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The" Henry County Weekly
At lust the most reliable life in
surant in the world h ts put
within reach of the e< n n»-«j peo
SOUTH MUTUAL has done it.
The plan of this splendid ®om
pany is no new tangled scheme to
fleece the public hut is the olu orig
nul plan of insurance that was in
trodueed in England ot*v two
hundred year* ago and was in vo
gue in this country until life insur
ance became so popular that specu
lators sc ized upon it to enrich them
and gradually advanced charges
until for many years past they
have collected about four dollars
in premium for every one that they
piUd back in death losses.
Their plants simple bold faced
robbery by which they have piled
up hundred of millions of dollars
unnecessarily taken from the pock
ets of the Southern people, they
pay their officers enormous salar
ies, some times as much as a hund
red thousand dollars a year, while
those who control them speculates
on their immense surpluses of hun
dreds of millions of dollars and be
come millionaries, and woist of all
out of these vast surpluses, fifty
million of which is collected annu
ally, out of these twelve Southern
states they make large contribu
tions to campaign funds t* secure
elections to congress and other
high official position. Men who
are pledged to surport measures
calculated and intended to still rob
the people of these Southern states
(see testimonials taken by the leg
islative committee that investiga
ted those insurance companies of
New York).'
These so-called strong Northern
companies are taking from the
people of Georgia, alone in prem
ium each year, about six millions
of dollars, only about one fourth
of it ever comes back to pay death
losses, this is nearly twice as much
as the people have to pay to sur
port the state goverment including
pension rolls, public schools and
all other state institutions.
The mission of the New South
Mutual is to step the enormous
drain of the productive indrustry
of the South by furnishing the
safest, soundest and the most re
liable Life insurance in the world
to the common people at one third
or one forth of these old line com
panies charge for their policies and
and thus put this wise provision
for the protection of our depend
ents ones within the reach of all
the small farmers, the doctors, the
teachers can carry this insurance
as well as the banker and the spec
ulators, it does this by cutting
off every speculative feature in
life insurance and charging its pat
rons only what is necessary to
pay economical opperating expen
ses and death loses It. piles up no
reserve to invite speculation and
enrich officers and favorite agents
and thus leaves in the pockets of
its policy holders two-thirds, of
what the speculative companies
takeout of them. Its plans and
methods have stood the test of the
most rigid scrutiny for many years
and its strongest points which com
mend it to the intelligent public
It is the safest, soundest and
surest life insurance in the world
the payments of its policies are as
certain as a state or United State
bond because the company has
($20,000 00) twenty thousand dol
lars deposited with the state treas
ury which is paying stock and
gtate bonds to guarantee the pay
ments of its polices. It is the
cheapest insurance ever offered to
the people, its policies cost only
about one third of what the old
line companies charge.
We have total and semi-total
disability clauses in o.ur policies
j which enables ns to pay one hall
• of the amount of the policy for the
loss of either eye or either limb or
the tull amount of the pelt** for
' the loss of both eyes or both limbs
lor the full amount of the policy
j for disability by old age after six
-1 taen years. The money that you
! pay with us to meet losses does not
go to New York never to return
but is kept in your home state by
a treasurer stdected from among
1 your Lome people who has estab
lished a character for honest and
: fair dealings, and who is under
ample bond gnarenteed by one of
* the strongest surity companh s in
the United States. Its policies is
as simple and plain as an ordinary
promisory note and is just us
good for what it calls for as a state
or the United States bond, for we
have ample securities deposited
with the state treasury to guaran
| tee it. It adds as many dollars to
! the value of your estate as it calls
for it strengthens your credit and
tfbove all it provides for the im
mediate wants of your loved ones
when you are taken away from
The cost of insurance in this
company from its orginazation up
until date has been not to exceed
#5,35 per year, and our satisfied
policy holders is the best reference
that we have.
It is a rcgrotible fact that there
are still some people in this coun
try who through carelessness, neg
lect or procrastination will not
carry insurance but with the fa
cilities offered by a sound and
trustworthy insurance company
as t his is I cannot understand how
any prudent or sensible man that
is engaged in active business and
work of life and knowing and real
ising that he does not possess an
assured income and fortune should
fail to protect himself and those
dependent on him by a reasonable
amount of insurance?
It seems to me that tc carry in
surance with the seal of some hon
est company like this is but to dis
charge a duty that is imperatively
suggested by intelligent foresight
and wise precaution.
