Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Sketch ot Shakerag Dist,
Shakerag District occupies the
extreme northern part of theconn
ty, the farthest j)oint being almost
20 miles from McDonough. It is
bounded on the south by Stock
bridge district and on the east by
Brushy Knob on the north by De-
Kalb county and west by Clayton
The district is known as the
888th Dist. G. M. W. R. Whitaker
is Justice of the Peace and Calla
way South'is N. P. and ex-officio
J. P. The Court days are the third
Thursdays in each month.
Bethel Methodist Church
Bethel Methodist Church was
organized in 1852—56 years ago.
The present house of worship is
the second church ediface erected
by this congregation and was
built about 24 years ago. “Uncle
Johnny” Callaway gave 15 acres
of land for a Campground at this
place, but the Campground was
never established but a church
was built instead—the 15 acres of
land belongs to the church still.
There are now 156 members of the
church. The church is now on
the Stockbridge Circuit, and Rev.
M. B. Sams is pastor. The first
Sunday and Saturday before are
the regular monthly service days,
W. N. South is S. S. Supt.. which
is held at 3 o’clock p. m. every
Sunday but first, then at 10 a. m.
The trustees are S. K. Austin, M.
D. Ford, J. T. Lewis, J. W. Patillo,
W, G. Callaway, W. W. Clark, J.
W. Thurman. The Stewards are,
S. K. Austin, J. M. Thurman, W.
G. Callaway and J, W. Patillo.
Anvil Rloek Methodist Protestant
This Church is right on the Coun
ty line betw T een Clayton and Henry
3 miles east of Ellenwood, and was
built in 1897-11 years ago. There
are 75 members of the church at
the present time. The trustees of
of the church are : I. H. Simpson,
P. M. Blackman, J. G. Sprayberry,
W. I. Mitchell, W. C. Rowden.
The stewards are, J. G. Sprayberry
and P. M. Blackman. W. C. Row
den is church clerk. P. M. Black
man, is S. S. Supt,, which is held
in the afternoon at 3 o’clock except
4th then at 10. a. m. Rev. Johnß.
Anderson is pastor of the church,
It is on the Cedar Grove Circuit,
The regular services are held on
the 4th Sunday and Saturday be
Soutli Avenue School
South Avenue School is one of
the old schools of the county.
The present school house was er
ected about 3 years ago. The
house is a large one, 40x40, The
present attendance is about 70 pu
pils. There are about 90 pupils
within the school district.
Miss May Woodward is the prin
cipal and Miss Fay Callaway assis
tant. The trustees of the school
are, W. G, Callaway, J. W. Thur
man and M. C. White. The school
is located near the center of the
Shakerag district.
Anvil Block School
This school is a line school and
is a rather small school as com
pared to others in that section.
There are now 27 pupils in attend
ance and 40 within school radius.
The house is 20x40 which -was built
about 4 years ago. The house is
filled up with patent desks and
seats and is well equipped for a
school building. Samuel Masters
is principal of the school. The
trustees are, W. A. Sock well,
Charlie Pruit and A. G. Bowden.
Masonic Fraturnity
Sprayberry Lodge No. 251, F &
A. M,, was established in 1895 and
now lias 53 members. The Lodge
room is at J. G. Sprayberry’s home
in the northern part of the district.
The officers this year are, G P.
Sneed, W. M.: A. C. Petterinan,
S W. ;G. C. Clark, J. W. ; W. C.
Rowden, Secr'y. The regular
meetings are held on the second
and fourth Saturday afternoon in
each month.
Farmers Union
Until a short timeago there was
a local union at Sprayberry’s but
during the past month this local
was moved to Mt. Zion in Brushy
Knob district. There are 30 mem
bers to this local, which meets
each Ist and 3rd Saturday after
noon. Tom George is president
and Bud Cook, Secy.-Treas.
M. C. White has an up-to-date
ginnery, a saw mill, and a general
repair shop and a store near Beth
el church.
J. G. Sprayberry has a splendid
and up to-date ginnery and a saw
Charlie Pruitt runs a store near
Anvil Block.
W. R. Whitaker runs a store in
the extreme northern part of the
Remember R. C. Brown, of Lo
cust Grove, sells Shingles, Lum
ber etc. as low as anyone and oft
en lower.
The older men of the district
sre, J. C. Pope, J A Simpson, M
D Ford.
Among the younger men are J
H Henry, W W Skelton, W N
South, W G Callaway, E N Gardner
E M Scarborough, Almond McKee,
W R Whitaker, J R McKee, J M
Barton, Oscar Harvey, W B G
Clark, W J Pope, G FChafin. L E
Clark, C R Polk, JW Clark, E R
Clark, F R Pope, John B. Clark, J
G Sprayberry, A C Peterman, W.
