Newspaper Page Text
And ready to serve all our old Customers and
Friends setter than than ever Before.
\, v, have just unshed moving our entire stock of merchandise to our New Store just com=
picked on Aiacon Street, next to Jeffaies Grocery Store. New goods ere comin°' in daily to
add to our already large stock of merchandise. „ &
Our Store is new, modern, and in every detail m Ue s» as to bitter e.iabie us to serve thi public with the “best” of everything.
Thanking all our friends and customers for past favors and patronage and trusting to merit a contiuance of same by having all
call on us in o U R N EIW H O M El, we are, Yours for business,
Phone 7 g J. INGRAM GO, McDono, Qa.
Leading Undertaker.
Complete line of Caskets nil styles and
. Care Till and polite ui tent,ion given nil
funerals entrusted to me.
Finbulining done i\er,ordin<T. to latest
•nil most improvibl meilm s.
Newest.ana most on to 1 •. • etpiipment
( nil a.isweied pmmpiiy U.i> ana night..
Phone ItO. . 1
!Mel>()\o <1 V,
Attorney- aULaw,
M t! l)OXO! ,\i 11. (;a.
O.’llue over St »r».
McDonough, Ga.
t * (
K. li. <1 011 MHO\ L li! or.
Rntered at the postofflco at McDob
«»*!&. ** aecond class mail uiattar.
AAyertisinjt Rate*; 91.00 p*>r larfe
9*r month. Reduction on »>ia!*d!»K
bv ep**ei*U ttftioemsnt.
MiDinmurh. <T i , Aug ?7 l'.iOu.
Th e SVI nfi' "* g Vh u r ci a y
Cotton 12*2
f"' nhilnH<'»>her h;is said, “To
the ivaswniat, the pen oh stone rep.
resents just so lor.cli It ss meet of
thu fruit ; ro the optimist, the germ
of a other p -a “i tree.”
The Alterna i ive Road Law
Under the present s'sliin td
workin ' the public nm. > of i!etr>
county save ml thousand dnllats.
nncLor tjje present manttgeipi m.
me annmdly wasted, rs overt cili
z;n of the conn I v c.t n ties tif v. splendid exception to tl e
ab Jve we <lesi i e 1 o call our reader*
attention 10, in the person ot Mr
Jess Pending, overseer in the West
ern p trlioa of M • D m rigli district.
O 1 a race it tri > ov *r tiie HutnpHiij
road leading fr on the Wolf place
ave were grutailed to note the
thorough and splendid weih i g
this road hud received under his
I 1 ie Weekly hones t-*offer hv the
time the spnrrg working ot the
roads begins, pries fro n s‘>o 00
d> vn to' 1 the hessf. worked mile of
road in the county
W e believe Tf -nrv oinntv Ims ir.
Utncic t o i hie and (• imp dent to
work our roads nrd« i ti e jresi'tit
svstem and are deteruiin- d to de-
Veloiie them if ;>. issi de
Mr. Piiiuiley loss set an nbj or
I isson that the uutliori ns who
..have charge of onr <■ .nviets would
d • well to pl l torn a t ter.
Kelitva indues Lion anu fc -o r ach ii cuolta.
1 or heave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom if may concern:
•John S Uorul. Adin’rof estate of Mrs.
.J. \ Sin sworl 1 , late of : aid county, I
j deceased, naving in due form apjilied to;
i I lie ii mli signed for leave to -ell all the j
ila mis belonging lo the said Mr-. .1. V.
; She! t leswoi th. <1 < crust d. t-ii unit (1 in Fieri- j
jrv county. Thi* Is to notify von that said ,
i api licutbm m ill he heart! hy Henry court |
Of Ordinary Jit the regular Serif, term!
thereof, to h held in anti for said county j
on the fl r st Monday in Stmt. • liven tin-1
dec my hand and w*al. thistle* “ml day of
August I DOT.
A. G. Harris', Ordinary. |
for «ift vet o : Jell, I
Georgia, Henry Coutitv.
