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Leading Uudertaker.
.x ? > i- a 4 ♦
t~*‘. ■•' v' i* *' Wri *
r3 i\ -■
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
. prices.
Careful and polite attention given all
funerals entrusted to me.
hmbalminar done according to latest
and i! : improved methods.
Newest and most up to dale equipment.
Call answered promptly day and night.
Phone 30.
Attorney=at> Law,
M <: l)()\()rti][, ua.
Office over .St ar Store.
McDonough, Ga.
k - - - r
It. li. JOHNSON r.ditor.
Kotered at the postofflc© at McDom
m «fh, a* uecond-clßfifl mail mattar.
Advertising Ratos: SI.OO per lock
3> mr month. Reduction on staadiurg
iteartnvsta by apeclal agreement.
wear <gL‘.« -x r;:r.zT
MeDenough. Ga , .Tune Ik, 11*09.
The Mar if c : x s Th u rc d a v
Cotton 11
Cotton Seed SI.OO per 100.
If at any titan sine i tin* organi
zttion of II >nrv county she ever
n *oded, brand minded, progressive,
liberal un i * mll.y educated r>*|.-
rVv'ntativim in tin 1 General A-sem
ol 7, now is t it-* time.,
IDo pie generally, do not Know
that under the r‘Cent registration
net, passe 1 by his t xc litre ’ Gov.
Hoke Smith that they are requit
ed to be registered at least six
months before t hey can pertic.i.
pale in tmy election. Resist r
A good measure tint should be
introdneed in the legislature by
our Senator or Representative
would he one absolutely prohibit
ing the running ot automobiles in
Henry county t r at least taxing
each machine si 030 pr 'ui.u; rn.
See gentlemnn.
Governor elect Brown s plan to
issue bonds, to be ns* <1 as n con
tinual loan fund, with which to
]> iv the teach or." their salaries,
promptly, sei ?n* sto he the only
feasible s ilutunn of this taxing
prob otn Oir pop'o heartily
endorse the plan. In tact we he
lievc Mr Brown will make Georgia
one of the best Gov* vnors ever.
There seems to be a general de
sire on the part of thv> peoide o f
Georgia for biennial s. s ions of
the general Assembly. We hearti
ly favor lie tnial sessions and if
onr legislators do not see fit to
change the present svstem we the
enactment of a law giving to the
people, or petition of twedty five
per cent of the voters, the right to
recall any legislator who does not
carry out the wishes of the peo
ple. Biennial sessions would save
$55,030 to the state—every year.
For the past sixteen years 1 have been
in McDonough erg.need in the blacksmith
and repair business, except the past four
years, when 1 was conmcttd with the Mc-
Donough Buggy Co.
Now I have returned to my old line of
work of running a general blacksmith
and repair shop. Horse shoeing, repair
ing of wagons buggies, farm’togls and im
plements, ir fact any thing of a repair na
ture will Ik- done promply and satisfacto
rily by me.
I want to thank each and every cup who
b,.s patronized ire m the just, and I
want to assure all my old friends that a
continuance of their ] alienage will 1 enp
preeiated and 1 a’ways Maud ready to
give volt the la st in n y shop for your
motr y.
Joel Bankston,
our Rctten Bridges
Recently a two horse team load
ed with guano belonging to Mr.
Tom Kelley, together with the
driver, fell through Reagan’s
bridgt over Cotton liver. For
tunately neitln r driver nor team
was seriously hurt. Sometime
last fall a team of rifles, belong
ing to Mr Jrn. Moss, together
with t he driver fell through Cope
land's bridge over Walnut creek.
At the last, term of the Superior
Court the case of Rich vs. Henry
county, for personal injuries re
ceived in falling through a bridge
in Locust Grove district, was set
t'. d forar. ugr«od sum and costs.
It is an agreed fact that the
wooden bridges of the county are
in a deplorable state of repair and
sooner or later it will bo necessary
to increase the tax rate materially
or issue bonds to pay the damages
r ‘covered f< r personal injuries
reoei ved by s >me citizen because
of the condition of these wooden
hi idges.
