Newspaper Page Text
OAL. L_ j
Ami let me fit yon with Glasses*
in the most modern way and the
latest styles.
Satisfaction guaranteed ! <
P. B. CHEEK, j
Jeweler anti Optieian, (
ncßonouglh, = Qa. !
g-j 1 to :{(>';j W. Mitchell St.
One lilt M-k I loin Terminal Station.
All Modern t onvenienees
WOOMs r>oC Tr>t; si oo I’BK day
jt).so, *2.<x), f 2.50 and SI.OO.
Atlanta, u.\. Atlanta Phonk 3255
It pays in deal with Mcl>imoii|{h
Vehicle Company.
Mr. J. .Tiles, of Richland, was
the guest of friends here Sunday.
Mr. Owen Clements, who has
been on an extended visit to homo
folks, left for Lyons on Tuesday
Mrs. A. H. Bonnipg, of Edge wood
has been the guest of Mrs. A. M.
Nolan this week. ,
Misses Ruby and Ruth Walker
and Miss Hattie Sue Lowe, who are
students at Cox College spent the
week-end with home tolks.
Mr. and Mrs. .). Q. Nolan, of At
lanta, were the guests of their
many friends here several days
last week.
Mr. A. J. Mason, of Sardis com
munity was a visitor in the city
first of the week and while here
paid the Weekly a pleasant visit.
Mrs. W. .1. McKibben and her
bright and interesting danghtt r,
Miss Anna McKibben, of Phillipi
were visitors in McDonough on
Mr. H. .1 Turner is rapidly hav
ing Tlxo workmen to complete a
handsome six room cottage just
eist of Judge Paul Turner's on
Keys ferry street.
Mr. J. V. Upohuroh will soon
have his new homo completed on
the Jonesboro road just west of the
Miss Lorah Allen, one of Stock
bridge's bright and attractive
young ladies, was the guest of Mrs.
J. M. Carmichael on Monday.
Mr. Carl C. Sloan, who is mak
ing a fine record at the Tech spent
several days at home first, of the
Miss Myrtle Ciements, who is
teaching school up near Stock
bridge spent Saturday and Sunday
with her parents.
ICE for SALE—Deliver
ed in any part of the city.
J. H. Jeffares.
Personal experieee with « tube of Man
zah Pile Remedy will convince you it is
immediate relief for all forms of Piles.
Can he applied directly to the affected
parts, reducing inflammation swelling
and itching. Guaranteed. Price 50c.
Sold by Horton Drug Co.
Pure refined cotton seed
oil for salads, dressings and
general use.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Mrs. W. S. Patrick, of Patrick’s
Pond, spent Sunday and Monday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
E. Clements.* Mr. Patrick came
up Monday and returned home
with her Monday afternoon.
The McDonjngh Drug Co. have
renovated their pntiro stock and
have sold at sacrafioe sale, given
away and destroyed all old and
questionable drugs and now have
on hand a complete stock of new
medicines and etc. Con.e and in
spect their new store and prescrip
tion Dept.
Protect your dwelling
against tornados or storms
only $4.00 per 1,000 for
three years.
3t M. C. LOW.
Mr. G. W. Morris, of Brnshey
Knob, was in the city yesterday.
Miss Laura£mitb spent Sunday
with home folks at Flovilla.
New tilings in millinery. Call
and see them.
Walker-Turner Co.
Misses Elon Tcllesdn and Bess
Fouche were the guests of friends
at Locust Grove on Tuesday.
Miss lone Price, of Flippen, was
the guest of her many friends here
first of the week.
For oxfords ties, sandals
and pumps go to
T. A Sloan & Go’s.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Berry re
tnrntd Sunday from a visit to
friends at Jonesboro.
Mr. Ruben Berry, of Atlanta.
was the guest of homefolks first < f
the week.
Mr. Fred M. Allen of Jackson
was the guest of friends here on
Mrs C. A. Crossley and her son
Carlton Crossley, spent Tuesday at
Locust Grove.
Crossett and Queen Quality
shoes for ladies and men make life
walk easy.
