Newspaper Page Text
With Our County Correspondents.
Well Mr. Editor as I have teen
Absent from jour list for some
time I will give a few dcts from
this part of the county.
There was a goodly number of
visitors which attended the Smi
-day School and sining at this place
Bunday afternoon.
Sabbath School at this place is
Btill in a thriving condition.
Mr. Marion Samlifer, of Jackson,
spent Saturday night with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sandifer.
Mr. and Mrs. Snow came up
from Monroe and spent the night
with Mr. Henry Owens and family
Saturday night.
Miss Elon Laney, of Jonesboro,
is spending a few days with her
Aister, Mrs. Lucy Boatner.
Rev. Levi McKibben, colored
had the misfortune to loose his
tnilcli cow.
The prospects for a good crop
looks very promising in this com
I have been told that one of my
neighbors has quit cultivating his
-cotton and going to saving his
grass by handstacking it in the
Wishing The Weekly and its
many readers a happy life.
liowel Complaint in Children
When six months old the little daugh
ter of E. N. Dewey, a well known merch
ant of Agnewville, Va., had an attach of
cholera infantum. Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was given
.and effected a complete cure, 'lhis reme
dy has proven very successful in cases of
howel complaint in children and when
given acoording to the plain printed dir
ections can be relied upon with perfect
confidence. When reduced with water
and sweetened it is pleasant to taKe, which
Is of great importance when a medicine
must be given to young children. For
isale by Horton Drug Co.
Crops are looking fine through
this section now.
A large crowd attende d the sing
ing at this place Sunday and we
had some good singing led by Prof
O. N. Cox and others.
We are glad to know that Mr.
Andrew Alexander is better now.
Messrs. Albert Sorrow urd Lmn
Harper attended the singing at
Ozias Snnday and reported a nice
Mr. Malone Fields made Mr. and
Mrs. Will Fargason a popcall Sun
day afternoon.
Mr. Gladstone Mays and Miss
Leitha Sorrow w T ere out riding
Misses Lula Tarpley and Lucile
CJokcr visited Mrs. J. H. Sorrow
Tuesday night.
Mr. Paul Fields and Nevada Sor
row attended the singing at Hamp
ton Sunday afternoon.
Mr and Mrs. E P. Mays visited
their daughter, Mrs. Luney Bar
nett and family.
Miss Minnie Bishop visited Miss
Xiucile Coker Sunday.
Mr. Perry Welch visited home
£olks Sunday
Mr. Wardie Massey accompanied
Miss Lucile Coker home Sunday.
Mr. Howard Fields, of Macon,
■spent Saturday night and Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
■O. Fields.
Mr. Paul Fields spent Saturday
night with Mr. O. G. Fields.
The singing given hy Mr. and
Mrs. W. E Martin was enjoyed by
nil who attended.
Mrs. Lula Turnipseed has re
turned home after spending sever
al days in Atlanta.
Miss Brunette Sorrow spent
Monday afternoon with Miss Ln
cile Coker.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fields visited
-Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Fields Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Barnett spent
Sunday niglit with Mr. and Mrs.
W. E- Martin.
Mr. D. T, Stone made a business
t)ip to Atlanta one day last week.
We are sorry to know that Mr.
Raymond Branceford is not any
better at this writing.
1-il‘e 100,000 Years Ago.
Scientists have found in a cave in Swit
zerland bones of men, who lived 100,01-0
years.ago, when life was in constant dan
ger, as shown by A. W. Brown, of Alex
ander, Me., is largely from deadly disease.
‘lfit had not hem for Dr. King’s New
Discovery, which cured me, 1 could not
havo lived,” he writes, “suffering as 1 did
from a servere lung trouble and stubborn
cough.” To cure sore lungs colds, obsti
nate coughs, and prevent pneumonia, its
the best medicine on earth, 50c and #IOO,
Guaranteed by All Druggists. Trial bot
tle free.
