Newspaper Page Text
Something to Interest You,
We. have a large line of Day Goods and Gro
ceries which we offer at a Price that will inter
est You. Come and see us at once and get our prices
Especially In Shoes, Clothing and Odd Pants.
We are agents for one of the larsest tailoring firms of the country, and have a large line of samples.
Phoney jj. j. INGRAM 00, McDono., Oa.
With Our County Correspondents.
Crops are looking fine tlirongli
this section.
Mrs. M. E. Johnson visited IVI rs
Georgia Foster Saturday evening,
Messrs. G. M. Adamson and Ilal
ton McCollough went to McDon
ough Saturday.
Little Misses Annie Adamson,
Annie McCollough and Mary. Ad
amson visited little Miss Burmali
Strickland one evening last week.
Miss Mattie L Pi ‘ Foster was the
guest of Miss Estelle Alexander
one day last week.
Mr ane Mrs. J. T. Johnson and
little son Boyd spent Sunday near
Chnley the guest s of Mr. Hilliaid
Fincher and family.
Mrs. Henry Mitchell was the
guest of Mrs Roe Alexander Sun
Mr. W. J. Owen visited Messrs.
George Adamson and .1. D. Mc-
Collough awhile Sunday.
Miss Anuie Pearl Strickland was
the guest of Misses Essie and Clara
Strickland Sunday morning. Miss
Essie isqnite sick at this writing,
we hope for lier speedy recovery.
Mrs. B. O. Fields spent last Fri
day here the guest of her brother,
Mr. J. F. Johnson and family,
Rev. Acock took dinner with Mr.
£r<d Mrs, Roe Alexander Sunday.
Miss Kittie Jarrett spent Satur
day night in Dntchtown with her
sister Mrs. Sallie Tidwell.
Mrs. E. H. Foster was the guest
of Mrs. J. W. Foster one evening
last week.
Misses Annie Pearl Strickland
and Mattie Lee Foster were the
guests of Miss Estelle Alexander a
short while Sunday t fternoon.
(Last week’s letter.)
Are yo- dor e chopping cotton.
Mrs. Siques Alexander and son
Clinton spent Friday night with
the former'sson Mr. Roe Alexan
der and family.
Tom Adamson, of Rex, visited
fiere Friday the guest of Mr. G. M.
Adamson and A. A. Exum.
Harvey Carter, of Griffin, le
turned to liis home the latter part
of last week after a week's visit
to Mr. W. N, Strickland and fami
Mrs. Henry Mitchell visited Mrs.
Cossie McMullen Sunday.
Frank Exum was the guest of
Robert Strickland Sunday.
Little Misses Nellie and Carrie
Alexander was the gnest of little
Misses Annie and Mary Adamson
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs Mace Foster visited
here Sundav the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. John Foster.
Mr. L tvick Johnson, of Atlanta.
«pent Saturday and Sundav here
with home folks and friends.
Miss Estell Alexander returned
to her home here Friday after
spyriding several days with liei
wont,Mrs. Lena Fort near Rex.
A. A. Exum and family spent
Sunday in Dutch‘own the guest
of Mr. Parks McCollough ami fami
Messrs. Will Owens and Will
Mitchell went to Decatur Sunday
to attend an all day singing.
R iv n md Pritchett, spent Satur
day night with his uncle Mr. J.
W. Foster and family.
Stewart Adamson was the guest
of Mr, and Mrs, A.- A, Exum a
w’hile Friday.
Dalton McCollough aitd family
were out visiting Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. EL Clayton, cf
Dntchtown, spent Saturday night
and Sunday here with relatives.
(Last week’s letter.)
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Dingier visit
ed Mrs. Jasper Pendley Sunday
Mr. Nick Henderson visited Mr.
Sowell Sunday last.
Miss Abbie Morris visited Mrs.
Elbert Copeland a few days last
Mr. W. T. Bates visited his
brother near Concord a few’ days
last week.
Mr. W. A. Copeland and wife
visited Mr Rape and family Sun
day afternoon.
Miss Cleo Dorfon and brother
visited her uncle Mr. Sowell Sun
'day last.
Miss Lizzie Pendley visited Mrs.
