Newspaper Page Text
Leading Undertaker.
A , \ **,’£,*"* .v ! i*" <&*4
' .iV *'
", •- ' •' “JI :: a —.-: v- 'hi ,; {
• •■• r \
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
Careful and polite attention given all
funerals entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to lutest
and most improved methods.
Newest aim myst up to date equipment.
Call answered promptly day and night.
Phone HO.
McfH)NO(*(i}f. GA
Office over Star Store.
McDonough, Ga,
.1. V. rot t in:. I’tihlislior.
It. 1,. .JOHNSON Id I tor.
"Entered at the postofßc* at McDob
Wiirh. aa second class mall matter.
A4y«rt!slng Rates: |1 00 per lack
fir month. Reduction on staadlag
»•■•rf.rtctfl by special agreement.
|C j»p«sr ———■ —-Tie " "f**,r.""" ". '" •'•
M'D mongh, Ga , April 30 r fit Op.
Well us the Stockbridg© news
hasn't appear'd in the Weekly for
sort • time, I can come again. I
don't know whv tin v quit writing
hs t his is a jelly little town. We
on-r’it to lm ( a letter in the Wea k
l.y every week.
We nre having »i lot <>f ruin, the
fai'TVMV* nre nil getting u Intft start
»ivon;;<l here on account of the Wet
weather. _
Mr. B. Ward, the v sm , cessfill
stock dealer, hud quit for the sou
son lmt the farmers kept coming
t<> him for mules and lie wanttd to
accommodate them so lie got in
another cai lust week.
Mr. Richard Morris from G win
nett county, was visiting relatives
here last week.
Mr. Tom Walden from Atlanta,
w. shoc 1 hst Saturday.
Mr. 'Pom .Johnson /Tom Atlanta,
was here on business last wiek
Mrs S, A. Leo spoilt last Friday
with her son,' Mr. and Mrs. Boh
Messrs .K<hn Bonner and Grady
Morris were here lust Satnulay.
Messrs, .loe Sanders, Richardson
L‘o Claral'ce Clark, 1* L. Milam.
J. E. I *e, Oliver Ellis wcreallhere
from f'ekur Bluff, Ala., the guests
of home folks l ist Sunday.
Messrs F. L. Mays, Hugh Askew
li. A. Mitchell are still utir mail
carriers from Stoc’^bridge.
George Brown from the railroad
was here SAturdav night and Sun
day with home folks.
The rock quarry near here has
boon shut down the past week on
account of some machinery being
broken, but have leccived some
now maelmery ami are at work
again. x
Wo are expecting a nice time at
vir S. li. S. commencement April
T!0, as the children have been well
trained by the teachers.
Mr. C, Hanell whs at home
lust week suffering from an acci
dent happened to him on the rail
road near Atlanta.
Mrs. Andrew Marker, of Atlanta
was the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. E. Cartoll, Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. Lcn Wilson from Atlanta,
was the guest li mie folks near
this place.
i \
dlrs E igenia Carroll, of Atlanta
nt a short while here Wednes
day, the guest- of relatives.
Miss >s Lds and Fh y Gillie t. of
Hope* 11, were her Moncav p. in.
Mrs. G "irtre Br ttrn went to At
j lanta shopping Tuesday.
We are going to have something
more convenient in onr little town
this summer than we ever had be
fore in an ice storage that A. W.
Mays will handle ice here, after
May Ist.
Mr. and Mrs. will Conkle, of At
lanta. spent Snnday ami Monday
with relatives near here.
Mr. Mercer Lee, of Atlanta, was
visiting relatives here gnnday and
Messrs, w. C. Milam and family
A. w. Mays and family attended
the fnneral, of Mrs,. John Shettles
worth at McDonongh last Monday.
Henry Stewart was the gnest at
Stockbridge last Monday, we were
all glad to see him,
Mrs A. H. Swan will intertain
the yonngpeople with a candy pul
ling Saturday.
Col. Barge and family, of At
lanta, are the guest other parnents
Mr, and Mrs J. w. Clark this week.
Mrs. w. A. Stephens, of Jones
boro, was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. R. EL Lee last Friday.
Messrs, w. F. Grant, w. O Milam,
J. C. made a business trip
to Atlanta Tuesday.
i Mr. B. L. w.ilden, of Forest Park.
was here on bui mass last T lesdsiv.
W(dl I will closh far this time
with best wishes to all.
Be it Di-J.iiiiwl by tiie Mnyur ;.ntl cl y
Ooutleil ef thp city of Melh,m,li h, and
it is hereby enaetiol by the authority of
the - time, that on nndafter May 15th 1909
all ilogs must lx- kept off the streets of tin
city of Me Den (nigh, or else mint be mi-z
z.h-d (so tiiat if :t vicious deg, he will be
peifectly harmless) and tht marahall tire
inst ructed to kill all dogs on the streets
ti n nut/.;,led.
l-’nr Oifensission.
