The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, July 16, 1909, Image 4
HOWARD CARMICHAEL Leading Undertaker. Complete* line of Casket# all styles and prices. Careful and polite attention given all funerals entrusted to rue. Embalming done iiecordirtg to latest and ~ 'j jst improved methods. Newest and most up to date equipment. Call answered promptly day and rdght. Phone 80. Mcuoxorr.H, R. 0. JACKSON; Attorney-at-Law, MCDONOUGH, GA. Office over Star Store. BROWN & BROWN, ATTORNE YS-A T-LAW, McDonough, Ga. lENRY COUNTY WEEKLY. It. |j. JOHNSON I alitor. Hntered at the postofflco at McDo* m aecond-clasa mail matter. Advertising Ratea: ULOO per Irma mmr month. Reduction on ut£.adiJU e«t-trarta by apepla! 'agreement. »•" are; l -. 11 ■ '"■•'i: 1 ... ———*— r- McDonough, Ga , July 14, The !V3arkots Thursday Cotton 12 January 1 1911 The iiliovo is tlu j time disunited in the Gill creating the office ot Commissioner of roads t,”d rev s * tines for Henry county for said ♦Commissioner to begin flic dis •e'large of bisduties. This hill vvhh introduced by our representative Air. li. C. Brown some two weeks ■ago. We are unable to learn why Mr. Brown delays putting the bill in ell'eet until the above dale since it occurs to us ni'd <il»u to the grand j ury if a commissioner is a good thing for the county practically two years hence, why rot at once? As .Judge Harris, our efficient Ordinary, sa's : within tie next two years will come the greatest labor that will devolve upon the Commissioner or Ordinaly in the rebuilding of the rations bridges ofthecourtv. In this one item alone we believe a competent man would save his salary two to three times each year. In a conversation with Senator McWilliams recently he agreed to give the wishes of the people due •consideration, by amending same when the bill reaches the senate, fit now reposes peacefully in the •committee with little prospects of being acted on) and we believe •through Senator McWilliams the grand jury recorfnmer.dations will he carried out, should he ever have the opportunity. The message of Governor Joseph M. Brown, submitted to the legis latnre today, is easily one of the most notable public documents presented to the people of Georgia within recent years. It grapples with pressing problems and dis cusses them sanely and practical ly, and in an attractive sty le which robs them of the last vestige of prosaicness. It is an unusual message—unusually fjjll of meat and unusually entertaining —Al bany Herald. HOWS THIS? \V« offer one hundred dollars reward "for any ease of Catarrh that cannot lie vnired by Hall's Catarrh cure. F. .1. Chen ey & Cm., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. .1 Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all badness transactions, and financially n’ le to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding. Kinnan Ac Mervin, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hall’s CitarraCnre is taken internally aerimjdirectly noon the hlood and ninc ons surfaces of t‘ie sys t>m. Testimonials SMitfree. Price Tsc. per botlle. Sold l.y all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for const ip: - tion. Protect Our Water Ways One of the most important sub jects before bur people to-day is the proper conservation of cur water power. Our national auth orities are working along this line and a few of our states have awak ened to tile critical danger we are in from monopolization. Our magazines have for some time been devoting a good deal at tention to this subject. Here in Georgia our waterpower is fast passing into the hands of companies to bo used for their own individual profit., Tlmy are taking our people’s land and water power for nothing if they can get it, for a song if the people will accept the offer, and by threat or the nse of eminent do main, they are taking much of our properity without just compensa tion. By the charters we give these companies we are giving away for ever the rich inheritance we have in our for it is shown that in the future who ever con trols the water power of our land will control all our rail roads, all | our nr.nnfaeturing enterprises, all : our farming interests—in fact onr | very bread and meat will contri I bnte to enrich the corporations j while our people as a whole will ; become poorer and poorer under the iron hand of this monopoly. We dc not want to retard develop ment of o ir stile, but development of a section does not mean merely i the use of its powers, but the use iof them to the best, purpose and 1 f ile best advantage, for the gfeat -1 est number, and development that looks toward the future for the j people as well as to the present j bent fit, Mr. John L. Matt news, an expert on* water power and its use, is writing in Hampton's Magazine a series of articles on this subject which all our people would do well to read. r [ he Outing Magazine de votes a department to the same in terest, and onr thinking men all over the country are .trying to awaken onr people in our own in-j t, rest. Last year in the Georgia Legis lature a hill was in trod net d to give away even more effectually all our claims to the wealth as if is con fa inod in our streams. The bill was tabled, but the interests of monopoly and greed are doing all they can to accomplish their ob ject. at this session. It is to lie hoped that our legislators upon whom the responsibility rests w .11 keep their eves open and not allow any such bijl to he lmuled over tin ir heads. v IVoper Treat men! ibr Dysentery ami I tiarrhocn The great mortality from dysentery and diarahoea is due ton like 01 proper treat ment at the first st.