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O A LL i
And let me lit you with Glassesj
in the most modern way and the J
latest styles. |
Satisfaction guaranteed ! <
P. B. CHEEK, i
.lewder and <iplieian,
ncDomouglhi, = Qa. |
W. Mitchell St.
Oik* IMock I i-oin Terminal Siation.
All !Miulerii t onvenieneew
$1.60, £2.00, $2.60 and *3.00.
Atlanta, Cl a. Atlanta Phone 3256
Col. W. P. Blood worth, of At
lanta, whs a rocont visitor in Mc-
Miss Olive Millen, of Flovilla. is
the finest of her sister, Mrs.
Graves, this week.
Mrs. H. S. Williams will have
as her guest after Thursday, Miss
Olivia Munn, of Atlanta.
Miss Inez Stalworth, of Atlanta,
is the guest of Mr. E. B. Stnlls
worth’s family.
Miss Lucy May Leo, of Macon,
will be the guest of Mr. J. W. Har
per and family for several weeks.
Miss Mattie Hummock, of Locust
Grove, is the guest of Miss Myrtle
Clements this week.
Clever George Alexander, of
Greenwood, was mingling with
his hosts of friends here Monday.
Mrs. W. B. Patrick, of Locust
Grove, spent Saturday and Sunday
in the city with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. E. Clements.
Mrs. Lila Copeland and little son,
H. J. Jr., returned home on last
Thursday from an extended visit
to friends at Griffin.
Misses Bello and Lula Kirksoy,
of Aoroe, Ga., are on an extended
visit of several weeks to Mrs.
Laura Alexander.
Miss Hattie Pottle, one of Mil
ledgeville’s winsome ard charm
ing young ladies, will be the guest
of Miss Ruth Turner next week,
“MONEY TO LEND” First to the
fellow who keeps his accounts in
this bank.
Bank of Stockbridge, (-la.
Mrs. J. A. Simpson and little
son left last Friday for Daniels
ville for an extended visit to her
parents and other friends.
“MONEY TO LEND” To the far
mer who wants help to linisli his
crop and needs the money to
do this, come to SEE US.
Bank of Stockbridge, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs T. N. McKibben,
of Eatonton have been the guests
of the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Daniel, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Blake, of
Griffin were the guests of the lat
ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. .T C.
Daniel first of the week.
“MONEY TO LEND” to the bor
rower who can make a good bank
able paper can always get the
Bank of Stockbridge, Ga.
The President of the Farmers’
Union Warehouse Co. has called
a meeting of the directors on next
Tuesday, July 27th, and he re
quests that all to be present as it
is a meeting of much importance.
Col. E. M. Smith has returned
from a trip to Texas and Oklahoma
where he went on legal business
tor the purpose of adjusting a le
gacy that will come to the Wood
ruff family.
Office Hours :
7.30 to 12 A. M. 1 to 6 F. M.
Office Hours :
7.30 to 12 A. M. 1 to 6 Y. M.
Land For Sale
100 acres near Flippen
school house and church
part cash balance to suit
W. A. D. Nelson.
Miss Julia Moore, of Hampton,
is visiting the family of Col. G. D,
Dominick. —Zebulon Journal,
a crowd went on the ex
cursion to Brunswick and Jack
sonville on Wednesday.
Miss Maud Hicks, of Spartan
burg, arrived Tuesday for an ex
tended visit to Mrs I’. B. Cheek.
Miss Hattie O’Berry, of Willa
coochee, is the guest of Miss Lucy
Miss Maggie Manley, of Jackson,
was the guest of old friends here
for several days, returning to her
home on Saturday.
Mrs. J. W. Rountree, of Flippen,
came Friday to visit liar daughter,
Mrs. J. D. McCullough.—Jackson
Messrs. C. D Beeland, Dave Bee
land, Harvie Beelaml and T. M.
Word, of Atlanta, and Dave Wall
and Howard Carmichael are tak
ing a week’s outing at Peachstone
Shoals this week.
Messrs. E. D. Tolleson, H. C.
Russell and W. O. Welch and Mis
ses Elon Tolleson and Hattie Sue
Low are on a trip to Wrightville
Beach, N. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Vera Harper and
little daughter, Mary Josephine,
arrived Wednesday for a week’s
visit to the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Harper.
