The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 09, 1909, Image 5
[|r U '“ 3 h: <.; \ : ■lf § AVegelable PrcparalionforAs a Mmtlatiiig the Foodantlßegula IpAn lin § die Stomachs andßowels of 1111 ; ; Promotes Digestion,Cheerful |Sp= ness and Rest. Contains neither: IJSfIO Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. Lj-ijjl Not Narcotic. | ItotpeofOldDrSmurnuim rf|i II Pumpkin Seed~ jfc® r s_3l |i jUx-Sema* 1 Wa'l Rochelle Salts- I WjS p » Anise Seed * I q / nffiffliiw Clari fied Sugar • Wmknpeenrhmr. / rl^t 5 Aperfecl Remedy forConsKpa l!S~o tion, Soui- Storaach.Diarrhoca lao- ness and Loss of Sleep. ; Ilf Facsimile Signature of te* dLd/fkzu. Q,. Guaranteed under the Koodari Exact Copy of Wrapper. Mr. Parham Smith, of Flovilla, "was the guest of friends here first of the week. WE LIST HERE A FEW OF THE THINGS FOR SALE BY HORTON DRUG GO Garden, Flower and Other Seed. Garden and dower seed of all kind; also a few bushels of Sorghum seed. c * Seasonable Remedies and Preparations. At this season the following preparations are somewhat in demand: The old Antozone Exterminator for anv kind of bugs or insects, mixed with water and sprinkled around places infected with mites, roaches or ants will immediately get rid of them. Antozone Disinfectant, used anywhere that you would use lime or other disinfectants, convenient to use aud results pleasing. ‘‘Carbol-Zone,” a ‘deodorizer, quickly removes foul o iors, tidd of usefulness sick rooms, sinks, d imp places Etc. They are all cheap and convenient to use. Paints, Oils, Etc. We are still selling the best grade paints. Both ready mixed and lead and oil, at reasonable prices. If you are thinking of painting your house in the spring, don’t fail to see our line of paints and get prices. We also have full line of Carriage and wagon paints, ready to apply and the enamel top dressing tor repainting tops and curtains, varnishes and stains, in fact an) thing in the paint line. Stock Powders, Medicines, Etc, Don’t iorget th;it we have stock powders tor sale. The kind that’s good, The International. In the line of medicines and toilet articles, we have most amthing that is to he found in an up-to-date drug store; will call special attention to: Dr. Caldwell’s syrup pepsin lor in digestion and R\ dale's Catarrh Cure. Both sold on their merit, it not satisfied with results we return money. Soap, Toilet Article, Candies, Etc. No use Icr any one to be without soap anymore. We have iust received a 2 gross assortment, ranging in price lrom Sto 25 cents per cake. We have Allen’s Shampoo soap, both egg and green soap in Jicjuid. 1 he\ are fine lor the scalp. Our line cl lace and talcum powder is complete. Wiil call special attention to Allen’s Borated Talcum in lb boxes, 25cts. lb, specially adapted to nursery and toilet. A lull line of Wile) ’s Candies all the time. Just received a splendid assortment ot Easter Post Cards. All the popular drinks at our fountain. Quick and courteous service at all times. HORTON DRUG CO. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature /Ap of w (\ Jp* In Use \Y For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THC CKNTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. Prof. O. O. Tolleson, of West Point, spent Saturday and Sunday with hornefolks in McDonough. JURORS FOR APRIL TERM 1909, GRAND JURY. J P Rodgers J M Bankston E F Adams J W Thurman \V A Craig Green Mitchell JB Dickson JC Jinks W N Strickland W \V Milam R 11 Mm,re. Sr. B H Welch W B Carmichael H A Adams J F White E Cowan J T Sowell Lee Patterson S G Bryan H G Fields B F Bowers Madison C White W II Hopkins 11 B Samiifer J P Glass C W Gardner I H Gunter J M Foster A L Colvin J M Ingram TRAVERSE JURY, Ist Wekk. G B D Beard J A Nix Joseph Conkle A W Mays W B Hays M W Wilson Leon Carmichael J M Torrent JLTurnipseed W J Harris W C Crumbley A R Laney J N Chunn Z T Seay B F Crumbley L W Roan J F Dupree W II Owen W HStansell J W Davies J S Lewis JL Jinks B N Willingham J M Carmichael, Jr. G R Lewis H B Hays W J McKibben P F Pruitt H M Amis W M Berry E Oglesby A C Peterman W S Steele L J Cast lelaw W E Combs J T Martin TRAVERSE JURY, 2nd Week. J B Smith J K Bowen l N Smith C T Elliott J B Brown J F Scarborough W S Stroud S G Gardner AG Combs F B Parr J G Sims L J Fargason H H Greer 3 S Hays G H Hark ness W A Ward H H Kennedy J P McCullough R W Exum W H Maddox, Jr. J O Adair E C Wise E C Carter Van Turner F M Jackson j h Rape, Sr. W