Newspaper Page Text
With Our County Correspondents.
Mr. Editor, if you wilL.llow nu
a little space I will give a few dots
from oul Mt. Bethel.
Mr. Elnia Shaw worshiped at
this place Sunday lie h.eijig < ne < 1
Henry county ’s> best singers, of
■course we were proud of him t
Guess lie will begin a singing
school here soon. We wish him
much success.
Ollis Mason and little daughter
were the guests of Mr. J. T. Wynn
and family Sunday, ,
Mt. Bethel was well represented
at Sardis Sunday afternoon by
Bud Wilkerson, Eiiie Austin, E.
Austin, Lillie Bell Wilkctson, Boy
ace Morgan, Missoitna Austin,
Bubv Jackson Corine Stone and a
number of others.
There will be a singing at Mt.
Bethel church - n the first, Sunday
afternoon in Aug. everybody come
but now, please take warning there
have been a committee appointed
to keep order in the church ami
out doors, they wish to give every
one fair warning that there must
he no talking and laughing in the
church, and not but a very little
out doors.
There will he children’s day at
this place on Saturday before -the
fourth Sunday. Everybody are
invited to come and bring well fill
ed baskets, we are experting a nice
Good wishes for The Weekly ai d
its many readers.
Rowel Complaint in Children
When six months old the little daugh
ter of K. X. Dewey, a well known merch
ant of Agnewville, Va., had an attach of
cholera infantum. Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was given
find effected a complete curt'. This reme
dy has proven very successful in cases of
bowel complaint in children and when
given according to the plain printed dir
ections can be relied upon with perfect
confidence. When reduced with water
and sweetened it is pleasant, totaKe, which
Js of great importance when a medicine
lpustbe given to young children. For
aule by Horton Drug Co.
Gen. Green is still with us and it,
seems as lie is gtfing to spend the
summer with ns for he is hard to
Look out Mr Chickens your
time is almost here and if you
don’t roos't mighty high they will
catch you, for the big meetings
are.almost here.
Mr. B H. Maddox is quite sick
at this writing.
On the account of the big meet
ings that is io take place in and
around this settlement, The Sun
day School at Delta Grove will 1 e
postponed until some future date
Messrs. J. P. Thompson and W
F. Helms were enTertained Sunday
afternoon by Mr. G. W, Smith.
Mr.S. P. Crumbley, of the Gate
City is spending a few weeks with
home folks and relatives at this
The many friemls.of Master John
Jessie Crumbley will be delighted
to learn that he is some better at
this writing.
Several from this community at
tended the all day preaching at
Union Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Helms spent
Sunday week in McDonough as the
guests of the latters sister, Mrs.
John Smith.
We are sorry to announce that
Mr, H. H. Kelley is st.ll sick, but
we hope to see him better in the
near future.
Tori lire *Ui a Horse
“For ten years I couldn't ride a horse
without being in torture from piles,”
writes L S Napier, of Kugleas, Kv..
“when all doctors ami other remedies fail
ed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me.”
Infallible for piles, bnrnes, scalds, cuts,
boils, fever sores, eczema, salt rheum,
corns.2sc. Guaranteed by all druggists.!
On Jnne 2k, 190'.), vied gathered
one more precicus jewed and car
ried it home to rest and heme to
stay. He called lit tie G. B. Wood
the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Cloud
Wood. He had only brightened
their home only 2 years, 10 months
and 23 days. He was such a bright
ITttle one God thought lie was too
pure and sweet to grow in this sin
ful world, and he sent an angel
and carried him home to rest.
Weep not for your precious one
mother, and a brighter and sweet
er jewel would not he found, he
was loved by all who knew him
and how sweet will be liismemory.
Gii how sad it was to give him
up, ybt, every thing had been done
that his physician father, mother
and dear grand parents and friends
could(N). He has gone to rest
Oh what a c insolation that is to i
ns. Fa ther and mother weep not ,
for your darling one for our loss is ]
his gain, for if you live, live that;
sacred life you shall see your lit
tle angel walking on the golden
streets of Heaven in the sweet by
and by
May God in his wisdom and pow
er help von all to live so when life
journey here on earth is over you
I will have a home in heaven with
the angels who cave -gone to pre
pair for father, mother and little
sister. He took him for a good
purpose. Oh how we miss his pre
sence and lit tie foot steps as we
go in and find no little G. R. but
we hare sweet assurance that he
has gone to rest, to a home not
made with hands eternal in the
Heavens. Don't think you will
not see little G. B any more, but j
live so when life task is done you |
will meet him on the golden shore
where there is no more farewells
nor tears shed, there all is joy.
But remember that Jesus called
the tender lamb to himself and
folds them in his arms. His gn ce
is sufficient for you and faith in
him alone can bind up your broken
■heart. The Lord giveth and the
Lord tnketli blessed be the name
of the Sweet angels beck
oned him away as he had not come
here to stay.
The darling child departed left
darkened home and parents sad.