If you were to die to-day are
your affairs in such shape that
your wife and children would not
need insurance? Can you afford
when you can so easily and so
cheaply protect your family
against want after you are taken
away fiom them to run the risk
of leaving them uniirotected?
Directors for Henry county are :
E. M. Copeland, Dr. Dawson A.
Brown and J. A. Fouche, Clerk of
Superior Court. Our past record
indicates the strength and business
like management (1 this great in
stitution ard as to its merits I can
honestly say that if all the insur
ance that I have seen I have not
seen any that surpasses this, and
the above named can tell you some
thing about years. We are now
here for the business and when
our agent calls on you let him take
your application, trusting at least
that you will give him a hearing.
And if our agent fails to see you
a card addressed to L. R. Sams,
State agent, McDonongh, Ga„ will
bring a representitave to see you
at onue.
“Be thy best thought to work
divine address. Do something, do
it now with all thy might an an
gels wing would drop if long at
rest and God himself inactive
j Decrease in Tax Returns
for Henry County.
We print the above in large
type that our October Grand Jury
may see the same.
Taxes raised over forty percent.
What’s the matter with Henry
county ?
New Odd Fellows
On Tuesday evening a meeting
was held at the Masonic Hall to
organize an Odd Fellows Lodge at
Mr. S E. Wallenh inpt, a promi
nent member of the order who has
recently moved here, is the organ
izer of the Lodoe, and he has about
thirty applicants for membership
in the new Lodge to be organized.
On Thursday night. Aug. 12, an
other meeting will be he d to per
fect the organization and elect the
officers for the new Lodge at this
Protracted Services
at Hampton
Rer. Howard J. Brazelton, of
Macon, will begin a series of ser
vices at the Christian church at
Hampton on the Second Sunday
in August which will continue
through the week. He is an in
teresting and earnest preacher and
these services promise to he well
worth attending.
Advertising Copy
—Any intelligent person may earn
a good income corresponding for
newspapers; experience unneces
sary. Send stamp for full partic
ulars. Empire Press Syndicate,
Middleport, N. Y.
. j
i Negro Shot From Train
Wednesday morning is the south
| bound train pulled out from the
station at this place, Andrew Jack
son, of Chester, S. C , who was on
his way to the “Big Dam” jump
ed from the train and attempted
t) get away from his boss, who
had paid his railroad fare to .lack
son. He was 200 yards from the
train but the bullet hit him in the
hip. It is not known who did the
shooting. The negro was brought
to Dr. J. G. Smith’s office where
,liis wounds were dressed. He was
put at the county jail for treat
3 Games Next Week
Witii Jonesboro
On Aug. 12, 13 and 14—Next
Thursday, Friday and Saturday—
McDonough will cross bats with
the crack Jonesboro team for a
series of three games. Very line
games are promised and an local
fans are enthusiastic over the
coining scries.
Hotel At Camp Ground
We will again run the hotel at
Shingle Roof Campground during
camp meeting. Rates same as
last year $1 25 per day, meals 35c,
except Sunday, 50c.
x W. E. Touchstone,
L E. Dailey,
W. M. Burch.
would no longer bless.” Don’t
get into the habit of saying pretty
soon for that is merely a different
anthorgraph of never.
Call on or address L. R. Sams,
State Agent McDonough, Ga.
Warden Oglesby Resigns
Mr. E. Oglesby, who since the
flrst of April has been Warden of
the convict camps of Henry coun
ty, has tendered his resignation ns
same, which became affective
August the first.
Mr. Oglesby resigns because of
other duties and obligations which
lie feels needs all his time and ser
It will he the source of much
genuine regret to every citizens of
Henry county- to know of Warden
Oglesby's resignation, as his work
was most excellent and tin* best
interests of the entire county was
always considered in liis daily
routine of duties.
Mr. R. .1. Hackney, of Rome, has
been appointed to succeed Mr.
Oglesby as warden of Henry coun
ty’s Convict Camps. Mr, Hackney
is experienced both as a convict
man and a road builder, and lie
will he both the warden and the
superintendent of the road work
of the convicts ter this county.
A, P, S.!
Been out for sometime. Won
der if I'm missed some readers
say I am.
Fried chicken, big meeting, wat
ermelon, visiting ami fishing are
the general order at present.
Some light showers Sunday
night were very welcome visitors
to this section.
