Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Gov.=Elect Joe Brown
Accorded a Warm
Welcome at McDono.
Gov -Elect Joseph M. Brown ar
rived here on Thursday morning
at 9.40 o’clock from Jackson and
was met by a committee of citizens
of McDonough and Henry county
and escorted to the Dunn House
where an informal reception was
Mr. Brown was then accompanied
over the tow T n by the committee
where he cordially greeted the cit
izens of the town andconnty. Af
ter an hour spent in mingling with
his fellow" citizens he was accom
panied to the courthouse where he
addressed a fully 250 citizeni of old
Governor Brown’s address was
an informal one and was received
with the greatestinterest by every
one present. His address was
one of a conservative and plain
business like manner in which he
briefly outlined his policies for his
administration as chief executive
of this great state.
Col. R. O. Jackson very happily
introduced *the governor-elect to
the people of old Henry.
From the courthouse Mr. Brown
was escorted to the hotel where a
delightful luncheon w T as served the
governor and the following Henry
countians: Judge Paul Turner,
Col. E. M. Smith, Dr. A. R. Scott,
Mr, H. Neal. Mr. H. M. Mallett, Mr
J. D. Dupree, Col. R. O. Jackson,
Mr. P. W. Pullen, Col. T. J, Brown
Col. A. M. Stewart, M. R. L. John
son, Mr. R. Li. Turner, Mr. J. S.
Barnett, Hon. R. C. Brown, Mr. J,
W. Rountree, Mr C. A. McK.bben,
M.i. C. W. Walker.
Mr. Brown remained over here
until 6.55 Thursday evening when
he left for his home at Marietta,
where he went to spend Friday
with his family to celebrate his
wedding anniversary.
Last Lyceum Entertain
ment Feb. 16.
The last of the entertainments
secured by the U. D. C’s. for this
town will appear on next Tuesday
evening Feb. 16th.
This promises to be the best of
the entire series, it being the cele
brated Marshall Entertainments,
given by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mar
shall which shew" a wide range of
talent and ability, so that no one
can go there but that some part of
the entertainment particularly ap
peals to them.
The local Chapter has reduced
the price for this last entertain
ment to 25c for adults and 15c for
Children so that all may attend.
Don’t forget the time, Tuesday
night 8 o’clock, School Audit jrum.
New Liveryman Here
Mr. J. M. Graves, who for sev
eral years has been engaged in the
livery business at Zebnlon, has
purchased the livery business of
Mr. Doc Bryant, and will greatly
improve and increase the facil
ities for handling all the local liv
ery trade.
For the present he will remain
at the same place where Mr. Bry
ant has been for several years.
Mr. Graves is a genial and ener
getic young man who has hosts of
friends wherever he is known and
it is safe to predict fur him much
success in his new field of labors.
Mr. Bryant will engage in buy
ing and selling stock, and have a
“pen” in his old stables for his,
new line of work.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday February 12, 1909.
The Markets Thursday
Cotton 9 9-i6c.
Cotton Seed sl. per 100.
A, P. $.!
Cold from Coldville last week.
•Summerlike rain, wind and thun
der Friday night.
Farm opperations were general
ly commenced between the thaw
and big rain last week
Mrs. Josie Kimbell visited rela
tives in the vicinity of Stark Sat
urday and Sunday.
The New Hope brethern held a
prayer meeting at Robert Caw
tl on’s home Saturday night with
brother Boyce Morgan as leader.
The meeting was announced for
next Saturday night at Mr. Jim
Wynn’s with brother W. B. Kelley
as leader. Glm Wynn asks of the
Lord a church at New Hope in
which every member does his, or
her whole duty. This is exactly
what the Lord requires of New
Hope and every other church.
Can he get it from the material on
Berry Oneil and family spent
Saturday evening and Sunday with
R. R. Cawtlion and family.
Those pretty candy monograms
donated to the old fotyis of this
station last week was scarcely
more s\Yeet than the donors.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Crumbley had
a house and yard ful of married
children to visit them Sunday even
ing. This shows that their child
ren did not go so crazy as to blight
their lives by tying themselves to
brutes w-ho would forbid their ever
—Countenancing their parents or
former friends any more.
Gorden Tingle is a recent recruit
to the ranks of the regulars, and
Miss Dollie Cawthon has become
interested in Sunday School w-ork
at Phillippi.
Mrs. W. H. Maddox returned
home from Atlanta Saturday night
w-here she had been for several
There are still some untenanted
farms in this section and others
with insufficient labor for their
proper mansgement. This of
Course makes an opening for a few
good tattlers of the good old mug
gins type.
W. C. Wynn, of Atlanta, recent
ly wrhile exploring the famous hills
of Tnssa gave this station a pop
call. A. P. S.