M-.ry Copeland Monday a. m.
Miss s Willie Bates visited Mrs.
Butler Steel Sunday.
Miss Lizzie Alexander visited
Miss Lizzie Pendley Saturday p. m.
Wallace Steel and wife visited
Mr. Butler Steel and family Sun
day last.
Mrs. Steel visited Mrs. Elbert
Copeland Monday afternoon.
Misses Sallie and Marnmie Wood
ward were out ridiDg Sunday.
JJeware of (liniments for Catarrh
that Contains Mercury
as mercury will surely d< stroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the whole
system when entering it through The muc
ous surfaces. Such articles should never
be used except on prescriptions from re
putable physicians, as the damage they
will do is ten fold to the good you can pos
sibly derive from them. Hall’s Cattarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &co.
Toledo, O , contains no mercury, and is
taken internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure
you get the genuine. It is taken intern
ally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.
Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
S »ld by Druggists. Price. T.V\ per bot
tle. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constl
Well as we have not heard frofn
Hopewell in a long time I will
write a few lines.
We are nee. ing rain in this sec
tion and less gr ts.
Rev. W S Duncan filled his re
gular appointment Imre Sunday
and had a right good meeting.
R. 11 Gilbert and bis three little
sons John, Dock and Dwight vis
ited Mrs. S C. Gilbert near Jones
boro Sunday.
Mrs. Matt 8011, of Atlanta, visit
ed her nice Miss. C. E Gill * i t Sat
urday p m. and spent the night
with her.
George Lewis has the champion
watermelon patch in this settle
ment and I expect to visit it soon.
* m
Bob Wood and wife visited his
son Claud Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. Elinor Starr, ot
Stock bridge, visited Mr. and Mrs.
George Lewis Sunday afternoon.
IVJiss Josie Brown and tier little
brother, of Atlanta, and Mrs. Una
Brown, of Stockbridge, are visit
ing friends and relatives in this
community this week.
I will ring off for this time and
if I escape the waste basket I will
try and write again.
(Last week’s letter.)
Miss Annie Lola Gunter spent
the week-end with her brother
Mr. Henry Gunter near Bethany.
Mesdames Cliafin and Phillips
and Mr. Will Chdfin visited Mr.
and Mrs. Buck Mosley Sunday p m.
John, Jesse and George Pierce
Crumbley were the guests of
Wayne and Seals Aiken Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. C C Gleaton and
Mrs. T. J. Gleaton spent a day in
Atlanta recently.
Mr J. B Mosley, Jr. visited his
grandfather near Woodland Sun
day afternoon.
Prof and Mrs. C. P. Aiken visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. Owen a short
while Sunday afternoon.
Mr. W EL Hays, of Bethany,
was in our midst Sunday. /
Miss Georgia Elliott is visiting
her aunt, Mrs. George Kelley this
Farmers are having a battle with
General Green this week.
Wlinopiug Cougli
This is a more dangerous disease than is
generally presumed. It will be a surprise
to learn that more deaths result from it
than from scarlet fever. Pneumonia often
results from it. chamberlain's Cough Ke
niedy has Ijeen used in many epidemics of j
whooPingct.ugh, and alwaye with best re
sults. Delbert McKeigof Harlan, lowa, j
says of it; “My boy took whooping cough ;
when nine months old. He had it in the
winter. I got a bottle of Chamberlain’s j
Cough Remedy which proved good. I
cannot recommend it too highly.” For
sale by Horton Drug Co.
(Last week's letter.)
Well us 1 was absent last week I
will tryand come back this week.
I guess the farmers are glad to
s -e the stmshine.
Mi s Ruby Askew, of Stockbridge
spent part ot the week w ith her
parents, Mr. and Mis G. W. Hin
ton .
Mr.VTohn Bonner and Mr. Lee
Hinton passed through this section
IS at u rday alien oon.
Mr. Henry Owen’s children spent
the week at their uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs Joe Nix.
Bail Eliott visited home folks
Saturdnv night.
Carl Hinton passed through this
section Sunday afternoon.
Henry Owen made a trip to At
lanta Saturday.
