The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 30, 1909, Image 6

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Rain, Rain, Rain !
Miss Nettie Peterson, of Atlanta,
visited home people Saturday und
Mr. Oscar Conkle, of Stockbridge
and Miss Emma Haynes, of this
place, were happily married Bun
day p. m. at the home of the brides
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hayes. Rev.
Anderson officiating; we extend
our best wishes for their future
The sad news reached here to
day (Monday) of the death of Mrs,
John Shettlesworth formely of
this place, but now of McDonough,
Mrs Shettlesworth had scores of
friends hero that will be sorely
grieved to hear of her death, we
extend onr heart felt sympthy to
her dear children and loved ones
May God ever protect each one of
Mr. Z '<l Polk, of Macon, is stop
pin" with his brother Mr. ('ary
Polk for a few day.
Mr. George Chafin and family
visited Mr. Emmett Clarke a short
while Sunday p. m.
Mr. Waytnan Sneed and little
sister Jewell, of Conley, visited
Kirs. Pope Saturday and Sunday
Mrs. Mollle Clarke is on the sick
list this v. t k.
There recently arrived at the
hone- of fr. and Mrs. John Barton
a little stand son, it being the se
cond heir of Mr, and Mrs. Roll
Pn< t:
M ssrs John Barton, Obed and
Job nie Pope went to Atlanta Sat
nrd i y.
Kirs L. R, Clarke visited Mrs.
Batomar. Clarke Saturday p. m.
M<iS •'>ugh cures dint cold cures an* eon
stlp og, especially t hose that coe'ains
opiates. Kennedy's La<utive Con9)l Syr
up i ''ret* from all opiates and it cures the
cold by gently moving the bowls and at
the same time it soothes irritation of the
throat'and lungs and in that, way stops
tin* cotiirh. It is especially recommended
for children, as it tastes nearly as good as
maple sugar. We sell and recotumed it.
Horton Drug Co.
Stockbridge —The Easter egg
bunt given by Mrs William Ward
Wednesday afternoon complimen
tary to her guest, little Miss Helen
Woodward, of Atlanta, was a most
delightful occasion for the little
folks. Mrs. ward was assisted by
her sister, Miss Willie Eve and
Master William Ward. Delicious
ic'*s and cakes were served. Those
present, wore Miss Lucy Ward, Miss
Claudino Henderson, Miss Ida
Pearl Grant. Miss Annie Maxie
Bony. Masters Brannan Ward,
Jac'; Ward and Abner Ward.
Miss Willie Eve left Friday for
her homo at Keysville.
Miss Mary Hightower returned
homo Saturday.
Mr. Emmett Carroll and son A 1
Yin, visited Atlanta last week.
There will bo a kiteken party at
the borne of Mrs. Augustus Swann
in the afternoon and evening of
Mae l for the benefit of the U I).
C. library.
Mr Horace P, Hawkins spent
the week end here.
The readers of tins paper will he pleased
to learn t lint them is at least one dread dis
ease that science has be**n able to cure in
all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s
Cu e is the only positive cure now Known
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires aconst’i
tutional treatement. Hall’s Catarrh Cure
is taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem , hereby destroying the foundation of
the disease, and giving the patient streng
th '>y building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in itscura
tiv powers that they offer One hundred
d d’.irs for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J.Chkxnky &c ', ToledoO.
.- IdoyaH Druggists. 75c.
~ke Hall’s Family Fills for constipa
Weekly office-2 for 5 cent* —sl
c nts dozen.
In Memoriam.
On the 19 day of May 1908 the
death angel visited the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Nail and took
from them their dear little darling
Imho Fannie Corene. She had
been sick for some time but death
was so unexpected at that moment.
Grieve not fond parents, for she
is only asleep. Oh how sad it is to
give her up, but strive on and up
ward for she is waiting for mother
father and sisters. And he ye
ready to meet her in that bright
mansion above, where there is ro
more sorrow nor tears. Oh how
we miss her sweet little prattle,
and bright eyes. All that loving
hands and kind physicians did for
her, could not stay the death an-
gel away.
Farewell little Fannie Corene,
Thou art sleeping in Jesus ;
Weeping ones in sad bereave
“Book tome” the Saviour said,
For the loved ones only sleeping,
In the city of the dead.