Georirla, Henry County.
\A . A..and W. J . Smith, Executors,upon
the estate of \\ . f. Smith, deceased, late
of said county, having lilt il their petition
for discharge, this is to cite all persons
eorce-'lied to show cause against the grunt
ing of this dischargeiit the regular term of
the court of Ordinary for said county to he
hi Id on the First Monday in AL.v 1909
This March tilth 1909.
A. Ci . Harris, Ordinary
• X
I"or all ot the above points,
and many others,
a {lords most convenient
schedules ever ollcred.
Through Pullman
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars on all through
T tains
For further intbrmati >n ad
A. G. P. A. T. P. A.
Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga.
Relieve lnci£-st.on and Stomach Troubles.
To the Qua lifted Vote is of tliei ity ot Hamp
tou, Henry count}’, Georgia:
Pursuant to an ordinance duly anti unan
imously adopted by tile Mayor anU Coun
cil of the City of Himpton, Henry county,
>t«te of Georgia, on the til th day of April
1909, you are hereby notified that on the
tenth day of May, 1900, ;ui election will lie
lield in said city at which will i>e submitted
for your determination the question
whether (Kinds shall lie issued by said city
to tiie amount of SIO,OOO for the purpose of
erecting, installing and equipping a sys
tem of Electric Lights and Water Works
in and for said city.
Said S2O.(Jt*T of “Electric Eights and
Water Works Bonds" shall bear date the
lirst day of July, 1909,, shall tie in denomi
nation of SI,OOO each, shall bear interest at
rate of live per cent, per annum, payable
senii-annualij on the lirst day of January
and .July of each yeai as hereinafter stated
The principal and interest thereon shall
be pay a lie in gold coin of the United
.States of the present standard of weight
and fineness, at some lunik in the city of
New York and State of New York. The
principal of siid bonds shall be payable as
follows: SI,OOO on the first day of July,
lIMO and sl,oooon the first day of July
thereafter toand including 1989, when said
Electric Eights and Water W orks Bonds
shall he fully paid off and discharged.
The interest of said electric lights and wa
ter vorks bonds will le its follows: To
the first day of July. 1910, and to the first
day of July each year thereafter to and in
cluding 1920, thesuni of SI,OOO, and to the
first day of July. Util, s9so;and to the first
day of July. 1922, $900; .and to the (ie-»t day
of July. 1928. and to the first day of
j July, 1924. $500; and to the first day of July.
1925, $750; and to the first day of July, 1920
i $700; and to the first day of .July. 19127. $050:
: ami to the first day of Jiily, lids, ir.oo; and
to the first day of July, ngo. $550; and to
! the flint day of July. >9BO. $5,00; and to the
1 first day of July. )98|. - 150; and to the first
1 day of July. HB2, s4on: and to tne first dny
|of July. 1' 18. $850: a dto the first day of
July. 1984. y.J o; and tilth first dry of July
955. $250; and so the first day of July, 19: r,
**.'oo: and tothef! ",-t d .y of ..mly, 1987. ?lsh:
and to»he first day ot July. 1.9:.5. and i
to the firsi .d.ay of July. It 89. SSO.
When “»id interest hall be paid oIT and
discharged and 1 1 ' intern-t shall be divi
hied into two eat tl tans aid be paid emu
' ttjene’.ng on the . -t day of .Ui r vafv. t .'lu.
| and t hereafter, sn i at.anally on :he first
day of julv and th first day of January for
h-ach of said years t and including Jttlv
first. 115,9
1 la money nrisin from the sale of said
1 bonds in event thjit >at e 1 e authorized to
I e hsut d in find bv said <■’ ct son shall fir
is d **i*i* the- pnt;a -e :>r which said bonds
were is .tied and for noo ; itrj 0.-vw hat
si ever.
T e said eft rtion-hail b. In Id on (lie
' day herein namedat til- place of l.oidins-r
cl, ctiom* for Mayor a ml ( oun jlmett iti said
city and undertlie same i ni, < a’»d regula
t ions chat eh ct 5 ns for Mayer a rid c ittncil
lii'ii for aid ( ity at- l iM and as ,-r e new
1 required fi releetiens of Mayorand C»)in ed
The book for i-egistrati- a of vo-ris qn:,b
i fieil to vote will be opem dby the clerk an •'
Treasurer at his of 5-p in tin* said city - m
the twentietli day of April, 1999. and will
i lie kept openly him each day. Sundays
excepted, during t he hours of evrht a. m.,
| to three p. m.. until ami including the
thirtieth day of April, 1909, when said bonk
f shall be dost d
Only those wlio are only qualified and
registered voters of the City of Hampton
si-all be allowed to vote at said election.