Would it not be good business
p dicy to place the roads, bridges
and revenues under one man whose 1
dnt . it would be to look after sunn ?
We think that if accidents continue
l as they have that, In: might save
bis salary three or four times over
iin ent year in looking after the
: bridges alone.
Tii. first application of Man/an, the great
File remedy, will almost Instantly give
i relief. Continued use of Man Zan fora
few days will effect a cure. Tite tube in
nv!licit it is put up has a small nozzle at
tach d, ;o that there is no inconvenience
wliatt vrf, Man/.an is fi-rthe cure of any
kind of Pi)' s It is sold hi re by Horton
Drug Co. and Z. I). Ward, SF ckbridge,
One of the most perfect, np-lo
<Fito ntid satisfactory (stabliaL
mciit for cntlirg mte fitliitg met s
clothing, for b.akirp yonr suit, to
fit. you when it is too su.all, for
cleaning and i>r. sting your suits
and renewing in gem ral, for dying
“ml restoring lost colons ir cloth
es. Do n:t throw your clothes I
as do. We can dye, clean them so 1
t<> save yen Deni buying tt new
suit. lam well trained
-1 need. Know how to st ve your
We do not burr, them out h-r
pressing with irons too hot. The
holies will find it ti rice, clear: and
'•on ven'ent i>htct> to bring their
slitfs to have renewed. In the
old Knott building, room next to
Welch’s stc:e. We will, serd our
wagon occasionally to distant
John Seacc,
MoDcLough, (in.
OS laroivstti) I’iirment and 'ilerhanir
F.irmeriWtnd mechanics frequently meet
I with slight accidents and injuries white'
] cause them much annoyance and loss of
t ime. A cut or bruise may be cure!., in
about one third of the time usually requir
ed by applying Chamberlain's Liniment
assnon as the injury is received. This lin
iment is also valuable for sprains, sore
ness of the muscles and rheumatic palm.
There is no danger of blood poisoning re
sulting from an injury when Chamber
lain’s Liniment is applied before the parts
b -comes inflamed and swollen. For sale
hy Horton Drug Co.
It costs more if you don't. Yon •
house wears out if not painted.
Then it costs monev to repair ir
and money to paint it. It don’t
cost much money to paint with the
L & M Paint., because 4 gallons
of the L. & M. and 3 gallons of Lin
seed 0.l tniljjs d gallons of ready
for-nse paint at only $1.20 per gal.
Thirty-five years nse in every part,
of the United States has proven it.
Sold by.
H. •• Copeland Mer. Co. McDonough
Hampton llugg.v Co., Hampton.
If You are Worth $50,000 don't
Keati This
This will not interest you if you are
a man of moderate means and cannot af
ford to employ a physician when you have
nn attack of diarrhoea, you will lie pleased
to k low that one or two doses of Cham-
b riain s Cholic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
; Remedy will cure it. This remedy has
l.e<m in use for many years and is thor
oughly reliable. Price 25 cents. For sale
by Horton Drug Co.
Notice of lioctil legislation.
Notice is hereby given of the introduc
tion at (becoming session of the iegisla
tuee of a bill to be entitled: An act to au
thorize the county of Henry to issue bonds
for the purpose of buildingpublic roads in
said county.
Notice is hereby given that there will
he introduced at the coming session of the
legislature a bill to be entitled: An act to
create the office of t'oinmissioher.s of
Hoods and Re tenues for the county of
Henry to provide for an election to fill
said office, to prescribe qualifications,
duties and powers of such office, fix his
-alary and for other purposes.
Notice to the citizens of Henry county:
There will be introduc'd in the next
General Assembly, a kill to be entitled an
Act to create the office of read Commis
sioner for the county of Henry, to pre
scribe the inn nner of elect ion of - aid officer
term of other, salary, to detine his duties
and for other purposes .Pine 3. 1909.
S. (’. McWilliams.
Notice to the v«. t; rs of Henry County:
There will be introduced in the next
General Assembler a bill to I e < nt;-
tlcd an Act authorizing the Ordi
nary of Henry county Georgia, for
aud in behalf of llenrv county to issue
and sell, as needed, fifty thousand dollars
of thirty year bonds, of said county, for
tile use of roads and bridges and for other
public purposes. The interest on said !
bonds to be paid annually. Said bond is
sue to become available for the above pur ;
nose, when art election is ordered by the
Ordinary and carried by a legal vote of'
the registered voters of Henry county.
