Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
An Open Talk With Our
Senator and Representative
As the readers, of The Weekly
can testify we have from week to
week, since the adjournment of
the Grand Jury, endeavored to
give the views of leading citizens,
from every part of the county,
both for and against the recom
mendatious. Our reports, which
have been entirely lair, indicates
the way the people would vote
were they given the opportunity.
Now to the question in point.
We have from time to time request
ed of Hon. R. C. Brown his views
on the Grand Jury recommenda
tions ;he being the direct repre
sentative cf the people. Our re
quest brought forth a card from
him dealing only in generalities
and from which no one could ga
ther as to what he favored or did
not favor of the recommendations.
A further request for his view soli
cited the information that he had
not yet been sworn in as repre
sentative and that under the law
he would have time to advertise
the notice, required by law 7 , of lo
cal legislation after he was sworn
in. This statement is prepos.
terous, since thirty days of
the session of the legislature will
have passed, before the measures
can be introdced, if he waits to be
sworn in before giving notice and
only twenty days will remain ;in
which time some live to six hun
dred bills will have accumulated
and will have to be debated and
disposed of, hence there would be
slight chance of the passage of any
local measure. This Mr. Brown
knows or at least should know.
As to Senator McWilliams
Upon request for his views Mr.
McWilliams kindly submitted to
The Weekly a signed card giving
his views relative to the purchase
of a farm (of which committee to
purchase a farm he is a member)
also his views on the establish
ment of the office of what he terms
a road commissioner and futher
the covering of the commutation
road tax into the county treasury
for the supjjort' of the convicts.
With his views on the purchase
of a farm we fully agree but find
the idea generally opposed. With
Mr. McWilliams idea of establish
ing anything other than the office,
of commissioner of roads and rev
enues as provided by law and as
recommended by the Grand Jury,
we do not agree and should the
same he passed we doubt not that
it would meet the same fate at the
hands of the Governor as did his
bill abolishing the County Court.
And for the same reasons, as has
been pointed out heretofore, a bill
creating such an office contra
venes a general statute, hence is
For the reason that Civil Code
Section 5732 provides that “laws
of a general nature shall have uni
form operation throughout the
state and nc special law shall be
enacted in any case for which
provision has been made by exist
ing general law.”
Henry county is row operating
under a general law and in Code
of Georgia Vol. I Section 573 all the
power and authority necessary for
the appointment of a road conij
missioner, supervisor or superin
tendent will be found. Again Vol.
II Section 5930 County officers to he
uniform. Whatever tribunal, or
officers, may hereafter be created
by the General Assembly for the
transaction of county matters,
shall be uniform throughout the
State and of the same name, juris
diction and remedies. The above
Mr, McWilliams knows or at least
should know. \
If Mr. MeWilliamscould carry
intoeffec this concentration plan of
the commutation road tax, how
would any district, ever get their
roads worked? _Under onr pre
sent convict system it will take
twenty years to reach some of the
districts of the county. We do
not believe the people in the coun
ty should be done the injustice of
taking away what poor means are
now at hand for working their
Mr. McWilliams’ views on
the issuance of bonds, we have
been unable to get, however we
will state in fairness to him that
in our last issue we published at
his request notice of his intention
to introduce a bill authorizing
same. Neither the above notice
lor the notice of his intention of
; introducing a hill creating the
office of road commissioner Con
forms to the requirements of the
law since in neither notice is the
caption of the bills given ver
batim ; should either Mr. Brown,
onr representative, or Mr. Mc-
Williams, our senator, or both,
desire to carry out the wishes
of the people as expressed by
the Grand Jury.
We belive that a representative
should carry out the will of the
people in preference to carrying
out his personal views and if they
will listen to the voice of the peo
ple, through petitions, we think
they \\"ill introduce the measures
recommended by the Grand Jury
and at least submit them to a vote
of the people for ratification.
We have no personal interest in
the issuance of bonds only as an
expedient to temporarily relieve
theextremly heavy burden of tax
ation now upon us and we take no
stock in the insinuations made in
certain quarters, to defeat the
bonds, that the bond issue is only
for the purpose of fattening cer
tain grafters around McDonough.
Should the office of commissioner
of roads and revenues be created
we do not believe that a man com
petent to fill the office could be
found to accept the same at the
salary now contemplated—slooo,
The General Assembley will be
in session June 23, and we will,
weekly, give to our readers the
captions of the bills introduced by
our Senator and Representative,
the debates they take part in and
their votes on the various general
measures in which the people are
In conclusion we desire to say
that every thing that the Weekly
has said and done in the above
matters has been with the sole
aim and desire to help McDonough
and Henry county, and think that
the people generally are with us
and should have their wishes res
pected by our representative and
The responsibility for the pas
sage of these measures is up to you
gentlemen, either pass the meas
ures or not ae you see fit, don’t
kill them by indirection, as we
understand the present plan con
McDonough, Georgia, Friday june n, 1900.