Chicken “Panacea” and
our choice chicken feeds,
protect your chix.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Messrs. O P Strord, W S Stroud,
Ilamp Stroud, J W Rape, J F Wall
Sam Ilooten, Tom Barham, J A
! Fouche and J D Dicken are on a
fishing trip to Dames Ferry this
LOST—A lady’s purse contain
ing two ten dollar bills and some
small silver change on Tuesday on
the streets of McDonough. Finder
will be liberally rewarded by re
turning same to The Weekly office
The body of Miss Allora Ford,
who died Thursday night at the
family residt nee, tiO Eads street,
was taken to Rex, Ga., for funeral
services and interment Saturday
morning. A number of friends
and relatives accompanied the
body.—Atlanta Journal.
Choice thoroughbred Buff Ply
mouth Rock cockerels for sale.
Prices from $1.2.1 to $2.00 each;
ages from ten weeks to five and a
half months old. Birds large and
nice, and from good laying strain.
Jessie Lee Williams, Locust Grove,
Rev. W. W. Arnold, assisted by
Rev, L. T. Reed, of Cedartown, is
holding a most interesting series
of meetings at the Baptist Church
this week. Two services a day are
being held. 10.30 a. m. and 8 p. m.
and Vill continue through the
week till Sunday night. Both the
pastor amj Mr. Reed have been de
livering some very strong and able
sermons chat are aronsing a much
deeper and more zealons spiritual
life, not only to the local members
of the chnrcli but to the entire ci
ty and community.
Can your tomatoes, peach
es and grapes, full stock
cans both tin and glass.
Copeland Mer. Co.
On the morning of the bright
Sabbath day, June 27th, the death
angel visited the home of Mr. H.
B. Rosser and took from him his
loving and devoted Christian wife.
She leaves a husband, six sons and
a hosts of friends to mourn her
She was ready and patiently wait
ing fur her call from this earthly
home to one where sweet music
never ceases. We know she suff
ered so muon during her last days
on earth, but now she is free from
all pains and trials because she
has reached her eternal home
where she sings in glory. None
of us know why God called her
from our midst, but he in his all
wise judgement took her to him
self that where he was there she
would be also.
Farewell dear wife and mother
until we meet again where parting
is unknown and death never comes
She is beholding the blessed Sav
ior’s face and rejoicing evermore.
If we were permitted to see her
oh what joy it would be to see her
with a harp in her hand and a
crown upon her head continually
praising God around his great
throne through eternity.
Weep not her companion, sons
and loved onr.s because sl.e is not
dead but only sleeping in the arms
of Jesus, Your loss will be noth
ing hut her eternal gain. Hus
band and sons if you live that sa
cred life, you shall see your loved
one walking on the golden streets
of Heaven in the sweet by and by.
May God in his wisdom help you
all to do so and when your life is
ended yon will have a home with
her and the angels who have gone
to prepare for father and sons.
All was done that loving hands
could do ; she is gone but not. for
gotten never will her memory fade.
There was an angel band in Heav
en that was not quite complete so
God thought best to take her and
fill a vacant seat. May God in the
richness of his grace abundantly
bless you all both spiritual and
temporal until he bids you all come
home. May her going draw us
ever closer to God, and let us try
to follow her example and when
we are called be ready as she was.
She was such a bright and shin
ing star that God thought her too
pure to live on earth in so" much
pain. Along came an angel ga
thering up his most precious jew
els and carried this loved one borne
to glory. I say to father and sons
dry away all tears from yonr eyes
and say : by God’s help we’ll meet
her face to face in the sweet by
and by. Ever work toward that
point for God will gently call you
some day.
We shall meet to part, no more,
In that home so far away,
We will meet you over yonder,
In that home where we shall stay.
farewell loved ones, I must leave
Tlio ; the tears of sorrow flow,
Will you all prepare to meet me
In that land to which I go.
Oh we long to see our mother
far beyond the swelling tide.
She has crossed the crystal river
and in glory there abides,
We are waiting for the summons
when our pilgrimage is o’er,
Then we know we’ll see our moth
er when we reach the shin
ing shore.
One Present at Her Death, L. W.
Mr George King, of Cullman,
Ala., has been the guest of W. H.
