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Rerryerrvber The Popular Voting 1 Contest!
The Henry County Weekly
Mrs. Bttnnie Mahone and child
ren, of Unadilla, Ga., spent sev
eral days here last week, visiting
the family of her father, Dr. Hef
The friends of Mrs. Richard
Boynton, who has been at the
home of her father, Mr. L. H.
Parsley, several weeks with pella
gra, are sorry to know her condi
tion is not improved at this writ
Verily the people of Locust
Grove are a trading people—and
now Mr. J. H. Evans has sold his
nice, new residence on the east
side of town to Mr. T. J. Upchurch
for SBOO.OO, and in turn has bought
the up-town stock of goods of the
said T. J. Upchurch, and has em
barked in the mercantile business.
So now look out for the sign
boards to be stuck high on trees
at the cross-roads, reading thusly
—“For everything in the fancy
and family grocery line call on J.
H. Evans.”
Col. J. F. Wall, of McDonough,
was here Saturday on legal busi
ness connected with the injunc
tion suit brought by some of the
citizens here against the Rich
mond Cotton Oil Co.
Rev. Tom Whktley, of Spauld
ing county will fill the regular ap
pointment at Beersheba church,
one mile below town, for the pas
tor on 4th Saturday and Sunday
in Sept., and judging from the
reputation he bears in his com
munity there is a treat in store
for those who hear him.
Dr. B. D. Ragsdale delivered
an interesting discourse to a well
filled house at the Baptist church
here last Sunday.
A telegram w T as received here
last Sunday morning announcing
the death of Mrs Eugene Combs
in Atlanta, where she had been
several weeks for treatment.
While htr death was not wholly
unexpect id yet it caused quite a
shock and surprise as her condi
tion was thought to be considera
bly improved the few days just
preceding the end; so much so
that her husband was at home at
the time.
Truly it would seem that such
events as the above coming as
they do- almost monthly in our
own community, weekly in our
hearing and daily in our country,
would serve to make people more
thoughtful and considerate of
each other and more affectionate
in a Christian way—but, alas !it
seems they don’t.
The demand for refined cotton
oil has become so general that
two of our popular merchants,
Mr. J. W. Bono and Mr. Andy
Castellaw, have begun selling it
The funeral of Mrs. Eugene
Combs, was conducted at the Bap
tist church Monday by Dr. Rags
dale. The remains were followed
to the grave by a large concourse
of sorrowing friends. Besides
her husband she leaves two small
children who have the sympathy
of all.
Mr. Joseph Elkin, an aged citi
zen of this county, is critically ill
at this writing at the home of his
widowed grand-daughter, Mrs.
Lethia Laney, and all hope of his
recovery has been abandoned.
LATER—Mrs. Richard Boyn
ton died last Monday afternoon at
5 o’clock. The funeral and inter
ment was held at the Baptist
church at this place on Tuesday
afternoon. Rev. R. F. Smith offi
ciating. She is survived bv her
hnsband and two small children
who have the sympathy.
At the home of Rev. J. A. Jack
son, Wednesday Sept 1 Miss Allie
Laney and Mr John D. McGarity
we.e happily united in marriage,
after which the bride and groom
and attendants left for the grooms
sister’s Mrs. Will Stewart of Mc-
Donough where a delicious tea was
Those invited were, Misses Wil
lie Mae Elkins,“Lizzie Craig. Lillian
Jackson, Messrs. Grover Tarpley,
Floyd Stewart. Joe McGarity, Mr.
and Mrs. Harris Craig, Mr. ana
Mrs.ldonroe Upchurch.
The groom is of near McDonough
and is a prominent young business
man of that section. The bride is
of near Locust Grove she-hasmany
excellent traits of character and is
a lovely, high cultured and mosfc
refined young woman, we join in
extending our best wishes to them
for many happy years.
Cotton, Cotton, Cotton.
We are sorry to note the illness
of Mrs. Gideon Banks.
Mrs. Bessey Campbell is spen
ding a while with her sister, Mrs.
Jim Adams of College Park at
this writing.
Mrs. Hallie Campbell and Miss
Leila Campbell were the guests of
Miss Carrie and Lillian Stanfield
last first Sunday and also Misses
Adna and Bettie Pendley.
The Sunday Sohool will begin at
Liberty Hill next first Sunday ;
every body are invited to come
both old and young.
Mr. and Mrs, Tom Wallace were
visiting their parents, Mr. John
Wallace and Mr, and Mrs. Gideon
Banks a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Campbell vis
ited their son and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. George Callaway of
Lovejoy Sunday last.
The Ice Cream festival at Mr.
Clint Gibbs Saturday night, which
was given in honor of Mr. Howard
Callaway. Was enjoyed very
much by those who were present
of which there was a very large
Mrs. Caroline Turner has retur
ned home after a two weeks visit
to her daughter, Mrs. W. T. Stan
field was the guest of Master John
nie Edwards Sunday last.
