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pipyi VOTiW@ Ofi^TES* s*" 5 *"
Ihe Henry County Weekly has inaugurated a popular voting con
test in each District of Henry County, and the young lady receiving the
largest number of votes will be given a
S 1 M ILo3 Snarra d d $
It is only necessary to subscribe or renew your subscription to the
to become a Voter” in this contest.
le cn!v necessary that same one send in a subscription to the Weekly and to vote for some >oung
lady to nominate her, and as many young ladies as dusire to can enter the contest, list so they be not
under 14 years of age.
On NEW or RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS iOO votes wifi be given for
EACH \ EARLb Subscription to Ihe I.enry County Weekly, and on subscriptions in arrears 200 votes will be given
tor each yearly subscription.
Don't a!d it but send in vour subscription at once and vote lor any young lady you want to in your
J-Zv/Iji. c, vidj Disciict, giving her name and the Militia District in which she lives and then she will
be entered as a contestant in this great Popular Voting Contest.
Only SI.OO secures The Weekly for 1 year and gives
you an opportunity to vote for some young lady in
your District whom you would like to see win the
Great Trip to the Macon Fair,
Ml 0% a ■4 I. Irl a
ft w g Al fil P 8 ff% r>
iMim lilircpQ WpflliiPCflflV IM 0/fh
UfetlyM UHjwvu If ydliltwlMJp iMjSj LI lyi
One day last week a tenant on
Hon. R. C. Brown’s farm just east
of town reported to him that one
of his hogs wassickand in 24 hours
time he lost fire fire hogs from
some strange fatality which is
Since the recent invention by
young Mr. Pitts mentioned in these
columns it appeals that our town
has become almost a literal hot
bed of inventors, Mr. Billie Hinton
another of the telegraph opeiators
here has under way the rorsimot
ion of a device lor fanning which
is said to he something new under
the sun the writer has not se<,r_
liis trick, but those who have seen
it siv it is worthy of notice And
the end is not 3 of
Mr. W. R. Sanuifer u popular
• /dry good merclian t iiere ha si; vent
ed a hat rack to be u.-ed in stores
for handling and displa Smpl «1 s
and at the same time ke< ping b« x
cs and ha‘s clean of dnst. Mr.
Sandifer hvs finished a model of
his m iclii ie anl wi ll apply at once
for oat nt. AM vv 10 nave seen his
model think will take blue rib
bon .
The Gramm ir School at this
place will open for the tall teim
on Monday August the 3Ctli so
says Prof. Homer Adamson, let
every pupil he present prompiy
the first day and attend regularly
thereafter is an old story but it is
the way to get best results
Mr. W. A. Smith business man
ager of the planters warehouse
here informed me last Saturday
t h.i t it was clear of cotton for the
first time in six years the Inst 3
halos being sniped out,on that day .
V. bile on the same day Mr. B-ov. n's
warehouse contained only one bale
So it can bo seen at once if the
world's supply of cotton runs short
just, now it can't draw on Locust
Grove as it lias been doing.
Mr Gordon Peek a former citi
zen ol this place but now of Slmdy
diile was shaking bands with his
old friends here lust Saturday.
Mr. Perry Allen formerly of this
county, but who is now engaged
in the Watkins Medicine business
in South Ga paid his friends here
a short call last Saturday.
I e] : p the following from The
Jackson Argn- of last Friday which
is jus ly complimentary to our re
“The bill introduced in the Leg
islature by Representative Brown
of Henry county, to tax all dogs,
and earnestly worked for by him,
received most favorable Comment
throughout the State. While the
bill as drafted by him wasnofc pas
sed at this session, it will probably
go through at the next session.
It was put by the Ways and Means
Committee in the tax act, and
now there is a tax. on all dogs of
t'l each. There were many strong
arguments for tl e passage of the
bill B ‘sides the revenue brought
into tlie State arising from the tuX
on dogs, it wi.l ei coinage fanners
io again go to raising shei p if tin
lingo i.nmber of v oithliis snd
halt liii dugs widen louui the
country is rod need. The right tu
own good dogs belongs to every
one, but dogs should be kept at
home and not allowed to run at
large to endanger human life If
taxed it is the surest way to rid
the country of them. The
Brown hill should become a law.
No one will be hurt, but many
If you are all run down Foley’s Kidney
Pills will help you, as they strengthen
the kidneys so they will eliminate the im
purities from the blood that depress the
nerves, and cause exhaustion, headache,
rheumatism, and urinary-irregularities,
which -sap Ihe vitality. Do not delay.
Take Foley’s Kidney Pills at once. For
sale by Horton Drug Co.
Hello, Mr. Editor, tine weather
to day for the farmers.
Pulling fodder is all D'e go
through here.
Miss Lillian Jarrelt anil Mr.
Mon Barr went to Bhinglcroof to
Mrs. Tom .Tarrett spent the day
yesterday with Mrs. McCollougL
at Kelleystovyn.
Mrs E l O .vans has returned from
Atlanta on a visit to her daughter.
Mr. Dave Miller is visiting his
mother today, Mrs. John Jones.
Mrs. E. E. Milam and Miss Fannie
visited Mrs. Jolin Jones this morn
Misses Annie and Rosa and Mr.