Walker-Turner Co.
Mrs. B. F. Davis, and her daugh
ter, Miss Floy Davis, of Locust
Grove, were the guests of Mrs. C.
A. Crossley Wednesday.
Mr. J. C. Harris, returned
Thursday from Macon where lie
went to attend the meeting of the
Grand Chapter of Royal Arch
Masons. •
Miss Maude Smith, of Barnes
ville, was the guest of her sister,
Mrs. T. J. Brown for the week-end.
She spent Sunday with home‘folks
at Flovilla.
(’apt. W. F. Smith, avlio has been
with his son. Dr. J. G. Smith, for
treatement for several weeks, hag
returned to his home at Flovilla
much improved.
New things arriving in
millinery, ribbons, ladies
shirt waists, jabots, belts,
hair barrettes and dress
1 goods.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Miss Elizabeth Rodgers, return
ed Monday from Milledgeville,
| where she had been to attend a
j missionary meeting of the woman’s
! missionary society of itlxe Metho
dist church at this place.
Bees Laxative Cough Syrup is guaran
teed. This is because we know what it
will do and want to convince you. It is
especially recommend* d for children as it
is pleasant to take and is gently laxative.
For eonghs, colds, croup, hoarseness,
whooping cough. Price 26c, 50c and SI.OO.
Sold by Horton Drug Co.
Rev. W. W. Arnold, Mr. E. M.
Copeland and Mr. H. .T. Copeland
I attended the educational Confer
ence at Liocust Grove Tuesday and
report a magnificent time, and a
most profitable day.
DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers, gentle, easy
pleasant, small little liver pills. Sold by
Horton Drug Co.
“Joe Brown, Jr.,” has taken up
headquarters with Postmaster O.
B. Dailey, of Flippen, and this gen
ial young man lias been receiving
the hearty congratulations of his
hosts of friends for the past sev
eral days.
Just received lot of the
newest things in summer
dress goods.
T. A. Sloan & Co’s
Mr. and Mrs. W. .T. Sloan, of At
lanta, spent Monday with Mr. J.
L. Atkinson and family.
Miss Lncile Payne, who is teach'
ing school at Rex, was the charm
ing guest of Miss Eunice Tarpley
on Sunday.
Every element ot both style
and quality is to be found in
“Shield Brand”
It appeals, most forcibly, to
those who recognize the im
portance of these two features
and is a revelation to those
who do not.
As a matter of business,
in connection with any other
clothing, sold at seven prices
within the range ol
and be guided bv the same
principles as when making
any other investment, and you
will buy “SHIELD BRAND” ev
ery time.
H. J. Copeland Mer. Co.
McDonough, 6a.
Phone 25.
We are showing newest
creations in ladies’ head
wear. Call and see them.
T. A. Sloan & Co.
Col. W. E. H. Searcy, Sr., is at
tending Henry superior court at
McDorfough, the criminal docket
of which was taken up yesterday
morning. Griffin News.
SAWING.—We are prepared to
do your sawing, cutting and haul
ing timbers, etc. for terms, etc,
call on
H. H. Austin & C. L. Bartlett.
Rt. 4. McDonough, Ga.
Charles L. Edwards, who is at
present located in McDonough,
spent Sunday at Experiment with
his parents, Mr. Mrs. R. J. Ed
wards. Griffin News.
Miss Lucy Reagan, who is a
student of Agnes Scott College at
Decatur, spent the week-end with
home folks. She had as her guests
two of her class mates, Miss Ila
Williams, of Fayetteviville, N. C.,
and Miss Julie. Thompson, of Cov
Mr Tom Payne, one of Jasper's
staunch and successful farmers,
has been the guest of his hosts
of Henry county friends this week.
Mr. Q, R. Nolan, of Oxford, spent
first of the week at home.
A marriage that occasioned quite
a surprise to the many friends of
the contracting parties, was that
of Miss Eddie Claud McDonald and
Mr. Roy Turner, which occurred at
the home of Rev. J. E England, on
last Friday night at 8.30 o'clock,
Mr. England officiating, Mr. H.
