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| CAL l_
And let me tit you with Glasses
in the most modern way and the
(latest styles.
( Satisfaction guaranteed!
P. B. CHEEK, j
.Jeweler anti <>|>t*eian, |
i HcDosiough, = Osi. J
/ t
2->> . n :,.u.j W. Iviil>'li« li St.
Onp litiirk 1 rom Terminal Station.
All Modern « onventenees
ROOMS 5015 75CS1 <><> L’JCR DAY
|, $2.00, s2.f>o ami $3.00.
Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta Phone 8256
H is your friend entered the con
test yet?
If its a “Sttidebaker” its OK.
Bailt for strength and durability.
Sold by B B. Carmichael & Sons.
Mr. J. T. Weems. McDonough’s
life insurance man, who has been
off for sometime, has been with
his many friends here this week.
Miss Julia Thompson, of Coving
ton, is the charming and much ad
mired gnest of Miss Lucy Reagan
this week.
11 M ONEY T() LEND" First to the
follow who keeps liis accounts in
this hank.
Bank of Stockhridge, Ga.
Misses Mary and Estelle High
tower, of Stockhridge, are the
guests of Their many friends here
tl is week and at the Camp ground
“MONEY TO LEND” To the far
mer who wants help to finish his
crop and needs the money to
do this, come to SEE US.
Bank of Stockhridge, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Horton, were
called here by the death of the
latter’s niece, Miss Annie M. Var
ner, and remained over for sever
al days with friends and relatives
“MONEY TO LEND” to iffc bor
rower who can make a good bank
able paper can always get the
Bank of Stockhridge, Ga.
Mrs. J. P Nichols and Mrs. A.
H. Blake, ot Griilin, came up to
the funeral of their oousion, Miss
Annie M. Varner on Monday.
room house on Brown’s Avenue
recently vacated by Mr. Henry
Hightower. Apply to
Mrs. W. A. Hnling,
McDonough, Ga.
For indigestion and all stomach trou
ble take Foley’s Orino Laxative as it
stimulates the stomach and liver and re
gulates the bowels and will positively
cure habitual constipation. Sold by Hor
ton Drug Co.
Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott,* who
have been on an extended visit to
the latter’s parents at Dublin, Va.,
returned homo Tuesday and have
been the recipients of warm and
hearty welcome by their many
friends here.
Examine an old Stndebaker
wagon and see how the paintclings
to it longer than it will to otner
wagons. This is superiority. Soid
B. B. Carmichael & Sons
Mr. J. T. Sowell, of the Sowell
& Knight firm, returned Tuesday
from a two week trip to New York
and other eastern markets. He
says he has bought the largest
stock of goods ever brought to Me-
Donough and that when they get
into their new stand in the new
Masonio building in a few weeks
they will be in better shape than
ever to serve their many firiends
juad customers.
Ofkk:k H 1 >UHs :
7.30 to U A. M. 1 to 5 P. M.
1). A. BROWN.
C.-IO to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 V. M.
A good one hundred acre farm
for sale. At Stookbridge, Ga.
Apply to
J. W. Clark.
Mrs. T. T. Pottle, of Palmetto,
is the guest oi her sister, Mrs P.
3. Cheek.
WANTED—IS,OCO bundles oi'
good fodder.
Graves Stable,
McDonough, Ga.
Miss Alla B. Carmichael return
ed home after spending a week
most pleasantly with friends and
felati ves.
Miss Agness Dana went to At
lanta Wednesday where she went
to attend u reception at the home
of Miss Corrie bridge.
Miss Ruth Rape is on an extend
ed visit to friends and relatives at
Griffin and Senuia.
Notice the hubs on the next
Stride baker wagon yon see pass on
the road and see. if they split and
crack like the ordinary wagon—
“ They do not”. For sale by
B. B. Carmichael & Sons.
When yon know you can depend
on the Stndebaker wagon for all
that is good in wagon building.
Why take chances with any other.