I say to the father and mother,
wipe away all tears from the eye
and say, by God’s help I will meet
him face to face by and by. There
was an angel band in Heaven that
■ was not quite complete so God took
our darling G. B. to fill the vacant
seat. Oh that our lives may be
such theirs pure and holy and
Christ like and that it may be said
of ns as it is of them they have
fought a good tight and gain the
This life is but a passing vapor
this world is full of its sorrows,
rrouble and bereavements of such
is life. The boy was laid to rest in
che Palmer grave yard June 24,
Rev. Brother Rowden conducted
the funeral service at 11 o’clock
Life 100,000 Years Ago.
Scientists have found in a cave in Swit
zerland hones of men, who lived 100,000
years ago, when life was in constant dan
ger, as shown by A. W Brown, of Alex
ander, Me., is largely from deadly disease.
“If it had not been for Dr. King’s New
Discovery, which cured me, I could not
havo Jived,” he writes, “suffering as I did
from a servere Jung trouble and stubborn
co igh.’’ To cure sore lungs, colds, obsti
natecoughs, and prevent pneumonia, its
the best medicine on earth, ttlc and SIOO,
Guaranteed by All Druggists. Trial bot
tle free.
‘Uncle Tom’Turner Dead
Uncle Tom Turner died at the
home of his brother, Mr. Jim Tur
ner, five miles west of McDonough
in Monday after a long illness
He was 7JJ years old and was one
of the county’s old and widely
known citizens. He is survived
by his wife and two 1 rothers.
The funeral and interment was
held at Mt. Carmel Tuesday, Rev.
F J. Marshbum officiating.
On the 2711 i of June ns the morn
ing slur heralded Ihecemtng of a
bright Subbath day, G« d called
‘Aunt Lnella home, and her
body is at rest, fhe leaves a hus
band, Mr. H. B. Rosser, and six
sons, *Ben, Emmett, Sam, Glenn,
Lendon and Gettis to mourn her
loss. It was my pleasure to stay
with her a few days before her
death. Iso often heard her say
how much longer have I got to
stay here. She was ready when
the summons came. But, Gi d in
His all-wise judgment, sew tit to
remove her from our midst. Oh,
it is hard, so hard, to give thee. up.
She suffered much, but she bore
her suffering with Christian forti
tude, always happy w ith a snulo
for everyone. How- sad it was for
l tha t fa flier and child ten to go hack
h one without mother.
We cannot understand why her
voice is hushed or why her face is
taken from us, hut God in His wis
dom saw proper to take her to
Himself. No mere the sun will
shine, the flowers bloom, or birds
sing for her ; we will see no more
the rose or smile upon her face, or
hear her voice ringing prayer;
but in God's garden wlieie the
Son ever shines we will try to meet
our loved one in eternity when
coineth no night. She was a true
and devoted wife and mother. It
almost broke your husband and
children’s hearts when you from
this world did part, and around the
newly made grave at the old heme
church, will he a dear and a pre
cious spot to tin m. And again
phey will say farewell, farewell
dear mother kind and true, no one
knowns how we miss you. Rut
you have gone to your ha pipy home
to be with Jesus around His throne.
But we should imitate your noble
example and when the messenger
calls be ready as you were. When
her departure was at hand, she
had no arrangement to make, all
was ready. Wei p not, dear ones,
she sleeps well lor she sleeps in
Jesus. Her sweet character speaks
back to us from tlie darkness of
the grave and assures us the vic
tory is won. Her sufferings are
' over and we have the best of rea
-1 /
sons to believe that our loss is her
eternal gain. Sleep on, dear Aunt,
God will watch your slumbering
dust till the great day of His glory.
Oh, what lonely hot rs are before
us. But may God bless and com
fort the broken hearted loved ones
left behind. May her going draw
us all closer to God.
Hkr Nieck, T. M.
Sees Mol her Grow Voting
“It would bo hard to overstate the won
derful change in my mother since she be
! gan to use Electric Bitters,” writes Mrs.
YV. E GilpatricK of Danforth, Me. “Al
| through past To she seems really to be
j growing young again, she suffered un
; told misery from dyspepsia for 2d years,
j At last she could neither eat, drink nor
! sleep. Doctors gave up and all remedies
j failed till Electric Bitters worked such
: wonders for her health.” They invigorate
jail vital organs, cure liver and kidney
troubles, induce sleep, impart strength
and appetite. Only sticat All Drug stores
LOST.—One pair of gold-framed
spectacles, probably with a ease
somewhere between Judge Rea
gan's residence and the Presbyte
rian chunk. Fit der will be re.
warded by returning to Mrs. E. J.
After eating, persons of a bilious habi
will derive great benefit by taking cm
of these pills. I; you have been
they will promptly relieve the nausea
and nervousness which follows, restore
the appetite and remove gloomy feel
ings. Elegantly sugar coated.
Take No Substitute.
O i Doc. 5, t he death angel visit
ed the home of Mr. und Mrs. C". fcS.
Hays and took from them a pre
cious boy. He was so sweet and
kind and so good to his father and
mother also to Ids brothers and
sisters he certainly did love them
all and we nil c •rtaiwly did love
him. He was only 19 years old.