The reunion at Mr. Jim Adams
of College Park last second Sunday
which was given in honor of his
wife’s biithday, was enjoyed by a
host of friends and relatives, who
were present there were 200 who
iived near them and 80 from a dis
tance, they were there from near
Macon, Hampton, Lovejoy, Flippen
Hapeville, East Point and River
dale. We wish her many years to
live to be with her children and
grandchildren although she is
very feeble now, we hope that all
who were present were there with
one aooord as the deciples of old
were at the day of penticost: Acts
the second chapter and Ist verse ;
and that’s for the benefit of being
in harmony with one another and
to remember one another as the
children of Christ so when at last
the great reunion shall come we
come be together to never part
Testifies After Four Years
Carlisle Center, N. Y., G. B. Burhans,
writes: “About four years ago I wrote
you that I had been entirely cured of kid
ney trouble by taking two bottles of Fol
ey’s Kidney Remedy, and after four years
lam again pleased to state that I have
never had any return of those symptons
and lam evidently cured to stay cured.
Foley’s Kidney Remedy will do the same
for you. Sold by Horton Drug Co.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday September 17,1909.
A Lawn Party.
The beautiful event of last week
was the lawn party given by Miss
Emma on Saturday evening
at her beautiful home the spacious
lawn, addirhed with handsome
trees was ehhanced in beauty by
the use of myriads of Japanese
lanterns and shaded lamps. At
the foot of a majestic elm lemon
ade was dispensed and cream and
delicious ices were served on the
beautifully arranged tables, many
interesting gauges were played
throughout the evening, music
was rendered throughout the en
tire evening by Prof. Robert
Milam of Young Harris, Miss Lois
Biles of Jackson, and Miss Dora
Mae Milam, those present were
Miss Annie Harwell, Miss Susie
Nunn, Atlanta, Misses Mary and
Ada Dodson, Rex, Miss Flavella
Owen, Miss Belle Shields, Miss
Dora Mae Milam Miss Ruth Bran
nan, Miss Felicia Morrison, Jack
son, Miss Jessie Shields, Miss Lois
Biles, Jackson, Miss Myrtice Mays
Mr. Walter Wilson, Mr. Edd Lee,
Mr. Edd Mays. Mr. Lonie Lee, Mr.
Joe Shields, Atlanta, Mr. Richard
Lee, Atlanta, Mr. Howard Mays,
Mr. Glen Shields, Mr. R. L. Milam
Messers George and Homer Shie
Dr. R. B. Thompson has opened
a dental parlor np stairs over
Carmichael-Mallet Company’s
store. Dr. Thompson is no strang
er to our people. . He is originally
from Flovilla, but since his grad
uation in dentistry has been locat
ed in McDonough, where he en
joyed a fine practice. It is always
a pleasure toJhaye good citizens
cast their lot among us, and as
Dr Thompson receives a cordial
welcome.—Jackson Argus.
Cabbage, Onions, Irish
and Sweeet potatoes, Li
ma Beans, Full Cream
Cheese, and many other
nice things to eat. Fresh
Select Oysters expected
every Saturday.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Go sea it’s a beauty. It stands out
among all its neighbors, because the col
oring is so bright and clear. Mr. Ericson
painted with L. & M. Paint and says it
cost 1-3 less than any l>efore. He bought
only 12 gallons of L. & M. Paint and 9
gallons of Linseed Oil to mix with it.
This made 21 gallons of pure paint, and
cost only 11.20 per gallon. It’s as hand
someas the finest in town. The L. &. is
6old by; Hampton RuggY Com pan Y, Ham
H . J. Copeland Merranttle company Mc-
Donough Ga.
Georgia Henry County:
Will be sold to the highest bidder on
first Tuesday in October next (1900) before
the court house door in said county for
distribution among the heirs of William
Pendley deceased to wit: Mary C. Dorsey,
heirs of John M. Pendley, S. A. Pendley,
W. J. Pendley, E. J. Pendley, L. N. Moore
N. N. Roads, T. J. Pendley, M. C. Roads,
11. R. Callaway all of said county to wit:
Fifty acres of land, more or less, being
part of lot of land number (167). One
hundred and sixty seven, situated lying
and being in the 6 land Dist. of said coun
ty and being in the North West corner of
said lot and bounded as follows, East by
land of J. A. Barrett, North by lands for
mely owned by Medlock. on West by lands
formerly owned by en ly Hale, on South
by lands owned by Ranks. Teims cash.
Sept. 1, 1909.
W. J. Pendley, Agent for heirs.
A very good remedy and one that we can
highly recommend in all cases of Kidney
trouble, is Plneules, the new kidney rem
edy. They are especially good in all cases
of rheumatic pains, weak back or back
ache, urinary disorders and weak kidneys
Sold bvj orton Drug Co.
* Z. D. Ward. Stock bridge, Ga.
Another New Store For
Miss Drew A. Norman and Miss
Cleone C. Thrasher two of Mc-
Donough’s bright and popular
young ladies, have opened up a
new store in the dry goods room
formerly occupied by W. B. J.