.Tune :i. mod. s i McWilliams.
For Dismission.
Georgia. Henry comity:
J. A. Fouche. administrator upon the
e.-tate of.l. (’.Turner, deceas'd, late of j
said county. Ha ingfh.dhis petition for |
discharge, this is to< be all persons con- t
cerned to show cause against the granting
of this discharge, nt th regular term of!
the Conrf of Ordinary for said county to |
lie held on the First Monday in.l lily lho3.
This June 7, IPOD.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary
For Dismission.
; Georgia. Henry County.
.1. i. Fottohe, rail i r upon the estate
of Mrs. Salih* S. Rrman, m ccused, Into of
said county, having filed itis petition for
j discharge, litis is t«> cite all persons con
cern'd to shiiwcansi' agalst the granting
of this dischn' ge at therein ho* t<-rm of the
court (if Ordinary for said covibty to be
held on the first Monday in July HHi'.l.
This June 7. Hud.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Georgia Henry County.
All creditors ot tit estateof S. C. Stew
art. late of H< nry county deceased are
hereliy notified to render in their demands
to the undersignt-d according to law, and
all |>f i sons i rdebted t" said estate are re
quired to make immediate payment.
Titis May the third Nineteen hundred
and nine.
A. M. and M. F. “Stewart, Adminis
trators of estate S. < . Stewart, deceas'd.
For Dismissi) n.
Georgia, Henry Cou.'itv.
\\ hereas A. M. and M. F. Stewart ad
ministrators of the estatebf S. C. Stewart,
late of said county d. Ceased, repn sents t.o
the Court in their petitiou, duly Hied ar.d
entered on record, that they have fully ac
ministeri d the.said estate. ‘ This is there
fore to cite all persons concerned, kindred
and creditoi's. to show cause if any they
can. why said adminisfrati rs should not
he dischargt d front their administrate n,
and receive letters of dismission, on first
Monday in July Nineteen hundred and
A. G. Harris, Ordinary
For Dismission.
Georgia, Henry < ounty. ,
J. A. Fouche Administrator upon the es
tate of ftlalinda Andrews, deceased late of
said county. having filed his petition for
discharge, this i* to rite all persons con
ciVncd, to sb.ow cause against the grant
ing of this liisi-liarge at the regular term
o!’ the Court of Ordinary for said county
to b« held on ' be first Monday in J uly HOP.
This June 7th. lvttH).
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
I in- Administration
Georgia. Henry bounty.
Jim S Bond having made application
to me in due form to he appointed per
manent admiist rato> upon the estate of
Mrs. J. V. Shuttles ,vorth late of said coun
iv, notice is heiel y given that said appli
cation will lie heard at the regular t< in:
of the court of Ordinary for said county,
to be held on the first Monday in July
1909. This June 7th 1900.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Kor Administration
Georgia. Henry County.
Henry 1\ Foster, having made applioa
tion to me in due form, lo lie appointed
permanent administrator upon t! eestate
ol Mrs. Dioy Phillip lute of said county,
notice is hereby given that said applica
tion will be heart! at the regular term of
the Court of Ordinary for said county, to
be held on the first Monday in July 19(H).
This June Ith IdOd.
A. G. Harris. Ordinary.
Georgia, Henry County,
J. 0. Hrowning and A. 11. Chapman
having applied, as Executors, for probate
iu solemn form of the last will and tesn
ment of John Parkor of said county, you
Jessie Chapman, and Millard chapman
as two of the heirs at law, of said John
Parker are hereby required to appear at
the Court of Ordinary for said county on
the first Monday in July, 1900, when said
application for probate will be heard.
This June 2nd 19UU.
A. G. Harris,-Ordinary.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tlie
Host on tlie Market
“I have used Chamberlain’s Cough Rem
edy and find it to be )>est on the market,”
says K. W. Tartly, editor of The Sent inel.
