Newspaper Page Text
Leading Undertaker.
.. ...
-• / ■i■ . ‘ ! i
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
Careful and polite attention given all
ftioerals entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to latest
and most improved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Call answered promptly day and night.
Phone 30.
McDonough, ga.
tWdloe over St ar Store.
McDonough. Ga.
>»»■■■ ' ■ ,
J. A. FOIICHK, Publisher.
It. 1,. JOHNSON Kditor.
Sntered at the postofllca at McDob-
Mgh, aa aecond-clasa mail mattar.
Advertising Rataa: SI.OO per lack
far month. Reduction on staadlag
•Hitracta by apacial agreement
McDonough, Ga , April 9, 1909.
The farmers of this part have
Wien moving things witu a rush
since the heavy rams ceased.
Only a few early Gardners got
in their work this year and most
Gardens will be on the late order.
News is a 1 ways scarce with me
unless some one tells me something
N jws was received here by wire
last Sunday aiternooii of the death
of Mr. Walter Sullivan a former
citizen of tins place and also of
McDonough, which occured in a
hospital in Macon. Mr. Sullivan
was for sometime a correspondent
tile Weekly. He is survived by
a wife and s iveral children for
whom mu m sympathy is felt.
Mrs, Luc/S uidit'er wife of Mr
Joe Sand iter died last Tuesday
afternoon at d o'clock and was car
ried to County Line church in
Butts County, the foil owing day
for interment. The sympathy of
runny friends go out to the bereav
ed family.
The e’it >ria.l in file Atlrnt i
Gonstituti >n of lust Sunday head
<wl Perfomanoe or Confession ami
applied to the present State tul
wiinistvati m was a good one did
jon read it?
If any reader of this letter lias
any dont of the ability and pur
pose of Jesus Christ to grant, full
munition, let, them rend Acts 2f)lh
oh'inter aud 10th to INth verses
and see whit he fold St Paul he
s°nt, him to do and how H • would
ddivor him Then read Pauls
testmionev a« to how well fin ohev
ad in the remainder of tin* eh^pter.
(Last week s letter.)
Mr. u. ri. Fields and wife visit
ed nor iiutlidr in Satiny bide iusi
Racier Steel had the misfortune
to gee a nail stack m bis luot one
day net long a^e
H II Fields ami George Alexan
der went uo to Atlanta. one uuy
hist week on business
VV. E. t ’ ij)tla ml anl family visit
etl his father. Mr \V. A. Copeland.
H If Fields and children were
out riding Sunday n. in.
.Miss Lizzie Plendlev and Aler
smn visited W. E Copeland and
family Friday night.
Little Ethel Roan Ims been very
si oh hat glad r»> know she is belter
%t this writing.
Miss Kite Waldropi lms retained
home t > Griffin after a week’s vis
it to hot sister. Mrs TVm VLirris.
Miss MollioCooeland visited Mrs.
Marc OoP'Dand Staudav night
O 'ie** Copeland visited his Broth
er W E C melsn 1 «r,
Mrs Rntler Steel visited Mr
Wallis Steel and family last Fri
John IVimd i-A ■>'->(1 r* »>/)
fie went down to Greenwood Mon
day p» »n.
We know of nothin** lx-ttcr for cuts,
hums, bruises fcratcbcc r. U, be ’co
thir. >- where silv* i« needed * ’nr lie Witt's
(tarbnp/ed Wife h Hazel Salve. It is es
pecially good for piles We sell and rri -
aaumeid ib Horton Drug Co.
The readers of this paper will he pleased
to learn that there is at least one dr.-ad dis
ease that science has been able to cure in
all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's
Cure is the only positive cure now Known
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires aconsti
tutional treatement. Hall's Cataridi Cure
is taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease, and giving the patient streng
th by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its cura
tive powers that they offer One hundred
dollars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. Chexnky & co., Toledo O.
Sold oy all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipa
I'or Dismission.
Georgia, Henry County.
Isaac Eugene Combs, Executor upon the
estate of W. M. Combs, deceased, late of
said county, ha ing filed his petition for
discharge, this is to cite all persons con
cerned to show cause against the granting
of this discharge, at the regular term of
the Court of Ordinary for said county to
be held on the First Monday in May, 1909.
This March 26th 1909.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Dismission.
Georgia, Henry county.
W. A.,and W. J. Smith, Executors,upon
the estate of W. it. Smith, deceased, late
of-said county, having fill d their petition
for discharge, this is to cite all persons
concerned tt> show cause against, the grant
ing of this discharge at the regular term of
the court of Ordinary for said county tobe
held on the First Monday in Muy 11)09.
