Newspaper Page Text
And let me fit von with Glasses!
in the most modern way and the
latest styles.
Satisfaction guaranteed! j
.Jeweler and Optician. <
ncßoooogihi, - Oa.
to ;S'S% VV.' Mitchell St.
One Itlock I f<»«t Terminal Station.
All >lo(lern Conveniences
WOO MS 500 750 S I tn» I *IOK DAN
JU.SO, #2.00, 12.50 and s*.oo.
Atlanta, ga. AtiJanta Phonk 'Cd5
Mrs. IY. B. Neal and Mrs. E. M.
Smith visited Atlanta this week.
Mr. V. M. Owen, of Atlanta, was
the guest of Mi. H. B. Neal Thurs
Mr Alvin Cooper, of Covington,
has been the guest of Mr. Asa A.
Lemon this week.
Misses Bertha and Jettie Bunn
have been the guests of relatives
in Atlanta this week.
Mrs. S. W. Phillips, of Atlanta,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. N.
,1. Langston, this week.
Prof. George W. Camp, of Dah
lonega. was in the city Saturday
the guest of Uis many friends here.
Cholera among chickens
give Hess Panacea with
our special chick feed your
chicks are there practical
ly safe.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Mr. W. A. Childs, of Locust
Grove, has been the guest of his
daughter, Mrs. George Spinks, for
the past week.
“MONEY TO LEND” First to the
fellow who keeps his accounts in
this bank.
Bank of Stockbridge, Ga.
Misses Ruth and Ruby Walker
delightfully entertained at their
home Monday evening a number
of their young friends.
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Atkinson,
who have been visiting the family
of Mr. J. Ti. Atkinson, returned to
Atlanta Thursday of this week.
Pure cooking oil, cheap
er and goes futher than
lard, consider the health
as well as the financial
part of it, buy our pure
cooking oil. Sold in any
size quantities.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Mrs. .Tack Craft and little .lack,
Jr , of Hartwell, who have been
on an extended visit to Mrs. Craft s
mother, will return home Friday.
“MONEY TO LEND" To the far
mer who wants help to finish his
crop and needs the money to
do this, come to SEE US.
Bank of Stookbridge, Ga.
Misses Ruth and Nena Turner
were the hostesses at a party at
their home Tuesday evening in
honor of their guests, Misses
Blanche Alston and Geneva Green,
Messrs. H. L. Carmichael and D.
T. Carmichael left Monday for
Savannah where they went to at
tend the Funeral Directory Asso
ciation which met there this week.
“MONEY TO LEND” to the bor
rower who can make a good bank
able paper can always get the
♦ ‘DOUGH!”
Bank of Stockbridge, Ga,
Office Houkh :
7.30 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 V. M.
n. A. BROWN.
Office Hoiks :
7.80 to 12 A.M. 1 to 5 P.M.
The Annual picnic of the Mo-
Donongh Sunday Schools will be
at Mr. .1. B. Lowe’s fish pond next
Thursday, .June 24tli. Let every
body go and help the children have
a good time.
A genuine Swiss army rifle, thir
teen shots, 41 Caliber, cost when
new $lO 00. We are asking only
ss.oofor them, practically as good
as new.
Edd Goodwin.
Stan sell & Rape are enlarging
their blacksmith shop hv adding
another room in order to have
more space. This new firm is
doing a live blacksmith trade, and
is meeting with success.
Dove Brand and Pic-nic
hams, fresh olives, pick
les sour and sweet in bulk
or bottles.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Miss S. D. Mann and Miss Olivia
Munn, of Atlanta, are the guests
of Mrs. H, S, Williams this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Williamsdelightfully
entertained in honor of their guests
on Wednesday evening.
Mr. J. A. Foucho, left Wednes
day for a few days at Lithia
Springs, from there he will go to
Anniston, Ala., to visit liis sister.
He will be joined by Miss Bess
Fonehe Friday who will accomp
any him to Anniston for a week’s
Summer colds and coughs are obstinate
and difficult to cure. The most prompt
method is to take something pleasant
which will gently move the bowls; a good
laxative cough syrup. Bees Laxative
Coiigh Syrup will surely and promptly
cure your cold.
Sold by Horton Drug Co.
a. D. Ward, Stockbridge, (’a.
Miss Ellene Neal will entertain a
few of her college friends and
others at a house party next. week.