Seventh Grade: Lillie Hinton, Bessie
Williams.* Gracie Castellaw, Dorothy
Price, Mattie Joe McCord, Kathleen
Combs, Tom Wilson, Woodfln Cleveland.
Sixth Grade: Mattie Wilson, John
Wilson, Everette Walker, Annie Parr,
Myrtice Simpson.
These in Sixth and Seventh Grades hav
ing made » daily average above 95.
Fifth Grade: Wilene Donovan, T. W.
Price, Hershel Webb, Cloma Upchurch,
Glenn Smith, Harris Hinton, Edwin
Fourth Grade: Bertha Holder, Emma
Walker, Jane Peek, Stewart Sprayberry,
Annie B. Hinton, Resea Hinton, Klmpsey
Holsomback, Ezelle Upchurch, ltachael
Third Grade: Van Wall, Marvin Jinks,
Chester Daniel, M oods Colvin, Mary R.
Colvin. Hinton Daniel.
Second Grade: Shirley Steele, Leone
McKinney, Willie Steele, Willene Gard
First Grade: Janice Combs, Grady Al
len. Mrs. O. E. Ham, Prin.
Well Mr. Editor a» I have been
absent for some time I will try
and write a few dots.
Mrs. E. P. Mays has been on the
sick list for the past week.
John Loving and family, of near
Hampton,were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Sims Sunday.
Wayne Wise and Miss Lena Allen
were out riding Sunday p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Carmichael
were the gnests of Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Barret Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rowan, of
Flippen, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. E. P. Mays.
Mr. and Mrs. W T ill Fargarson
spent Sunday night and Monday
with the latter’s parents, of near
Otis Bishop and Miss Lucile Co
ker were the guests of Miss Mat
tie Patterson a short while Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Lina Barnett and
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mays spent
Saturday night and Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Mays.
Malone Fields was the guest of
Miss Leitha Sorrow Sunday p. m.
Joe Fields of Mt. Carmel was a
welcome visitor at our Sunday
School Sunday.
Everybody is invited to a sing
ing at Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Barnett’s
next Saturday night. Don’t for
get to come.
J. S. Barnett and wife spent Sat
urday night with Mr, and Mrs.
Barnett, of near Hampton.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin have
been entertaining a fine boy at
their home for the past two weeks.
Miss Rosa Henderson and Miss
Minnie Fields spent Saturday
night with Mrs. Parker Floyd.
We have Sunday School at this
place every Sunday p. m. at half
past 2 o’clock ; everybedy invited
to attend.
Most cough cures are constipating, be
cause they contain opiates, and you should
he careful to take something that does
not tend to constipate. You should take
Kennelfy’sLaxative Cough Syrup. It not
only allows inilanftnation and irritation
of throat and lungs, but it drives out the
cold from the system by a free yet gentle
action of the bowls. Children like the
pleasant taste that is so nearly like maple
sugar, Sold by Horton Drug Co.
We are having winter at last, 1
it is most spring time.
Sunday School at this place was
well attended Sunday afternoon.
C. A. McKibben a prominent
life insurance agent spent Sunday
night with Mr. Josh McKibben.
Mrs. Cora Rosser and two little
daughters spent Saturday night
and Sunday with Mrs. S. W. Tin
Emerson Rodgers end lady vis
ited Mr. Jim Ingram and family.
Miss Ola Russell spent the week
end with her homefolks.
Miss Lillie McKibben and Della
Childs spent last week with rela
tives and friends at Jenkinshnrg.
Mrs. Tom Turner and two little
sons, Panl and Arthur, of Griffin,
spent several days last week with
Mr. J. D. McKibben and family.
Misses Lillian Ingram. Lucy Mc-
Kibben and Mr. Clifford Kimbell
visited Miss Bessie Ingram Sunday.
Mr. Allen Crumbley and Miss
Meatsie spent Saturday and Sun
day with Mr. Andy Kimbell in
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. W. Peek,
who formerly lived here, but now
of Macon, stopped over with the
family of Mr, J. H. Knott a few
days the past week on their return
from an extended visit, to the
families of Mr. Ambrose Peek, of
Pickins, S. C., and Dr. W. C. Bry
ant, of Tnrnerville, Ga.
Mr. Hillie Lnmmus, a former
Henry county boy, but now holds
a responsible position with an oil
mill Co., near Mobile, Ala., lias
been visiting his mother near here
for a few days.
Mrs. Bertha Nolan, of Hapeville,
visited relatives here a few days
last week.
Mr. Seymour Combs, a former
Locust Grove boy, but. now holding
a splendid positon with a Railway
Co. in Macon, with his wife and
little Seymonr, Jr., spent a few
days the past week with his fath
er’s family here.
H. W. Carmichael, of McDon
ough, visited Mr. J. W. Brown here
Sunday. He was looking fresh as
a morning rose.
Myrtice, the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Combs, has
been siok several days ; we hope
she may soon recover.
Dr. B. D. Sagsdals and Prof.