This March 34th 1909.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary
Best Treatment for Colds
’‘Most ordinary colds will yield to the
•simplest treatment,” says the Chicago
Tribune, “moderative laxatives, hot foot
baths, a free perspriration and an avoid
ance of exposure to cold and wet after
treatement ” While this treatment is
simple, it requires considerable trouble,
and the one adopting it must remain in
doors for a day or two, or a fresh cold is
almost sure to he contracted, and in many
instances pneumonia follows. Is it not
better to pin your faith to an old reliable
preparation like Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy, that is famous for its cures of
colds and can always be depended upon?
For Sale by Horton Drug Co.
A short nap
is a safe nap
with an “America”
Ala r m on tap.
A new lot just in.
Guaranteed for one Year;
P. 3. CHEEK,
fVScDonuo: h, Ga.
For the past sixteen years 1 have been
in McDonough engagtd in the blacksmith
uni reyaii I r.siness, except the past four
ears, when 1 was connect* d with the Mc
'lonouph Buggy Co.
Now I have returned to in.v old line of
vork of running a general blacksmith
.liu r« pail shop. Horse shoeing, repair
ing of wagons buggies, farm tools and im
plements. ir fact any thing of a repair na
nce will he done prom ply and satisfacto
ry by me.
1 want to thank each and everycnewho
tins patronized me in the jiast, and I
want to assure Jill my old friends that a
continuance of their patronage will lieap
preciated ai d 1 always stand ready to
give y< u the Lest in my shop for your
Joel Bankston,
Planting Seed for Sale
I have about 75 bushels of the
Toole Early Prolific Cotton seed
for sab—lt turns out over 40%
lint and is a very prolific cotton.
< all on F. A. Cox,
Rt. 1 McDonough, Ga.
To t heQualified Voters of thecityof Hamp
ton, Henry county. Georgia:
Pursuant toad ordimmeedulyand unan
imously adopted by th Mayor and coun
cil of the city ot Hampton, Henry county,
Mate of Georgia, on the fifth day <>f April
1909, you are hereby notified that on tile
tenfhday of May, 1909. an election will he
held in said city at which will l>e submitted
for your determination the question
whether hoi;ds shall bei-Mad by said city
to the amount of £IO,OOO for the purpose of
erecting, installing and equipping a sys
tem of Elect Tic Light s and Water Works
in and for said ci'y.
Said S2O 000 of ‘‘Electric Rights and
Water Works Bonds” shall bear date the
first, day of July, 1909, shall be in denomi
nation of each, shall b< ar interest at
rate of five per cent, per annum, payable
semi-annually on the first day of January
and July of each year as hereinafter stated
The principal and interest therei n shall
he payable in gold coin of the United
States of the present standard of weight
and fineness, at some bank in the City of
New York and Skate of New York. The
principal of said bonds ‘-hall be payable as
follows: *1 000 on the first day of July,
1920 and #I,OOO on the first day of July
thereafter to and including 1989, when said
Electric Lights and Waterworks Bonds
shall be fully paid off and discharged.
The interest of said electric lights and wa
ter vorks bonds will be as follows: To
the first day of July, 1910. and to the first
day of Julv each year thereafter to and in
cluding 1920. the sum of 11,000, and to the
first day of July. 1921, $950; and to the first
day of July, 1922, $900; and to the first, day
of July, 1923, $850; and to the first day of
July, 1924, $800; and to the first day of July,
1925. $760; and to the first day of July, 15)20
$700; and to the first day of July, 1927, $650;
and to the first day of July, 1928. $600; and
to the first day of July, 1929, $650; and to
the first day of July, 1930. $500; and to the
first day of July. 1931. $410; and to the first
day of July, 15)32, $400; and to tne first day
of July, 1933, $350; and t<> the first day of
.Tilly, 15)34, $300; and to thefirst day of July
'935. $260; and to the first day of July, 1936.
$200; and to thefirst day of July, 1D37, $160;
and to the first day of inly, 1938, $100; and
to the first day of July, 1939. SSO.
Y hen said interest shall be paid off and
discharged and said interest shall he divi
ded into twoequal parts and be paid com
mencing on thefirst day of January, 1910.
and thereafter, semi annually on the first
day of July and the first dav of January for
each of said years to and including July
first. 1935)
The money arising from the sale of said |
bonds in event that same lie authorized to
he issued in and by said election shall he
used for the purpose for which said bonds
were issued and for no other purpose what
The said election shall he held on the
day herein named at the place of holding
electionsfor Mayor and councilmen in said
city and under the same rules and regula
tions that electionsfor Mayorand council
men for said city are held and as are now
required for elections of Mayor and Council
The book for registration of voters qual
ified tovote wHlbeopened by the clerk an •
Treasurer at his office in the said city on
the twentieth day of April, 1909. and will
he kept open by him each day. Sundays
excepted, during the hours of eight a. in.,
to three p. m.. until and indndingtbe
thirtieth day of April, 1909, when said book
shall be closed
Only those who are duly qualified and
registered voters of the city of Hampton
shall be allowed to vote at said election.