Over in that blissful Eden,
In the home beyond the skies,
It will he a tappy meeting
When from death we shall arise.
When our life work all is over,
Tho’ in tombs our forms shall be,
In the morn of resurrection,
We shall gather by and bye.
When we reach the blessed
On the bright celestial shore ;
Wo shall dwell in heavenly man
Reunited ever more, yes, over
Written by one that loved her,
We know of nothing better for cuts,
burns, bruises, scratches, or in fact any
I Siiiig where salve is needed. I han DeWitt's
Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. It is es
pecially good for piles. We sell and rec
ommend it. Horton Drug Co.
(Last, week’s letter.)
To day (Sunday) is liko good old
Summer time.
Mrs. C. V. Henley is on the sick
list hut we hope to see her out
again soon.
Bro. Drewry failed to he here
Saturday but was on time Sunday
and preached an interesting ser
mon to a good large congregation.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davis, of
Hampton, attended pleaching here
Miss Ester Head is wirh her aunt
Mrs. C. V. Henley. t
Mr. M. F. Harrison is having his
new residence painted which adds
much to its looks.
Mrs. B F. Thompson is visiting
her daughter Mrs. Lnm Goodman
this week.
Dr R L. Crawford is having a
phone put in at his boarding house
at Mr O. L. Well’s. Mr. H. H.
Greer is doing the work.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Turner, of
Hampton spent Sunday with the
latter’s sister, Mrs. W. H. Bailey.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C Hopkins on
their way home to Woodbnrry
spent Sunday night with the lat
ter’s sistei, Mrs. R. W. Boynton.
Farmers had to stop their work
this pretty weather and go to court.
Dr. R L Crawford and Miss Lu
cy Moore were out riding Sunday
Mrs. W. H. Bailey, Mrs. Charley
Robertson and Miss Birdie Barham
went to Griffin one day last week
Dr. R L. Crawford went to Jack
son one day last week.
One lot near Southern Depot 4( x
100—on which there is a seed house
and coal yard—Located on side
track will be sold first Tuesday, in
May before the court house door
at the usual hour of sale. One
third cash balance in three and six
months 8" 0 .
Kimbell & Kinard.
Mrs. Lucy Elizabeth McKibben
Sandifer was born near Phillippi
Church in Henry county Ga., May
17, 1861. where she resided all her
life till two years ago when she
moved to Locust Grove.
Where after a brief illness she
died the 6th day of April 1909, in
the 18th year of her age, and in
the midst of a large concourse of
sorrowing relatives and friends
was consigned to her last earthly
resting place at County Line in
But ts Counts’, on April 7th - After
an appropriate funeral conducted
by Dr. B. D. Ragsdale. She was
the only daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Andrew Jackson McKibben, both
of whom proceeded her to the
great beyond.
She was happily married to J.
J. Sandifer Dec. 12, 1876, who with
four of the eight children born to
them survives her namely.— Mrs,
Martha Jane Moore, Mrs. Atha
Childs, Miss Rosa Sandiser. She
had four brothers, two of whom
survives her Messrs. Joshua and
Jackie McKibben.
She joined the Baptist church at
Phillipi in lier girlhood, and lived
a consistent and useful member us
long as health permitted. She
loved her church and Sunday
Sch< ol and was ever ready and
willing to work for the cau e e of
She had been afflicted for sever
al years, at times it seemed, that
her pain was more than sin* eould
bear, although, site bore her suf
fering with patience and was al
ways submissive to his will. Des
pite all that medical skill and lov
ing hands could do Jesus saw tit
to call her to her home above.
A devoted wife, affectionate
mother, kind Iriet d ai d obliging
neighbor lias passed from times
troublesome coast, to the shining
shore of eternity, where gates of
pearl, jasper walls and streets of
gold abound. Where everlasting
spring abides, and joyous notis
Aunt Lucy, good, bright and
No one on earth above her,
Pure in heart as angels were.
To know her was to love her.
Her niece,
Anna McKibben.
When the baby is cross and has you wor
riod ami worn out’you will find that a
little cascasweet. the well known remedy
for babies and children, will quiet the lit
tle one in a short time. The ingredients
are printed plainly on the bottle. Con
tains no opi ites. Sold by Horton Drug
First. Grade
May Childs, 913 1-3, Lawson
Moore, 98 1-3, Dessa Jenkins, 95.