’! o whom il in \ eimi.vrn :
H.P. F os'er. Adin'r t*f estate of Mr-.!
Decy I*llll!, Ittie in' s in rout.: y th ct .us
ed. having in due for-e a milted to the an- I
•letslimed, fo>* ]■ ave to m-|) ;H! the lands
1/i‘iOtmlng to said Mrs. I) ey Hhiiiipps «>e
ceased, -ituati il in lie’iry county. This !
is to notify you that said application will
Iv* hear Ihy t e rv emir of Oidbmn
the regular Sept. t<”"n P. V HI thmvnf f. he
held in and for sal' 1 county on the first
Monday in Sent P.TIS*. Given under my .
hand and seal. This 'rm 2nd, ionf).
A. G. Harris,Ordinary,
For I leave to Sell.
G* < rgia. Henry Comity.
To whom it may concern: i
F H. lira nan. Adtn’r of the estate of R I
•I. li'iman. late of said ct unity, dcceasi d, i
having in due orm ate lit d to' the under
signed ter leav to s II all the lands he-j
longing to th.e su’d B .1, Branor. du eifs-i
ed. situated in henrv county This is +,,
I notify you that said am licnMon wi’l 'ej
; heart! hj Henry court of Ordinary at the j
regular St*nl. tenu t l.ei eof to 1 e held in j
and for -m! countv on the first M.wdav
i n Sept pint i t liven under'uv hand ant! !
seal, t his “nil (’a v of 1 Oeo
A.G IfARRIS, Ordinary, j
Not ieo lor I’rnlmlr t.fVill.
j Georgia. Henry County.
To A 1!. Martin. ot Hunt county, state |
!of i» mis, A. Y. Martin having apj.licit ns i
: executor for probate in soli mil form, e.f j
the last v, ill and t< s'an cut ef Virrinh. l>.
Marti n, late of said cm »ry rl- c, used You
a - one of the heirs sit law of said Mrs Yir
i einia I) Martin ate her. I v reoeit. d to I
> 1 pear at the court *if Ortlimiry in tnid fi j
j said comity otj the first Monday in I
P | ep, when said application fir pr<''-n*i
will i>e hetirtl Given under my hand and
si ail, this A tig *2. P. Oil.
A. G. Harris. Ordinary.
I’m' Administration
G< O 't’ia, Henry County.
To all whom it my I'oiifTn:
T if. Stallsworth and \. It. Sf.allsvvorlh
having in pru| er foi in. at'plirtl to me for 1
permanent letteis of administration on
tin* estate of 1. 11. St al l sun i i ]i . late of
said e■dirty th ci H*ed, this is in < its ;,il
ami »i"cnltir, iln ra i itats ami next of
kin ol I ll StaHsvvsvi |i, 'o l e and appear
at m Y <-t; ce \vti-iTi flu Oire ;illn\ v ol 1 y
law and show e lose if any they ran. whv
p rmammt lepers f ;vdnd'dstra*i' tl !
sh> aid not lworratited to'l’ p Stallsworth
and A It, Stallsworth on T. h. Stalls
\vrii-t|i v estate V jtri .< ijiv turd
fivial signature this 2ml day of i||.» 1 fKIO.
A. 'i. 11arris, ' >rdinary.
for Administration
<1 'oroia, 11. nrv (' 'rnfy.
1 ■> Whom it May Concern:
\\ d Turner,having made application
to me in dne form to he appointed per
: a"i nt \dmitiisfrator iipott the estate of
M ' H'-anets P.Clt avela nd late of t'nlhniiii
* ° -Ala. notice is hereby given that said
a s'p heatii n will lie heard at the restttlar
ti iin of the court of Ordinary for said
county, ti- he held the first Monday in
Si-or IvniM.
W it ness my hand and official signature,
this 12 day of Aug. uo;t.