B Hays, W A Sockwell,C T Pruitt,
G A Higganbotham.
P M Blackman, Alex Blackman,
Lem Cook, Albert Bowden, John
B Clark, Ed Trammell, J B Clark,
John Kelley, Jim J Clark, Wiley
Kelley, John Howell, Arthur
Bradbury, Curtis Bradbury, John
Barr, Walter Barr, Emmett Ba"r,
W H Clark, Calloway South, W
H White, M C White, Oscar Miller
Tom Morris, L T Rowan, Minor
Patillo, J W Thurman, B W Wal
Will be sold before the
court house door on next
Tuesday, Dec. Ist. to the
highest bidder, three
good large building lots,
known as the Tidwell
place, just off the public
square. This property
sold for distribution
among the heirs, and wili
be a fine opportunity for
good building lots near in.
Mrs. W. R. Tidwell.
Miss M. E. White returned to her
home at Danielsville on last Sat
urday after a month’s visit to her
sisters, Mrs. J. A. Simpson and
Miss Edith White.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday November 27, iyoß.
Southern Railway Employee Was
Shot Down in Stockbridge. Ga,
Thomas Clark, aged 21 years, hii
employee of the Southern rail
way, who was shot through the
lungs by an unknown party Fri
day night while walking down the
streets of Stockbridge, Ga., his
home town, died at a private san
itarium in Atlanta yesterday af
ternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Pneu
monia developed shortly after
Mr. Clark was wounded, which
hastened death. He never re
gained complete consciousness.
The body was removed to the
undertaking establishment of H.
M. Patterson & Son. where last,
night an autopsy was held for the
purpose of locating and recover
ing the ballet, which the friends
of the deceased hope to use in con
victing the slayer.
Mr. Clark was the son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Clark, of Stook
bridge, and was a member of the
bridge force of the Southern road
at Stockbridge, 19 miles of At
The shooting oocurred Friday night
at 10 o’clock, as Mr. Clark and his
two friends, Bunn Hightower and
another young man, were walking
down the street in Stockbridge.
It is the supposition that a negro
man, who is now lodged in the
McDonough, Ga., jail, was the
slayer of Mr. Clark. Several
shots were fired, one taking effect
in Mr. Clark’s right lung and
ranging diagonally through the
body. Another shot passed
through Mr. Hightower’s list, the
remaining shot flew wide of its
mark. Mr. Clark fell forward,
and in the excitement that fol
lowed the slayer made his escape.
Young Clark was at once carried
to his residence, and on Saturday
morning he was brought to At
lanta and removed to a private
sanitarium, where skilled surgi
cal attention was given him.
Pneumonia soon developed, and
his recovery was then announced
to be hopeless.
He could give but a faint de
scription of the shooting on ac
count of his condition, hut his de
scription of the negro whom he
said did the shooting answers to
that of the one imprisoned in
McDonough, it is said.
Besides his parents, the de
ceased is survived by five broth
ers and three sisters. One of his
sisters, Mrs. J. J. Barge, resides
in Atlanta, and his other married
sisters are Mrs. R. A. Hawkins, of
Mexico, and Mrs. B. L. Walden, of
Forest Park, Ga.
The funeral services will be
conducted at the residence in
Stockbridge Tuesday morning at
11 o’clock. The interment will
occur in the family burying
ground at Master’s graveyard.—
Monday’s Constitution.
“On Monday afternoon Coroner
E. Foster held an inquest and the
verdict of the jury was that Mr.
Clark came to his death from
wonnds inflicted by Will Steven
son, a negro residing on Mr. W.
C. Milam s place near Stockbridge.
Sheriff Sowell arrested Steven
son last Saturday and lodged him
in the county jail here where he is
incarcerated to await trial in the
superior court of this county,
I offer my en ire ine of
Dry Goods at COST.
Only 41 month left of this year.
Old Lodge Room sold to
Owners of McDonough
Drug Go’s, store and H.
C. Turner corner pur
chased for new site.
The members of Fraternal Lodge
No. 37, F. & A. M., on last Satur
day afternoon at their regular
meeting decided to sell their lodge
room on the northeast corner of
the public square and to bay the
corner lot from the heirs of the
estate of the late H. C. Turner on
the southwest corner of the public
The committee appointed at this
regular meeting made a report
at the “called off” meeting of Fra
ternal Lodge on Monday night and
reported that the old lodge room
had been sold and arrangements
made to purchase the site mention
ed above.
