Newspaper Page Text
S :
; !
: c A L_ L. :
| And let me fit yon with Glasses]
in the most modern way and thej
latest styles. 5
Satisfaction guaranteed! \
.Jeweler and Optician, )
ncßoraough, = Qa. j
School Monday !
Enter your friend in the popu
lar voting contest.
Miss Ruth Branun, of Stock
bridge, has been the guest of Miss
Azzell Shields this week.
Mrs. Lilah Copeland and little
H. J. .lr., spent first cf the week
in the Gate City.
Mr. John Daily, of Atlanta, were
the guests of homefolks anti friends
here Sunday.
Mr. Thos D. Stewart, of Atlan
ta, was mingling here with his
many friends on Wednesday.
. Capt. W F. Smith, of Flovilla,
is the guest of friends ana rela
tives hero this week.
Mrs B. EL Butts and son Ben
Hill, of Barnesvilie, are the guests
of her sister, Mrs. Joel Bankston
this week.
Miss Azzell Maxwell, of Atlanta,
spent the week-end here the guest
of her grand mother, Mrs. S. C.
“MONEY TO LEND” First to the
fellow who keeps his accounts in
this hank.
Bunk of Stookbridge, Ga.
The workmen are rapidly push
ing to completion the new two
story homo on Griffin street, of
Dr. B. E. Horton.
FOR SALE—One fine cow, for
further information apply to
F. M, Patterson,
Rt. 7. McDonough, Ga.
Misses Laura Benning and Mar
guerite Ward, of Atlanta, arrived
Thursday afternoon fora week’s
visit to Miss Ruth Turner.
“MONEY TO LEND” To the far
mer who wants help to finish his
crop and needs the money to
do this, come to SEE US.
Bank of Stookbridge, Ga.
Mr. Jim England, who is with
one of Atlanta’s leading drug
stores, was the guest of homefolks
and friends here Sunday.
“MONEY TO LEND” to the bor
rower who can make a good bank
able paper can always get the
Bank of Stookbridge, Ga.
Mr.J.N. Vonderlief and Miss
Reba Whitehead, of Winder, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Johnson Sunday.
Misses Estelle and Jessie King,
of Jonesboro, spent Sunday at
Camp meeting and for a short time
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs
R. L. Johnson Sunday.
room house on Brown’s Avenue,
recently vacated by Mr. Henry
Hightower. Apply to
Mrs. W. A. Huling,
McDonough, Ga.
Mrs. A. S. Odom, who has been
visiting friends at McDonough,
Atlanta and other points in that
section of the state, is at home
again and she reports a most
pleasant visit.—Lyons Progress.
Editor Robert L. Johnson and
wife, of McDonough, spent the
week end with the former’s father,
Mr. J. A. Johnson, near Jonesboro,
and spent a few hours of Sunday
with friends in town. —Jonesboro
JEo ter prise.
Office Hours :
7 .:«) to 12 a. m. Itosr. m.
1). A. BROWN,
• Office Hours :
7.80 to 12 A M. 1 to 5 P.M.
Physician ani> Surgeon,
R. F. D. No. 1, Rkx, Ga.
Bell Phone. Res. at M. C. White
A good one hundred acre farm
for sale. At Stookbridge, Ga.
Apply to
J. W. Clark.
WANTED—IS,OOO bundles of
good fodder.
Graves Stable,
McDonough, Ga.
Miss Ethel Sowell left Tuesday
for an extended visit to friends at
Mr. and Mrs. J, L, Gardner are
visiting latives and friends at
A nice little stock of goods f _>r
sale ; good terms ; come quick.
T. J. Upchurch,
Locust Grove, Ga.
Mr. Pierce Stewart, who has
been attending the summer session
at Merce r University, returned
home on Tuesday to the delight
of his many friends.
The most satisfactory
flour for cakes, light bread
and all uses is Acme Patent
and Clifton.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Mrs. Z. F. Stanton, who was the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. L.
