Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Mayor «T. M. Johnson Sara that
while money is a right convenient
thing to have around and very
nice to handle yet. this most, valua
ble things in life, among which
are beauty, intellect and character
can't be bought with money, to
say nothing of the brightness,
- grandeur and snblimi ty to he at
tained on the shore of eternal de
liverence where sickness, sorrow
and death will he felt and feared
no more, none of which can be
measured or approached by a mon
etarv consideration. These things
furnish food for thought.
It really seems to the writer
that if Tennessee could pass state
#wide prohibition and then run it
over the veto of the governor that
Georgia, with the able representa
tion she will have in the n,ext. legis
lature might devise some plan to
curtail the output and consump
tion of the many bottled drinks
which seem to be a nuisance, and
t>o say the least ninety five percent
of our people will agree they do no
permanent good- Then let's think
about how far the money spent in
that, way wonld go towards run
ning the schools, churches and
orphan asvlums
Another thing which might well
receive attention by our law mak
ers is a reform of the marriage
laws of the state by placing a law
or amendments to existing laws on
the statute books which will ef
fectually prohibit the marriage
and intermarriage of weaklings, in
valids and imbeciles, such as are
tinder existing conditions, fre
quently allowed to marry and
thereby leave to society a progeny
which will be a burden to them
selves and to all others for genera
tions to coine. It does seem that
any observer might see the crying
need for something to be done on
this line, for all will readily admit
that no one who is not able phvs
ically or mentally to provide for
themselves nor anyone who is not
qualified to serve in the capacity
of parents should be allowed to
J. M. Johnson, R. C. Brown and
W. B. Simpson went up to Flippen
last week to hear Rev. C* M. Dun
away, and A. H. Price, J. S. Brown
J. W. Brown and Mrs. Annie Hin
ton went up Sunday. They all re
port some very fine preaching.
Mitt Upchurch visited his broth
er, T. J. Upchurch, and worship
ped at the Baptist church here last
Lloyd Dickson and family mov
ed back to the Grove last week, af
ter an absense of fonr years in
Lousiana. The world has been
tried about all over and no place
found to beat the Grove yet.
Charlie Smith, of Lousiana, ar-
Trade at Home and SAVE MONEY During the Year 1909
For many years a lot of the good people of Henry County have been going to Covington, Conyers and Jackson to buy
In fact a lot of other Hardware items*that are used on the farm every day. Because they could buy the goods for less money
than they could get them for in McDonough. This business should come to McDonough where it belongs, and we have the
confidence in the people to believe they want to trade at home, for this reason, we are going to make this class of goods one of our
SPECIALTIES from this date on, and will GUARANTEE our prices to be as LOW or LOWER than those of neighboring towns.
All we ask is to let us make you prices—Then you can judge for yourself. Quanity will not bother us. We will take
care of your order, large or small, and will do it in a way that will SAVE YOU MONEY.
We are going after you hard, more business, good and strong for the year 1909.
Low Prices Will Be Our Lyons' Suit.
Thanking one and all for past kindnesses and asking for a continnance of your
patronage. Yours very truly,
rived last Saturday to visit liis
parents here.
The friends of Mrs. Rachel
Williams who has been sick sev
eral months, are glad to know that
her condition is considerably im
proved .
Dr, B. D. Ragsdale filled his reg
ular appointment at the Baptist
church Sunday. -He always gives
his hearers something good.
Jeff Upchurch is preparing the
lumber to overhaul his residence
and to build it one story higher.
When completed it will contain
eleven rooms. Thus the Grove
Continues to grow.
There is a beautiful young lady
from McDonough teaching school'
in Spalding county and the writer
has been reliably informed that j
there is a prominent young farmer
of Spalding county bnildjing a nice
residence just now. When 1 learn
more I’ll tell more.
Miss Vina Sandifer left last week
for her home in Alabama after a
visit of several weeks to relatives
Miss Eva Wray, of Butts county
visited Miss Hubbard here Sunday
A S. Perkins, of Madison, visit
ed his son, C. J. Perkins here a
few- days first of the week.
The many friends of Ed 'Combs
are sorry to know he has been
quite sick several days ; we hope
for him a speedy recovery.
Sorry to note that the condition
of Mrs. W, J. Goss, who has been
unwell for some time, is not yet
improved ; hope that she may soon
be well again. Unidentified.
Hello Mr. Editor as I have been
absent for some time I will try to
send in a few more dots.
We are having some fine weath
er now.
Some of the farmers around here
have started to farming.
Look out for February to be a
bad month.
Miss Marshie Tucker, of Sunny
Side, is the gnest of Miss Susie
Penley this week.
Several from this place attended
the revival meeting at Flippen Sun
day night.
Miss Emma Milam, of Stock
bridge, was the guest of Miss
Pinkie Shettlesworth Sunday.
Miss Inez Farris who is teaching
school at Hopewell spent the week
end with home folks.
As the dots are a little short
this week I will close for time.
Look out—Johny Reb.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday January 2), tqoj.
A, P. S.!
Everybody says : that everybody
sends word to for me to write, hut
I have nothing to write that seems
to me would he interesting if an
other wrote it.
Sunday was a nice warm spring
day, but according to the Hicks
Almanac which I have just receiv
1 d there is lots of winter to pro ,
cede permanent Spring.
Mrs. Tom Crtunbley was on the'
sick list Sunday.