Crop prospects are medium so
Dallas Crumbley gathered a
force and commenced work on the
Tnssahaw roads at the Cawthon
bridge Monday morning.
Some heavy weight roosters have
returned home to roost since my
last scratch to The Weekly.
Jack Shaw and Gordon Mason of
thecity of Peeksville were over in
the state of Tnssahaw Monday
Mr. Ralph Lee lias some line corn
on little Tnssahaw near Maddox
I'm sorry Henry county, The
State of Georgia and the United
States are all broke and out, of
money, even if it does place me in
a fashionable line.
If somebody will come, tight,
marry, get rich, die, or run away
so I will have any thing to tell 1
will try to write-again and tell it
next week.
They are trying to have a big
meeting over at Sardis this week,
but I don’t know how they are
I will say to the legislature that
I will make out without a dog as
I have always have done. A. P. S.
Wanted to buy good
young mules.
B. C. Ward,
Stockbridge, Ga.
FOR RENT—One ten
room house.
C. W. Walker,
McDonough, Ga.
Pine-o-lene makes poor
pine lumber rich, natural
wood preserving oil, goes
directly into the wood
withaut heat or force,
nothingto do but to spread
it on with a brush or dip
the lumber or shingles into
Copeland Mer. Co.
Only One Obituary Free.
The columns of the Weekly have
always been open to all for a tri
bute of respect tn deceased mem
bers of the families of its subscri
bers and patrons, bvt recently its
space has been crowded by several
tributes being written abont the
same person.
Tn future only one obituary of a
moderate length will be published
FREE, and if more than one tri
bute is desired published a charge
of X oeyt a word will be made for
the same. When a second tribute
is written, count the number of
words and you will know what the
cost for pnbliseirg it will he.
And the name and address of the
writer Mi sx accompany the article
so that we may know who they arc.
An Entertainment
On Tuesday afternoon. Aug. 3,
the Oakland Sunday School was
delightfully entertain d by their
Snperentindent, Mr and Mrs Sam
Conker at tlicir beuutifull country
► homo. Games of marbles were en
joyed by nil, after which wo listen
to sweet music rendered by Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Conker then came,
the good things, consisting of
watermelons, peaches, grapes and
ice cream and I assure yon it was
enjoyed by each and every one
Long live our Supt and his wife
and our prayer is May Gods richest
blessings comfort their old age.
One Present.
1 n port a ill to OmudiunN anil Admin's.
The law [Sec Xo. 2540 of the Code, re
quires all Guardians and A<h bdstrntcrs
to make returns to the Ordinary w ithin
twelve months after appointed and by the
Ist Monday in duly thereafter- Tukc due
notice and govern yourselves aeeordianJy
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
" - - - t ——
Farm For Sale
One good 50 acre farm for sale 1
mile north eastNof McDonough,
part of the McDonald place.
B. 13. Carmichael
McDonough, Gu.
Henry Bryant vs. Georgia Bryant
Libel for divorce in Henry Superior
Court October tenn Nineteen Hundred
and eight.
It appearing to tin- court by the return
of the sheriff in the above stated case that
the defendant does not reside in wild
county and it father appearing that h<-r
residence is unknown to this court and to
the plaintiff in this case. It is ordered by
I the court that services lx* perfected on
the defendant by the publication pf this
order oncea month for four months be
fore the next terni of this court, in The
Henry County Weekly a newspaper in
which the official advertisements of the
officers of Henry County published.
ThisSOte day of October Nineteen hund
red and eight.
A. M. Stewart, Petitioner’s Atty.
Ami it is so ordered.
E. .T. Ileagan. Judge Superior Court of
Henry County.
Watermelons as Premiuns
The Weekly will give cr.e ye: ? ’s
subscription free for the largest
melon brought to the oi.V o: fi
months for the next largest and
for all melons of 25 pounds or over
3 months subscription. Let uni
Sees Mother Grow Young
“It would bo hard to overstate the won
derful change in my mother since she be
gan to use Electric Bitters.’’ writes Mrs.
W. L. GilpatricK of Danforth, Me. “Al
through past 70 she seems really to be
growing young again, she suffered un
told misery from dysjiepsia for years.
At last she could neither eat. drinK nor
sleep. Doctors gave up and all remedies
failed till Electric Bitters worked such
wonders for her health.” They invigorate
all vital organs, cure liver and kidney
troubles, induce sleep, impart strength
and appetite. Only 50c at All Drug stores