The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 09, 1909, Image 7

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W e caii give you Values that no other Vehicles concern can equal
Styles the most up-io-date on the market Quality of the
highest character, the DEPENDABLE, SER VIC ABLE KIND.
/-' ■ L •
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XiA A 4
If you will place our Vehicles alongside of any Buggy on the market, compare them
honestly, style for style, quality for quality, and then consider the small difference
more we ask you in price, then you can readily appreciate why we are offering you
more for your money than other dealers.
Give us an opportunity to show you our line of Buggies, Runabouts, Surreys and
Harness. Piece work in harness especially. See our combination 2in i Buggy
McDonough vehicle co.,
Howard Carrr\ich\eal, Manager.
Corn planting is the order of the
-day now.
Prof. Aiken and wife made a
business trip to McDonough Sat
Miss Lola Gunter spent the week
end witli her brother Mr. Henry
Mr. Dock Hays, ot Bethany, was
riding with one of our fair sex
Sunday p. in.
We can also say “Amen” to
what our editor said about dogs
and “Amen” to all of Citizen s
letter, but that paragraph where
he says, that a mad dog is worse
and demands more severe punish
ment than a negro, that commits
the most crime that he could, and
the worst horrid crime known to
mankind. A mad dog bite is aw
ful bad and 1 would be glad if we
had a, strict enough law, that
would kill all, but what wonld
stay at. home, but if the bite of tbr>
dog jrets well. the victim, is held
in as high esteem, as before the
event occurred, and if it dies, it
hasdh'd an honorable death. r>r>
the other hand, if the poor victim
lives, who is it that wants to assn
Something to Interest You.
We have a large line of Dry Goods and Gro
ceries which we offer at a Price that will inter
est You. Come and sec us at once and get our prices
Especially in Shoes, Clothing and Odd Pants.
We are agents for one of the largest tailoring firms of the country, and have a large line of samoles.
Phone 7 W- B. J. iNGRAM GO, Mc Dor.o., Ga.
ciate with her, who will look on
iier Willi any esteem whatever,
and it (as it is in most cases) the
victim Deingyonngandunmarried,
whom tio you think would want
her for his bride, and if the uu
lortunate victim, die s, she lias
been killed, in the most liorritle
manner any body ever died.
Miss Alice Kelley spent Sunday
night with Miss Pearl Nash.
Pleasant Grove Literary Society
has suspended until after the com
Mr. C. C. Gleaton went over to
Conyers Saturday and bought
himself a pair of fine mules.
Elder A C. Elliott made his trip
to his regular appointment near
Monticello Saturday and Sunday.
Hellow Mr. Editor will you al
low me space enough in your paper
to write a few lines.
Mr. I P Smith, of near Macon,
was out visiting his daughter Miss
Clara Smith last Sunday
Mr. anti Mrs. T. L Harper spent
the afternoon with their brother
and sister Mr. and Mrs. J. T Duf
fey last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berry spent the
afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
'George H. Owen last Sunday.
Little Miss Georgia and Master
Paschal Smith were out visiting
relatives last, Sunday.
We was sorry to hear of Mr.
Boze Berry’s house gettingburnea
down one night last week.
Mr. and Mrs. S p Harper spent
theduy with Mr. and Mrs. George
H Owen Ihsl Sunday
Sunday School start* d at Turner
Church last Sunday, lets see if
everybody cant go next Sunday,
we will he delighted to have you
all attend iik eting at Turners
church next Sunday morning.
We are glad to say that Mrs.
Sallie Smith is improving.
There is going to be a singing at
Mr, Sam Sherwood’s next Saturday
night all of you young people he;
sure and go.
CJomer Berry went in a new 4
We are glad that Mr. Georire
Stansell is improving very fast
Mr. and Mrs. Chn-ance Dnffv.
silent the afternoon with his fa
ther and morher Sundav.
Well I will dropoff for this time
Read the legal ads in this issue.
Hampton, Thursday April 1
sixth, Friday * 2
Hippen, Monday »» 5
Stock bridge, Wednesday “ 7
Shakerag, Thursday “ 8
Brushy Knob, Friday ’ “
Loves Monday “12
Hampton, Thursday May <>
Sixth, Friday ** 7
Flippen, Monday •• ] q
•Stoekbridge, Tuesday •* 1 j
Shakerag, Wednesday “ 12
Brushy Knob, Thursday “ 12
Loves, Friday “ 14
McDonough Court-weeK, First Tuesdays and
Saturdays until books tire closed, June 25, 1909.
Tax Receiver Henry County.
McM idling, Tuesday April 13
Beersheba, Wednesday “ 14
Sandy Ridge Thursday “15
Tnssalmw, Jbriday “ l(i
Locust Grove, Monday May 3
Lowes, Wednesday “ 5
McMullens, Monday May 17
Beersheba. * TueidHy “ 18
Sandy Ridge Wednesday “ ID
Tnssahaw, Thursday “ 20
Locust Grove, Friday “ 2L
Lowes, Monday “ 24