Mrs. Josio Wynn attended
church at New Hope Sunday furl
a rarity.
Rev. Mr. Levorett attended the
Sunday services at Now Hope Sun
day. So did Mr. W T . B. Kelley,
hut he missed the Saturday service
to build a stockade to keep his
pair of young mules.
A prayer meeting was announc
ed Sunday at the church to be held
at Mr. Bob Cawthons residence
Saturday night.
Some of the youngsters enjoyed
an entertainment at Dave Meri
diths residence Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Roe Crutnbley vis
ited the latter's parents Sunday.
Whether or not yon believe
chickens come home to roost they
come all the same, and never in all
my life have I seen so many bid
dies flocking home for a roosting
place, as in the last year and a
half, and the end is not yet.
An intimation purporting to he
from little Joe Brown last week
in the papers, to the effect that the
public may.sometime be treated to
the hope that we may get it about
roasting ear time. So w-e can cele
brate that event with an Indian
green corn dance. A. P. S.
If you want quality in a
buggy you had better rush
and get a McDonough.
They are selling fast only
a few jobs left.
McDonough Vehicle Co.
H. Carmichael Mgr.
Howard Carmichael and Otis
Woodruff went over and spent
Tuesday as the guest of Bob and
Josh Berry, near Jonesboro.
Evil is clothed in many different
kinds of cloaks—but evil still.
As wo hav * been silent for a
good while will try to write a few
j lines.
Wo have all bud a very pleasant
I time, since we lust wrote and I am
sure all of you have.
1 The whooping cough and chick
unpox has almost broken our
school up, we hope it will soon
We have a very prosperous Sun
day School at this place.
Misses Adilie Hunter and Ola
Russell spent Monday night with
Miss Della Childs.
Mr, James Ingram has been re
pairing his residence, which has
added much to its looks.
Mr Harris Crumbley is riding in
a beautiful new buggy, look out
girls !
Miss Rosa Sandifer is spending
several days with relatives around
this place.
Misses Mabel MeKibben and
Minnie Glowers spent Saturday
night, and Sunday with Miss Lu
cile MeKibben.
Miss Moatsie Crumbley and Mr.
Allen Crumbley spent Sunday with
Mr. S. B. Kimble and family.
Miss Bessie Ingram had as her
guest last week her cousin Miss
Lillian Ingram.
Mrs Lola Merideth spent Mon
day with Mrs. Atha Childs.
Several of the young gentlemen
of this community spent Sunday,
sight seeing at the “Great Dam”
on the Ocmulgee.
A pound supper at Mr. Lenn Mc-
Cords last Friday night was enjoy,
ed by many of our younger sot.
“Better be safe than sor
ry.” Buy a McDonough or
a Carmichael buggy from
us and you will be safe and
satisfied. They are the
McDonough Vehicle Co.
H. Carmichael Mgr.
There v ill he a Bible Institute
held at the Baptist church here,
beginning Feb. 22 and going
through till the 27th. A full pro
gram of the Institute will be given
later. Some of the ablest men of
state will be in attendance of this
iPAGES S’ a Yuar
Miss Emma Brown, a popular
! young lady living nenr Jonesboro,
land Mr. Lucius Johnson, a respect
-led your.g citizen of Flippen, were
happily married last Sunday niern
-1 ing a t the resident’ of Mr. and Mrs.
; W. A. Sims in south Jonesboro.
The ceremony winch united the
two young people' was performed
I}’ Rev. .1 Atkinson and only a
few specials fiiends wt re present.
Following the ceremony the bride
i and groom were entertained at an
| elegant dinner by the parents of
the former, Mr. and Mrs. James
Brown, and in the afternoon left
for Flippen where they will reside.
Mrs. Johnson is a young woman
of much charm of manner nml
lovliness of character, and the gen
tleman of her choice is esteemed
by all who know him for many
, sterling qualities. The happy cou
ple have a host of friends who wish
them every in their wedded
life.—Jonesboro Enterprise.
37, F. & A. M., IN MEMORY OF
PROF. 0. E. HAM.
Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God
in his infinite Wisdom and Divine Provi
dence to remove from oar ranks our be
loved broil ter, Prof. Oscar Emerson Ham,
who was called from Time to Eternity, by
the Grand Master of the Celestial Lodge
Eternal in the Heavens, on the 18th day
of Wept. D os. Therefor he It resolved:
First, That in the death of Brother
Ham we lose a true brother, one who fill
ed every position among us to which he
was called with honor to himself and
profit to the Fraternity, one who
showed himself to be, by his walk in life,
a Christian gentleman, a true friend, a
loving companion ami a kind father,
whose every walk in life exemplified in
the truest sense that high and noble
search at er Truth, as is taught by this
ancient and honorable institution.
Second, That we extend our heartfelt
sympathy to the bereaved family and
commend t hem to that Power, who alone
can strengthen the mind amidst grief
and console the heart amidst sorrow.
Third, That a page on our minutes lie
dedicated to the memory of our departed
brother; that our Altar and Jewels be
draped in mourning for thirty days; that
a copy of these resolutions lie furnished
the family of the deceased Brothet, and
one to the Henry County Weekly and
Masonic Herald for publication.
J. W. lUtrper )
.1. A. Fonche Committee
R. \j. Johnson 1
1 Same was read and adopted at regular
communication Jan. 25th, 1909.
| T. J. Brown, W. M.
J. F. Bowden, Sec.