A Bellah S T Clower J G Selfridge S W Whitaker L A Edwards ’ J W Jackson J T Hubbard B M Starr UR Hinton J h Mitchell A Ootid Friend in Time of Need No one can have a better friend when troubled with colic, or diarrhoea than Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. It always cures. For sale by Horton Drug Co. BETHANY. Fire Destroys Dwelling Mr. B. T. Berry who lives on Uncle Ike Sowell’s plantation lost his dwelling with almost its entire contents by tire one night last week. The origin of the fire is not known. Mad Dog Flays Havoc. A mad dog passed through the upper portion of the county sever al weeks ago, a number of dogs being bitten, a hog and some cat tle were also attacted by it. The hog and several of the dogs have since died from the rabies, and the others are still being watched closely. Singing at Bethany* There will be a singing at Beth any next Sunday afternoon Prof. Bailey, Cowan, Hodges, Cox, Ros ser, W. W. Combs and others are expected to be on hand and every body is cordially invited. Mad Dog Killed Sheriff Sowell and Deputy Payne killed a mad dog in the eastern potion of our city one day last week, and fortunally it w*as killed before it did any damage. You who have occasional trouble from indigestion, such as sour stomach, belch ing of gas, sour risings and weak stomach should not delay a moment to help the stomach digest the food for all these little ailments, annoying both to yourself and to others, are caused simply by undigest ed food in the stomach, Kodol for Dyspep sia and Indigestion taken occasionally will soon relieve you of all the simple stomach ailments that you now have, hid which may be more serious later. Try Ko dol it will do what we say it will do. It is sold Horton Doug Co. TUNIS We are still having rain I guess the farmers would be glad to see sunshine for a week or two. Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Johnson vi.-it cd Jonesboro Fridayjand Saturday. % Walter Henry spent Saturday night with his sister, Mrs. Roy Owen. Rev. J, E, England dined with Mr. J. P. Glass Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Love and fam ily were the guests of Mr. and Mrs G. W. Owen Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Oza Johnson, of Flippen spent a few bays last week with Mr. and Mrs. K. L, Johnson, of this place. Mrs. Usher Hinton, of Stock bridge, spent one day last week with her sister Mrs. Roy Owen. Howard Glass spent one day last week in Atlanta. Misses Ida and Lois Owen spent last Tuesday with their sister, Mrs. E. O. Pattillo. Misses Corrio Gossett and Lorali Allen, of Stockbridge past through our community last Thursday p. m. selling magazines. Mr. and Mrs Oscar Pair visited the latter’s parents Sunday. Miss Julia Glass is the guest of Misses Dennis and Eva Fields few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lucious Johnson visited Jonesboro Sunday and Sun day night. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Owen visit ed their daughter, Mrs. Will Phil lips a while last Tuesday p, m. Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Mays, of Stockbridge, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Glass Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Owen spent Sunday niglxt with relatives at Stockbridge, Miss Bird Glass and Miss Ida Owen visited the town of Flippen, one day last woek. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Owen apt nt Monday with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Owen. Tom Fields visited McDonough one day last week. Most cough cures and cold cures are con stipating, especially* those that contains opiates. Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syr up is free from all opiates and it cures the cold by gently moving the howls and at the same time it soothes irritation of the throat and lungs and in that way stops the cough. It is especially recommended for children, as it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. We sell and reconciled it. Horton Drug Co. OAK GROVE. Well Mr. Editor if you will al low I will write a few* dots from this place. After so much rain we are liav ing sunshine again. Misses Maggie Moss and Moll e Hendon visited Miss Emma Mosley of Pleasant Grove last Sunday. Miss Cora Johnson is visiting her brother at this writing. Messrs, .lord Johnson and Joe Steele made a business trip to Griffin last Monday. Howard Glass accompanied by Miss Lois Owen passed through