Farmers are about done laying,
by now and crops are fine.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Exam were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs, R. W.
Exam Sunday.
Miss Estelle Alexander spent Sat
urday and Sunday at Rex.
Mrs. Henry Huckby and little
son, Fred, of Gridin, were the
guests of Mr. W, N. Strickland
and family last week.
Little Miss Annie Adamson spent
last Saturday and Sunday at. Rex,
the guest of Little Miss Ella Bea
trice Adamson.
Misses Mattie Lee and Estelle
Foster visited at Hebron Thursday
Messrs. Henry and Garie Strick
land were the gnests of Mr. Tom
Tidwell in Dntchtown Sunday.
Mr. Paries MeCollough and fami
ly were the gnests of Mr. Dalton
McCullough Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johnson and
little son, W. E. Jr., 0 f Atlanta,
are spending their vacation here
with friends and relatives.
Mr. Mitchell, of Mt. Carmel,
spent Sunday here, the guest of
his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Mr. G. M. Adamson and family
were the guests of the former’s
parents, Mr, Tom Adamson and
family Saturday and Sunday
Mr Cliff Wood spent Sunday at
this place with friends.
Mr. Alexander and family
spent Sunday near New Hope, the
guest of relativt s.
Mr. and Mrs J. W. McCollcugli
were the guests of their son, Mr.
J. D McCcllongh Sunday.
Little Misses Annie and Mary
Adamson visiti d Little Miss Bur
mali Strickland Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mis. J. W. Foster won't
to Hebron one day last week.
Miss Kittie Janette spent Sun
lay and Monday in Dutcbtown,
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Sallie
I’icl ell
Master Tom Exam visited his
•onsin, Henry Exuni, in Dutch
own Sunday.
Mrs. E. H. Foster visited Mrs.
J. F Johnson Sunday afternoon.
Sees Moth«-r Grow Yonng
“It would bo hard to overstate the won
derful change in my mother since she be
gan to use Electric Bitters,” writes Mrs.
\V. L QilpatricK of Danforth, Me. “Al
through past 70 she seems really to be
growing young again, she suffered un
told misery from dyspepsia for 20 years.
A.t last she could neither eat. drin K nor
sleep. Doctors gave up and all remedies
failed till Electric Bitters worked such
wonders for her health.” They invigorate
all vital orgtns, cure liver and kidney
troubles, induce sleep, impart strength
uid appetite. Only 50c at All Drug stores
Protracted services will begin at
this place next Saturday and will
•ontinue for several days there
will be two sermons a day at 11
o’clock a. m and bin the evening
if you can t come to one come to
the other.
Mr. and Mrs. J T- Barnett visit,
ed relatives in Atlanta last Sunday.
Mr, Paul Fields accompanied by
Miss Nevada Sorrow passed thru
our midst last Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. McLendon,
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Barnett and
Messrs. ,T. S and W. H. Barnett
attended the singing at Lebanon
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Abercumbia
Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Hoed were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Mitchel last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Barnett, Jr.
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Barnett Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Andrews
were the guests of the Matters par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Glowers
Saturday night and Sunday
A Night Hitler’s Haiti
The worst night riders are calomel, cro
ton oil or aloes pills. They raid your bed
to rob you of rest. Not so with Dr. Kings
New Life Pills. They never distress or In
convenience, but always cleanse the sys
tem, curing colds, headache, constipation
malaria,3sc. at All Druggists.