Ingram Co, in the Farmers Union
They will carry a line ot notions
and goods for ladies and children
and a line of fancy and staple gro
ceries. They are getting thoir
stock in shape this week and are
now ready to furnish their friends
and customers with the very best
in their line. And they invite all
their friends to visit them when
in the city. Phone No. 24. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
Photo Gallery at McDon
ough Ga.
Carl Kuhns the Photographer
who made so many pictures heie
last December and January is back
again and will make pictures all
this month, only on Saturdays and
Mondays. His tent is located next
to Mr. Shields house, Penny pic
tures, post cards and all larger sfze
photoes made, cloudy weather
good as sunshine.
Many people delude thenittolvee by say
ing “It will wear away” when they notice
symptons of kidney and bladder trouble.
This is a mistake. Take Foley’s Kidney
Pills and stop the drain on the vitality
They cure backache, rheumatism, kidney
and bladder trouble and make every trace
of pain, weakness and urinary trouble
disappear. Sold by Horton Drug Co.
Purity reigns supreme
here in our Pure Cooking
Oil. You run no risk in
buying from us. We ab
solutely guarantee every
ounce we sell to give en
tire satisfaction. You can
get it here in any size
Copeland Mer. Co.
A telegram received here yester
day from Col. J. M. Strickland,
who is at present at Riverside Cal
ifornia, stated that he had been
notified of his appointment ascen
sus supervisor for the sixth dist
rict, and that he had accepted tho
position and would return to
Griffin in a few days. His many
Griffin friends are glad to see him
get this appointment and to know
that he will retarn to Georgia.—
Griffin News.
We are making closing
out prices on our entire
line of Mitchell and
Thornhill Wagons. If
you are going to buy a one
or two horse wagon any
time soon, now is the time.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Bees Laxative Cough Syrup move* the
bowels gently, but freely, and at the same
time it heals irritation of the throat and
in that way stops the cough.
Sold by Horton Drug Co.
Z. I). Ward. Stockbridge, Ga.
If you want to get your
money’s worth in a wag
on buy the Mitchell. There
is more genuine satisfac
tion in using a Mitchell
Wagon than any other.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Mr. A. J. Holloway and bright
little son, Jesse, of the Sixth dis
trict, were in McDonough on last
By far one of the most interest
ing days in the history of Henry
County of the Farmers Union was
that of Tuesday when the redoubt
able Ben Griffin, of Arkansas,
made his great speech here. It
would have done everv citizen of
the county incalculable good to
have heard it.
John Lee of Union City was here
and in the afternoon gave some
fine facts about the warehouse
system to maintain the prices of
cotton and other products.
The weekly would be glad to re
produce Mr. Griffins speech in full
if he would allow it.
Rev. R. T. Smith of Locqbl
Grove was here on Thursday.
Misses Elon and Lillie Hinton,
of Stockbridge, are guests of thei*
aunt, Mrs. J. D. MoCollough.*—
Jackson Progress,
Miss Lena Moore, the popular
and efficient trimmer, is again at
T. A. Sloan a Co.’s in charge of
the millinery work of the firm.
Miss Winon Bell, art teaoher ia
Locust Grove Institute spent two
or three days here this week trying
to organize a class in Jackson.—
Jackson Progress.
Deco-Mura the wall
tinting that stands, the
New Sanitary wall finish
easily prepared, all colors.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Mr. J. 8, Barnett, of Liberty Hill
community was here Thursday.
He says that the new school house
at that place is now almost com
plete. The house will cost about
SISOO when complete and will have
every modern convenience for the
comfort and health of the pupils
and teachers.
It will be pleasant news to tho
many friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. T
Weems to know that they have a
bouncing young man that they
will bring back with them in a
few weeks from Greensboro when
they return homo from the latters
If misfortune overtook you to
whom would you appeal? To non
residents? Well, hardly. Your ap
peal would be to the home people,
neighbors. This being the case
why send away for the things you
can buy right here in McDonough
Stick to your town and her people
alw»3 s.
The editor of the Weekly was in
Hampton one day this week and
while there noted many improve
ments and new enterprises. We
intended to have an article on the
new light plant and water works,
but for lack of space will defer it
feranother week.
Miss Mattie Brewer, of Griffin,
is in charge of the milinery de
partment of the Walker-Turner
Co., and is rapidly gaining favor
with their many customers.
New Barber Shop.
Mr. Herman A. Mays has opened
up a new barber shop in aorner of
the Farmers Union Warehouse
Co’s, building where they have
just moved out of. He invites his
many frierds to call on him when
in the city. He will in the near
fntnre put in bath tubs and other
up-to-date features.
Health and Beauty Aid
Cosmetic* and lotions will not clear
your complection of pimples and blotches
like Foley's Orino Laxative, for indigest
ion stomach and liver trouble and habi
tual constipation. Cleanses the system
and Is pleasant to take. Sold by Horton
Drug Zo.
$1 A YEA*