The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 06, 1909, Image 4

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Leading Undertaker.
Complete lino of Caskets all stylos and
Careful and polite attention given all
funerals entrusted to me.
Kmbnlmlng done according to latent
and moat improved methods.
Newest ami most up to date equipment.
Call answered promptly day and night.
Phono 90.
McDonough, gy.
Office over Star Store.
McDonough, Ga.
ft ■ ■■■■- - -
R. li. .JOHNSON lain or.
Xntered at the postofllc# at McDoa
•wffc, a* ■econd-clase mall matter.
Advertising Ratee: SIOO per tuck
]H«r month. Reduction on etaadlag
•Mtnveta by apeclel agreement.
_ jmbL - -iii-TSt
McDonough, Ga , Aug. 6. 1909,
The Markets Thursday
Cotton 12%
( ki n any citizen of fTcnry county
give us oven approximated, the
amount of money Henry county
novv owes? We pause for u reply.
We lmvo frequently wondered
if any of our officers have asked
themselves the following question.
Were Ito resign, could 1 be re
elected? We would like to see
some one try this on. Onr opinion
is that the “dog CM tellers” pb ce,
made famous by our representative
would go vacant were some of our
present o fleer s to ask for same.
The Senate of Georgia on Friday
last, l>y a vote of 23 to IH, voted to
confirm the suspension of Commis
sioner (luyt McLendon, by former
Governor Smith. While we have
little sympathy for McLendon or
in fact fi r any of the many “re
formers” that are now being hoist
ed by their own petard, still we do
love fair play, a thing the refor
mers seem absolutely unacquainted
v, i ♦ h.
We regard the suspension by
Governor Smith, of McLendon, for
politioil reasonsasar. unspeakable
infamy and the action of the Sen
ate of Georgia in cor. firming same
ns a disgrace upon the good name
of the State that will remain upon
it so long as the “refawm” admin
istration is remembered by men.
Would any court allow a convic
ti >n to stan 1 where the prosecutor
had wined and dined the jury and
given them their instructions.
Wo think not. Still this was the
case of The senate of Georgia, open- i
]y charged upon the floor, and not
denit d.
Mr S. C. McWilliams the sens- !
•tor from the kith Senatorial dis
trict of Georgia was a party to j
this infamy and shame in allow
iing hi :is df to be made a tool of in
the shape of a member of a pocket
jury an l bung unwilling to grant
to McLendon his constitutional
right to be heard ; a priviledge
granted to the verb st criminal.
tilt CoUf. l’alns Relieved
"For s mie years 1 suffered from intense
•volioky pains, winch would come on at
times and from wh>h I could And no is
says I. S Mason of Beaver Dam.
Ky. “Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
J)ia’*rhO 'a Remedy was recommended to
r.i* hr a friend. After taking a few dose.-
of the remedy I was entirely relived
That wis four years ago aid there has
no return of the symptoms since tha’
tint'.’' this ,-eiai dy is for sale ly Hor
ton Drug Co.
After allowing Tin-Weekly read-1
era a shot t rest I will again try to !
give a few news items.
8o far as I know the sick of onr j
town and com/n unity are all con-)
velesent. except Mrs. I, E. Combs j
who came home some three .weeks
ago, undergoing a surgical opera
tion in Atlanta, but not recover
ing health, waft carried back to the
hospital last Saturday. Her friends
hope she may this time fully re
The Baptist Sunday School of
this place bore away the banner
for best singing at the Celebration
on 30th nit -They meant todotlmt.
Prof. J. M. Bowman, of Harris
burg, Va., who taught a singing
school here last summer, stopped
over here last Saturday for a day
or two while on his way to Ala.
He was the guest of Mr. Will Combs
and others while here.
The town Council of this plat e
have fallen in line with the gener
al public sentiment against the
nuisance of stray and prowling
dogs, and passed an ordinance re
quiring that on and after August
Ist, 1909 all dogs runing at large
must wear muzzles, sufficient, to
render them harmless as to biting
also making it the duty of the
Marshal t.o kill all dogs found in
side of the incorporats limits not
meeting these reqnirenn n s—One
more brick layed—Hurrah.for that
The address on The Bible deliv
ered at the S S Celebration last
Friday by Miss Daisy Gray was a
masterpiece, and if reduced to
practice would alleviate much suf
fering, relieve much distress and
remove all friction.