Mrs. and Miss Henry visited Mr,
Mrs George Henry one day last
Mr. and Mrs. Guss Owen and
and children passed through this
section Sunday.
After a few weeks absence I will
come again
The farmers have been at battle
with General Green for the last
two weeks and we think if the
prettywveather stays with ns a
while longer they will gain tlie
Several from here attended
children’s day atCeder Grove last
Frank WHte and sister Miss EL -
| sie, of Mt. Zion, visited tluir sis
j ter, Mrs. Will Masters a short
! while Sunday afternoon.
W. O. Pope is wearing a broad
* smile over bis new arrival—a boy.
Mrs. Sarah Dodson and children
have returned to their home in At
lanta after spending a week most
pleasantly v.ith relatives in this
Mrs. Lula Johnson, of Lithonia,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ida
! Pope at this writing.
Mr. Rufe Love and family were
the guests <>f Mr. R. L. Thompson
Mrs. Lizzie Crumbley, of Cnl
loden, is visiting relatives in our
community this week.
Onr Demonstrator, Mr. V. L.
Crumbley Ims the finest corn we
have seen.
Mr. T. C. Kelley having gather
ed 280 bn. from his six acre patch,
is now wearing the blue ribbon as
champion wheat raiser.
The first blind tiger many of ns
had ever seen was captured by our
bailiff as it was traveling through
oar town Sunday. Its 0~, ner was
one of Rockdale’s most prosperous
On last Monday evening little
Tiffs Pills
This popular remedy never fails to
effectually cure
dyspepsia, Constipation, SSc^
ki-sadachc, biliousness
And ALL DISEASES arising from a y
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion
Thu natural result is good appetite*
aiiit rcii J flesh. Dose small: elegant
ly sinrer rented -mj to sv-ullow.
fake f«ca SuMStiicste.
Alton Philips, the son of Mr. Jesse
PhiTi] s Jr. and Elizabeth Owen
were left in a, b.nggv while the
owner Mrs. Florence Green stepped
in tlm house for a moment, return
ipg she found the mule had ran
away thrown both of the children
out and seriously injuring Alton.
At tliis time, Monday night, lie is
-in a kind of a stupor but, the doc
tor thinks no bones me broken
and that he will pull through al
While Old Sol’s rays were l ay
ing their last tribute of respect to
this part of onr mundane sphere,
Sunday evening, Mr. R-ss Swann
( did malicious] y steal a nd with laud
able i n ton t, oarjry away c no of otr
; brightest and most highly accomp
lished jewels, in the person of
j Miss Nellie Mae Tliomj s n. Our
j community will miss her in many
ways She was very active in Lit
ery and Sabbath School work, but
her bright beaming smiles and the
plsasant rays of sunshine that ever
beamed from her countenance will
!be missed the most No case w’ill
be lodged against this young man
|as no one could blame him and as
be is one of Rockdale’s sterling
i yor nc farmers, but when we think
1 of her loss there w’ill be muttering
in onr heart for many a day.
Frank Crumbley, of Whitehr use
visited W. S, Crumbley Sunday.
Several fromonr section attend
ed meeting at Salem Sunday.
John Wilkerson and Miss Ada
Collins spent one afternoon last
week with Miss Bertha Mayo.
Lon Pair, of Conyers, visited his
uncle, Mr, Bill Pair Sunday p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chafin visited
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Collins recently
Miss Witsy O r lesby spent last
week with her cot sin, Miss Fannie
Misses Mary Lonanc Net ie Pair
gave Mrs. Ida Gilbert a short call
Saturday afternoon.
We are sorry to say Miss Nealy
Gilbert is on the sick list this wenk.
Mr. Joe and Will Chafin gave Mr.
J. T. Collins a call Sunday p. m.
Miss Lucy Oglesby spent one.
night last week with Miss Fannie
Well as news is scarce I will ring
Pinnules —new kidney remeny —art* for all
dit-eases of the kidneysaml bladder. They
act promptly in all cases of lame back,
rheumatic pains, inflammation of the blad
der, urinary disorders and weak kidneys.
Sold by Horton Drug Co.
Z. D. Wad, Stockbridge, Ga.