He leaves a mother, father, three
brothers, three sisters and a hosts
of friends to mourn his loss.
Weep not dear one for he is not
dead, but onlv asleep fn the arms
of Jesus, Hedidn’t suffer at all,
he was patient to theend, we must
all live so we can go up where God
him in to takeeareef him, he
is resting with Jesus. Why God
in his al .vise providence has taken
Pat, hut we will know some sweet
day, God doeth all things for the
best. It seems so hard to give him
up, lui was always so kind and
pleasant wherever yon nu t him
die was loved by all who knew him
Oil, I can h ntr his sweet voice
and set> his sweet as I open these
lew lines put your trust in him
who (1 eth all tilings for our good
If wo can only he as well pr* pair
ed as ho was oh what a blest* i
thing it. would bo. Weep not deal
mother your loss is his eternal
gain. All wvis done for him rlutl
loving hands could do, hut it was
God s will to take him from this
world of "borrow. He is gone but
not ft rgotten neyor will his : ein
ory fade. Sweeter thoughls shall
over linger around the grave v. lit i e
he is laid. Wo miss him oh, s<
much in his home, his chair is va
cant and his place cun never he fill
ed. No more we see his free jit.”
hoar him sing the sweet songs that
lie sung with hisdear father, moth
er and sisters. Pat was always
faithful tohis pest, ] apa always
ask Pat if ever thing was dime Pat
always answen d yes sir. Pat al
ways took all the haul wark for
A Night Hitler's Haiti
The worst night riders are calomel, cro
ton oil or aloes pills. They raid your hetl
to rob you of rest. Not so with Dr. Kings
New Life Pills. They never distress or in
convenience, but always cleanse I lit* sys
tem, curing colds, headache, constipation
malaria,2sc, at AH Druggists.
jrrT ., jfaJff. . 30 BAYS DRIVING TEST
I /T\ 1- jbj-“Aixl A guarantee aa good as a Gold Bond; a trial as liberal Ai
/ vY/'X ""■■ l ' - T at, v <inc ask for, and xpositive saving of from to
| S4O. We <l«fy any reputable concern in the U. 8. to duplicate our
'/w /IV'- ' J ’\N/' arc ihe* strongest and mo t literal ever mad**, and nr" positively
\/ rU VAd\\/ \S /T j/yi v\ / binding:; our vehicles mirt prove tin m in artual nr vice
\j/ b« l'oro we’ll expect you lo Ijp .sat isf. d. Wo do n«>t ciinipcte with
L people wlio havo iao reputation to lose, or who misrepresent their
hi.tails ni iHTVRi.y for *c,:».00 V Ll—umi
Send To-Day For Our Big New Free Catalog, No. 105
It describes, pictures and prices upwards of two hundred modern styles of th • liiphe.-.t grade Hum.bouts,
Speeder s. Buck board 5, T< »i» I’ntr tries, Stanhopes, Phaetons,
Surreys, Spring:, Farm and Mail Wagons, Road Carts and Bar- \ IT JR*
ness at actual faetorv prints. We sell DlKl.i'l’ and save you 1 g %jl vv#f
the dealer’s profits. Don’t delay. Write today. HAVE while yi»u pay. llepi. ' ' il South Fornyth Street, AHhii3a, orpia.
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to hitch a horse
Connection with the Bell System puts you
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So Tired
ft may he from overwork, but
the chances are its from an in
active LIVER
With a well conducted UVE3?
one can do mountains of labor
v ithout fatigue.
It atltla a hundred per cent to
one:; earning capacity.
it can be kept in licslihiul action
by, and only by
dF= j» il n-ig
pmre* Pille
■J I*3il & e jjfd
Farmers are still very busy.
<’hamlMM'hiin's Colic, Cholera anil
Diarrhoea Kemetty the Best
ami Surest.
“It affords me pleasure to state that I
consider che prepara l ion known ns (Tani
lierlnin's Colic, Cholera and Dlimhota
Remedy the host and surest of good re
sults of aav I have ever ns* d in n. v fami
ly,” says P. E. Herrington, of Mt. Aerial,
Kv. This is the universal verdict of all
who use this remedy. Its cures are so
prompt and effect uni that pleasure is rec
ommending it. For sale by Ront on Drug
McCall patterns „ .
Celebrated lor style, perfect fit, simplicity and
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Canada, or by mail direct. Meire toM Uun
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More subscribers tlmn any other fashion
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plain sewing, fancy needlework, hairdressing,
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Subscribe today, or send lor sample copy,
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and new cash prize oflci s. Address
'.HE McCALI CO., 228 to 2<S YV. 37th SMW YORK
The surest and eulsicst way to cure a cold
or cough is by gent ly and freely moving
the bowels Bees Laxative Gough Syrup
is pleasant, stops kite coughing and quick
ly rcleaves the cold bv allying congestion
and by pleas,a nt ly aml |.lumpily moving
the howds. Sold by
Sold by Horton Drug Co.
Z. I). Ward, Stockbriilgw, Ga.