Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
A Grand Rally of Confed
erate Veterans at Shingle
Roof Campground Aug. 5
The Soldiers of the Confederate
Veterans Association of Henry
county will hold their annual reun
ion at Shingle Roof < ill be a notable
day and will make history for old
Henry; many notable speakers
have been invited.
Col. J. J. Flynt, of OriftTn, son
of Captian Tilman Flynt 'who or
ganized company (4, of the 19th,
Ga., will deliver the morning ad
dress. Col. Flynt is an orator of
recognized ability lit* is well known
throughout the state having been
president of the last Georgia State
Senate, in that position he made
an enviable reputation and made
for himself many friends through
out Georgia.
The Honorable O. P. Levert, of
Atlanta, will deliver the afternoon
address. Every Georgian should
hear him, his speech is a master
piece of words and facts so beauti
fully woven together that it
charms, it animates. He takes liis
audiance back to the days ot 1851,
he holds them spell board from
his first sentence to the last.
Col. Levert’s name is a house hold
word in all Dixieland. Other fam
ous speakers will be present.
The Honorable Tip Harrison, of
Atlanta, with a quartette of the
very best American war song sing
ers will be on hand to entertain
the crowd, jihis part of the pro
gram is worth ridiningtnany miles
to hear. Everybody is cordially
invited to come and bring well fill
ed baskets to help entertain the
many visitors that will be present
from a distance.
The old Confederate Soldiers are
rapidly passing away. Let ns, the
sons and daughters of the Confed
eracy, honor them while they live.
Let ns hold dearly the traditions
of a grand and glorious past. Let
us make the old Confederate sol
diers that is living feel that we ap
preciate his braverypatroitism ai d
achievements on the battle field.
Have him to know that after death
we will build for them a monu
ment that generations to follow
cun look to with love, ambition
and pride, •
In addition to the above program
the United daughters of the Con
federacy of Henry county will
have music and other features
to entertain the old vetrans and
the crowd on that occasion.
Porterdale Club Downs
The Crack Ola Team
Porterclah:, Ga , July 2< — r ihe
fastest game of ball played on
the local diamond this season was
played here Saturday, when the
fast Porterdale team met and de
feated the strog Ola team, headed
by the famous twirler, I. K. Nor
The feature of the game was the
pitching of Moore, for Porterdale
he only giving mp 3 hits and fan
ning 13 men. Will Stenwell um
pired and gave perfect satisfaction
to every one.-— Atlanta Journal.
Inportant to Guardians and -Admin's
The law [Sec No. 3540] of the Code, re
quires all Guardians and Administrators
to make returns to the Ordinary within
twelve months after appointed and by the
Ist Monday in July thereafter—TaKe due
notice and govern yourselves accordianly
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Prominent Thomaston Lawyer
and Minister to Opoose Hon.
J. J.Flint of This City.
The congressional toga in this,
the Sixth district, is drawing as
pirants like loadstone on a steel
magnate and almost every week
the race, already started thus early
becomes more complicated and
every county in the district seems
determined to exercise its privilege
of entering a favorite son.
A dispatch from Barnesville says :
“Hon. .1. Y. Allen, of Thomaston,
on a recent visit here made known
liis purpose tc make the race for
congress next year from the Sixth
district, and unless something un
foreseen happens his announce
ment will be forthcoming at the
proper time. Colonel Allen is a
Baptist preacher,' and a successful
lawyer and is recognized as a fine
campaigner and his entry into the
race will add interest to it.
“It is understood that Congress
man Bartlet will be a candidate
for re-election, while Hon. O. H.
B. Blood worth, of Forsyth and
Hon J. J. Flynt, of Griffin have
practically announced. From all
interesting contest.
“Another race which is of inter
est to the people of this section is
the judgeship of the Flint circuit
Judge E. J. Reagan has announced
that lie would not be a candidate
again, but there are already three
avowed candidates, namely. Judge
E. F. Dupree, of Zebulon, Judge
Robert T. Daniel, of Griffin and
Hon. B S. Willingham, of Forsyth
—Griffin Farmer.
Mrs. S. H. Rowan
Mrs. S. M, Rowan, aged 57 years
died at the residence of her son,
Dr. W. J. Rowan. 247 Oak street,
West End, last night at 9 o’clock.
The body will be sent to Flippen,
Ga., Saturday mornirg, where the
funeral and interment will take
place.—Atlanta Journal.
