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CA L_ l_
And let me fit yon with Glasses
in the most modern way and tin
latest styles.
Satisfaction gnaranteed ’.
.leweler and Optician,
ncDonough, = Qa.
|i pays to deal with Mdlonotigli
Vehicle Company.
Mr. J. A. MoDonal, of Snapping
Shoals, was in oft Tuesday.
Miss Hutli Turner, of Lucy Cobb
College, at Athens, is at home for
s veral days with home folks.
Ch-ver Andy Ward, of Brushy
Knoh district, was a visitor here
New lino of low cut slippers just
received. Call and see them.
Walker-Turner Co.
Mrs. R. C. Manley, of Jackson,
was the guest of her many friends
here on Tuesday.
Mr. W. R. Whitaker, one ol
Shakerag’sleading citizens, was a
visitor here on Wednesday.
Miss Elizabeth Rodgers, Miss
Derrolle Coletnanand Misses Fran
ces and Flora Neal, spent the week
end in Atlanta,
Messrs. H. C. Russell and W. C.
Walker, two of McDonough’s pro
minent young men, spent two days
at Monroe, this week on business.
Mrs. B, B. Carmichael and Miss
Alla B. Carmichael, returned Mon
day from a visit to relatives in At
Mr. Itson Smith, who had been
at Flovilla for some time, Ims re
turned to his home here to the de
light of his many friends.
Mr. Charlie Coan, one of Tussa
haw's prominent young men, was
the guest of his hosts of old friends
here on Sunday.
Miss Nina Wall, one of MoDon
ougli’s bright young ladies, retur
ned last Saturday from a week’s
visit tofrinds at Locust Grove.
Miss Mirian McMiclmel, of At
lanta was the guest, of her sister,
Miss Louise McMiclmel on last Sat
nrday and Sunday.
Miss Hattie Sne Low, who is at
tending school at Cox Colledge, Col
ledge Parke, spent tlie week end
with her parents Mr and Mrs M.C.
Mr. Paul England, who has been
at West Point for some time with
one of the leading dry goods firms
of that city returned home here on
Sunday for a visit to homefolks.
The Board of Education held its
regular quarterly session here on
Tuesday. Only routine matters
came up for consideration and only
a short session was held.
Mrs. A. C. Smith, of Monroe
county, who has been spending
some time here with her dangnters,
Mrs. W. B. Griflin and Mrs. E. P.
Hunt, went over to McDonough
yesterday, where she is visiting
her son, Col. E. M. Smith, and
family.—Griflin News.
Cold contracted at this season of the
year are quickly relieved with Bees Laxa
tive Cough Syrup. Its laxative quality
rids the system of the cold. Pleasant to
tAKe. Best for children forcolds, coughs,
croup and whooping coughs. Sold by
Horton Drug Co.
Dr. D. W. Scott, local surgeon
of the Southern Railway at this
place, is in attendance of the As
sociation of Southern Railway
Surgeons at Jacksonville, Fla.,
Miss Leila Scott accompanied him.
There is an excursion for the as
sociation to Cuba and they may
take that trip, if not they will* re
turn today.
The rains of Wednesday were
welcome by the farmers and gHrd
ners of this connty.
Mr. Adam Sloan, who has been
in school at Davidson, N. C , has
returned home for the vacation.
Rev. J. A. Simpson, Messrs. B.
B. Carmichael and D. J. Green
will attend the Atlanta Presby
tery at Winder nex tweek.
FOR SALE—One refrigerator
almost new, 65 pounds capacity.
Howard Stansell,
McDonough, Ga.
Mrs. A. S Blake went over to
McDonough yesterday for a few
days’ visit to relatives. —Griffin
Gasoline engines, Threshing out
fits, Cuttaway harrows, Pumping
out fits, of all kinds. People in
need of these things call on
G. W. Cathy,
At Union Warehouse
Madam Rumor has it that there
are to he several of McDonough s
and Henry county’s prominent
young people who are to be mai
ried cn Easter^Sunday. The Week
ly will keep up with these “rumors”
amt tell more later.
Rev. Z M Levorett, of Flovilla.
was here on Tuesday. He says
that the endowment fund for the
Locust Grove Institute is steadily
growing, there now being about
SIO,OOO received in actual bonds.