C. Russell accompanied the couple
and witnessed the happy event.
Both are members of tw ? o of Henry
county’s oldest and most promin
ent families and they have the
best wishes of a large circle of
friends, who extend to them con
gratulations for a long and happy
Mr. J. M Avery, of near Ellen
wood, was a visitor at eburt Wed
When you take K< tlnl, the food you have
eaten will be digested naturally, regular
ly and promptly, ami in this way
gives the stepnaeii a chance to regaiu its
lost strength and health, and after a lit
tle while you need not take Koriol longer
but take it while you do need it and if it
fails to lietielit you your monev will he re
funded to you. It is sold by Horton Drug
< at.
Funeral Directors and Embalmers.
Day Phone ,\o. .-,1 Night Phone No. 52
All calls answered promptly day or night.
All embalming carefully done and according tc best methods
Our stock of metal and wood caskets and robes are unequalled.
Our services, hearses and equipment, are the best to be had.
Wo furnish the best steel, brick or cement Vaults.
RiMon Strain
s. c. white; leghorns.
Ihe precocity of a fen weeks’ old Leghorn Cockerel is astonishing to one not
familiar with him. At this age we are able to distinguish many of the important
qualities, such as the shape, point and seneting of the comb, color of eyes, ear bobes,
etc., shape of body, neck, beak and head, length of legs and hack and the carriage of
the tail, besides he is full feathered with the exception that his sickles, coverts and
l' a< bles ,u e not fullj grown. ± o sum it all up wefhave a perfect bird in minature in
our One Pound Leghorn Cockerel, at this age he is in perfect physical condition, goes
to roost like his “Pop" and knows how to crow. Take him home, care for him, give
him range and see how he will grow and develope.
In quoting you our prices we beg to say they are not confidential, tell your
friends and neighbors—don’t be ashamed because the price looks cheap—you have a
lord of quality, our “Profit Payer” his mother was “Profit Payer" and his daughters
wili make 'Trofit Payers,’ that’s the way we have bred them. These prices vou can
afford, they have value—great value.
Ten weeks’ old cockerel SI.OO each.
“ “ “ pullets 1.25 “
Eggs $3, and $5 per 15.
White Feather Farm,
B. M. WEEMS, Prep., Luella, Ca. j
Our motto for 14 years has been—not how cheap hut how good our
Vehicles are built for the man who believes the best is the cheapest,
in the long run experience teaches that cheap buggies are the most
EXPENSIVE' If you agree with us on this point ask your
dealer to show you a NORMAN. We believe today we build the best
bttggy Georgia, and want you to know it. Built on correct propor
tions of best material, beautifully designed and finely finished. Top
Buggies, Runabouts and Stanhopes. If your local dealer cannot sup
ply you, write direct to
NORMAN BUGGY CO., Inc., CrfTin, Ca-
Wedding Gifts that Delight the Bride.
In selecting a gift for the bride you naturally wish to choose
something that will please her now and bring pleasan't thoughts of the
giver for yaars to come. We can help you do this, as we are special
ists in wedding gift wares and spend much time and thought in select
ing articles tha* will be most suitable for the occasion.
We are therefore continent that you will find just the right thing at
Wheat 5 Feet High!
That is the height of a six acre
piece of wheat T. C. Kelley lias
at his home at Kelleystown—and
if no disaster befalls it will make
some 45 to 50 bushels to the acre
at the least, end if every thing is
favorable lie mill male more.
It will pay any farmer to raise
his own wheat —ar.d while this is
an extra fine field, yet there are
many acres in this county that
will make far more than if it were
planted in cotton and at much less
Card of Thank}
As chairman of the Program
committee for memorial day I wish
to thank these of my committee
who worked so harmoniously with
me in arranging for the exercises.
And to the speakers, the minis'
tors, the young ladies amK gentle
men who did the singing and to
every one who in any way aided
in any way I sincerely tl ank.
Mrs. E. J. Reagan.