We sell and guarantee the Stude
B. B. Carmichael & Sons.
Miss Nena Turner, one of Mc-
Donough’s most beautiful and at
tractive young ladies, left on Wed
nesday lor an extended visit to
Clayton and other North Georgia
phi ces.
Mr. W, D. Knight and family
who spent nearly two weeks out
at Salem, have returned to their
home here to the delight of their
many friends. Avery fine meet
ing was held at Salem, Revs.
Phillips and Upshaw conducting
The Kidneys eliminate poisons by acting
as filters for the blood. When they fail
in this respect seriousailjnents must re
sult. Pinnules for the Kidneys are what
you should take at the first warning signs
of kidneys in expelling uric acid poison.
Sold by Horton Drug Co.
Z. D. Ward, Stockbridge. Ga
Dip your shingles in
PINE O LENE il pro
longs the liie ol the shingle
and gives you a permanent
Copeland Mer. Co.
Mr. W. P. Wilson, one of Hamp
ton's loading and influential citi
zens and president of the Hamp
ton Buggy Co..was a visitor in Mc-
Donough Tuesday. He says his
buggies are the “best” and that
each year they improve in every
particular, He was here in the
interest of the buggy business.
OIL goes futher is cheaper
and better than hog lard, is
good and usefull lor many
things, is sold in any size quan
Copeland Mer. Co.
You can not be well, feel well, or look
well if your kidneys are deranged. Foley’s
Kidney Remedy makes healthy kidneys
and cures backache, rheumatism, and all
disorders of the urinary organs. Restores
health and strength. For sale by Horton
Drug Co.
Miss Lovie Reed, of Murfesboro,
Tenn., is the lovely and much ad
mired guest of Miss Bess Fouche.
Miss Reed has been the recipient
of many charming and pleasing so
cial attentions since ner arrival,
and her many friends here she has
made during former visits are ac
cording her a most hearty and
charming welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Jenkins and
family wore the guests of friends
in the county week before last.
Miss Eva D.ivis, of near Turner’s
church, was th* ■ guest of relatives
at this place last week.
Mrs. Allen Turner, of Atlanta,
is the gnest of friends and rela
tives in tills county this week.
Mr. and Mrs Q. Dickson, are
spending a f w da i} ’s this week in
Mrs. R L. Johnson left Tuesday
to spend the eck with her moth
er, Mrs. Zed F. .Stanton, of Winder.
Miss Bessie Reeves, of Atlanta,
is the guest • dr. J. L. Atkinson
and family this week.
Mr, Ernest Wocdward, of Nor.
fork, Va., 'lie guest of home
folks and friends here this week.
Mr. John \ arner, who has been
very sick w/ih fever for several
lays, is thoi -ht to’ be some better
•it this writing.
So far Mr. George Mosley is the
champion water melon raiser, his
melon, weighing L 6 pounds. Let
’em roll,
Mr. and Mrs-. Horace Thompson,
j and daughter, Lilia Belle, of At
lanta, are the guests of friends and
relatives in old Henry comity.
Mr, Lnm Jones, of near Bit.
Bethel Church, was the guest of
Mr. arid Mrs. S. F. Jenkins one
day last week.
INIr. W. L. Burks and daughter
of Anniston, and Miss Yeilding, of
Birmingham, Ala., spent the week
end with their aunt, Mrs Q. A.
Miss Annie Mae Atkinson, who
has been on an extended visit to
her sister anil other friends in At
lanta, is at home now to the de
light of her many friends.
Quite a number/of those who
will camp at Shingle roof during
camp meeting, went out several
days before the meeting for a few
days rest and recreation befoie the
Full line of Watkins family med
icines, extracts, stock foods, pep
pers and spices, pulverized goods,
etc. always on hand. I will be in
McDonough with my wagon every
W. A. White.
Col. J. F. Wall, of McDonough,
was in the city yesterday. Mr.