The polls shall! e open, d on said date at,
the Council Chamber in 'be said city at
seven a. in..and closed at six p. the
i same being the usual place for holding
elections in said city.
Those desiring to vote in favor of the is
spjiuee of the said $20,000 of “Electric
Eights and Waterworks Bonds” shall do
so bv casting ballots having- written or
orbited thereon the words “For S2iUHtO
ElectricEichtsand Water Works Bonds ’’
'lhosedesit-ii’ir to vote against the ftiO.Ont)
ot electric lights and wafer works bonds
si-all do so hr eastinarl allots having writ
ten or printeil tbepcon the words “A gainst
s--loTviai Electric Eights and Water Works
' Bonds.”
w. S Oavi-' M ayoi\
W. A North,
Attest f. Ci. FTKi.ns.
J M. Tarpi.ex. Clerk aqd Treasurer.
\ Good l-’rlend in l ime of Need
No onecan have a lietter friend when
troubled with colic, or diarihoea than
i Chamberlain's C-dic Chole-a and Diar
rhoea Remedy. Tt always cures. For
sale ' y Borneo f'o
Weak Kidneys
Backache. La % jo
and RheumciLism
immediately relieved by
Delays are dangerous. There
is no more common complaint
than Kidney complaint.
rsTCv. Nature always
gives due warn-
AY ing and failure to
1 heed same may
'J" resu l* in Diabetes,
\ f ' ¥ Lumbago, Bright’s
iJr Disease, or some other
"Jr serious affection of the
Kidneys. A trial will
J* convince you they
jf\ are unequaled. Pine
\ ules are quickly ab-
\ sorbed and readily
CV; / but naturally elimin
fj( i ate poisons due to dis
/ft / organed condition ot
{ Kidneys and Bladder.
They purify the blood
and are a tonic to the
entire system. Do not suffer from
Backache, Lumbago, Rheumatism
cr Kidney and B’adder trouble
when you can get Pir.eules,
Tvo sires. tl TO and 50 cents. The dollar size
co.-.taias 2$ times as much as the 50 cent size.
Pineub Medicine Company
Chicago, U. S. A.
FuH slock now readv for use.
We are handling the only Gen=
nine Texas Diverse Cultivators in
this section, this is the plow that
can be made into many plows.
We carry a full line of extra
teeth, fenders and bolts.
Specia! prices on plows, Terrell
Scrapes and Sccvil Hoes.
See our goods and get our prices
before you buy.
Very truly,
H. J. Copeland Mer. Co.,
McDonough, - Ga.
PI-ION b No. 25.
Hampton, T hart-day April 1 McMnllins, Tuesday April 13
‘- th ’ ~ Beersliebti, W’edntsday “ 14
Flippen, Monday “ 5 ~ . _
Stockbrid-e, Wednesday “ 7 Sh,u] - v R,d S e Thursday “15
Shakerafr. Thursday “ g ! Tnssaliaw, Friday “ 16
•Brushy Knob, Friday “ 9 j Locust Grove, Monday May 3
Loves Monday “ 12 Lowes, Wednesday “ 5
i IcDonough Coiurt-wecK, First Tuesdays and
Saturdays until books are closed, June 25, 1909.
Jl Tax Receiver Henry County.
f Messrs. Fred Walkt r uml Elbert
Parr, of Locnst Grove, were visit
ors here Sunday.
Mrs. C. T Ziehry, of Decatur,
who spent the winter in Florida,
\yas the guest of friends and re
latives here this week as she was
en route hi me.
„ Z&M 37, F & A M
1 J liKo ' N * N » M
i \ Rt)gu ui' j.u i>i Fri-
J oil* tul. p. 111.
Personal Mention
AZINE has come back to
town on a visit, after nearly
two weeks’ absence. He
says he hopes to stay quite
a while with a number of
the best families; he brings
with him a lot of new
stories —good ones ; his
health is much improved.
TheU. D. C’s. made quite a suc
cess of their restaurtnl Spain 1} is
week, netting ti t m quite a neat
snm for the monument fund. The
local chapter is untiring in their
labels and they now have almost
half the amount to pay for the
shaft to be placid on the court
Lonse square.
For the past sixteen yean- I have i>een
in McDonough engaged in the blacksmith
: *iul repair business, except the past four
years, when 1 was coiintcttd with the Mc-
Donough Buggy Co.
Now 1 have returned to in» old line of
work of running a general blacksmith
and repair shop. Horse shoeing, repair
ing of wagons buggies, farm tools and im
plements. ir fact any tiling of a repair ua
i lire will he done pioinj ly and sat is fact o
!r' by me.
I "ant to thank each and everycnewho
has patronized me in the past, and I
wan toassurc all my old friends that a
cint .uance of their patrol ape will heap
piec c.ed and 1 always m..i d readv to
give hi the best in my sla ii rni' your
Joel Bankston,