The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 09, 1909, Image 6

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    Are you insured in the
The Company that affords to the insuring public of the South the opportunity to keep Southern money at home, and
obtain the same security as offered bv the Northern companies, which have grown in strength through the drainage of
Southern Capital. “The Awakening” of the Industrial South demanded such a company, and it is only necessary to famil
iarize yourself with the expert management of every Department to know' that it will fulfill the purpose for which it was
Condition Dec. 31st, 1908.
Assets $527,029.02
Reserve liability 30,702.00
Surplus to
Policy holders $493,498.03
Jos. Q. Brown, Pres. C. W. Gold, Albert Anderson, H. D., Chas. W. Gamwell,
P. D. Gold Jr., ist V. P. & Gen’l Mgr, Sec’y & Supt. of Agencies. Hedical Director. Actuary.
H. H. Bass, Manager, M. C. Low, Dist. Agent, J. A. Fouche, Agent,
312 English-American Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. McDonough, Ga. McDonough Ga
Hollo Mr. Editor how are you by
this time alright I hope.
Wo have had some tine weather
the past week and the farmers of j
this section have been very busy.
Rev. Mr. Bowden preached a
v >ry interesting sermon last Sun
day at Philadelphia.
Sunday School at this place was
well attended Sunday afternoon,
Clarence Daniel has had a phone
placed in his residence, also Mr.
Sam and Johny Rape has one con
nected at their home.
Mr. Paul Jinks happened to a
p tinful accident last Saturday was
a week ago, his mule became fright
ened at a passing train and while
trying to catch hold of his lines
which was some distance away he
became frightened and ran away
with a plowstoek and sprained his
Mr. Jnlian Gardner was ont rid
ing with two of our fairest, that is
right go your route old bov.
Waymond Cawtlion has symp
tons of matrimony.
Mr. Charlie Coan went north
Mr. Paul Jinks went to gravel
town Sunday afternoon,
.Mr. Marvin Davis was on the
north bound train Sunday a. m.
Well as news is scarce I will
ring off.
MT. ZlbN
We having some fine weather
for farming and the farmers are
quite busy, there have not been
any cotton seed planted in onr
■Community yet
Mr. Ozmore McKee visited home
people Sunday.
A huge crowd attended Sunday
School at this place Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Sams who preaches at
Bethel preached atMt. Zion Satur
day night.
Mr. Curtis Bradbery, of neat Rex
and Mr. Stanfield, of near Ellen
wood were the guests of Misses
Dora and Ophelia Mitchell.
Mrs. Lou Mitchell and little son
Wesley were the guests of Mrs.
Lucy Ann Ward last Sunday they
also visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Ward in the afternoon.
Master Clarence Scarbrough
and sister Katie were the guests of
Lily and Annie Cook Saturday
Mrs. Sarah Place, of East Atlan
ta, have returned home after
spending a few week with relatives
around this place
Mr. Edgar Clarke and Miss Co
rine George accompanied by Mr.
Bradley George and Miss Viola
Mills visited friends near Atlanta
Misses Lema and Emma Mitchell
and Corine George were the guests
of Miss Viola Miller last Tuesday
Mr. Andrew Ward and sister
Pansy attended preaching at Beth
el Sunday and took dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. Lonie Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. John McKee are
all smiles over the arrival of a
baby boy and Mr. and Mrs. Sam
White a girl and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Ward a boy.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Skelton
paid Mr, and Mrs. John Ward a
visit Friday p. m.
Mrs. Geneva George bad the
misfortune to fall and hurt her
leg, we hope for her a speedly re
Mrs. Jane McMillian was the
guest of her sister Mrs. Mary Riley
Saturday night.
I will ring off for this time.
We have smelled the aromas of
Spring—look out ye finny tribe.
For all ot the above points,
and many others,
atfords most convenient
schedules ever ottered.
Through Pullrr\an
Sleeping 1 Oars
Dining Cars on all through
For iurther information ad
A. G. P. A. T. P. A.
Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Welch spent
Sunday with relatives and friends
at Jenkinsburg.
Strongest jn the South for the world
Strongest in the world for the South
& UQ St rain
The precocity of a ten weeks’ old Leghorn Cockerel is astonishing to one not
familiar with him. At this age we are able to distinguish many of the important
qualities, such as the shape, point jmd serreting of the comb, color of eyes, ear bobes,
etc., shape of body, neck, beak and head, length of legs and hack and the carriage of
the tail, besides he is full feathered with the exception that his sickles, coverts and
hackles are not fully grown. To sum it all up wejhavea perfect bird in minature in
our One Pound Leghorn Cockerel, at this age he is in perfect physical condition, goes
to roost like his “Pop” and knows how to crow. Take him home, care for him, give
him range and see how he will grow and develope.
In quoting you our prices we beg to say they are not confidential, tell your
friends and neighbors—don’t be ashamed because the price looks cheap—you have a
bird of quality, our “Profit Payer” his mother was “Profit Payer” and his daughters
will make “Profit Payers,” that’s the way we have bred them. These prices you can
afford, they have value—great value.
Ten weeks’ old cockerel SI.OO each.
“ “ “ pullets 125 “
Eggs $3. and $5 per 15.
White Feather Farm.
D. M. WEEMS, Prop., Luella, Ca.
As it has been some since von
heard from ns, we will tell you a
few things that have happened in
these parts.
We have been having plenty of
rain here of late.
Quite a crowd attended Sunday
School at this place Sunday p. m.
Joe Wynn and wife visited Gliu
Lagnin and wife Saturday night.
Miss Lilly Wilkinson and brother
Howard, attended services at New
Hope Sunday afternoon.
Arthur Jeffares and Miss Kate
Stallworth, Lawrence Turner and
Miss Luev Stroud were out riding
Sunday afternoon.
Miss Ethel Bledsoe visited her sis
ter, Mrs. John Stone.
One of the teachers of Sandy
Ridge School has returned to her
home in Tennessee.
Mrs. M. w. Hooten visited her
aunt, Mrs. J. w. Bailey Sunday.
Miss Eva Barham visited her cous
The JEFFERSON has for
every dollar of liability assets to
the amount of $|5.71» making
it over four times stronger than
the Southern Company next in
in, Miss Josie Laney Sunday p. m.
Guy and Rafe Bailey spent Sat
urday night and Sunday with some
friends near Oak Hill.
Aubert Banks and Miss Eva Mason
attended the singing at worthville
Sundav afternoon.
Miss Alpha Coker, of Jenkins
burg, spent last week with her sis
ter, Mrs. Foy Martin.
More than nine out of every ten cases of
rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the
muscles, due to cold or damp, or chronic
rheumatism. In such cases no internal
treatement is required. Taefree applica
tion of Chambelain’s Liniment is all that
is needed, and it is certain to give quicK
relief. Give it a trial and see for yourself
how quickly it relieves the pain and sore
ness. The medicine usually given infcer
nally for rheumatism are poisonous or
very strong medicines. They are worse
than useless in cases of chronic and mus
cular rheumatism. For sale by Horten
Drug C ?
De\\ itt s Little Larly Kisers, gentle, easy
pleasant, small little liver pills. Sold by
Horton Drug Co.