The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 20, 1908, Image 7

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This is not a Railroad Wreck, Removal
or Fire Sale, but a Sale to you of Bargains
We are offering you special values in shoes from our Bargain Shoe counter as follows:
Shoes sold at $3.00 to go at $2.00 (Af [ lPr thinjrc
Shoes sold at $2.00 to go at $1.50 . lulu h>*>
shoes soiu at $1.30 tq go at $0.75 in Proportion.
This is first class goods and it is worth while to investigate for yourself these good
things, in fact our purchases this season have been direct from' the manufacturer
and we are prepared to offer you unusually low prices on anything you want to buy.
Thanking you kindly for all favors, we are yours very truly,
McDonough = ga.
. 1
Phone 25.
We are having some fine wea
ther now.
Everybody is getting ready for
hog killing time.
Wonder who spent Sunday in
Newton connfy and while he was
goue some one cut him out of his
best girl ?
We are having a fine Sunday
School at this place now.
Miss Vera Stroud and Curt
Cowan were outriding Saturday
Miss Kate Stallsworth attended
Sunday School at Mt. Bethel Sun
day afternoon.
I want to say before I close there
wont be any news from Hope Well
next week, for they wrote it all
last week.
There were a large crowd at
tended the candy pulling at Mr.
Claude Skinner s on last Saturday
Miss Susie Lewis spent Tuesday
night with her sister, Mrs. Pearl
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Lewis attend
ed Sunday School Sunday at Mt.
The cool snap has brought sau
sage and spare riba to many of our
More grain is being sown in our
community this year than usual.
Messrs. L. P. Owen and H. H.
Kelley and Miss Sallie Love are
still on the sick list, though some
better at present.
Mr. S. P. Crumbley is now at
tending tho Southern Business
College at Atlanta.
Mr. .T. P. Thompson is all smiles!
over the arrival of the ninth heir
in the form of a 131 b. hoy.
Mr. Frai.k Smith, of Atlanta,!
visited Mr. G. W. Smith last week.
While feeding a shredding ma
chine, Mr. Alf Watson had the
misfortune tohave his hand ra ight
and badly mangled, last Monday.
Miss Belle Crowell, of Milstead,
visited her brother, Mr. Charlie
Crowell last week.
Thatbcomof prosperity landed
by the follow ei s ofJßr.' an and T .ft
is being impatatiently waited for
by your humble scribe.
We are having some cold wea
ther in our town.
Mr. Jim Fargerson one of Union’s
prosperous farmers was a visitor
in our town one day last week.
Mr, and Mrs .T. Love w T ere the
guests of the former’s pan nts. Mr.
and Mrs. John Love for a few days
last week.
Messrs. .T, A. Philips and R. R.
Crumbley were visitors in Conyers
last Thursday.
Dr. Tom McDonald spent Thurs
day night with Mr. G. W. Smith.
Captain H. H, Kelley lias been
quite sick for some time past.
Mr. and Mrs. .T. P. Thompson is
wearing a broad smile this week
over a new arrival—a boy.
Mr. Boh Helms was a visitor in
R, ckdale Saturday.
Dr. T. .T. Campbell and wifewere
the guests of the latter's brother
Mr. J. Love and family Sunday.
Let every body come out to hear
Rev. J. A. Simpson at Deltea
Grove Sunday.
Tie many friends of Mrs. C. P.
Aiken will he pleas* d to hear that
she is able to take charge of her
Jclassesat Pleasant Giove again.
Considerable amount of oats are
being sowed in this *commnnnity
j this fall.
Mr. J. O. Thompson was the
guest of Mr. M- E. Smith Sunday.
Mr. C. P. Aiken and wife were
visitors among friends at Salem
Campground Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Philips Jr. en
tertained the latter’s sister, Mrs.
R. R. Crumbley andfamily Sunday.
Mr. G. W, Smith is having a
chimney built to his house this
On last Tuesday morning while
feeding acorn shreader for Mr. W.
E. Owens, Mr. Alf Watson was ac
cidently caught in the machinery
and his hand being fractured up
Mr. S. P Crumbley one of our
accomplished young men has gone
to Atlanta to begin a course with
the Pratical Business College.
A Methodist Minister Recommends
Chainberluins’s Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy.
“I have uwed Chamberlain's Colic, Cho
lera and Diarrhoea Remedy for several
years for diarrhoea. 1 consider it the
best remedy I have ever trnd for that
trouble. 1 bought a bottle of it a few days
ago from our druggist Mr. R. R. Brooks.
I shall ever be glad to speak a word in its
praise when I have the opportunity.”—
Rev. J. D. Knapp, Pastor M. E. Church,
Miles Grove> Pa. Hold by Horton Drug
Ordinary’s Office, Henry Co., Ga.
Nov. 17, 1908.
By virtue of an act of the Legislature
of Georgia, approvtd August 21st 19oti,
for the purpose of levying a tax for edu
cational purposes in school districts and
for other purposes for supplementing
the funds itoeivid from the State for
McDonough put,lie school district of said
county: and that the required petition
of ihe qualified voters of --aid school dis
trict having lie* n presented to the under
signed Ordinary ami filed in my office:
Therefore, it is ordered that an election
for said purpose be held on the first day
of December 1908, at the county court
house-in said county and district govern
ing ordinary elections. Those favoring
local taxation for public schools shall
have written or printed on their ballots.
“For Local Taxation for Public Schools.'