Those invited are: Misses Kath
leen Hudson, of Athens; Loula
Davis, of Decatur; Mahle Jones
and Flora Bowden, of Atlanta;
Helen Gridin, of Griffin, and Lois
Atkinson, of Jonesboro
SAWING. —We are prepared to
do your sawing, cutting and haul
ing timbers, etc. for terms, etc,
call on
W. H. Austin & C. L. Bartlett,
Rt. 4. McDonough, Ga.
The many friends of Mr. llamp
Stroud will regret to learn of the
accident that happened to him on
Wednesday afternoon. His horse
became frightened while being Tin
hitched and he was dragged to the
ground, breaking a rib and badly
bruising him. He was resting very
well Thursday morning.
Coitbl Not lie Better
No one has ever made a salve, ointment,
lotion or halm to Compare with BucKTen's
Arnica salve. Its the one perfect healer
of cuts, corns, burns, bruises, sores, scalds,
boils, ulcers, eczema, salt rheum. For
sore eyes; cold sores, chopped hands its
surpreme. Infallible for Piles. Only 25c
at All Drug stores.
Miss Maud Smith, who has been
at Bartlesville with tin- A. & M.
College the past year, spent
Wednesday with her sister, Mrs.
T. J. Brown, as she was on route
to Chicago, where she goes to take
it normal course in the University
of Chicago and to visit points of
interest about the lakes and in
Ch route K lieu mat i*m
This is the variety of rheumatism that
usually attacks the larger joints, knees,
hip-.ind shoulders. It is Aggravated by
cold and damp weather, and for this rea
son it man aiilicted with it can often fore
tell changes in the weather. Chamber
lain’s Liniment applied freely and with
vigorous rubbing relieves the pain and
makes sleep and rest possible. It will al.-o
effeet a cure, but will not prevent the re
currence of the disease. For sale by Hor
ton Drug Co.
From the Rapid River Hustler.
A little boy in town was ordered
by his father to write an essay on
and here is the result:
‘•I don’t know how newspapers
came to be in the world. I don’t
think God does, for he hain’t got
nothing to say about editors in the
Bibb;. I think the editor is one of
the missing links yon read of,
and stayed in the boshes until after
the Hood, and then came out and
wrote it np, and has been here
over sinca, I don’t think he ever
dies. I rK?T»r saw a dead one and
never heard of one getting licked.
Our paper is a mighty good one;
but the editor goes without an
overcoat al! winter, and don’t wear
any gloves and paw ain’t paid his
subscription since the paper start
ed. I asked paw if that was why
the editor had to srok the juice
out of snow hulls in the winter and
go to bed when he had his clothing
washed in the summer. And then
paw too If me out into the wood
shed and licked me awful hard.
If the editor makes a mistake
folks say ho ought tube hung; if
a doctor makes any mistakes, he
buries them and dassent say any
thing because doctors can read and
write Latin. Whan the editor
makes a mistake, there is a law
suit swearing and a big fuss ; but
if a doctor makes one, there is a
funeral, out flowers and perfect si
lence. A doctor can use a word
wrong without him or anybody
else knowing what it means, hut
if the editor uses one, he has to
spell it. If the doctor goes to see
another man’s wife, he charges for
the visit; but if the editor goes, he
gets a charge of shot. When the
doctor gets drunk, it is a case of
being overcome by beat, and if he
dies from heart failure ; when the
editor gets drunk, its a case of too
much booze, ond if lie dies, it is of
the ‘ jim-jams.”
Women AYlio are TCnvi^tl
Those attractive women who are lovely
in face, rorm and temper are the envy of
many, who might belike them. A weitK,
sickly woman will he nervous and irrita
ble. Constipation or kidney poisons show
in pimples, blotches, skin eruptiens and a
wretched complexion. For all such, Elec
tric Bitters work wondVrs. They regu
late stomach, liver and kidneys, purify
the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyes,
pure breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely
eomplexione Many charming women
owe their health and beauty to them. 50e
at all drug stores.
Card #f Thanks.
We wish to extend to our neigh
bors and friends of this community
our sincere thanks for the kind
nesses shown ug in the recent sick
ness and death of our dear hus
band and son, May God's richest
blessings ever rest upon each and
ewry one is our prayer.
Got avia Rawls,
J. E. B. Rawls.
A Thrilling Kisciic
How Bert R. Lean, of Cheny. Wash,
was save from a frightful death is a story
to thrill the world. “A hard col-'’,” he
writes, “broughtona desperate lung trou
ble that baffled an expert doctor here.