-ges of tin- disease, 'hamlierlain’s Colic. Cholera ami Diar rhoea Remedy is a reliable and effectual medicine, ami when given in reasonable dine will prevent any dangerous conse quences. If has been in use for many years and has always met with unvarying success. For sale by Horton Drug Co !ioo«j| Notice—to l.ct Bridge Contract NOTICE is hereby given that on the second Tu S'Gy in August next at Price and Heltin’s mill on the Towaliga river about eight miles north east of Griffin, ten miles south west of McDonough, be ing two and one half miles east Lnella on the Southern Kailwav, the undersigned will let to the lowest bidder at puolic out cry. a contract to build a bridge between Henry county ami Spalding county near Price and llelfin’s mill over the Towaliga river. Plans and specifications of said bridge may lie seen at the office of the Ordinary of Henry col.nty at MoDonough, (la , at the office of the Board of Commissioners of lioadsand Revenues of Spalding conn ty at Grillin. Ha., or at the ofliee of the Soloman—Xnrcross Co., Candler Build ing. Atlanta, Ha. Said bridge to lx* built of steel on stone piers with ji wooden floor. Said bridge i liKely to cost over SSOO On and than $5,000 and is to be paid for December lit), ISKHI., etieh county assuming to pay one half of the expense. A. (t Harris. Ordinary. For Henry Cr„ Roswell H. Drake, Cham. C. 0., For Spalding County. R!!tGS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Relieve Indigestion and Stomach Troubles. / TO * / Brunswick, St. Simons Island, Cumber land Island, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Tampa VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY Wednesday, July 21st, 1 Excursion train with separate coaches for white and colored will leave McDon ough 7 a. m. and arrive Brunswick 5 45 p m.. Jacksonville 5.3(> p. m. and Tam pa 0.30 a. m. next morning, Rate For Round Trip Brunswick * . $4.00 St. Simons Jsi. . $4.00 Cumberland Isl. . 4.00 Jacksonville . . 4.50 Si. Augustine. . . 4.50 Tampa . . . 6.00 Tickets Brunswick, St. Simons Isl,, (inlei hi d Isl . Jacksr nville ard St Au gustine will be good returning to points where trains are scheduled to stop, up to and including train h axing Brut swirl- S 3f j\ pj hi d Jacket iwille 7.55 p. in., Monday, .Inly 26th. '! ictets to Tampa will be good returning up to ar.d in cluding train leaving Jacksonville 7.55 p. in. July 27th. Don’t Forget the Date ■Apply to your nearest ticket agent for further information, or write, G. R. PETTIT, T. P. A., J. L. MEEK, A. G. P. A., Macon, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Georgia, Peltry County. All creditors of the estate of John A. Kerry, 1 tteof Henry county, deceased, are hen bv notified to.render in their demands tothebindtrsiarned according to law, and all pei sons indebted to skid estate are re quirt d to ma ke immediate payment. This . line 21st, 1909. W. S. Berry and J. M. John sox. Executors of Estate of Jno. A. Berry. i ’or Dismission. Georgia, Henry Countv. We, \V. S. Ben v and, J. M. Johnson, executors of the estate of Jno. A. Berry, deceased, late of said county, haying filed i heir petit ion for discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned, to show cause against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of the court of ordinary lor said county, to he held on the first Monday in August. 1909 A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary i iif Administration Georgia, Henry County. R. H Braunan having made application to me in tine form to he appointed per manent admilitftiato'- upon the estate of B. ,T. Braunan, late of said coun ty. notice is hereby given that said appli cation will he heard at the reaular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to he held on the first Monday in 4,ugust, 1909. This July sth 1909. A. G. Harris, Ordinary. I'm 1 Administration Georgia. Henry County./ E. F. Adan s, having made applica tion to me in due form, to be appointed permanent administrator upon the estate of Mrs. Martha A Adams late of said Co. notice is hereby given that said applica tion will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to lie held on the first Monday in Aug. 1909. This July stli 1909. A. G. Harris, Ordinary. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION Moticeto the citizens of McDonough; ’ There will lie introduced iu the general as sembly now in session a bill entitled: A n Aet to establish a system of public schools in the city of McDonough, to provide for the maintenance, support, and control of the same, and for other purposes. This Act will take effect and he of force when ratified by two-thirds of the qualifi ed voters of said city. W. l). Tarpley, Mayor. June 28. luoy. Kings Little Liver Pills—small, pleasant and easy to take. Pinesalve. carholized, is go<{i for burns. It penetr ites the pores, draws out infla ' mation. and is healing. It is also good ' for cuts, son s and bruises, Sold by Sold by Horton Ding Co. 7 . 1). Ward, Stock bridge, Ga. SCHEDULE Showing Mm arrival and departure of passenger trains at Mo Dan j ugh, Gn., for information only, and nut guaranteed. No, Arrives From A, M. 14 Cincinnati . . . b 12.20 13 Jacksonville . . b 4,30 30 Atlanta . . . , 6.10 16 Atlanta . . . . 8.46 7 Macon 938 21 &Ft Val. . . 10 00 P. M. 22 Atlanta . . . , 600 10 Atlanta . •. . . 6.30 15 Brunswick . . . 6.55 : 29 Columbus . . . 9.30 b—Nos. 13 and 14 stop on signal to receive or discharge passengers to or from points beyond Jesup ard Chattanooga. Nos. 7 and 10 handle through Pullman drawing-room sleeper between Macon and New York. Nos. 13 ard 14 handle through Pullman drawing-room sleepers between Jacksonville, Cincinnati and Chicago, and between Brunswick and Colorado Springs. Nos. 15 and 16 handle through sleeper between Macon and Asheville, X. C. G. R. PETTIT, T. P- A, ‘Macon, Ga. C. H. ACKERT, S. H. HARDWICK, / V.-P. and G. M. j». t. M. A ashington, D. C. Washington. D. C. W. 11. TAYLOE, J. L. MEEK, u P A * A. G. P. A. Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. No. Departs To A, IYI. 14 Jacksonville . . b 12.20 13 Cincinnati . . . b 4.30 30 Columbus . . 6.10 16 Brunswick . . . 8.46 7 Atlanta .... 9.38 21 Atlanta .... 10.00 P. M 22 Col &Ft Val. , . 6.00 10 Macon 6.30 15 Atlanta .... 6.55 29 Atlanta .... 9.30