The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 06, 1909, Image 5
A PDFP TOT'D J-a. : -\EC 1 Kir TO THE STATE FAIR MACON, GEORGIA. The management of the Henry County V'/eekly offers a FREE TRIP to the Georgia State Fair to be held at Macon, Ga., from Oct. 27 to Nov. 6, 1909, to One Young Lady in each one of the Militia Districts of Henry County, the young lady to be not under 14 years old that enters the contest. For every new or renewal subscription 100 votes will be given and for each year’s subscription in arrears 200 votes will be given. Write at once for particulars of the Contest. THE HENRY CO. WEEKLY flcDonough, - - Georgia He Weekly SIOO Per Year. New’s lire TIME! IN MEMORIAM To tlie Worshipful Master Ward ens and brethren of Pine Grove Rodge No. 177 F. A. & M. Lovejoy Georgia. We the committee ap pointed to draft resolutions on the death of brother Thomas Turner. Beg leave to submit the following : Brother Turner was a worthy Mason had been a member for near forty years and prized Masonry above every thing else except his church. He was a devoted brother of the Methodist church of both institutions, he was always at his post while able to attend his church or lodge. He was seventy nine years of age, Ist Whereas it has pleased our Supreme Grand Master in his nl wise providence to remove from our midst and this earthly lodge to the Grand Lodge above our worthy brother Turner. 2nd. Yet while we mourn his loss we how in humble snbmision 4,0 his will knowing that lie is too wise to err and too good to he un kind. 3rd. While we part with him we trust that he is today enjoying the sweet fruition of the grand lodge above where all true Masons •should strive to enter 4th. That our lodge wear the usual badge of mourning for t hirty days and that a copy of these reso lutions be sent to his widow and a copy he sent to the Henry Connty Weekly for publication and they be spread on our minute book of rfche lodge. Respectfnly Snbmitti d. A. V. McVicker, J. H. Wynn, E. Foster. Committee. A Night Ruler’s Kaiil The worst night riders are calomel, cro ton oil or aloes pills. I’hey raid your bed to rob you of rest. Not so with Dr. Kings New Life Pills. They never distress or in convenience, hut always cleanse the sys tem, curing colds, headache, constipation HUilaria, 25c. at All Druggists. IN MEMORIAM It was noontime the 26th, day of May 1909, when Henry H. Greer surrendeied his mortal life aid passed to the great beyond. To those who knew him we hardly have an occasion to speak and the stronger word have hut little inter est in an extended notice of his lifes record. On him the Master made a per fect instrument to sound his praise It breathed forth glorious notes for many days chords of great strength streams of soft melody Its fine burst of music. The Mas tei’s stroke fell on the world ai d then the spent strings broke. He was the son of the late Tims, and Elizabeth Greer known to many of the people of this county. Was horn Nov. 11th, 1862 and died May 26th 1909, age 46 yeais. In I#BS he was married to Miss Kate West, to this union r?as horn three children. One him to he great beyond, two still remain ing to share the loss of a living fa ther. In 1889 he professed a hope iu the Lord Jesus Christ and was baptized into the fellowship of the missionary Baptist church by Rev. T. J. Bledsoe at Liberty Hill He remained a consistent member there till in 1892 he withdrew from the church to assist in the consti tntion of Rocky Creek church and was a consistant member there at the time of his death. In 1894 he was ordained to the office of Deacon and remained in that office at the time of his death death, filling the < ffice with honor to himself and bis master. He also served as clerk of the church for about thirteen years. As a citizen and neighbor he was true and faithful always laboring f..r the upbuildingofhmnanitytbe the maintenance of the law and peace of his conntr.;. As a hus band he was kind and true provid ing well for his own household. As a lather he was kind and indul gent to them yet notstern and pos itive in his discipline as a n'eml < r of the church of Jesus Christ he was faithful and true and ready at any and all times to make a per sonal sacrifice for the cause of his Master. He was a liberal and cheerful giver to the church in all its causes. But his last kind act has been done, his last calm word has