The local lodge of Masons pro
pose to erect a handsome temple ot
either two or thrqe stories high,
the building to be thoroughly mod
ern and up-to date in every way.
This will add greatly to the ap
pearance of the town and will not
only do credit to the masonic fra
ternity but it will be a credit to
McDonough and Henry county, to
have such a magnificent building
on the public square as is proposed
to be erected by Fraternal Lodge.
The first floor will have two largo
store rooms, the second floor 11 or
12 elegant office rooms and the top
floor will be for the Lodge room.
The little fonr-months old
child of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Fields,
of Flippen, died at their home
Monday afternoon. The funeral
and interment was held on Tues
day afternoon at the Methodist
church at that place.
Sunday afternoon the little in
fant of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Savage
died at their home in Sandy
Ridge (patriot.
The funeral and interment was
held at Sardis church on Monday.
Lum Pittman shot Son Grier at
the latter’s home on Mr. John El
kin's place last Sunday afternoon,
the latter dying on Monday after
Pittman claims that the killing
was an accident, but it seems that
he had chased the Grier boy, who
was only ten years old, around
the house several times with a
gun and as Grier started to enter
the house he was fired upon by
Pittman. The latter is 21 years
old, and has been placed in the
county jail by Sheriff Sowell to
await trial at the next term of the
superior court.
Locust Grove 23;
Spalding Gray 0
Griffin, Ga., November 23, —
(Special.)—Locust Grove defeated
the Spalding Grays here this after
noon in an interesting game, score,
23 to 0. The Grays fought hard,
but the school showed superior
training. Newnan comes here for
a game Thanksgiving.
\ II
A marriage that occasioned
much surprise to the hosts of
friends of the contracting parties
was that of Miss Leone Tarpley,
and Dr. Doss Brown on Sunday
They left here about 8 o’clock
in Mr. A. F. Lemon's automobile
and went to Atlanta by way of
Jonesboro where they secured li
cense and when they reached
East Point they wore married.
Mr. Lemon and the groom’s sis
ter accompanied them and wit
nessed the happy affair.
The bride is the daughter of
Mayor and Mrs. W.D. Tarpley and
is one of McDonough’s bright and
beautiful young women.
The groom is a son of Mr. J. B.
Brown and has almost completed
his course in dentistry and has
very promising prospects for
much success in his chosen field of
They remained in Atlanta until
Wednesday when they came
down home for a few days stay.
Carl Kuhrfs, the’Photographer
from Atlanta, has arrived with
his Photo Tent Studio.
If yon want some fine photos
taken, this is yonr opportunity as
he is especially fixed this time for
large, fine work.
For the benefit of the young
people, he will make Penny Pic
tures in afternoon from 3 to 5.
Large work should be taken in
the morning or early afternoon to
get best results.
The closing session of the North
Georgia Conference assigned all
the pastors in Henry county back
to their work here for another
year, which is highly gratifying
to everyone—all the pastors of
the several charges in this coun
ty are much beloved not only by
their churches but by all the peo
Rev. J. E. England, of the Mc-
Donough charge, and Rev. F. J.
Mashbnrn of the Hampton charge,
are returned for the third time,
while Rev. M, B. Sams of the
Stockbridge charge, and Rev. A.
F. Ward of the Locust Grove
charge come back for their sec
ond year’s work.
The appointments for the Grif
fin district are as follows: J H
Eakes, presiding elder; Griffin
First church, C O Jones ; Griffin
Hanlieter, E M Stanton ; Griffin
Third church and Kincaid, H D
Peace ; Griffin circuit, E A Ware ;
Barnesville station, HCChristian ;
Barnesville church, P A Kellet;
Cnlloden and Yatesville. J B Al
len ; Fayetteville, I W Keithly ;
Flovilla, M L Harris; Forsyth,
George W Griner ; Forsyth church
J W Hawkins; Hampton, F J
Mashbnrn; Inman, J W Bailey;
Jackson, S P Wiggins; Jenkius
burg, B F Dodson, supply ; Jones
boro, J C Atkinson ; Locust Grove,
A F Ward ; McDonough, J E Eng
land ; Milner, M K Patillo ; Sen-da.
EW Jones; Stockbridge, M B
Sams; Thomaston, RBO Eng
land ; Thomaston mission, Walter
Carmichael, supply; Zebulon, W
H Speer ; conference mission evan
gelist, Nath Thompson.
The Atlanta Georgian. 8 3-4
cents per week.
W. G. Thompson, Agnt.
At Bankstons Shop.
White and brown shorts
and germ meal.
Copeland Met. Co.