Johnson, for several days return
ed to her home at Winder on Tues
We are now ready to
figure with you on your
bagging and ties and shorts
for the coming season,
Copeland Mer. Co.
Misses Idelle Waldrop, Anna
belle Harper, and Ocona Benne
field, of Jonesboro, and Mr. Jack
Slappey, of Plains, called on old
home friends in The Weekly of
fice Wednesday,
Best quality cotton pick
ing sacks can be had lrom
11s cheaper than you can buy
the cloth and have them made
they are good size and well
Copeland Mer. Co.
You can not be well, feel well, or look
well if your kidneys are deranged. Foley’s
Kidney Remedy makes healthy kidneys
and cures backache, rheumatism, and all
disorders of the urinary organs. Restores
health and strength. For sale by Horton
Drug Co.
Wagons must go, we are
overloaded with one and two
horse wagons, See us and get
tlw best wagon made, rem
ember! these wagons must
go, now is your time to
reap a bargain.
Mitchell in the lead.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Mrs. J. P. Copeland, Miss Cora
Betts and Miss Lilah Copeland,
who went to spend the month of
August at Ashville, N. C , were
brought home on Sundaw morn
ing by the illness of Mrs. Cope
land. It will be gratifying news
to her many friends to know that
She is rapidly recovering from her
Judge E. J. Reagan, of McDon
ough, passed through the city
yesterday morning on his way to
Forsyth, where he is presiding at
Monroe superior court this week.
He was joined here by Col. Searcy,
the stenographer of the courts of
the Flint circuit.—Griffin News
Pressing Club Hoved to
Farmer’s Union Building
I have moved My Pressing Club
shop from the Shield’s lot to the
Farmer’s Union Building, second
door hack from front opposite
Presbyterian church.
J.P. Powell.
Farm For Sale.
A good 72 acre Farm for sale.
Apply to
R. F. D, No. 5, McDonough, Ga.
Miss Julia Tnompson, who was
the guest of Miss Lucy Reagan l'or
a week, left on Thursday for her
home at Covington.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Copeland
and children left Thursday for a
visit to friends and relatives at
several points in northeast Geor
Man Zan, the great Pile remedy, prevents
piles by preventing constipation. It is
conveniently applied directly to the trou
ble by means cf a small nozzle attached
to the tube in which Man Zan is put up
Sold by Horton Drug Co.
Z. D. Ward Stookbridge, Ga.
Full line of Watkins family med
icines, extracts, stock foods, pep
pers and spices, pulverizi d goods,
etc. always on hand. I will be in
McDonough with my wagon every
W. A. White.
Nice little pleasant, gentle, easy, safe
and sure pills, are Ring Little Liver Pills,
Pinesaive, carbolized, soothes pain. In
any emergency—bruises, cuts, sores, burns
scratches etc. Pinesaive, carbolized, is
Sold by Ilorton Drug Co.
Z. D. Ward, Stookbridge, Ga.
Mr. Hugh Penn, Mr. Roper, Miss
Martha Penn and little niece, of
Monticcllo, were here a shprt.
while Tuesday en route home from
Atlanta in their Auto.
Pine-o-lene will preserve
your porch iloors, wagon and
hubs and rims, will make se
cond class shingles last as
as lirsts.
Copeland Mer. Co.
The action of Gov. Brown in re
appointing two of his political op
ponents as trustees of the State
University, is in striking contrast
to that of his predecessor, who, it
is charged, refused to retain Judge
Enoch H. Calloway, of Augusta,
because of political differences.
More than once since his induction
into office has the present execu
tive given evidence of his broad
mindedness and determination to
steer clear of personal animosities.
—Lawrenceville News.
Pure cooking oil can be
used on all occasion, is better,
cheaper and goes further than
hog lard, can be used in Salads
Dressings, Cakes, Ice Cream,
Bread and Meats. Sold in
any size quantities.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Mr. D. A. Rosser, one of Beer
sheba District’s substantial and
successful farmers, was in the
city Wednesday and while here
paid the Weekly a pleasant call.