According to previous annonSbce
ment beginning last. Wednesday
night, there is now being held a
series of meetings at tli« Baptist
church at. this place to cover some
Jlv the way would it not be fully
as consistent with iho work in
hand it the Henry County Sunday
School Association would invite
Mr. R. M. Ross to deliver flic
address of the day at. its
next annual mooting us i
was to invite the man they did on'
last Friday? All things consider
ed I think it would, besides I think
we could safely count on fully as
able an offorfc at a speech.
Royal, the little son of Mr. and
Mrs. Bedgood, who was carried t<
Atlanta for a surgical operation
last week, was doing well at this
Hon. R. C. Brown spent just, nine
hours and 20 minutes he re last Sun
day, coming up at, 9 20 fi t m Mil
lclgeville where he had gone will
a committee from the Honse «»t
Representatives to visit the Stat*
institutions, and leaving at 6.40 p
for the Capital. It is interesting
to hear hty» tell of the sights to be
seen and the conditions existing in
the varions institutions there.
Rev. Wilson Culpepper preached
Ht the Math ulisb church last Sun
day morning and evening.
Mr Lon L. Pitts, one of the Tel
egraph operators at this place, re
eently made a promising start to
ward a fortune by the invention
of an extention car step which is
designed to do away with the nec
essity of the stool eerrit d by flag
men to assist, passengers in geftim !
on and oIT trains. It iA intended
to he so adjusted that by the use
of a small cog wheel and a short
lever it. can be easily extended or
folded up by a quick movement, of
the In ml Mr. Pitts has foward
ed his model to Washington <ity
and received inft rmalii n ti nt it
Is patentable all right. So it now
emains to be seen whether the
•ail road companies will adopt it
for p” ieti-al use. If so. Mr. Pitts'
fortune is assured.
Ir looks to one having no more
n *ehanical sense than this writer
hat the n odel shown me couhF
rardly fail of success
Relieve indigestion and Stomach Trcuoiss.
Cholera Infantum Cured
.•somethin* like two years ago my baby
which was then about a year old, wastak
« n seriously i 1 with cholera infantum,
vomiting and purging profusely,'writes
.1. T . Denisey of Demsey, Ala. 1 did what
I could to relieve her hut did her no good
and being very rnach alarmed about her
went for a pqysician but failed to find one
so came back by Klder Bros. & carer's
store and Mr. Elder recommended cham
liet lain's colic, cholera and Diarrhoea re
medy. I procured a Isitrle of it, went
home as quickly as possible and gave the
bady a dose of the remedy. It, relieved
her in fifteen minutes and soon cured her
entirely.” For sale by Horton Drug Co.
We wish to tkank each and every
one for their loving kindness
shown us during the sickness and
death of our father and grandfath
er. May God’s richest blessings
rest upon each and every one.
T. H. Stallworth and family
Cured Hay Fever an<l Summer Cold
A. S. Nusliaum, Batesville, Ind.. writes:
“Lastyear I suffered for three months
with a summer cold so distressing that it
interfered with my business. 1 had many
of the symptons of hay fever, and a doc
tor's prescription (lid not reach my case,
and I took several medicines which seem
ed only to aggravate it. Fortunately 1
insisted upon having Foley’s Honey and
Tar. It, quickly cured me. My wife has
since used Fcley’s Honey and Tar with
the same success. (Sold by Horton Drug
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it, may concern:
John S. Bond. Adm'rof estate of Mrs.