At the home of the bride's moth
er, Mrs. Z. F. Stanton, in Winder,
Ga , 9:30 o’clock Wednesday even
ing, Juno 9, 1909, Miss Manche
Stanton and Mr. Robert Lee John
son, Editor of the Henry County
Weekly, were united in marriage,
Rev. W. T. Hunnicntt, pastor of
the Winder Methodist church, offi
It was a pretty, impressive home
ceremony, witnessed by a number
of relatives and immediate friends
of the contracting parties, who
were the recipients of a bounti
ful supply of beautiful wedding
After a week’s hrical trip to
Tallulah Falls, the bride and groom
will return to McDonough, where
they will be complimented with a
special reception by the local chap
ter of the Daughters of the Con
federacy in a body, next Tuesday
evening, at their cozy residence
the groom has recently fited up—
Mrs. Johnson being an active
member of the daughters in Win
For the past two and a half years
Mr. Johnson has been the efficient
editor of The Weekly, where he
has gathered around him hosts of
friends, and in his absence, and
in behalf of the hundreds of pa
trons of the old paper, the ed.’tor
protein takqs advantage of tlieoc
cassion to invoke for he and his
excellent bride all the best of
good will and wishes, in a cordial,
warm welcome to their new home.
Mr. Harvey Williamson Carmi
chael, of McDononh. announces the
engagement of hm daughter,
Florence, and Mr. Maivin Joseph
Harper, of Birmingham, the wed
ding to take place early in July.
Griffin the Victor.
The McDonough and Griffin jun
ior teams played a very interest
ing game of ball on the High
School diamond yesterday after
noon. The visitors lost the game
8 to 7, ten innings being played.
The following are the members of
the McDonough’ team : Robert
Stallworth, A. W. Stallworth,
Paul Turner, Alf Fouehe, Harp
Nash, Donovan, Emerson Ham,
James Bowden and Pierce Stew
art. The battery being Turner,
Stallworth and Stallworth.—Grif
fin News.
James A. Thruston
Chrushed to Death
Jenkinsburg Mail Was Coupling
F reight, Cars at McDonough, <ia.
McDonough, Ga., June 6.—(Spe
cial.) While coupling up freight
train No. 84 at McDonough this
morning at 1 :30 o’clock, James A.
Thurston, of Jenkinsburg, was
crushed to death by the coupling
the cars.
Mr, Thurston was about twenty
seven years old and had been in
the employ of the railroad for
sometime. He was catght about
the hips, and. death was instant
aneous. The body was sent to At
lanta on No. 13 at 4:30, where it
was prepared for burial, and sent
to Jenkinsburg, where the funer
al and interment will occur on
Monday—Monday’s Constitution.
' K, P. Officers.
An election for officers of Mc-
Donough Lodge No. 253, last Mon
day night, resulted as follows :
E. M. Smith. C. C.
Bailor Smith. V C.
E. M. Copeland, Prelate.
T. A. Sloan, Master Work.
J. E. Hooten, Master Arms.
H. C. Hightower, Innpr Guard.
H. C. Russell. Outer Guard.
Mr. Tom Borders.
Mr. Thomas ,T. Borders died at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alec Borders, in this city, at
4.30 o’clock on last Sunday after
noon, June 6, age about 33 years
He was attacked about one year
ago with tuberculosis, from which
time his health gradually d< dined
to the end. He is survived by his
aged parents and one brother, R.
11. Borders, of Macon, two sisters,
Mrs. Annie McCoy and Mrs J. H
Noel, and a niece, Mrs. Willie Mill
wood, all of Atlanta. Funeral
service's were held at the residence
Monday lifternoon, Revs. J. E.
England and J. A. Simpson officiat
ing, and the interment was in the
city cemetery.
Mrs. Martha Adams.
Mrs. Martha A. Adams, one of
Henry county's aged and most
esteemed ladies, died at her home,
Wocdlawn, near Luella, at 8
o’clock last Tuesday, June Btli.
Mrs. Adams w 7 as the mother of
Messrs. E. F., E. C. and 11. J.
Adams, who with several married
sisters, are left to mourn her loss.
Mr. Bail Brannan.
