The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 30, 1909, Image 7
Summers Buggies Have earned an enviable reputation for their Excellence cv Quality and Fairness of Price. L° n £ experience, splendid equipment and unsurpassed facilities have combined to produce a line of buggies of un usual merit. Summers Buggies have a record all over the territory. There is a wearing power back of them that cannot be de fined. They are beautiful in design, strongly constructed elegantly finished, best material, run light and cost you but very little more than other makes. We vvill be very glad to show you our hne of Buggies, Harness and Top Rohes. We want your patronage. 1 H rnrmiiPßQQl k. u* yctiiilßuiidbl & dfel GREENWOOD Mrs, Bogne Snwvil and family visited Mr. Ike Sowell smd family Monday. Mrs. Bailer Steel and children visited hhr mother, Mrs. Hammons Monday Mrs. Elbert Copeland visited Mrs, Allen Rape Monday. Mr, George Alexander went np to McDonough Monday afternoon. Mrs. B, B. Dingier has been on the sick list for the last four weeks .and she is no better at this writ ing. Mr. Qzier Copeland visited his brother Monday night. Mrs. Jasper Pendley visited Mrs, J , L. Alexander Saturday, Charley Griddle was a visitor in dreenwood Monday. Rosco Morris was out riding Sunday afternoon. Chicken pox has about played out around here now, Miss Carrie Sue Fields is visit ing her aunt, Mrs. Mitchell, of Sunny Side, for the last few days. i » i tti 'I- -•[ [if i - t r.y■.c.fttv-aoY. 'mmumisi m ‘ds'Jfj 4 L-rif tf jj iJASjV *^*2|VaiCS 00 R 44 OLDS r Triri i’:*nr w.i ji m AUTHBOAT>* rnowm 3 jpjwuu: j*-*? jufanazjzv **• • ms.ts w.’ • yr 'J GUARANTEE# SATfSEACTOtitS h . 0>? MQAJEV NEEUr/a fa. j T—.CTTHI. -n ..- - . tsi - V • Something to Interest You. We have a large Hoe of Dry Goods and Gro ceries which we offer at a Price that will inter est You; Come and see us at once and get our prices Especially in Shoes, Clothing and Odd Pants. We are agents for one of the largest tailoring firms of the country, and have a large line of sarocles. C 3IVI £ AND LET U 3 Fir YOU UP WITH ONE OF THESE NOBBY T \YLORED SUITS. Phone 7 VV- B. J, f SNI G HAjVI 00, McDono, Qa. PROGRESS. Cotton planting started hut rain stopped it for a while. Mrs. J. F. Johnson was the guest of Mi’s B. O. Fields last Friday evening. Mrs. G. m. Adamson and two lit tle children Mary and Ola visited .Mrs. R W. Exum Monday evening. ! Kir. Leroy Strickland and Jord Johnson spent Sunday in Dutch town the guest of Mr. John Oaks, Jr, | W. N. Strickland was on the ’ grand jury last week and is still j on this week. Misses Virginia Freeman and Estelle Alexander were in Me- I | Donough Saturday, j Mrs J w\ Foster visited Mrs. iR, w Exum last Thursday. Mrs. Exum has a very sick chi d ; we are glad to know that he is bettt r we hope to see him well few days. w, J Owen spent Saturday and Sunday in the Cate City the guest of friends. Mr and Mrs. Roe Alexander vis ifed the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Alexander Sunday. S. S. was rained out here Sun i day guess it was at other places ; Wo. Miss Lizzie Davis returned to Flippen Friday after a weeks visit here the guest of relatives. Miss Estel] Alexander spent Sun day with her grand parents aid uncle, Mr. H, C. Alexander and family. Mr. Stewart Adamson, of Rex, was down here Monday night the guest of relatives. Mrs. Dal ton McCollough and children were 6at visiting Monday p. m. Mrs. w. vr. Strickland spent Monday in Fiippon v\'iilithe Miss s Hoods. Little Miss Maude Tidwell spent Sunday night here the guest of relatives. The singing at the home of Mr. J. w. Foster's was enjoyed by all present. Among those present were two of the Wilson b >vs and sister Miss Bettie, of Noah’s Ark ; and Miss Jeff Burch, of Flippen. Mrs. Snllie Tidwtll spent ore day last week here the guest of Mrs. w. R. Jarrett, CASTORS A For Infants and Children. TSie Kind foil Have Always Bought Bears the /"Tp // fT/? ,/ Signature ol WAS THt HCUoE FQH SALE? Every bouse finds quick sale when paint* d with the L. & M Paint A coat adds value as well as appearence. It also increases its saleable chances. The L. & M. colors are bright and lasting. L. & M. is used in painting by every body. One reason cost is only sl. 20 per gallon when made ready-for use. It’s Metal Zinc Oxide and Lead combined. It wears and covers like gold, told