He will be at Sharon church on
the third Sunday in April the 18th
day. This meeting will he held
in the interest of this fund and
everyone is cordially invited to
attend this meeting who are in
terested in higher education.
The Sun Brothers Circus which
gave two preformances here last
Saturday was by far the poorest
attended of any circus that ever
came here. The attendance was
so small that they did not more
than make enough to pay their
railroad transportation tothenext
place. The show was featureless
in interest And liked decidedly the
snap of the usual circus, though
same parts of theshow were excel
Miss Annie Morrell Varner, was
hostess to a small party of Mc-
Donough’s young people on Mon
dayevening in which many de
ligntful games were played.
Those present and sharing in the
pleasures of the evening wore;
Misses Eunice and Emma Arnald,
Elotl Tolleson, Bess Fouclie, Lena
Price, Annie G. Thompson, and
Miss Mattie Dupree, of Zebulon ;
Messrs. Henley Daniel, Lum In
gram, J. B. Mayo, Fred Kelley,
Tom Tolleson and Itson Smith.
Among those from a distance
who attended die funeral of Mrs.
T. J. Bledsoe on last Friday were
.1 C. Bledsoe, E. L. McMullin, wife
and daughter, Mrs. Scales, Mr. Mc-
Mullin and Miss McMullin, of Atlan
ta ; Tom Sullivan and wife, of New
ton county ; J. Edalgo and daughter
J. B. Bledsoe and Miss Cawtlion,
of Jenkinsburg ; W A. Hooten and
wife, J. W. Bledsoe, and wife, ot_
Mt. Bethel; E. L. Bledsoe, wife
and children, of Broxton ; J. W.
Culpepper and daughter, of near
Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mrs.
John A. McDonald, of Atlanta, at
whose home the deceased died.
When you take Kodol, the food you have
eaten will be digested naturally, regular
ly and premptly. and in this way
gives the stomach a chance to regain its
lost strength and health, and after a lit
tle while you need not take Kodol longer
but take it while you do need it and if it
fails to benefit you your money will be re
funded to you. It is sold by Horton Drug
New Ice Man
lam now prepared to
furnish the public with ice
at all times. Have a large
storage plant where I will
always keep on hand a big
lot —Car load just receiv
ed. Ice delivered in any
purt of the city, at 50c per
J. H. Jeffares,
McDonough, Ga.
Protect your dwelling
against tornados or storms
only $4.00 per 1,000 for
three years.
3t M. C. LOW.
Miss Emmie Clements, who has
bet n teaching at Delia Grove, in
Butts, has cluseu her school and is
at home fur the vacation season.
Miss Myrtle Clements, who has
a liourismng school near Stock
bridge, spent Sunday at home here
Tu the deiigiii ui tlie many far
mers tue guou old spring time has
cjuit dt iant. Once nAjre we can
Hear the song of the plow boy anti
the merry tune ol the mocking
bud as he sings to iiis mate from
early m an till evening late,
Miss Laura Love spent Saturday
night must pleasantly with her
orother, Mr. o. Love and family,.
Mr. jdarvie Carmichael, of Me-,
Dunough, was m our midst a short
while Sunday and while out here
Ho visited. the Sunday School at
Delter Grove and delivered a most
interesting talk to the school come
again Mr. Carmichael, we extend
you the hand of welcome.
Mrs Charlie Love and children
of Mill.slead, is visiting the for
mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Helms at this writing,
Mr, .Jerry Lave was seen driving
in a northeastern direction Sunday
By the request of our chorister
Mr. Robert Helms the public is
cordially invited to come out an
hour earlier next Sunday at Delter
Grove for he desires to hold a song
service before Sunday School.
Our young people enjoyed a
singing given at the residence of
Mr. Robert Helms Saturday night
Mr. C. C. Gleaton was in our
midst a short while Sunday.
We understand that the teachers
and pupils are beginning to pre
pare for the closing exercises of
the spring term of this school.
Several of our farmers are be
ginning this week.
Well being as every body is at
work this week nows will be short
from this place.