Cleveland this week.
The Indian Spring Holiness camp
meetinff will be held this year
from the 2nd to the 15th of Aug.
Already preparations are being
nude and as usual big crowds are
expected to be in attendance.
Now is the time to use
our pure cooking oils,
saves time, trouble and ex
pense. Cheaper than hog
lard, sold in any sized
Copeland Mer. Co.
A Few Words to the Public Concerning
Our Business
We are in the banking business for business, and we cater to the wants of peO
pie for anything in thiq line which we can do for them that is consistent with good
banking principles. And as to our methods of doing business we gladly refer to our
m anv satisfied customers; or, better still, we invite you to call on us and let us
prove our motto: THE SQUARE DEAL TO ALL.
This solid institution was organiz'd in IS'./",, and is now in the thirteenth year
of its existence, and during all these past thirteen years has enjoyed the liberal pat
ronage, support and confidence of the good people of Henry County, and to whom we
attribute, in a very great measure, our success, and we take this occasion to thank
one and all for same, and at the same time to remind jou that your interest and
prosperity isours, and that we are still anxious for more good business, and having
hadji steady growth in all lines of our business duiirg those yem s, and no losses,
vve are now much stronger and better prej ari d than ever for handling your 1 usiness,
and taking care of your needs and with ample resources, a broad, liberal policy, and
ambition to make our bank usefulaud helpful to a large clientage, we invite your
business, and assure you that our policy shall a Ivan s be, loyally to our customers,
accommodating, on a safe, conservative, sound basis, never forgetting that every
transaction has two interests, yours art! the other fe!h w’s, and that a good bank
sees that each is protected, and in keeping with the above policy we offer our patrons
the advantage of a safe depository, a square deal and such financial accommoda
tions as arecommensuiateAvith sound t anking, and balances carritd with us—and
will throw in every courtesy for good measure, when you have, money to de
posit, good notes to discount, or want to borrow money come to see ns ar.d we will
do you good.
Your friends.
The Bank of Henry County
J. B. DICKSON, Cashier.
Funeral Directors and Emfraimers.
Day Phone No. 51 Night Phone No. 52
All calls answered promptly tiny or night.
All embalming carefully done and according tc best methods
Our stock of metal and wood caskets and robes are unequalltd.
Our services, hearses and equipment, are the best to be had.
We furnish the best steel, brick or cement Vaults.
Wedding Gifts that Delight the Bride.
In selecting a gift for the bride you naturally wish to choose
something that will please her noiv and bring pleasant thoughts of the
giver for yaars to borne. We can help you do this, as we are special
ists in wedding gift wares and spend much time and thought in select
ing articles that will he most suitable for the occasion.
We are therefore continent that you will find just the right thing at
j e: w e: LEiR
Then it will pay you to remember that we are situat
ed right in your vicinity and well fixed to supply all building
material and do any planing mill work at prices that are
We can always oiler inducements in flooring, ceiling ?
weather boarding, shingles, brick, lime and cement, also on
window's, doors and mouldings.
J-iT'Don’t forget that Lawn Swing ; Jnst $4.50 and what a pleasure.
Bad Drinking Water Common Cause
of Sickness
One of the most common causes of sicK
ness is bad drinking water. In some parts
ofthecouutry where shallow wells are
the principal source of supply, diarrhoea
is quite common, and Chamberlains, Col
ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in de
mand. One or two doses of this remedy
will check the attack and prevent any se
rious consequences. This remedy is for
sale by Horton Drug Co.
Choice Cuba molasses
and new Graham flour
just received.
Copeland Mer. Co.
“We are closing all Laides Hats
out at cost.
"Walker-Turner Co.
This is to notify the public that
my fish ponds, one mile east of
McDonough, are posted and all
parties are forbidden using them
as a batheing pool or otherwise
transpassing about the ponds
G L Thrasher
Man Zan is good for any kind of piles. It
stops inflammation, creates a normal cir
culation, thus reducing the Piles, and
the parts affected. Man Zan may be con
veniently and easily applied, as the tube
in which it is put up has a small, patent
nozzle attached. Sold by
Sold by Horton Drug Co.
Z. D. Ward, Stockbridge, Pa.
Ladies hats to be closed out at
Walker -Turner Co.