Then 1 paid flO to a visit to it lung spe
cialist in Spokane, who did not help me.
Then I went to California, but without
Irenefit. At last 1 used l)r. King’s New
Discovery, which completely cured me and
now lam as well as ever.” For Lung
Trouble, Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds,
Asthama, Cough and Whooping Cough
its supreme s(k- ai.d st. Trial bottle free
Guaranteed by Horton Drug Co.
If You Own Any Farm
land, or know anybody who
does, you ought to get in touch
with the steps farmers in all
parts of the country are taking
to protect themselves from some
of the commission men who
have been robbing them almost
ever since they were boys.
If you don't own any, but want
the best short stories printed this -
month , get the
McDonough Drue: Co.
A Few Words to the Public Concerning
Our Business
We are in the banking business for business, and we eater to the wants of peo
pie for anvthinsr in this line which we can do for them that is consistent with good
lutnking principles. And as to oar methods of doing business we gladly refer to our
many satisfied customers; or, lietter still, we invite you to call on us and let u&
proveour motto: THE SQUARE DEAL TO ALL.
This solid institution wasorganized in 181)6, and is now in the thirteenih year
of its existence, and during all these past thirteen years has enjoyed the liberal pat
ronage. support and confidence of the good people of Henry County, and to whom we
attribute, in a very great measure, our success, nrd we take this occasion to thank
one and rfll for same, and at the same time to remind you that your interest and
prosperity-is ours, and that we are still anxious for more good business, and having
had a steady growth in all lines of our business dining these years, and no losses,
vve are now much stronger and better prepared than ever for handling your business,
and taking care of your needs and with ample resources, abroad, liberal policy, and
ambition to make our bank useful and helpful to a large clientage, we invite your
business, and assure you that our policy shall always be. loyally to our custi liters,
accommodating, on a safe, conservative, sound I asis, never forgetting that every
transaction has two'interests, yours aid the other U How's, and that a good bank
sees that ouch is protected, and in keeping with the above policy we offer our patrons
the advantage of a safe depository, a square deal and such financial accommoda
tions as arecommensui ate with sound larking, and balances carried with us —and
will throw in every courtesy for good measure. So, when you have money to de
posit, good notes to discount, or want to borrow money ci me to see ns and we will
do you good.
Your friends.
The Bank of Henry County
.4. B. DICKSON, Cashier
mcdonouch, ca.
Funeral Directors and Embalmers.
Day Phone No. 51 Night Phone X0."52
All calls answered promptly tiny or night.
All embalming carefully done and according to best me thods
Our stock of metal and wood caskets arid robes arc uneqttalled.
Our services, hearses and equipment, are the best to he had.
We furnish the best steel, brick or cement Vaults.
Wedding Gifts that Delight the Bride.
In selecting a gift for the bride you naturally wish to choose
something that will please her now and bring pleasant thoughts of the
giver for yaars to come. We can help you do this, as we are special
ists in wedding gift wares and spend much time and thought in select
ing articles tha* will he most suitable for the occasion.
We are therefore continent that you will find just the right thing at
One that’s painted RED,
and has “some class to it.”
We make the six foot hanger, four passenger size, people in At
lanta pay $6.00 for them. Send us $4 50 and get one shipped out at
once. Satisfaction absolutely' guaranteed.
Hampton, Tuesday May 25
Sixth, Wednesday “ 25
Flippen, Thuigfday “ 27
Stockbridge, Friday “ 28*
Shakeraer, Monday li 51
Brushy Knob, Wednesday June 2
Loves, * Thursday “ 5,
McMullens, Friday “ •»
Beersheba, Monday ‘‘ 7
Hampton, Wednesday June 16 ; stockbridge, Thursday 17;
Locust Grove, Friday June 18- \
HcDonough Court-weeK, First Tuesdays and
Saturdays until books are closed, June 25, 1909.
Tax Receiver Henry County.
Snapping Shoals, 9 o'clock a. m.,
Island Shoals, 11 o’clock a, in.pv
\v oo< istown, i o’clock p. m.,
Wednesday June 9
, Ifk
Sandy Ridge, Thursday
Tnssabaw. Friday “ U
Locust Grove, Monday “ 14
Lowes, Tuesday “ 15