He says that the new steel bridge
over Sonjh river at Butler’s bridge
is now about finished and that ail
the people in that section are proud
of it. He also informed the Week
ly that he was going to move near
Jenkinsburg the latter part of the
year, where he could be nearer the
market—and the railroad, hut
when he moves Henry will lose
him as a citizen of the county—
Butts is to be congratulated on se
curing him as a citizen, though
much to Henry’s loss. We need
such splendid men as Mr. Rosser.
For a quick cure without any unneces
sary loss of time take chamberlain s colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. One or
two doses is sufficient to effect a cure in
any ordinary case. It can always be de
pended upon and is equally efficient for
children and adults. For sale by Jlorton
Drug Co.
The Bank of Henry County
McDonough, ca.
Funeral Directors and Embalmers.
Day Phone No. 51 Night Phone N0.'52
i~.' * ~ . 2 SliSr ’* Adjofcj
All calls answered promptly day or night.
All embalming carefully done and aceoiding to best methods
Our stock of metal and wood caskets and robes are uneqnalkd.
Our services, hearses and equipment, are the be*,t to he had.
We furnish the best steel, brick or cement Vaults.
Wedding Gifts that Delight the Bride.
In selecting a gift for the bride yen naturally wish to choose
something that will please her now and bring pleasant thoughts of the
giver for yaars to come. »We can help you do this, as we are special
ists in wedding gift wares and spend much time and thought in select
ing articles that will be most suitable for the Occasion.
We are therefore continent that you w ill find just the right thing at
Then it will pay you to remember that we are situat
ed right in your vicinity and well fixed to supply all building
material and do any planing mill work at prices that are
We can always offer inducements in flooring, ceiling r
weather boarding, shingles, brick, lime and cement, also on
windows, doors and mouldings.
yfT’Don’t forget that Lawn Swing ; Just $1.50 and what a pleasure,
HAS FOR SALE houses in Forsyth and farms in Monroe county.
Write for descriptive booklet, prices and terms.
Xeat little cottage of four rooms on an acre lot inside the city limits. Good garden
some fruit trees, tig bushes etc. Plenty of room for another building on lot $1,100.00
A fivo room dwelling with barn, buggy house and half acre of land, good garden
and fruit trees; very near to Bessie Tift College and on a public street, $1,400.
Lovely home 'with fourteen acres of land', just outside the corporate limits of For
svth The house, vine thatched and rose embowered, has seven rooms, hall and bath
room, water and sewerage. On the place is servant's house, good lain and stable.
This place needs to be seen to be appreciated. Price, $4,000.00.
135 acres, four miles from Forsyth in Evers District. 35 acres bottom land and fiO
acres open for cultivation.. Two-room weather bcardtd log house with barns and
sheds. Price, SI,OOO 00.
•250 acres, seven miles from Forsyth: two-horse farm open on the place; constdeia
ble woodland; 3 room frame dwelling with barn and outhouses, and one 2-room log
cabin. Land moderately level, produces well andean be bought for f2.EGO.tO, one
half cash, balance one year at 8 per cent.
148 acres in Cox’s District, moderately level, 15 acres of bottom, 110 acres open for
cultivation, some fine saw timber. The dwelling has four rooms, with hall and there
is a new barn anda splendid carriage house. This place is in a fine community and
rents readily. Terms one-half cash, balance 8 per ceut. price per acre $ 15.00.
400 acres, about six miles from Forsyth; 200 acres open for cultivation, 30 acres of
fine bottoms, 75 acres of woodlands, some good saw timber. On this farm are six
tenant houses and two barns. One four room frame house built in 1908. Plenty of
running water and good wells. Price per acre $12.60, one fourth cash, balance, 1,2 f
and 3 years with 8 per cent on the deferred payments.
For full particulars address
Forsyth, - Georgia-