The Parker Reunion
The Parker Reunion will be held
at Brushy Knob, August sth. There
will be good speaking and singing.
Everybody are invited to go and
remember the date.
.■ e
One Dead; One In Jail
As a results of a shooting affray
between Will Amis and Sterling
Weems on last Saturday. Amis i.-
in jail awaiting the coming term
of the Superior coert and Weems
is dead.
Both of the participants are ne
groes and the shooting occurred
about a mile south of Greenwood.
It is said both of them fired guns
but Weems was the only one that
was in the way of the flying bul
Farm For Sale
One good 50 acre farm for sale 1
mile north east of McDonough,
part of the McDonald place.
B. B. Carmichael
McDonough, Ga.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday july 30, 1^0?.
The bill intioduced in the House
by our representative, Mr. R ('
Brown, creating the office of (.’< m
missioner of Roads and Revenues,
introduced under protest and pass
ed while Mr. Brown was away
from liis post of duty, we are in
formed by Senator McWilliams,
will not be permitted to become a
law, since the same does rot meet
his views and lie do* s not think
such an officer necessary and the
Grand Jury recommending the
creation of an office really did not
know what they wantid.
As to the difference s of opinion
between Messrs. McW illiams and
Brown and tin* Grand Jury, which
we think was a representative bo
dy i f citizens of Henry county; ' e
hay eno concern, but it occurs to
us tna t Henry county is exceeding
ly unfortunate, since for the past
several years, we have been una
ble* to elect a member of the Gen
eral Assembly, who was able or
had the ability, to have enacted
into law, even a local measure, as
may be noted in the defeat of the
bill abolishing the county court,
after several Grand Juries bad re
commended the same ; further the
inaction causing tlio practical de
feat of the measure, petitioned for
by the city council, establishing a
system of public schools t*. r the
city of McDonough.
We desire to call the attention
of the citizens cf Henry county to
one flagrant injustice that has
been permitted and let them judge
as to whether the affairs of the
county should he in the hands of a
competent commissioner, one who
would see that all taxes laid and
collected were assessed evenly and
collected alike from all parties.
We charge and are ready to
prove that the Southern Railway
on assessment of the Comptroller
General, was due Henry county,
for taxes for the year 1008, $3,748.-
52 and was allowed to pay same
for $3,079.14, leaving abahtnee due
of $069,38*.
No effort has ever been made, to
our knowledge to collect this bal
ance. Is this justice to every oth
er citizen of Henry county?- We
could enumerate scores ol instan
ces of further mismanagement,
but what is the use?
A word in conclusion to Senator
McWilliams: the defeat of the
d unands and wishes of the people*
does not mean that sooner or later
that they will not be carried out
andfor yourself we would say
among ether things that we could
say, that closer attention to the
duties of the office of Senator ot
the 34th Senatorial district pro
the needs and welfare of its ci 1i _
zens, and less attention to the can.
cuses, for the purpose of devising
legislation to hamper and embar
rass the administration of Govern
or Joseph M. Brown, would he
greatly appreciated by a long suf
fering constituency.
Mr. R. C. Brown, our represen
tative, it appears, does not have
the t me to give to matters affect
ing the people locally, but is busy
perfecting lxis dog law, and voting
against the anti-pass bill, the one
great reform measure on which
our down trodden people had
hoped to see pass. Dong live our
dog law statesmen.
Watermelons asPremiuns
The Weekly will give one year’s
subscription free for the largest
melon brought to the office; 6
months for the next largest and
for all melons of 25 pounds or over
3 months subscription. Let 'am
Dr. R. J. Arnold Promot
ing the 3rd Mill for
to be $ 1 50,000
Hampton the live and progressive
metropolis of west Henry will
soon have her third cotton mill,
which is now being pushed by Dr.
R. J. Arnold, one ot HaMiptonV
must wide awake and live business
There are now two cottcn mills,
a knitting mil 1 , fertilizer factory
and buggy factory at Hampton,
besides other smaller enterprises
Watch Hampton grow into one of
the livest manufacturing citus of
Middle Georgia.
Another Old Citizen Gone
Mr. Thos H. Stalwartli died at
bis old home ten miles east of Mc-
Donough on Monday after linger
ing illness of several years from
the infirmitu s of old age.