Henry Jarrett visited Miss Ida
Mae and Nellie Jones today.
Mr, Allen and family vis
itel Mr. Elbert Phillips to day.
(Last week’s letter.) '
Well we are haring some warm
weather at this period of writing.
Sunday School at this place was
not quite rained out last Sunday.
Miss Mollie Farris is spending
a few days with Mrs. Lula Turnip
seed at, this writing.
Mrs. Dock Welch, visited Mrs.
J ii. S utow Tuesday afternoon.
Misses Ora and Lillian Jackson
spent a few days last week with
t.ieir cousin, Miss Lucile Coker.
Mrs. John Moss and children
spent Friday with Mrs. \V. C.
Fields and family.
Miss Rushleon Sorrow spent
Tuesday with Miss Ethel Field.
Mrs. L. T. Stene visited Mrs. .J.
H Sorrow and family one evening
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Coker’visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. John Foster, of
near Jonesboro one day last week,
.Miss Brunettie Sorrow spent
Friday p. m. with Mrs. Lnla Tur
Mrs. H. S. Coke and children
spent a few days with her mother,
Mrs. Pope of Jackson last week,
Mrs. 11. H. Greer is spending a
few days in Atlanta this week.
Mr John McVicker ind family
spent Wednesday with Mr. W. C.
Fields and family.
Mr. Rhodger Martin accompani
ed by Miss Lucile Coker attenbed
preaching at Mb. Carmel Sunday.
Mi."« Juliette Payne spent Satur
day night with her mint, M»s.
j Lula Tnrnipsecd.
Mrs. Panl Mays visited Mrs. .J.
‘ H. Sorrow Monday p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. (.’aiding, of Griffin,
spent Saturday and Sunday v\ith f
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Coker.
Mr. Wood M Hock accompanied
by Miss Eulu Mitchell were wel
come visitors at this plr.eo Sunday.
Tin- Crime of Idleness
Idleness means trouble for any one. Its
Its the same with a lazy liver. It causes
constipation, headache, jaundice, sapow
complexion, plniplesand Hi t« lies, loss of
appetite, nausea, but Dr. kind's XeW
Life Pills soon banish liver troubles and
build up your health 25c. at All Drug
r Fhe cry of dry wheat} or is over
in this section,
Misses Xevie and Lida Cnllrv. ay
visited their sister, Mrs. Ida ('al
ia way Saturday last.
Miss Leola Doisey visited her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Dorsey last Saturday.
We arc sorry to not • the illness
of Mrs. Betsey Campbell who has
b en sick for over a weik. We
hope lor her u sjmly hciuuj.
Miss Flossie Pend ley left last/
Monday to visit her cousin, Mr.
Shire, of LaGrange.
Miss Suse Standlleld has relum
ed home after a week's visit tit the
home of her brother and sister,
Mr. anil Mrs. 11. F. Standfield, of
BolinghroJ e.
Mr. J. E. Gibbs, Dr. J. R. Wal
lace and Mi . and Mrs. G. H. Coll
i bIC, of Lovejoy, left last Friday
for a pleasure trip to Chicago,
The barbecue at Liberty Hill
was a success plenty to eat and a
large crowd, there were two speak
i its there who nu de fine addresses
jto all the farmers who were pres
| cut, of which there was a good
| many,
Mr. Il'amp Gilbert and Mr. Ira
j Kirkland and Misses Tel fa re and
! Bobbie Elliott and Misst s Lizzie
and ltosa t 'mine and Mr. and Mrs,
Finns Online from Morrow Station
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Grover Campbell last iSulUioay
and Sunday and a few days Ihis
\\ eek.
Mr. (Rent West and Misses Mam
ie and Susie and Lillian Stanfield
and Miss Stella and Mr. Deles Bar
nett and Miss Nettie MuXie and
Mr. liarvie Barnett weie all the
goes’.s of Mr. and Mrs. W. li. Bar
nett Sunday last.
Mr. .Jess Standlleld and Mr.
Arthur Banks and Miss Bessie
Wallace and Miss Rilia Ponder,
I Dora Buinurd all attended the
■ Camp meeting Sunday .
Mr. W. 1. St.uitieid visited his
son, Mr. ii. F, Stanfield, of B. ling
brake the past lour days.
Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Beesh y
were visiting ihe parents of the
! latter’s last third Sunday.
Mrs. It F. Standfleld was the
guest of Mr. .Joe Babb Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Campbell were
the guests el ilieir uaugliu r, Mrs.
Allie Doisey one day last \.iea.
The prvtuacti d meelli g at ihe
M, P. Cha_cii last week a
spirtual one. Many reCeiy *■ d bles
ings. There were foui iteii who
joined the church, it seemed time
Gad was with the pastors of (vhich
there were rive, brother Bud Rob
erson from Texas was with Us a
while and brother t liarlie McDan
iel and the regular i astor, brother
Aycocx and two olheis the meet
ing, will oe lenien.i ered a long
tin e try some.
Mr. and Mrs Earn Daniel and
Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Pout were \i»u
ing Mr. and mis D. B. McLendon
last Saturday night and Sunday.
Wanted tv buy a lew
bushels of nice resh
sweet potatoes at orce.
. Copeland Mer. Cc.