B.v. H. .1. Copeland Mrr. Co McDonough Hampton Boggy Co., Hampton. Don’t Buy a Cultivator Before you see our New Model. In it is embodied all that is good in a Cultivator. It is different from other Cultivators, and costs no more. It has a self adjusting fender, with a joint that enables y° u to do better work, than you can do with the old style. it will not catch the trash and drag over the little plant like ot ler makes. In fact to appreciate the machine you will have see it. It is worth while for any Cultivator buyer to make a close comparison between our machine and the old styled-one. If you do this we will get your Cultivator business; everyone of them are right new, clean stock and made to stand. Give us your Hardware business; we have the goods and prices. 6a is CflimiGfiflol 4% Sons BOWE'i'S GROSSING 1 W”11 Mr. Editor as l was absent last week will write a little this week. Mr. O. .1, Bowen made a business trip to 'McDonough Saturday. Mrs. Maiitn- Rowan visited Mrs. Shaw one day last week. Mrs. L T. Rowan visited Mrs. Jim,Cook one day last week. we are sorry to note the sad news, that Mr. (j. P. Anderson of Forest Park, On., was run over by a train and had both legs cut oil, one just above, the ankle and the other just , below tlu* knee. He is a son-in law of Mr. L. T. Rowan, of this j place, and is a well known and in ! dustrious man. He has a wife • and two children who now resides at Forest Park Mr. Joe Wilkinson attended ser vices at Mt. Vernon last Saturday. Misses Otilla and Utilla and Mas ter Carl Wilkerson visited their consiu, Miss Epsie Wilkinson, of this place Saturday. Miss Miner and Miss Tommie Shaw visited Mrs. Mance Rowan last Saturday p. m. The entertainment given bv Miss Epsie Wiltinson last. Saturday night was highly enjoyed by all who was present. Mrs. Mance Rowan spent Sunday night with Mrs, L. T. Rowan. Mr. Henry Rowan, Miss Willie Wyatt, Mr. Clarence Smith, Miss Cyuthia Rowan, Miss Utilla and Master Carl Wilkinson all visited Miss Epsie Wilkinson last Sunday. IVi il ion lo Require i xcctttnr lo ."Wake Tille. Georgia, Henry Guild r. - L'(i Paul i urn. r. Km cuter, Ami A. Lem on, Kouche Lemon and Annie Lemon, heirs in law ol At . A. Legion, deceased, and to Ami A. Lemon Guardian ol Koueho Lemon and Mrs Annie M. Nolan Gmtr dian of \ i!nie Lemon. The First National IsunJ;, of McDon ough, On .t t ansfe -< e, hr i it; jj made applica tion to require lilies U> be execut'd to it to (■“••tail? land described in a Loud for lilies thereto attaehi d purporting to he signed by Alex A. Lemon Intent Henry county, deceased, 1 hr said ay pi lent inn alleging I hat said land has been fully paid for, all par ties concerned are hereby notified that mid application will lie hemd hi fore the court, of Ordinary for said county on thet'rd day of May ISMIt). This 51 hduy'of April lilOil. A. (i. Harris. Ordinary For Dismission. Georgia. Henry County. I sitae Kug< no Combs, Kxecutor upon the estate of S'. . M. i;<>ml s, deceased, )ati‘ of said county, ha ingflhdhis petition for cliseliarge, this is to cite all persons con cerned i o show cause a gainst the granting of this discharge, at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the First Monday in Mav, I HOP. This March ‘2<>th lHoy. A. G. HA HHIS, Ordinary. f nr Ailministi at ion. Georgia, irenry county. Mrs. Sal lie Howaii an la irat law hav ing in jiroper form applied to me that J. A. Kouehe, clerk of rlie Superior Court bo granted permanent letters of adn inistra t ion on the estate of Samuel c 1 at iilo, late of said con nty. this is to cite all and singu lar th“ creditors and next of kin of Sam uel <:. P.i t llle to lie and appear at my office within the. time allowed hy law, and shmv cause, if a ny they can. why permanent ad ministration should not lie granted to J. A. Kouehe on said estate. Witness inv hand and official signature this the 7th day of April I HOW. A. G. Harris, Ordinary For Ailmiuistratio>i. Georgia. Henry County W J. Kitchens having made application tome in due form to he appointed perma nent administ rat or upon the estate of A. J. Kitchens, late of said county. Notice is hereby given that said application will lie boa rd a t the regular term of the conrt of Ordinary fm said con try to be held on the first Monday in May bmp. WKoess my official signature, this loth day of Mar. IHt)H A. (J. HARRIS, Ordin irv.