Those opposed shall have written on!
their ballots, “Against Local Taxation
for Public Schocls.” Maps of the bound
ary lines of said district can lie seen in
Ordinary's office.
G. G, MS, Ordinary.
Administrator’s Sale
Georgia, Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinaly of said county will be sold at
public outcry oil the iirsi Tuesday in De
cember IWOB at the courthouse in said
county between the usual hours of sale,
the following real estate situate in Hen
ry county, to-wit: Three hundred and
twenty-three acres of laud more or less,
In the 11th Land District of Henry coun
ty and being parts of land lots Nos. 41-55-
55, and 74.
This tract will be subdivided and sold
as follows:
Ist. Seventy-one and one-half acres,
more or less, being i ai ls of land lots 6(1-57
and 74 and bounded on the north by lands
of J. M. Ch.ifin and T. J. Gleaton, west
by Copeland estate, south and east by es
tate of \V. F. Cliafln.
2nd. Seventy nine and one-half acres,
more or less, baing parts of land lots 5(1-
57, and 74, and bounded as follows, north
by J. M. Cliafln, east by W. N. Owen,
south by L. P. Owen and estate of W. F.
Cliafin, and west by estate of W. F. Oha
fin Said tract hi ing where the dwelling
house of the late W. F. Chafin isloeuttd.
•It’d. Sixty four acres, more or less, be
ing on east side of land lot No. 41. being
the tract on which is situated the house
of Dick Jackson, anti bounded on the
north and west by estate of \V. F. Cha
fln, south by Cotton Indian river and J.
H. Gilbert, and tast by W. N., H. J.. and
I L P. Owen.
4th. Fifty acres, more or less, of land
situated near the center of land lot No.
41 and bounded north, east and west by
‘■state of W. F. Chafln and south by Cot
ton Indian river.
sth. Fifty acres of land, more or less,
on west side of lot 41 and bounded on
north by estate of J. P. Copeland, east by
estate of W F. Chafln, south by C«>ttoii
Indian river, and west by it. H. High
tower. Hold as the property of Wm. F.
Chafln, deceased, for the purpose of dis
tribution Terms cash.
J. M. Chafln, Administrator.
For Administration.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
G. YY Crumbley having made applica
tion to me in due form to be appointed
permanent administration upon the es
tate of J. C. Crumbley, late of said coun
ty deceased: notice is hereby giyen that
said application will tie heard at the reg
ular term of the court of Oidinary for
said county to be held on the first Mon
day in December 1908. Witness my hand
and official signature: Nov. 2,190 K
G. G. WKKMS Ordinary.
Back In McDonough.
And located just to the rear of
the McDonough House opposite the
county jail, where I am better pre
pared than ever before to serve my
customers i n pressing, cleaning and
dyeing cloths. All kinds of pressing,
cleaning, etc., of mens’ and ladies’
cloths Prices reasonable. All work
called for and delivered in the city.
J. P. Powell.
Notice to Bridge Contractors
Notice is hereby given that on Thurs
day, Dec. loth 1908, at the hour of 12
j o'clock noon, the Ordinary of Henry
county Ga. and the County Commission
ers of Newton county Ga. will receive
bids, by public outcry, at the bridge site,
for the furnishing of all labor and mate
ria), except lumber, for the building of a
sieel bridge over South river, at a point
known as Butler’s bridge, as per plans
and specifications prepared by Austin
Bros., of Atlanta, Ga., and on file in of
fice of Ordinary of Henry county at Mc-
Donough. Ga., and in the office of the
County Commissioners of Newton coun
ity at Covington. Ga. All biddersare re
quired to furnish a certified check or bid
ding bond in the amount of, at least, 10
percent of their bid, as a guarantee of
good faith, and the lowest or any bid not
necessarily accepted. By order of Oidi
tmry. 1 his 10th day of November 1908.
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary.
Notice to Bridge Contractors
Notice is hereby given, that on Thurs
day Dec. loth 1908, at the hour of 12
o clock noon, the Ordinary of Henry
county, Ga , an.! the County Commis
sioners of Rockdale and N< wton counties
Ga., will receive bids b.v public outcrv at
the Bridge site, for the furnishing of all
l 'bor arid material, except lumber, for
the building of a steel bridge over South
river, at a point known as Peachstol.e
Shoals, as per plan and specifications
prepared by the American Bridge Co.,
arid on file in office of Ordinary of Henry
county at McDonough, Ga., and in office
of County Commissioners of Newton
county at Covington, Ga., and officeof
County < ommissioners of Rockdale coun
ty at Conyers, Ga. All bidders are re
quired to furnish a certified check or bid
ding hond in the amount of. at least, 10
per cent of their bid. as a guarantee of
good faith: and the lowest, or ary bid
not necessarily accepted. Hy,order of
Ordinary. This loth day of November,
G. G. WEEMS, Ordirary.
Georgia, Henry County.
All parties holding claims against the
estate of Sallie S. Rinnan, late of s-id
county, deceased, are hereby notified to
present the same duly attested within
the time prescribed bylaw; and all par
ties indebted to said estate are required
to make immediate settlement. This
Nov. 10, 1908.
J. A. FOITCHE, Administrator.
For Dismission.
GEORGIA. Henry County.
Mrs. T. F. Gunter, administratrix
upon the estate of A. C. Gunter, late of
said county deceased, having fib d lor
petition for discharge: this is to cite all
persons concerned to show cause against,
the granting of this disci at gc at li e reg
ular term of the court of Oidinary for
said county to he held on the first Mf n
day ir. December 1908.
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary.