The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 06, 1909, Image 8

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    CALL- |
And lot me fit you with GLasses-j
in the most modern way and tin s
latest styles. v
Satisfaction guaranteed!
•leweler ami Oplirlftit, )
HcDorsough, « Ga. j
22 L tolFJtf W„ Mitchell !-t.
One lilnek I rorn T< rminnl Station.
All Modern < imvcnicnci'N
KOOMS 500 7.')0H1 OO PKK DAY
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00.
Atlanta, (la. Atlanta Phone 3255
Mrs. W. G. Thompson ami child
ron are spending this week with
relatives in Atlanta.
Mr, J, B Mayo, of Monroe, has
been the guest of his many friends
in old Henry the past week.
fellow who keeps his accounts in
this bank.
Bank of Stockbridge, Ga.
Judge E. J. Reagan is at Fair
born this week holding court, for
Judge Roan, of the Stone Moun
tain circuit.
Quite a large crowd was in the
city Monday to attend the Ordi
nary’s court, and on other business
Mrs W. A. Harris went to Me
Donough Wednesday for a visit to
her sister, Mrs. Tolleson.—Jack
son Argus.
Mr and Mrs. Bloomer Carmich
ael, Mrs. Ball and Mrs, Otis Ball,
of Jackson, wore guests of friends
in McDonough Wednesday.
“MONET TO LEND” To the far
mer who wants help to finish his
crop and needs the money to
do this, come to SEE US.
Bank of Stockbridge, Ga.
Mr. Julian T. Weems, McDon
ongh’s splendid insurance man of
the Southern States Life Insurance
Co., has been here for several days
this week.
“MONEY To LEND” to the bor
rower who can niake a good bank
able paper can always get the
“DOUGH!” t
Bank of Stockbridge, Ga.
Mr. A. F. Bunn and family, Dr,
Lifsey and family, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Shields and Miss Nina Wall
left Tuesday for a week’s camp at
Snapping Shoals.
Eugene MoMichael is again at
the Jackson National Bank after
a pleasant vacation, visiting in Mc-
Donough, Atlanta and Madison.
—-Jackson Argus.
If you have building or repair
ing to do call on me for prices on
building material.
R. C. Brown,
Looust. Grove, Ga. •
Mrs. J. P. Copeland, Misses
Cora Betts and Lilah Copeland
left first of the week for an extend
ed visit to Asliville, N. C., and
other points in the “land of the
room house on Brown’s Avenue
recently vacated by Mr. Henry
Hightower. Apply to
Mrs. W. A. Hnling,
McDonough, Ga.
It is the source of much genuine
regret to the hosts of friends in
MoDonough and Henry county of
Mr. E. C. Adams and his most ex
eelent family to know that, they
have moved to Atlanta, where they
will reside in future,
Office Hours :
7.30 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 F. M.
Office Hours :
7.30 to 12 A. M. 1 to o P. M.
Land For Sale
100 acres near Flippen
school house and ciiurch
part cash balance to suit
W. A. D. Nelson.
Mr. W. J. Ain vo, of Adel, has
been visiting his old home here
this week.
Dr. A. D. Jones, oj - Woodbury,
spent Tuesday in McDonough as
lie was on route home from Indian
Mrs. I. C. Doe, of LaGrt nge.
will he the guest of her father,
Rev. W. W. Arnold next week.
Rev. W. W. Arnold, is holding a
protracted meeting at Mt. Vernon
church, near Flovilla this week.
Miss Hattie Pottle, of Milludge
ville, has been tin* charming guest
of Misses Ruth and Nona Turner
during the past week.
For indigestion and all stomach trou
ble take Foley’s Orino Laxative as it
stimulates the stomach and liver and re
gulates the bowels and will positively
cure habit ual constipation. Sold liy Hor
ton Drug Co.
Misses Blanche Went/.ell and
Annie Nolan left on Tuesday for
an extended visit to Norfork, Rich
mond, Harpers Ferry, Washington
Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York
and other points in the North and
Mr. T. C. Kimbell and son, Mr.
J. B. Newman and Sons and Mas
ter Dozier Filds left Tuesday for
a trip through the county to Na
cooche* Valley, Tallulah Falls and
other points in North Georgia.
Mrs. Verda Wright, who has
been spending some time in At
lanta and McDonough, came hack
and spent Saturday at home. She
returned to McDonough and will
go from there to Atlanta for medi
cal treatment. Her friends will
he glad to know that she is very
much improved in health.—Jack
son Argus.
The regular August term of
Spalding superior court convened
yesterday morning at 9 o’clock,
with Judge L. S. Roan, of the
Stone Mountain circuit, presiding
for Judge E J. Ceagan, whois hold
ing court for him at Fairburn.—
Griffin News.
Mr. J. E. Wallenlianpt, who has
been residing in Atlanta, has mov
ed here and is residing in the
Smith house on Hampton street.
He is a very fine mechanic and
conies hero to open up a new cabi
net and contract business. He is
thi§ week engaged in putting in
plate glass fronts for Walker-Tur
ner Co. and T, A. Sloan &■ Co.
When these fronts are finished
they will have the same effect and
appearence as the stores of the
large department stores of the
large cities, The work will he fin
ished in a few days.
Dr. R. J. Arnold, one of Hamp
ton’s leading physicians end wide
awake huisness men, was in the
oity on Monday. He says The
Weekly anticipated in advance a
little the proposed now Cotton
Mill for Hampton in last week’s
issue, that it is only a matter that
is being discussed among the busi
ness men of that live little city,
but that, he hopes to toon he in a
position to make a definate anno
uncement of a realization of wliat
appeared in last week’s issue He
is enthusiastic over Hampton’s fu
ture progress and the Weekly feels
that it will not he but a short time
until Dr. Arnold will materilize
the project that is now only a
rumored enterprise for the metrop
olis of west Henry. Success to
you Doctor!
Miss Dora Phillips, of Douglas
ville, was the guest of Mrs. C. W.
Bankston this week.
Mr J A. Johnson, of near Jones
boro, was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Johnson Thursday.
Watermelons, peaches anil many
other good things are in evidence
Nic 'littic pleasant, gentle, easy, saft
and sure pills, are Ring Little Liver Pills,
Pirn-salve, carbolized, soothes pain. In
any emergency—bruises, cuts, sores, burns
scratches etc. Pinesalve, carbolized, is
Sold by Horton Drug ('<>.
Z. I). Ward, Stockbridge, Pa.
Judge E. J. Reagan and family,
who have been on a month’s trip
to northeast Georgia and other
points, in the Mountains have re
turned home, and all report a most
delightful trip.
Man Zan. the great Pile remedy, prevents
piles by preventing constipation. It is
conveniently applit d directly to the trou
ble by moans of a small nozzle attached
to the tube in which Man Zan is put up.
Sold by Horton Drug Co,
Z. 1). Ward Stockbridge, Ga.
Miss Elizabeth Nolan, Miss Nina
Wall, Miss Bertha Bunn, Miss An
nie Lemon and M< ssis. Q. R. No
lan and John B. Lowe have re
turned from a month’s stay at
Chautauqua, New York.
The proper way and method of treating a
cough or cold is first of all gently move
the bowels. This you can most conven
iently do by taking a dose or two of Bees
Laxative Cough Syrup. It is pleasant to
take acts promptly, children like it-
Sold by Horton Drug Co.
Z. I). Waul, Stockbridge, Ga.
Miss Lucy Brown on Monday
afternoon delightfully entertained
in honor of her guest, Miss Hattie
O’Berry. The occasion was one
of the summer’s charming social
affairs and was the source of much
genuine pleasure to all present.
The Kidneys eliminate poisons by acting
as filters for the blood. When they fail
in this respect serious ailments must re
sult. Pinuelesfor the Kidneys are what
you should take at the first warning signs
of kidneys in expelling uric acid poison.
Sold by Horton Drug Co.
Z. 1). Ward, Stock bridge, Ga
Mr. C. A. McKibben and Miss
Luella McKibben who have been
the guests of their many friends
here for a week, left'yesterday
for a visit to Jackson.
Pinc-o-lene the wood
preserving oil makes se
cond class shingles as good
as first class,, goes right
into the wood.
Copeland Mer. Co.,
You can not be well, feel well, or look
well if your kidneysare deranged. Foley’s
Kidney Remedy makes healthy kidneys
and cures backache, rheumatism, and all
disorders of the urinary organs. Restores
health and strength. For sale by Horton
Drug Co.
Mr. R. W. Exuni, of the Sixth
district, was in town Thursday.
He has another heir at his home
On Wednesday before third Sun
day, Aug. 11, the cemetery at Sha
ron Baptist Church will be cleaned
up. Everybody interested are re
quested to be present on that date.