Claud Gray went to Griffin last
Monday to attend a meeting of the
pastors and Educational represen
tatives of the Flint River Associa
Messrs. Ben Wtilden and .J. W
Tlmrmau, of Stockbridge, were in
Tbe Grove on business last Monday
Col. J. F, Wall, of McDonough,
was here on legal business Monday.
Ernest Colvin was a passenger on
the Southern train to Macon Mon
It begins to look like the worlds
supply of Booze is fast playing ont
as a news item in the Atlanta Con
stitution of last Monday shows that
Savannah after only 13 months of
prohibition has but about. 20,000
gallons left and that is such a “lit
tle” they hardly know what to do
with it.
I heai d a citizen of Butts county,
who is a subscriber to The Henry
County Weekly, say a few days
since that he takes three other pa
pers but he esteemed The Weekly
more than most of the others. He
also stuck a nice plnme in the
writers cap by saying he appreciat
ed the Weekly more highly on ac
count, of the recent communica
tions from The Grove. (You know
a prophet is not without honor
save in his country.)
Mr. H. J. Copeland, of McDon
ougn, visited relatives here Mon
News is still hid out.
(Last week’s lettei.)
We are having very warm weath
er for the time of the yeas.
David Fargarson and wife and
his sister Miss Jessie, of Paulding
county, visited their brother, Mr.
Will Fargarson last week.
The candy pulling given by Mr.
and Mrs. Parker Floyd was very
much enjoyed by all who attended.
Miss Mattie Morgan was the guest
of Miss Lucile Coker Sunday.
Paul Fields and Miss Nevada
Sorrow attended services at Flip
pen Sunday p. m.
Mrs. J. A. Payne and daughter
Miss Juliette were the guests of
Mrs. H. S. Coker Monday afternoon.
There whs a right good crowd
attended the singing at Oakland
Sunday night.
(Last week's letter.)
Wasn’t Sunday a cold day most
everybody had to stay at home or
sit. by the fire one : but cold or not
there were several horses hitched
at the same old post.
Sandy Ridge School is still im
proving, 102 pupils, three teachers,
Mr. B. F. Grant spent Several
days in Atlanta hist week.
Miss Moore, of Grillin' was the
guest of Mrs. Web Martin Inst
week. N
Mrs. B. F. Grant and Mrs T. H.
Stallworth, Jr., were visitors at
Jenkinshnrg last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Blanch Welch were
the guests of the latter's parents,
Mrs. John Hunt a few days ago.
Miss Viula Stroud spent last
Monday with her annt, Mrs. T. A.
Mr. Castellaw and son Chester
from Locust Grove were traveling
through hero last wfeek buying cat
Tenant house on Mr. Joe Grant’s,
place wes burned down on last Fri
day afternoon and left Addio In
gram colored, without a home for
this cold spell.
Mr. Phin Woodward was the
guest of his sister, Mrs. Bud River’s
last Saturday and Sunday.
Mr.. Bud'Lewis who is guarding
the convicts spent a few days at
home this week.
Miss Rntli Wynn spent Saturday
night with her cousin Willie
Misses Josye Lee Laney and Lu
cy Stroud were the guests of Miss
LizzieUVUiore one night last week.
Mr. T. H. Stallworth Jr. and Mr.
W. L. Wynn have won the blue
ribbon on hogs in thisdistrict, Mr.
Stalwarth bonght $63 00 worth of
shorts for his twohqgs, one .weigh
ing 576 lbs. one 600 P's. making a
total of 1176 lbs. of meat. Mr.
Wynn comes next, one weighing
535 lbs. and one 410 lbs. (Mr. Ed
itor come down and enjoy fresh
If we miss the waste basket you
will hear again from we two school
Well Mr. Editor, being as news
is scarce I want detain you long,
Archy Parr and family were the
guests of his sister, mis. J. M. Chaf
fin Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. John
of Rockdale, spent Saturday night
and Sunday with the latter’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helms.
S. P. Crumbley, of Atlanta, was
mingling with old friends and rela
tives in Kelleystown Sunday.
M. E. SmTth visited Mr. J. O.
Thompson Friday night.
H. N. Chafin, of Rex, spent Sat
urday night and Sunday with re
latives in our towr,
There was a large crowd out at
Pleasant Grove Saturday night to
here the speaking and debating.
Mr. and Mrs. John Philips visited
at the home of the former’s broth
er, Mr. Zackry Philips Sunday.
J. Love and family spent Sunday
afternoon with his father, Mr. John
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith were
the guests of Mr and Mrs Robert
Helms Sunday afternoon.•
Miss Nora Kelley entertained
Miss Leotie Thompson Sunday
Mrs. Georgia Love and charming
daughter Miss Laura is visiting re
latives in McDonough at this writ
Samnel Chafin was a visitor in
the Gate City Monday.