Below is piven a Directory of the city
of McDonough and Henry county for the
convenience of the Weekly readtrs:
A G Haukis Ordinary
J A Fouohk Clerk
A C SowKJ.t Sheriff
It A Paynk Deputy Sheriff
J F Moseley Deputy Sheriff
1) .J Green —. Treasurer
T T Barham f ...'lax Deceiver
J S GILKERT '.. Tax Collector
E Foster Coroner
H C Shields Surveyor
Hon. Frank Klagan, Judge
Hon. J F Wall, Solicitor
J <' Daniel, Clerk
Monthly Sessions, Each Ist Wednesday
Quarterly Sessions, 2ml Monday in
January, April, July, October
city oi l h i a us McDonough
W 1) TahpLKY * Mayor
J C Harris Mayor Pro Tern
11 J Turner Clerk and Treasurer
Bailor Smith Cheif Marshal
J H Patterson Special Marshal :
J S Rodgers H M Turner
J M Carmichael J C Harris
W B Jlngram HJ Turner
Meetings Ist Monday Night Each Month.
McDonough, 498 G M—J C Daniel, JP
M E Berry. X P; court Ist Friday.
Love, 491 G M— G W Crumhley, J P;
1) C Collins, N P; court 4th Saturday.
Si.vih, 48(5 G M—E M Foster, J P; It W
Exuni, N P; court 4ih Saturday.
Mi'll ii 11iii, (511 G M—J It Green, .T P;
C C Fargason, X P; court 3rd Saturday.
Keershelm, (538 G M—X B Lane, J P;
W T Stroud, N P; court 2nd Saturday.
Sandy Kidge, 7(57 G M—-A C Norman, J
P; J L Savage, X P: court 2nd Friday.
Tussahaw, 489 G M —J 11 B ine. J P;
M V Sowell, N P; court 2nd Saturday.
Itriisliy Knob, (522 G M—J F Mitchell,
J P; L F White, X P; court 3rd Saturday
Sliakei-ag, 8;,8 G M —W K Whitaker, J
P; C South, X P; court 3rd Thursday.
Slock bridge, 775 G M—GusOwen, J P;
It H Hightower, X P; court 3rd Saturday
Cowe, (541 G M—K J Chappell, J P;
II H Greer, X P; court 3rd Friday.
Hampton, 723 G M—WS Davis, J P;
S D Maliar, X P; court 3rd Friday.
Locust Grove, 57(5 G M—J W Middle
brooks, J P; H L Brown, X P; court Ist
Ulippen, 1477 G M—G E Floyd, ,J P;
J B ltowan, X P; court Ist Saturday.
T J Brown, Chairman
J M Takplky E F Adams
W T Stroud J D Bowen
Lawrence Duffky, Co. School Com.
Quarterly Meetings Board, Ist Tuesday
January, April, July, October
Box. E J Reagan, Judge
Hoy. J W Wise. Solicitor General
Hon. AY E H Searcy, Stenographer
Court convenes on 3rd Monday in April
and 3rd Monday in Octol>er.
37. F & A M
T J Brown, \V M
J F Bowden, Sec.
\ Regular Meetings Ist Fri
/ x/' day night; 3rd Sat. p. m.
In Loving memory of Miss Allora
She entered Gcds Kingdom July
1-, She was about 29 years
of age her remains were buried aT
the family grave yard; She was
faithful until death ; died happy,
s he sang and shouted all the week
before God took her to his bosom.
It was sad tb give her up but God
doeth all tilings right. He is a
wondorous and mighty God; he
needed one more angel, so he call
ed Allora home, she said I am
ready to go.
Weop not dear ones for she is
much better off than she was here ;
you’ll all see her by and by if
you live faithful until God oalls
you home. Sometimes the an
nouncement is sudden, but it is
always a shock. Allora is gone ;
we will never see her again on
earth but by and by we will see
her in the Heavenly home.
She was left alone when small
without mother, father, brother
or sister ; She had neither of these
to mourn her loss ; we think that
she lias met her loving mother and
father in Hoaven where we all
long to be some happy day. But
who but the dear Lord of heaven
knows where the dear one is—but
Jesus /.nows : and he knows all our
s irrows on eartn and will count
our sorrows tears as stars in the
believing hearts,
We should always be prepared
for death is sure to come, xve know
not where nor when, bat Jesus i
knows and when he sees time it is
then our time so be ye therefore
ready. Sweeter thoughts will ever
linger around the grave where
Alora is la.'d.