The polls shall he opened on said date at
the council chamber in the said city at
seven a. m . and closed at six p. m.’the
same being the usual place for holding
elections in said citv.
Those desiring to vo f e in favor of the is
suance of the said $2*1,000 of “Electric
Lights and Waterworks Bonds” shall do
s> by lasting I (allots having written or
• cinted thereon the words “For S2O 000
ElectricLightsand Water Works Bonds ”
Those desirimr to vote against the S2O 000
of electric lights and water works bonds
shall do so br c-mtiiur ballots having wrif
f, n nr nrinted th°reon the Words “Against
"‘2O 000 Electric Lights and Water Works
W. S Davis. Mayor.
W. A Notith,
h. A. Moore,
Attest H G. FTKI.DS.
.i M. Takpi.kx, clerk and Treasurer.
Petition to ltequirc Executor to Make
Georgia, Henry Countv.
T'o Paid ’1 urner. Executor. Asa A. Lem
on. Fouche Lemon and Annie Lemon,
'ei sat law of Alex A. Lemon, deceased,
and to Asa A. Lemon Guardian of Fouche
Lemon and Mrs Annie M. Nolan Guar
dian of Annie Lemon.
The First National Bank, of McDon
ough, Ga. transferee, having made applica
tion to require titles to he executed to it to
certain land described in a bond for titles
thereto attached purporting to he signed
by Alex A. Lemon late of Henry county,
deceased, the *aid ai pbcath'n alleging that
said land has been fullv paid for. all par
ties concerned are hereby notified that said
anplication will lm heard l eft >n* or'vyf
"t Ordina.rv for said county on the 3rd day
of May 1909. This sth dav of April 19*19.
A. (t. Harris, Ordinary
Lor \<t uiinisti at ion.
Georgia. Henry county.
Mrs. Sallie Rowan an heir at law hnv
ing in pn per form applied to me that J.
\. Fouche, Clerk of the Superior Court be
"■rantMl permanent lett* rs of nrii'inittia
’ion on the estate of Samuel c Patillo. late
of said county, this is to citeali and singtt
h,.r the creditors and nex* - of Win of Sam
uel c. Patillo to pc and at'near atii'f office
within the time allowed hv law, and show
"tone ifanv tl-evcan. wl y permanent ad
ministration should not he granted to J
A Fouche on said estate.
\V itresc tut- hand and official signature
this the7th day of April 1909
-V. G. Harris, Ordinary
let Xtlministration. •»
Georgia, Henry County
W .i. Kitchens havi ne made •application
ome in due foi in i o I>e appointed pern.a
run ad ini’ istiator upon the estate of A. J** of sa d county Notice is
hereby given that said application will In
heard at the regular term of the court of
Ordinary for sc id coni» > tnlebeldnn the
‘li st ' rday in May 1909. Wim.-s ,„\
official signature, this fifih dav of Mar. 190“
A G. H ARRIS. Ordinary.
Bees Laxative Cough. Syrup is guaran
teed. This is because we know what it
will do and want to convince you. It is
especially recommend* d for children as it
is pltasant to t;ike and is getitly laxative.
Lor coughs colds, croup, honr-ere’-s. ]
whooping cough Price 2 c c, ECe and fl.tvi. :
.'-'old by Horton Drug Co.
f shown above is sewed to inside of
Suits ; either style, single or dou-
A pattern suited to every one’s
fancy, while the make it better
than seems necessary, or possible,
Phone 25 McDonough, Ca.
One to Two Hundred
Tons Cotton Stalks
Invited to visit us for the
Latest and Newest Things
in Millinery, Ready=to=Wear
Hats, Laces, Rats, Collars
and Summer Novelties.
Home of The Ladies Home Journal Patterns
Fashion Sheets Free
Give Us Your Business and be Pleased.
Very truly,
H. J. Copeland Mer. Co.,
McDonough, - Ga.
PHONE No. 25.
Matte your paint and save manufactu
rer's profit. You can make paint at «ln
least cost when >on mix 3-4 of a gallon of
Linseed Oil costing 5 cents win- a gallon
of L. <& M. Paint. You iben make I 3-4
gallons of paint. Dm a gallon and trv it.
and get your money Iwvk if not tumid so!
ihe L. M. Paint hus lieen us.-id over 35
years, and has decorated more than two
million American homes. Sold bv:
P : Copeland Mur. C«* MolAoitough
Hampton B”ggy Co., Hampton.
< - m
Beit otxlanied l>y the Mayor and city
Council of the city of McDonough, ami
it in hereby enacted by the authority of
the same, that on and after May 15th lhtty
oil dogs must 1k j kept off thestreets of the
city of McDonough, or else must be muz
zled (si that if a vicious (log, he will be
jterfectly harmless) and the marahall are
inst ructed to kill all dogs on the streets