here last Snnday p. m. Miss Mollie Steele and little Niece Vessie Mae Bunn visited her sister Mrs. Green Branan last Sat urday. Quite a number in onr cumin uni ty is on the sick list at this writing B. S Elliott, Jr. and little son, of woodland visited his father last Saturday. Misses Fannie and Jennie Elliott and Fannie Johnson visited Miss Cleora Brunan last Friday p. m Misses Kate and Cora Johnson attended services at Flippen Sun day p. m. Mrs. Virgie Stele and children nr v isiting at the home of her father’s a few days this week. Bill Peek delivered a very in teresting speech to the Farmers Union at Union Grove school house last Saturday p. m. will ring off for this time if I see this in print will come again Mr. B. E. Berry's home was burn ed on Tuesday night about 9 o’clock, the fire totally destroying the home and the family barely es. caping before the he use fell in. Often The Kidneys At; Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re sponsible for much sickness and suffering, B, therefore, if kidney trouble is permitted to continue, serious re iipay sl^ts are luost likely to follow. Your other iUf organs may need at j j tention, but your kid f I neys most, because M they do most and should have attention first. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your en tire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or “ feel badly,” begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root. A trial will con vince you of its great merit. The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney and bladder remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest because its remarkable health restoring properties have been proven in thousands of the most distress ing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. « Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and onc-dol lar sizes. You may jfiSSi.-'li have a sample bottle by mail free, also a \ pamphlet telling you "o'"JiViUmpß how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don’t make any mis take, but remember the name, Swamp- Root, and don’t let a dealer sell you something in place of Swamp-Root—if you do you will be disappointed. His home was about four miles east of McDonough near Cathy and Bowden’s gin on Mr. I* L. Sowell’s place. Mr. Timon Bowden, who had a severe attack of pneumonia at Locust Grove, is now much better having been brought to his home here on last Saturday. Miss Nettie Bess Fouche charm ingly entertained thoelubon Wed. nesday atteinoon at the Brown Honse, LIBERTY HILL. Rev. Ulm, of woolsey, filled his regular appointment here last Sun day and delivered an excellent ser mon to quite a large congregation. w. H. Barnett and wife attended Sunday School at Oakland last Sun day morning. Mrs. Charles Turner, of Griffin, visited relatives here last Sunday. Dixon Andrews and Harvey Bar nett accompanied by Misses Maude Stephenson and Nettie Mnxey were tho guests of Ljii Barnett and wife last Sunday. The many friends of Keller Aber cromie are glad to know that he is gradually improving after severul days uf severe illness. The singing given by John Mays and wife Saturday night last was highly enjoyed by all present. B. C. Bright and wife visited their uncle and aunt Monday last. Dixon Andrew accompanied by his, Mrs. Henry Andrews, made a business flip to Atlanta last Tuesday. Harvey Barnett ai d wife visited E. m. Barnett and wife last Sunday Mrs Lilia Mays visited Mrs. Mary Barnett Tuesday last, Henry Barnett a nd wife were the guests of Keller Abererc mbie and wife Sunday last. Miss Mattie Wallace, of Hampton, was at home Sunday to the delight of her many friends last Snnday. Jessie Stanfield accompanied by his two sisters. Misses Mamie and Susie and Miss Lei la Camp) ell were the gn *s’s of Delos Barnett and sis ter, Miss Stella, lust Sunday. We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs. Gibbs which occured at her home in Lovejoy Sunday morning last. The remains were laid to rest at this place last Wednesday. Rev. Mashburn of Hampton con ducted the services and the pall bearers consisted of six of her lady friends. Woods Liver Medicine in liquid form re gulates th<* liver, relieves sick headache, constipation, stomach, kidney disorder* and acts its a gentle laxative. For childs fever and malaria. Its tonic effects on the system felt with the lirst dose The f 1.00 bottle contains 2 1-2 times as much as tho „uc size. Soil by Horton Drug Co.