J. V Shettlcswortl , lute of said county,
deceased, naving in due form applied t.o!
the undesigned for leave to sell all the!
lands belonging to the said Mrs. J. V. j
Shettlesworth. decrustd. situnttd in Hen- j
rv county. This is to notify you that said
application will be heatd by Henry court
of Ordinary at tin* regular Sept, term
thereof, to be held in and for said county
on the first, Mondn-v ip Sent. Given un
der my hand and seal, t his the 2nd day of
August '90 I '.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
>■ or Lea ve to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it m y concern:
H. P. Foster. Adm'rof estate of Mrs.!
Deev Phlllipps. law* of said county deceas
ed, having in due form applied to Ihe un
dersigned, for I‘ave to sell all the lards
belonging to -aid Mrs. Dory Philiipps, de
ceased, situat* din Henry county. Tins
is to notify you that said application will
be heard by Henry court of Ordinary at
the regular Sept, term 1999 thereof to be i
held in and for safd county on the first
Monday in Sent 1909 Given under my
hand and seal, This \llsr 2nd, 1909.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary,
For Crave to Sell.
Gi orpin. Perry County.
To whom it may concern:
R. H. Unman, Adm’rof the estate of B.
•1. Hi anan. late of said county, deceased,
having in dueiurni applbd to the under
signed for leave to s 11 all ihe lands he
lm gi"g to the said B J. Rranan. deceas
ed. situated in Henrv countv 'l’his is to
notify you that said application will be
heard by Henry court, of Ordinary at the
regular Sept, term thereof to be held in
and for said county on the first Monday
in c ept. 1909. Given under mv hand and
seal. thisSnd day of A ne* 1909.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Notice lm* Probate of Will.
Georgia, Henry County.
To A. R. Martin, of Hunt county, state
of Texas, A. Y. Martin having applied as
eyecutor for probate in solemn form, of
the last will and t* s'atnent of Virginia 1).
Martin, late of said county deceased. Yon
res i.iu* of the lu irs at law of said Mrs Vir
ginia D. Martin ate hereby required to
appear at the court of Ordinary in and for
said county on the first in Sept.
1909, when said application f< r prol ate
will be heard Given under mv hand and
seal, this Aug 2. 1109.
A. G. Harris. Ordinary.
For Administration
Georgia Henry County.
To all whom it nicy concern:
T H. Stallsworth and A. B. Stall swort h
having in proper form, applied to me for
permanent letters of administration on
the estate of T. H. Stallsworth, late <> f
said county deceased, fT is is to (it* a 1
and singular,.the cr« ditors aid next oi
kin of T. h Stallswsrth, *0 be and appear
at my oil ce wthin the time allow,ri ly
law. and show c mse if any they can, why
p rttmr* nt letters *f ndminis'aavi n
should not he grant ed to T p Stallsworth
and A 13 Stallsworth on T h. Stalls
worth's estate. Witness my hand and nr
flckU signature this 2nd day of Aug. 1909.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Iti
arrhoea Remedy Never Known
to Fail
“I have used Chamlterlain’s Colic, Ch< 1-
era and Diarrhoea Remedy sire,* it was
first intr xlttcnl to the public in 1872. and
have never found one instance where a
,‘lire wasnotspeedilv effected by its use.
I have been a commercial traveler foi
1 eighteen years, an • never start ■ ut on a
! trip without this my faithful friend.” says
II S. Nichols of Oakland. lud. Ter. For
I ale by Horton Drug Co.
Deafness Cannot l>e Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. Therg is
only one vay to cur;* deafness, and that
is by constitutional remedies. Deafness
is caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube is inflamed you have a
rurniierling sound of imperfect hearing
and when it is entirely closed, (Fatness i.-
the result, and unless the inflamation
can be taken out arid this tube restored to
its normal condition, hearing will be de
stroyed ferever; nineeases out of ten are
caused by catarrh, which is nothing but
an inflamed condition of the mucous sur
Me will give One Hundred dollars for
any case of deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, fr«*e.
F. J. Chenney & Co., Toleado, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
lake Hall s Family Pills for contipation
If you are all run down Foley's Kidney
Pills will help you, as they strengthen
the kidneys so they will eliminate the im
purities from the hiood that depress the
nerves, and cause exhaustion,headache,
rheumatism, and urinary irregularities,
which sap lhe vitality. Do not delay.
Take Kidney Pills at once. For
sale by Horton Drug Co.