The death of Mr. B. J. Brannan,
which occurred at the home of his
father, Mr. A. H. Brannan, in
Flippen, at 8.30 o’clock last Tues
day night, Jnnc 8, is deeply re
greted by his many friends. He
hud been ill some time with a
severe attack of rheumatism, cans
iug excruciating pain and suffer
ing, Mr Brannan was one of the
county’s most sterling citizens and
will he greatly missed. The inter
ment was at the family burial
grounds Thursday morning, with
Masonic honors. A large con
course being present to pay last
sad respects.
Farmers’ Union Perfect
Big Warehouse Merger
Atlanta, Ga,, June 2—A bun
dred or more representative mem
befs of the Farmers’ Union met at
the capitol yesterday for the pur
pose of perfecting the organization
of the Union Consolidated Ware
house Company, in which it is pro
posed to combine practically all the
cotton warehouses of the State.
Pres. John Leo presided. Ad
dresses weremadebyChas. S. Bar
rett, national president; S. A. Mor
ris, president of the Union in Ala
bama, and others.
Convicts Escape.
Ed MoElroy and John Little, two
convicts, escaped from the county
gang at Hamilton this week, hut
McElroy was recaptured at Ellen
wood by Deputy Sheriff Reegan
Tuesday night, and Little is still
at large. A reward of $25 was
immediately offered for each, and
Ordinary Harris announces his in
tention of making this a standing
offer for all escaped convicts in
We kindly thank our friends and
neighbors for their kindness they
rendered us during the long illness
of our wife and daughter. We
also thank Dr. Crawford for the
prompt visits and close attention
he rendered to her. May God’s
richest blessings rest upon each
and every one of them.
Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Bates and
B. B. Dingier.
Greenwood, Ga.
Hampton Continues to
Mr A. J. Henderson, the presi
dent of The Henderson Munuftuc
turing Co., informs ns that lie will
immediately begin the doubling of
the capacity of his cotton mills
Hampton, with its progressive
Citizenship, continues to grow. Mr.
Henderson informs us that tbft
people of Hampton are well pleat-ad
with the work the convict.-, irw
now doing on the public road*.
The roads of this district are l>v
ing made thirty feet wide. Wear*'
glad the short sighted policy of
making loads It ss than thirly feet
wide has been abandoned.
In this connection, we cannot
refrain from saying that with the
number of convicts we are now
working Henry county is paying
dearly for the work done on the
roads. Why not increase the num
ber from eighty to one hundred
practically the same cost for guattfc*
and equipments as we are now
working thirty convicts.
Hampton’s Progress
At an election recently held for
bonds for the purpose of erecting"
a waterworks and electric light
system a bond issue of $20,000 was
authorized by Hampton with only
six dissenting votes.
On June 5, tins issue of bunds
was validated before Judge Rea gap
of the Superior Court, thereby ab
solutely guaranteeing tlie issuance
of same and the construction of
these municipal necessities. Would
that Mcfionongh had the same
spirit of enterprise and progross.
In Honor of Miss Tarpley
Hampton—Misses Ruby and
Janie Turner entertained delight
fully last Tnofday evening, itt
honor of their guest Miss Jewel
Tarpley, of Love joy.
The house was beautifully <>-
corated with ferns and foliage
plants effectively grouped in all
the rooms with vaces of sweet
peas artistically arranged.
Those invited were, Misses Annie
Turner, Nell Foster, Marie R<*l
wine, Leona Swann, Nola Red wine
Messrs. Garnet Fields, Henry Har
ris, Grady Fours, Henry Barfield.
Robert Barfield.
After the games delicious refresh
ments were served, and delightful
music was rendered by Miss Nell
Foster and Miss Marie Red wine»
Mrs. E. A. Adams and Miss.
Pearle Adams spent Thursday it*
McDonough, the guests of Mrs. K.
C. Adams.
Miss Janie Fields has returned
from Locust Grove,
Miss Bessie Davis spent the week
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W- S. Davis.
Mrs. J. E. Griffith is visited
friends in Atlanta.
Among the college hoys and girls
at home are, Miss Francis Arnold
and Miss Pearle Adams from Bre
nan, Miss Irene Moore from Bewde
Tift, Miss Annie Fields from Agnes
Scott, Mr. Raymond Harris from
Notice to Teachers
McDonough. Ga., June 2, 1903.
State Examination for teachers in
the Public School, will be held at
Court House office. C. S. Com., Mc-
Donough on Friday and Saturday
June 18th and 19th 1909.
All teachers whose license have
expired, and who have not per
manently retired, are required by
law to take this examination.
Lawrence Duffey, C. 8. Cobs