Wall, who is one of McDonough’s
lawyers, was admitted to the bar
in Griffin thirty-one years ago
yesterday, when Judge John I Hall
was judge of the superior court of
the Flint circuit —Griffin News.
Nice little pleasant, gentle, easy, safe
ancl sure pills, are Ring Little Liver Pills,
Pinesalve, carbolized, soothes pain. In
any emergency —bruises, cuts, sores, burns
scratches etc. Pinesalve, carbolized, is
Sold by Horton Drug Co.
Z. D. Ward, Stockbridge, On.
Rev. and Mrs. J. E. England and
their son Paul, returned Saturday
from a family reunion in Ogleth
orpe county. There were four gen
erations represented at this reun
ion at the old homestead of Mr.
England, which was the 100th
annivesary of their father’s
birth, he having a number of years
ago passed to the great Beyond.
Our special prepared
kind to get. Sold in any size
quantities and is better tor the
chickens than any other teed.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Mr. Dan Smith, the energetic
foreman of the work on the new
Masonic temple, sustained a pain
ful injury Tuesday morning by a
brickbat falling on his head from
the top of the walls to where he
was standing on the ground. A
severe scalp wound resulted but
he is now on bis job again and
will be entirely well soon.
The Crime or Idleness
Idleness means trouble for any one. Its
Its the same with a lazy liver. It causes
constipation, headache, jaundice, sallow
complexion, pimples and blotches, loss of
appetite, nausea, but Dr. King s New
Life Pills soon banish liver troubles and
build up your health 86c. at All Drug
By opening cin account with
The Bank of Henry County'
TOTAL RESOURCES 5200,000.00.
F. S. ETHERIDGE, Pres. _ H. J. COrELAND, V Pres.
J. B. DICKSON, Cashier.
Funera’ Directors and Embalmers.
Hay Phone No. 51 Night Phone No. 52
SSI? JSSikjt j* g fagT-jg
All calls answered promptly day or night.
All embalming carefully done and according to best methods
Our stock of metal and wood caskets and robes are unequalled.
Our services, hearses and equipment, are the best to be had.
We furnish the best steel, brick or cement Vaults.
Wedding Gifts that Delight the Bride.
In selecting a gift for the bride you naturally wish to choose
something that will please her now- and thoughts of the
giver for yaars to come. We can help you do this, as we are special
ists in wedding gift wares and spend much time and thought in select
ing articles that will he most suitable for the occasion.
We are therefore continent that you \\ ill find just the right thing at
j e: w EI L_ ET. R
Then it will pay you to remember that we are situat
ed risrht in your vicinity and well fixed to supply all building
material and do any planing mill work at prices that are
We can always ofler inducements in flooring, ceiling,
weather boarding, shingles, brick, lime and cement, also on
windows, doors and mouldings.
'-i? "Don’t forget that Lawn Swing ; Just $4.50 and what a pleasure.
- REX, GA.
OFFERS FOR SALE homes in Forsyth and farms in Monroe county cheap and on
easy terms. Write for descriptive booklet, price and terms.
A Splendid Little Farm, about I}4 miles from Forsyth, 40acresopen for cultivation:
40 acres practically level; the balance rolling, but all good productive land, with
scarcely any waste. Small frame residence. Price $1,600.
-4-00 AC R ES
About Six Miles From Forsyth, 200 acres open for cultivation, SO acres of fine bottom
75 acres of Woodland; 6ome good saw timber. On this farm there are six tenant
houses and two barns. One four-room house, built in ISOB. Plenty of runniug water
and good wells. Price per acre $12.50, one-fourth cash, balance I, 2 and 3 years with
8 per cent interest on deferred payments.
4-30 AO REIS
Five Miles From Bolingbroke, five miles from Dames ferry, and ten miles frem For
syth, 100 acres open for cultivation; enough wood and saw timber on the place to pay
for it. Can sell for one-fonrth cash, balance 1,2, and 3 with 8 per cent on de
erred payments. Price per acre, $7. S
For full particulars address
Forsyth, - Georgia-