Mr. Stallsworth was born in
Jones county, Georgia, and wi sBB
years old on last Feb’y. 25th. He
moved to Henry county about 54
years ago and has reside d at the
place of his death since corning
In all this more than a half a
century he exemplified the best cit
izenship arul excellence in all re
lations of life. He was a zealous
member of Sharon Baptist church
and lived in accordance with the
teachings of lowly Jesus. He
was a veteran of the Civil War.
His wife proceeded him to the
great Beyond just JO years ago—he
is survived by 8 children, who are
Sam'l J. Stalwartli, of Atlanta ;
E. B. Stallsworth, McDonough ; T.
H. Stallsworth, Jr., of Sandy Ridge
Dist. ; A. B. Stallsworth, of Jenk
insburg ; Mrs. Ida Tolleson, of Mc-
Donough, Mrs. Mamie Grant, ol
Sandy Ridge, Dist ; Mrs. Lizzie
Wright| of Jackson ; and Mrs. Dora
Crumbley, of Locust Grove. ,
The funeral and interment oc-,
eurred at the old family burying
srround near the old homestead ~n
Tuesday afternoon, Mr. John W.
Patterson, officiating.
Corner Stone Laying
The laying of the Corner Stone
of the ney/ Masonic temple at Mc-
Donongh was indefinitely postpon
ed from last Saturday because the
marble people failed to deliver the
Stone as had been promised.
It will be announced later when
the corner stone will be laid. The
work is being rapidly pushed to
completion on this handsome
Uucle West Walden Dead
“Uncle West” Walden, died at
the home cf his daughter, Mrs. T.
W. .larrett, east of Stockbridge
Sunday morning at 10 o’clock after
a lingering illness.
He was 76 years old and is sur
vived by 3 sons and 2 daughters.
The funeral and interment was
held at Bethel Monday at 11 o’clock
Rev. W. B, Sams, officiating.
Pinenles are for kidney, liver, bladder,
rheumatic and urinary complaints. They
assist in separating salt water with their
noisons from the blood, They act prompt
ly. Sold by Horton Drug Co., and Z. D.
Ward, Stoedbridge, Ga.
The Veteran’s Reunion.
On Thuisdav, Aug sth, will cc
cur the annual reunion of the old
Confederate Yet,inns of Henry
county at Shingle Roof camp
Mr. W. A, Turner, the president
of the Henry County Veteran's As
sociation, has secured several pro
minent speak* rs for the occasion,
among them being Col. J. J. Flint,
of Griffin, Mr. LeYert, ot Atlanta,
the latter being one of the speak
ers at the last annual gathering,
which proved the best by far of
the several fine speeches on that
Mr. Turner urges upon all the
old Veterans to he present if pos
sible. Everybody coidially in
vited to oome and bring well filled
Only One Obituary Free.
The columns of the Weekly have
always been open to all for a tri
bute of respect to deceased mem
bers of the families of its subscri
bers and patrons, l»”t recently its
space has been crowd* d by several
tributes being written about the
same person.
In future only one obituary of a
moderate length will be published
FREE, and if more than one tri
bute is desired published a charge
of % cent a word will be made for
the sumo. When a second tribute
«is written, count the number of
words and you will know what the
cost for pnbliseing it will in.
And the name and address of the
writer Must accompany the article
so that we rr.ay know win* they are.
712 Temple Court Building
Deposited with the State Tre
asurer lor the Protection
ol our Policy Holders,
Responsible Agents Wanted all
Over State of Georgia,
Cheapest and Safest Insurance in
the World.
WILMER E. CURRIE, Sec. & Treas,
712 Temple Court Building.
Address with Reference
L. R. SAMS, State Agent,
McDonough, Ga.
Henry Bryant vs. Georgia Bryant.
Libel for divorce in Henry Superior
Court October trim Ninetet n li undi v;.
and eight.
£t appearing to the court by thte return
of the sheriff in the above stated case that
the defendant does cot reside in said
county and it futher appearing that her
residence is unknown to this court and to
the plaintiff in this case. It isordered by
the court that services lie perfected on
the defendant by the publication of this
order once a month for four months be
fore the next, term of this court, in The
Henry County Weekly a newspaper in
which the official advertisenn uts.’ of the
officers of Henry County published.
This2ote day of October Nineteen hund
red and eight.
A. M. Stewart. Petitioner's Atty.^iiJ
And it is so ordered.
E. J, Reagan. Judge Superior Court of
Henry County.
Miss Luella McKiblen ai d Mrs.
Wiggins, of Atlanta, aie thegnesls
of Mrs. S. E. Dailey.