93 Year Old.
Uncle John Parker was in the
city Monday, and fora person cf
his age moves around in a way
that one would think the frosts of
over ninety winters rested on his
shoulders. Many changes has he
seen.—Conyers Free Press.
When the baby is cross and has you wor
lied and worn oufyou will find that a
little cascaswekt. the well known remedy
for babies and children, will quiet the lit
tle one in a short time. The ingredients
are printed plainly on the bottle. Con
tains no opi ites. Sold by Horton Drug
A new comer.
Mr. Editor if yon will allow me
space I will write a few lines this
Quite a large crowd attended
Flat Shoals last, Sunday.
Miss Ivilda Rowan, of Flal Rock,
visited Miss Willie Wyatt Sunday.
Mr, L. T. Rowan made a busi
ness trip to Rex Monday.
Miss Cynthia Rowan has just
returned home from a pleasant
visit to Forest Park.
Mr. Johnie Sims had the misfor
tune of loosing a cow last week.
Clarence Smith and Mr. Champ
Coker passed through this section
last Sunday.
I guess everybody is puting in
full time plowing this week.
Miss Epsie Wilson entertained
a few young people last Saturday
Mr. Mance Rowan and wife paid
McDonough a flying visit last Mon
Mr. G. W Morris made a busi
ness trip to Atlanta last week. •
Mr. Walter Estes, of Rex, pass
ed through this section last Sun
day .
Well as news is scarce this week,
will ring off will try to do better
next time.
Tiitfs Pills
After eating, persons of a biiioss habi
will derive great benefit by taking one
of these pills. If you have been
they will promptly relieve the nausea
and nervousness which follows, restore
the appetite and remove gloomy feel*
ings. Elegantly sugar coated.
Take Mo Substitute.
Grand Spring Opening
And offers the biggest and best line of
Clothing, for both Men and Boys,
Pants, Shoes, Men’s, Women’s and
Children’s, Embroideries, Ladies’
W aists, Children’s Suits, fiats, Caps,
Underwear, Shirts, Neckwear, Ho
siery, Etc., at
Special Low Prices!
iwcdonouch, ca.
Funeral Directors and Embalmers.
Day Phone No. 51 Night Phone No. 52
All calls answered promptly day or night.
All embalming carefully done and according tc best methods
Our stock of metal and wood caskets and robes are unequalled.
Oar services, hearses arid equipment, are the best to be had.
We furnish the best steel, brick or cement Vaults.
Do You Keep a Bank Account With Us?
8f Not You Are the Fellow We Are Writing to.
Not mat y years ago the possession of a bank account was esteemed a privilege
of the the rich only, and a bank was too often looked upon as typifying in some
vague way, that visionary monster, “the money power,” but as a matter of fact a
bank is very close to the people.
Its stockholders are your fellow citizens and its assets, great though thev mar
be in the aggregate, are hut the combined funds of your friends and neighbors anil
hence is less than ever a rich man’s institution. »
The extension and simplification of banking methods have made the handling
of small accounts profitable, and with a better understanding by the people and the
Banks of eagh other, there has resulted an increased use of these priviieges by all
We want you to know that the open door represents the policy of this Bank
and that we will be glad to handle your account, and that we are prepared to do so
whether it be large or small.
Make it a rule to give checks out of your own check book, and always fill out
the stub first and thereon keep a record of your balance in bank.
We want your business and will accept your deposits; keep your money safelv'
furnish you check boobs to get it out; give you any accommodation consistent with
sound banking, and guarantee satisfaction.
And if you will become a regular customer and give us all your business, yon
will always find us ready to accommodate you when you need us, and at lowest lates
Our obligations are always first to our regular customers, and we invite you to he
Yonr friends,
The Bank of Henry County
to 3 (i}4 W. Mitchell St.
One liloek From Terminal Station.
All Modern t onvenienees
fl .60. 12.00, $2.50 and *3.00.
Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta Phone 3255
1 ersonal experiece with a tube of Man •
zah Pile Remedy will convince you it is
immediate relief for all forms of Piles"
Can be applied directly to the affected
parts, reducing inflammation swelling
and itching. Guaranteed. Price 50c
Sold by Horton Drug Co.
LOST—One black sow pig
strayed off last Saturday.
J* V. LTpchurch,
McDonough, Ga.