A good one hundred acre farm
for sale. At Stockbridge, Ga.
Apply to
I J. W. Clark.
( .
Take Notice ITT™,
All persons are recQinmended to take
Foley’s Kidney Pills for backache, rheu
matism,and kidney ami bladder trouble,
as they are healing and antiseptic and
and correct urinary irregularities which,
if neglected, may develop into a series ill
ness. They restore health and strength.
Do not neglect signs of kidney or bladder
trouble and risk Bright’s disease or dia
betes. Sold by Horton Drug Co. *
Motive to the citizens of McDonongh;
There will be introduced in the general as
sembly now in session a bill entitled: An
Act to establish a system of public schools
in the city of McDonough, to provide for
the maintenance, support, and control
of the same, and for other purposes.
This Act will take effect and be of force
when ratified by two-thirds of the qualifi
ed voters of said city.
W. D. Tarpley, Mayor.
June 28, 1909.
Every person whoa Cpsire to save money to open an account with ui.
When you deposit your money in the bank you will nos spend it as
foolishly as you will if it is in your pocket.
And once having ferine b theliahit of saving ard securing the come*
nience of a cheek account, yon will have a di sire io increase your sav
ings and enlarge vour account.
The Bank of Henry County is strong, conservative, well managed,
has ample capital, a large surplus, a strong, e< rscit nlioi.s, cirserva*
live boaid of direct* rs who attend the met tings regularly and give the
business of the bank their attention.
And in addition to the examine tiers made by the slate hank exami
ner. has an auditing Committee that mak* s Ih < rough exan n ation s of
all tlie affairs o>f the Bank everv six mdnths. so when von give ns your
bnsinessVon aie not only placing yenr tt>otipy- wtli a strong, safe hank
where you ear* get it when needed. hut one identifying yourself with
an institution that is able, and wil irg 1o accommodate you when you
want, to borrow.
We pav interest on time deposits, and take care of your money sub
iect to check while waiting for investment, and appreciate small ac
counts. as well as Ih»*< t p or°s Come to see ns for anything in the
hanking business and we will give von our ve*y best,.
Your friends.
The Bank of Henry County
J. B. DICKSON, Cashier
Funeral Directors arc! Embalmers.
Day Phone No. 51 Night Phone No. 52
8ai&« .mOuv "Vlf* l*.2.
All calls answered promptly day or night.
All embalming carefully done and according to best methods
Our stock of metal and wood caskets and r obes are unequalled.
Our services, hearses and equipment, are the best to he had.
We furnish the best steel, brick or cement Vaults. ,
Wedding Gifts that Delight the Bride.
In selecting a gift for the bride you naturally v.ish to choose
something that will nlease her now and bring pleasant thoughts of the
giver for yaars to come. We can help you do this, as we are special
ists in wedding gift wares and spend much time and thought in select
ing articles that will be most suitable for the occasion.
We are therefore continent that you will find just the right thing at
M' DOMOU (3 H 7 GA.
Then it will pay you to remember that we are situat
ed right in your vicinity and well fixed to supply all building
material and do any planing mill work at prices that are
We can always other inducements in flooring, ceiling r
weather boarding, shingles, brick, lime and cement, also or>
windows, doors and mouldings.
J-tf“Don't forget that Lawn Swing ; Just $4.50 and what a pleasure.
We offer Homes in Forsyth and Farms in Monroe County cheap
and on easy terms. Write for descriptive booklet, prices and teims.
110 Acre Farm—seven miles from Forsyth, 25 acres of bottom, 60
acres open for cultivation, four room dwelling —old, good barn price
per acre, - SB.OO
135 Acre Farm—4 miles from Forsyth, 35 acres bottom, 60 acres open
for cultivation, 2 room, log house weatherboarded, barn, price SIIOO.OO
265 Acres—7 miles from Forsyth on road leading to Jackson, 50e.cres
bottom, 160 acres open for cultivation. Plenty fruit for home use.
Four room frame dwelling, three frame tenant houses, one one room
and two two-room, - ... - $2500.00
450 Acre Farm—one mile South of Colliers Station, 150 acres open
for cultivation, about 90 acres original timber, dwelling three room
frame, three two room and two one room tenant houses, two good
barns, buggy shelter, etc., Price per acre - - - sls 00
We have numbers of others. For full particulars address
Forsyth, - Georgia-