been spoken and the melody of his once sweet voice is heard no more till the trumpet blast shall awake his peaceful slumber. And when the time came for him to go, how fif ing was the time and the way of his going, and his departure from among us was as silent and modest as was his life’s journey iri onr midst. Such a life is more appre ciated when it comes to grow in jnr midst and becomes translated to perfect its growth in another clime. But God in his wisdom has recall the bloom his love had given and .though the body slumbers here the same safe in Heaven. A widowed mother mute with grief whose weeping children call in vain. Their tears and cries no relief. The starry Heavens are lurching low in memory of loving worth, sweeter thoughts like hidden springs will flow from rare flowers in Oasis, have birth as sor row durst verdent grow. In the death of onr brother the church has lost its best and stron gest member, the communities best citizen, and the county one of its most substantial citizens. While we miss him in our church and community. We do not miss him like the dear ones s.t home. In this hour of sadness and deep gloom let none of ns loose .sight of the blessed promises of God Jesus says, Igo to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and re ceive you unto my self that, where lam there ye may be also and again he says, For we know that if this earthly house of our taberna- I cle were desolved. We have a j building of God a house not made I with hands eternal in the heavens. Oh that sweet home that awaits the children of God. With the previous thoughts we should rejoice over brother Greer feeling the that our loss is his eternal gain. Ti e berieved ones may loose their grief in tne inevitable answer which God gives to their souls in this question ; Can a life lived so naturally here? Warming llie hearts of friends in its unvarying acceptance eneou-ageing many who otherwise had dispaired can such a living so benignly ever but rather was the life here hut an lifeless bulb. Now just begining to bloom into rial life, which for ages will centinne to bloom. He is gone hut. not forgotten, never will his memory fade (Sweet er thoughts shall ever linger around the grave where he is laid. Thou lias gone from ns oh lov< d o’re the dark and cliillv tide in the house cf many mansions. With the blest than dost abide, now thy form lies pale and silent, hut ihy soul from earth hath flown. Far from scenes of toil and trials, thou hast gone to joys unknown. We shall now he sad and lonely, Send thy voice we hear nc more, But ere long we hope to meet thee, On the bright eternal shore. Fare thee well departed loved one, Fare thee well till bye and bye We shall join the ransom num ber In that land of light on high. Torture On a Horse “For ten years I couldn’t ride a horse without being in torture from piles,” writes L. S. Napier, of Rugieas, Ky.. “when all doctors and other remedies fail ed, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured me.” infallible for piles, burnes, scalds, cuts, boils, fever sores, eczema, salt rheum, corns. 25c. Guaranteed by all druggists. A telephone message wasreceiv* ed here Thursday morning anno uncing the dentil of Mr. Jim Gunn’s daughter, the funeral to bo held Thursday p. m. at Mt. Bethel. Did You Evsr Ensw tint Choccc c’uidors play “Blind .Yi.m’s Bu./” ;:.:J lots of ot'-.-j- j :;1 like our own American t: kiddies ’ 7 And ti'i* r e arc some bacteria so ::•> ! f u; that they’re called mdispeiisabL-’f? See the AUGUST EV-RV-iSOY’S McDonough Drug Co. OpctfiC Succeed when everything else fails. In nervou3 prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. Ltlfy McCALL PATTERNS , Celebrated tor style, perfect fit, simplicity ind reliability nearly 40 years. S , ol f J." , '.“'X every city and town in the United . Canada, or by mail direct. More so d than any other make. Send tor tree catalogue. McCALL'S MAGAZINE . . „ More subscribers than any other U»hlO* magazine—million a month. Invaluable. Lat est styles, patterns, dressmaking, millinery, plain sewing, fancy n<eediework, dairalressing, etiquette, good stories, etc. On.y 60 cent* • year (worth double), including a free pattern. Subscribe today, or send for sampie copy. vk UNDER FUL INDUCEMENTS to Agents. Postal brings premium catalogue and new cash prize offers. Address He cm, C 0„ 138 to HI W. J7tH SC, HEW YOBS & l w