Gainshoro, Tenn. "Our baby had several
eolds the past winter and Chamberlain’s
cough Hemedy always gave it relief at
onee and cmtd it in a short time. I al
ways recommend it when opportunity
presents itself." For sale bv Horton Drug
I Co.
1 I / ,J
Hr 4
2 lilM ¥Slfc^ 1 •:
L | feyMa
Nj TpFj
if Ific Rbtsll Mai! Comes 6ace a Say |
i | rELEPI TONE keeps you m touch with b
■*■ neighbors, friends and the city every minute •
I of every day. Progressive farmers thfough- fi
jj ou * the Squill are installing telephones in their I
1 homes and connecting with the Bell System. The -J
. cost is low; the service is satisfactory.
I . *
| Write today to the nearest Bell Telephone <
l Manager for pamphlet, or address
i : I
i Farmers’ One Department .__ "•
y, -S'. . ' ,C , ;*•/
■ ” Wb« • ■ &?■
f 3® bays ©RIVING test
j / yST? I A guarantee as good as a Gold Bond; a trial as liberal as
Is. ‘fnsSsW'Kvfy * , * TO *““ a,, y °- ie t-euld ask for, and a positive saving of from S2O to
!| SiO. We defy nay reputable concern in the V. 8. to duplicate our
1 -jO’V-yp —g . ;.V' -- k prices on vt Uqlcs of tile qualities' \je guarantee. Onr guarantees
Y /gfb'r //•i' ’' arc 1 1 a strongest and most liberal ever made, and are positively
X / VWO \\y ' / ' Y> \\y bind eg; and our vehicles must prove th.-iu in actual service
./ s *t = Ji£. , 7 \ y before’.vo’tl expect you to be satisfied. We do not compete with
RETAILS RntULjJtLY FOB iCS.uil vchirles.
Send To-Day For Oar Big New Free Catalog, No. ICS
wrw ‘hi—mrifT imiwiii n »»■■— hiniMi—■nwnmrn—!■—■!mmwmihbj—m
I': describer, pictures and prices upwards of two hundred modern styles of the grade Runabouts,
Speeders, Buck boards, Top Bugtvlcs, Stanhopes, Phaetons*
Surn*v3, Spring, Farm and Mail vVagons.Ttoarl Cav is and Hac- ift T CflV 01* JR. /^A
nessat actual factors \V r c s *ll IIIiiJX’T and save you *»<*•*** a y Vvtf
the dealer’s protits. Don’t delay. Write today. SAVE while 7011 pay. Dept. r , 9 '1 South Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Georgia.
Showing the arrival and departure of passenger trains at
McDonough, Gu., for information only, and not guaranteed.
No. Arrives From A. M. No. Departs To A. M.
14 Cincinnati . . .bl 2 20 14 Jacksonville . . b 12.20
13 Jacksonville . . b 4.30 13 Cincinnati , . . b 4.30
30 Atlanta . . . , 6io 30 Columbus . . 6.10
14 Atlanta .... 8.46 16 Brunswick . . . 8.46
T Macon 038 7 Atlanta . . 1) 38
21 Col.&FtVal. . . 10 00 21 Atlanta . . . ! lo’oo
P. M. *p. M.
22 Atlanta 600 22 Col.&FtVal. , . 600
10 Atlanta .... 630 10 Macon 6.30
15 Brunswick . . . 655 15 Atlanta 6.55
29 Columbus . . . 9.30 129 Atlanta .... 9.30
b Nos. 13 and 14 stop on signal to receive or discharge passengers to
or from points beyond Jesup and Chattanooga.
Nos. 7 and 10 handle through Pullman drawing-room
sleep *r between Macon and New York.
Nos. 13 and 14 handle through Pullman drawing-room
sleepers between Jacksonville, Cincinnati and Chicago, and
between Brunswick and Colorado Springs.
Nos. 15 and 16 handle through sleeper between Maccn
and Asheville, N. C.
G. It. PETTIT, T. P. A., Maccn, Ga.
V.-P nml G M. P. T M.
Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C.
\V. 11. TAYLOE, J. L. MEEK,
p A - A. G. P. A.
Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga.
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