“There is no death, the stars
go down’’
Onlv to rise on some fairer shore,
And added to the luster of
Heaven's bright crown,
Shine on forevermore
“There is a day of rest for every
dark and troubled honr, for God
will mark each surrounding dav
and number every falling tear,
heavens long age of bliss shall pay :
for all his children suffer herp.
Can any one say a word of kind
ness to sooth the lonely hearts.
May the God of peace he with
the loved ones forever.
By one who knew her, L. T.
Annual Celebration
Of the
At Shingleroof Ccmpgronnd, July £C, 1909.
io O’clock A. M.
1. Opening Songs.
2. Devotional Exercises, Conducted bv the Chaplain.
3. Welcome Address, By Cob R. O Jackson.
4. Response. By Rev. M. B. Sams.
5. Song by the Congregation.
6. Address. The Bible. Miss Daisy Gray.
7. Recitations. By Representatives ol different Schools.
8. Address ot the Day. By Asa G. Candler.
9. Business.
1.30 O’clock P. M.
1. Opening Song.
2. Song Contest lor the Banners, by following Schools:
1. Beersheha.
2. Bethany.
11. Bethel.
4 Daniel’s.
5. Delta Grove.
6. Fairview.
7. Flat Rock.
8. Flippen.
9. Hampton Baptist.
10. Hampton Methodist.
11. Liberty Hill.
12. Locust Grove Baptist.
13 Locust Grove Methodist.
14. McDonough Baptist.
29. Turner's.
3. Announcements.
4. Closing Song.
iA HAPPY .•ft”
Is one where health abounds.
With impure blood there cannot
be good health.
With a disordered LIVER there
cannot be good blood.
M’s Pills
revivify the torpid LIVER and restore
its natural action.
A healthy LIVER means pure
Pure blood means health,
health means happiness.
Take no Substitute. All Druggist**
Farmers are still very busy.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami
Diarrhoea Heinedy the Host
aml Surest
“It- affords me pleasure to state that I
consider the preparat ion known as Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy the best and surest of good re
sults of any I have ever usi d in my fami
ly,” says P. E. Herrington, of Mt. Aerial,
Ky. This is the universal verdict of all
who use this remedy. Its cures are so
prompt and effectual that pleasure is rec
ommending it. For sale by Honton Drug
Celebrated for style, perfect fit, simplicity and
reliability nearly 40 years. Sold i/i nearly
every city and town in tl.e United States and
Canada, or by mail direct. More .‘-old than
any other nuke. Send lor free catalogue#
More subscribers tlian any other f.ishioti
magazine—million a month. Invaluable. I-at
est style*. patterns, dressmaking, millinery,
plain sewing, fancy needlework, hairdressing,
etiquette, good stories, etc. Only 60 cents a
year (worth double), including a free pattern.
Subscribe today, or send for sample copy,
to Agents. Postal brings premium catalogue
and new cash prize offers. Address
-3e McCAU CO.. 238 to 248 W. 37(h 9t„ NEW YORK
The surest. anti ealsiest. way to cure a fold
or cough in by gently and freely moving
the bowels. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup
is pleasant, stops the coughing and quick
ly releaves the cold by allying congestion
and by pleasantly and promptly moving
the bowels. Sold by
Sold by Horton Drug Go.
Z. I). Ward, Stockbridge, la.
15. McDonough Methodist,
lft. McDmiongh Presbyterian.
17. Morris Grove.
18. Mt. Carmel.
19. Oakland.
20. Philadelphia.
21. Pleasant Hill.
22. Rocky Branch.
23. St. Panl Methodist.
24. Salem.
25. Sharon.
26. Stock bridge Methodist.
27. Stockbi i< ge Presbyterian.
28. Timberrm e.