A. <l. Harris. Ordinary.
Rest choice mixed feed !
tM' Cnickrtts, Tut kevs-. (ictsc '
Ducks ;tnd Guineas, Sold in !
ony size quantities.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Til ire ure awful weak places in
oar present tax system. The para
mount issue in nearly every cam
paign for governor for a great
many years past has been “revis
ion of the tax laws. ’ and vot jjp
revision has been made. The leg
islature should create ti hoard of
tax assessors for each county,
whose duty it would be 1o require
tin equitable, just tind reasonable
return at an honest valuation of
property subject to taxation.
There are scores of men and cor
porations whose property
worth in actu il value from ten to
twenty times asm neb as itapneurs
on the tax digest anti in many casts
thousands of dollars worth of pro
perty is nevi r accounted for at all.
Where are the notes held by the
rich men? Th >g do not appear in
the returns. The remedy should
come thro.ngh a general tax act
Greenosboro Hum id Journal.
I ifi % c p a IP" &4 isl llfti i“* sl»
LHS i ijSllliiiL*
Uiiiii an rMmmfmm
P I?r .-j a 0 I'lrl S 3 Us M Ei »\ a P rar
BiunswicK, bt. Simons Island, Cumber
land Island, Jacksonville,
St. Augustine, Tampa
E'cenrsion train with separate conches for white and colon <1 will leave McTon
ouph , a. UK and arrive Brunswick f, 40 p m . .Tael s', nville sLqp. m and Tam!
pa 6.d0 a in. next morning,
Rate For Round Trip
Brunswick . . $4.00 St. Simons Isl. . $4 00
Cumberland Isl. . 4.00 Jacksonville . . 4.00
. St. Augustine. . . 4.50 Tampa . . . 600
Tickets Brunswick, St Sin.ors Isl,, Ci mberlard Isl., dacl sonville and St An
eustine will he good returning to poinis where trains are scheduled to stop m>
to an 1 mclndinc ti aii' h ha’i-g Bi ui s\\ jr] h;rii ni m d IrcksorvPl ~ ’
a,..s, .A, 4s*
eluding Irnin leaving -luclin nville 7 p. m. September 14th.
Pjllmaa Ssrvice on Special Train Betwoen Macon and Jacksonville.
A;i;>:y to your neatest ti. k.-t agent for further information, or write.
G. R. PETTIT, T. P. A., J. L. MEEK, A. G. P. A.,
Macon, Ca. a.i, „
x ’ Atlanta, Ga.
j Mr - and Mrs. G. G. Spinks
spent last Sunday with friends
and relatives at Macon
1 r
Deafness Cannot Ire Cured
| hy local applications, as they cannot reach
| the diseased portion of the ear. There is
j only one ,vay to core deafness, and that
1 is by constitutional remedies. . Deafness
! is caused hy an inflamed condition of the
j mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube.
\S heii this tube is inf, imn! y »u have a
! rumberling sound of imperfect hearing
, at id v. hen it is on tin ly closed, deafness is
• the? ii-siilr,, and unless the inflamation
j <‘>H) lie taken out and this tube restored to
jits normal condition, hearing will he de
! strewed ferever; nine cases our <yf fen arc
' eauseil by catarrh, whicli is nothing hut
;in inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. |
We will give One Hundred dollars for
any ease of deafness (ouusi d by catarrh)
that cannot he cored hy Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, frte.
F. .1. Chimney wCo Toleado, O.
Sold hy all Druggists, 75c.
lit..e Hull sFain 11 g Pills for contipation
We ask for space in the Weekly
to express our thanks to everyone
of our friends ami relatives and
neighbors for their sympathy and
assistance shown to r.s during our
father’s illness. May God bless
them and reward them.
Mrs. T. W. Jarrett.
We wish to return our heartfelt
thunks for the many deeds of
kindness shown ns during the late
illness and death of on: wife and
mother and pray God’s richest
blessings may rest upon each oxe.
Mr. J.'K Ki nb ill and family
For indigestion and all stomach trou
ble take Foley’s Orino Laxative as it
stimulates the stomach and liver ami re
gulates the bowels and will positively
cure habitual constipation. Fold by Hor
ton Drug Co.