Second Grade
Vanie Tingle, 98 3-4 Carlie Jinks
97 1-16.
Third Grade
Nellie Ingram, 96 7-8, Worthey
Crumbley, 95 13-16.
Fourth Grade
Alice McKibben, 90 17-20.
Fifth Grade
Georgia McLibben, 85 11-24.
Sixth Grade
Lillian Ingram, 88 5-8, Agnes
Bearden, 90 3-7.
Seventh Grade
Irene McKibben, 88 3-8, Eva
Kimbell, 98,
Addie Hunter, Teacher.
will save the dyspeptic from many
days or misery, and enable him to eat
whatever he wishes. They prevent
cause the food to assimilate and nour
ish tne body, give keen appetite,
and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar
Take No Substitute.
; . . _S ■' Vil'lt '..*l'
• .- >n r c P»T)ti m
AVegetable Preparation forAs
simila ling theFoodantlßc gula
ling (lie Stomachs andßoweisof
Infants /C hildreft
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- :
ness and Rest. Contains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narcotic.
UrtyrofOldDrSM’ELPnum ■
Pumpkin Sccd~
JHx.Scnua *■ l
Bochclle Salts- l
M'se Seed * l
Peppermint- > i
BiCamnabSma* j
VArm Seed- I
Clarified Sager •
hmiuyreen Hurrr. I
Apcrfcct Remedy forConsfip-i
lion, Sour Stomach, D tarrhoea;
Worms .Convuk:o as .feverish- :
ness and Less GF SlkE?-
Facsimile Signature of j!
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Closing Exercises
FRIDAY, APRIL 30th, 1909
M nsic t
Recitation - Miss Leslie Pair
Recitation ........ Miss Carrie Riley
“Pride,” - - - Misses Maggie Lee Dailey and Grace Love
Recitation ...... Miss Fannie Kate Burch
Recitation Master Howard Love
Dialogue—“Backward Glance —Mr. Glass, Misses Erannan ar.d Love
Recitatior .... Misses Mattie Riley and Rosezelle Pair
Recitation Miss Willie Mag G*lass
Recitation Miss Lois Brannan
Recitation Miss Carrie Love
Dialogue—“A Rebuff” - - Miss Owen, Misses Glass, Misses
Fields, Misses Palmer and Brannan
Pantomime ........ Miss Mary Love
Dialogue—“Quanelsome Servants”—Messrs. Biatnan, Glass ai cl Burch
Dialogue—“The Appointment”—Misses Brannan, Love and Fields
Recitation Miss Emma Palmer
Recitation—“ The Seasons” - Misses Owen, Glass, Fields and Glass
Recitation ......... Miss Mary Love
Recitation ....... Miss Maggie Lee Dailey
Music '
Dialogue—“Slow ’Beau and Fast ’Beau”
Miss Love, Messrs. Dailey and Burch
The Success of any Financial Institution
May be accurately gauged by the measure of liberality with which its patrons are
treated, consistent with the soundness and stabiliiy that must underlie any institu
tion aiming at the perfect confidence of a community.
Standing upon this platform since our organization, we have kept it it mind
and observid it, and the remarkable success this hank has experience d in its twelve
years of existence proves that our business policy is giving wide spre ad satisfaction,
and our aim is to make and keep this bank active, progressive, strong and in the
fullest and best sense, an up to-date institution. We believe in observing andeem
plying with the banking laws.
Our directors are live, successful, self-made business men who take pride ii
directing the affairs of this bank, and with ample capital and resources tor handling
all business iu-the line of commercial banking, we guarantee to our patrons promp
and reliable service and a diligent effort to meet tlieir financial requirements, am
upon the merit of our strong position and successful record, we solicit your busines
assuring you that your needs will be our specialty.
\\ e have always made it a rule to take caie of our customers whose busines*
and balances have been satisfactory, so when you sell your cotton, d< posit your mo
ey with us, where it will ’oe kept safe, and paid back to you when you want it, ar*
t hen if you should need a little more money to finish up your crop, we are prepared
to let you have it. \V r e want your business, and will do our best to please, if yi*-
will give us a showing. Come to see US when in town.
Your friends, f*
The Bank of Henry County »
• J. B. DICKSON, Cashier. jo
900 Drops
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the £,
Signature / Ajl
\jp In
Ay* tj S 6
1/ For Over