J. ©. Ward,
Dealer In
A Specialty oi the AjWjfTQ Top Buggies,
Celebrated r\IYlLv3 at $55.00
Best Buggies on the Harket for the /Toney.
TEL. NO. 1 1.
jyp. f**' 30 DAYS DRIVING TEST
' 1 ,'t / /■! A guarantee ns food as a Gold Bond; a trial as liberal aa
LA'vU i / A. ** any one could ask tor, and a positive saving of from S2O to
j l sin. Wo (Iffy any reputable concern In the U. S. to duplicate our
f" —J) briers on vehicles of the qualities toe guarantee. Our guarantees
x /frn''j7vN 1 ' /MAXt VSJ are the strongest and most liberal ever made, and are positively
N/ / {X\\j X / I XJ IW/ binding-; and our vehicles must prove them in actual service
'*4—Usy i \ y \y before we’ll exiKjct you to be satisfied. We do not comi>ete with
—people who have no reputation to lose, or who misrepresent their
Send To-Day For Our Big New Free Catalog, No. 105
'aaraaattJMWfc? etm rgaftrtgraujn11 ini cm ir, mmtt t-mrv■uim-ucattas.- n-'n nrM-aiiiiiMisiiiiiiM
It. describes, pictures and prices upwards of two hundred modern styles of the highest grade Runabouts.
Speeders, Iluekboards, Top Buggies, Stanhopes, Phaetons,
Surreys, Spring, Farm and Mail Wagofls, Road Cents and Har- MV? fi DV CXII'DD it? rA
lussat actual factory prices. We sell BIKKCT and save yott UiRliJO M 9 >y£lll T QC WJsj
the dialer's prollr.,. Don’t Ib’lar. U rite twiay. SAVE while yo.i pay. Dept, r 1 41 South Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Geargis.
Showing the arrival and departure of passenger trains at
McDonough, Ga., for information only, and not guaranteed.
No. Arrives From A. M.
14 Cincinnati . . . b!2 20
13 Jacksonville . . b 4.30
30 Atlanta . . . , 0 10
16 Atlanta .... 8.40
7 Macon 9 38
21 Col. & Ft Val. . . 10 00
P. M.
22 Atlanta . . . . 0 00
10 Atlanta . . . . 0 30
15 Brunswick . . . 6.55
29 Colnmbns . . . 9.30
I>—Nos. 13 and 14 stop on signal to receive or discharge passengers to
or from points beyond Jesup and Chattanooga.
Nios. 7 and 10 handle through Pullman drawing-room
sleeper between Macon and New York.
Nos. 1.5 and 14 handle through Pullman drawing-room
sleepers between Jacksonville, Cincinnati and Chicago, and
between Brunswick and Colorado Springs.
Nos. 15 and 16 handle through sleeper between Macon
and Asheville, N. C.
G. R. PETTIT, T. P. A., Macon, Ga.
V.-P and G. M. p. T. M.
Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C.
w. n.TAYLOE, J. L. MEEK,
<*• p - A A. G. P. A.
Washington, D. C. Ailanta, Ga.
The man who insures his life is
wise for his family.
The man who insures his health
is wise both for his family and
Ym wav insure iiealih by guard
ing k. it is worth guarding.
At the first attack off disease,
•which generally approaches
through the LIVER and mani
fests itself in innumerable way*
Ms Pills
And sava your health*
No matter how long you have flittered
Foley’s Kidney Remedy will help you
Mrs. S. L. Bowen, of Wayne, W. Va.,
writes: “I have suffered from kidney dis
eases, s« at times I could not get out of
bed, and when I did I could not stand
straight. I took Foley’s Kidney Remedy.
One dollar bottle and part of the second
cured me entirely.” It will cure you,
Sold by. Horton Drug Co.
No. Departs To A. M,
14 Jacksonville . . M 2.20
13 Cincinnati . . . h 4.30
JO Colnmbns . .
16 Brunswick . . . 8.46
7 Atlanta .... 9.38
21 Atlanta . . . . 10 00
P M.
22 Col. &FtVal. . . 0.00
10 Macon 0.30
15 Atlanta .... 0.55
29 Atlanta . . . , 9.30