pu pil oe put in scuool lor this entile hdiool year.” “But,” said ho, “there is no jiower in the proud State ol Geor gia wln. his delegated that an ti o lty ” He showed in a {jowerful man ner the duties resting on all pnr lents oatt - ltd m iiie spiritual, [meu ul. and {ill .steal trainining ot their children. Said he, No ptrent would de sire that his child remain till its. majority of years in the physical <•( ndition in which it is horn. He desires that it grow and develop j physically and become a 1501 b j man “S >. likewise,” said h« “all par- j ents should see that th.'ir children develoo both mentalD- Hid phys- ly along side bv side ” Nex f Xfiri-’a" morning Nov. 25 j "•<> will '’are « lecture on eduoa- \ tir'" l->r- »v ,T ,TacV«op. W<» d >sir » «i| nitrons to md li 'a - this instructive huh ed ; . <ul dress. Be here at 8:00! o'clock shs.*m Dot ns see yonr face smiling «nd eheorfnl. O. W. JOHNSON. For the next 10 days we will sell best quality Tap estry Art Squares, full size for $10.2.5- We are over- I stocked in our Rug depart ment and will make it in teresting to you to see out line. Howard Carmichael Furniture Co. PHILLIPPI Rev. W. E. Moore filled his reg ular appointment at this place Saturday and Sunday. Consider ing the weather there was a large j crowd out to hear him. Mr Lawrence Crnmbley and family visited Mr. It C Crnmbley Sunday. A musical entertainment at Miss Saveppa English was enjoyed by a large crowd of the young people, 'ir. Patterson, of near McDon ough, was a visitor in this com munity Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Craig at tended preaching at this place Sunday. Mrs. Cora Rosser and family spent Saturday night and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. S VV Tingh . Miss Tassie Kimble, of near Stark, visited Miss Anna Mckib ben Sunday. Miss Cleo Moss had as her guest Sunday. Miss Pearl Townsdale. Misses Floy Davis and Willie Mae Elkins, of Locust Grove, spent Sunday with Miss Bessie Ingram. (total Cough Mettle!lie for Children ami Crown Folks, Too “We could hardly do without Chamber lain's Cnusrh Remedy,” says Mrs. Flora Despnin of Blopd, Ky. “I found it to be so good for the croup and have used it for years. 1 can hartily recommend it for coughs, colds and croup in children and grown folks, too.” 1 lie above shows the implicit confidence that many mothers place in Chanil erluin's Cough Remedy, a ! confidence based on many years’ oxperi-1 eoee in the use of it. No one need hesi- j tate to use this remedy for it contains no! chloroform, opium or other narcotics and may lie given to a child as confidently as : to an adult. For sale by Horton Drug Go. | NOTICE McDonough, Ga. Nov. 19th, 1908 All parties indebted to The Mc- Donough Buggy Company are re ! quested to call and settle their in debtedness before Dec. 20th 1908, as the Company by resolution has | authorized the Secretary to place [ all the notes and accounts in the | hands of an attorney for collection j on said date. The McDonough Buggy Co. Largest and most varied line of Art Squares, Rugs, and Linoleum in thetown. Get our prices : thev are right. Howard Carmichael Furniture Co. HOPEWELL Sunday was a very cold day. \ I am not going to write as much as I did last time. But I will try to write a long letter next week. j We had a fine prayer meeting Sunday night. Rev. A. P. Folds made a fine talk. Miss Lois Gilbert is spending a few days at StockbrkUe. We want everybody to eotne to meeting Sunday that can do so. Mr. B. M. Starr missed his first Sunday not being at Sunday school Sunday afternoon this year. Mr. Parker Mitchell was in this settlement Sunday. Mr. Dee and Silas Palmer were here Sunday night but didnt stay long. Mr. Cliurlie Brener spent the day with Mr. Jim Gilbert Sunday. Mr. Elder Starr and Mr. Wil liam Rowden were out riding Sunday. 1 dont know where they i went. I Will ring off tilt next week when I shall tell everything. White and brovn shorts and germ meai. Copeland Mer. Co. BETHANY. Tom Moseley, of McDonough, was here Sunday. Rufus Rodgers is riding in a new buggy. Arthur Duke has symptoms of the matrimonial fever. Carl Maddox is a regular visitor to this place now’. Sheriff Sowell spent a short while in our midst Sunday. Odis Rodgers went in western direction Sunday. * Roy Brannan was looking after his enterest here Sunday. W. W. Terry is the champion horse trader of the 20th century. George Wilkins moved his fami- ILy to Alabama last week, having recently purchased a farm out there. If you need any cord wood dur ing the coming year, just mention the matter to Harvey Jackson. Jack Price has rented a farm up above McDonough and will make his residence there next year. Regular meeting days at this place next Saturday and Sunday. Business of importance Sutniday. “Birds of a feather will flock to gether. \\ hat kind of company suits you best? There is no improvement in the condition of Mrs. E. S. Sowell who has been sick and confined to her bed for the past year. * E Jenkins had a public sale at his residence Wednesday, sel ling corn, fodder, household and kitchen furniture and farming utensils. FOR SALE. anted to sell a good 7 room house, well made and well finished on large lot. Good barn and Ber muda pasture : lots of fruit on lot : good garden and patches. Situat ed on north side of public square. Aoout 200 yards from court- house. For full information call to see JOEL BANKSTON, McDonough, Ga.