Newspaper Page Text
Rerrysrrtber Th\e Popular Voting .Contest!
Brilliant Electric Lights
Now Shine on Hamp
ton’s Street?.
.Hampton the metropolis of West
Henry, lias’ recently completed a
thonghly up to date electric light
plant and just as fast as the men
can do so the citizens of Hampton
aro having the lights put_in their
homes. There are now over 600
incandescent lights in and others
aro being put in as rapidly as pos
sible over 40 homes being lighted
now besides the stores.
The streets are lighted with arc
and large incandescent lamps and
are a blaze of glory at night,
which makes indeed a pleasing
sight to all the citizens of this
progressive little city and mihonn
ded praises,from visitors to 41ie
The plant is up to date in every
way and has a capacity of 60 K. W
and an 80 horse power boiler. It
is equipped with an alternating
current, directly connected which
gives as near a perfect light as can
he secured.
But the light plant is not all by
any means that Hampton citizens
feel an especial pride in now, al
ong with this light plant, they
have put in a water works system
that is the equal of many towns
three and four times its size. They
have a well 307 feet deep from
which they, get their water a 60,000
gallon tank and 65,000 gallon rese
voir, the tank being 100 feet high
thus giving a strong pressure in
any part of the city.
Mr. W. G. Steele an experienced
'electrician is in charge of the plant
and'since the “light” was turned
on about August 25th he has been
making things indeed “bright”
for this progressive city.
The city officials now are as fol
lows, W. S. Davis, Mayor ; W. M.
Harris Mayor Protein ; .T. M. Tar
pley, Clerk and Treas ;H. G. Fields
C. L. Hammock, H. A. Moore, W.
A. North, Meets Ist Monday night
L. A. Daniel Marshal J. T. Steph
ensen Marshal,
A Great Occasion.
The corner stofie laying of the
New r Masonic temple at McDon
ough on Wednesday'afternoon was
a,n event that shall stand out as a
distinct epoch in the history of
McDonough and Henry County.
There was almost one hundred
Masons in the line of march from
the hall to the new building and a
large number of ladies and others
were at the place where the exer
cises were to take place to greet
Grand Master Thomas H. Jeff
ries was master of the ceremonies
after the laying of the stone, he
made a beautiful and timely ad
dress, which was received with
keenest interest by all present.
Fully 500 people were present to
witness these exercises of the lay
ing of the corner stone of Frater
nal Lodge No. 37, F. and A..M.,
Wednesday afternoon Sept 22 i 909.
When you ring Central, call
Welch—that’s easy.
He keeps
Fresh Meats and
Fresh Fish and
Fresh Oysters and
Fresh Bread and
Fresh Cheese and
Cooking Oil, Fruits and Candies,
Vegetables and everything in the
Fancy Grocery line. He wants
your business.
Dr. Abernethy, the great English phy
sician. said, “Watch your kidneys. When
they are affected, life is in danger.” Fol
ey’s Kidney Remedy makes healthy kid
rs, correct urinary irregularities, and
jte up the whole system. Sold by Hor-
Drug Co.
Boys and Girls Off To
McDonough and Henry County
furnished quite a large number of
boys and girls of the leading col
leges of tlie state and the south all
of whom are making splendid rec
ords in their respective schools.
Miss Ethel Sowell, goes hack to
Wesleyan at Macon, Miss Elon Tol
leson goes to this same school for
a special course, Miss Eileen Neal
goes to R&ndoleli-Maeon at Eyn
chburg, Va., Miss Lucy Reagan
goes to Agnes Scott at Decatur,
Miss Hattie Sue Low goes back to
Cox College at College Park, Miss
Lillie Conn goes to Cox College,
College Park, Miss Ruth Turner
goes hack to Lccy Cobb at Athens,
Misses Ruby and Ruth Walker will
take special cou in ii Lio at
Atlanta Conservatory of Music,
Misses Rosa Lou Turner, Eva Mae
Woods and Flora, DeLcach go to
G. N. I. at Milledgeville, Carl Sloan
goes back to The Tech at Atlanta.
Q. R. Nolan goes back to Emory
College, Russell goes back
to the University at Athens, Wil
son Culpepper goes back to Young
Harris College, Boyd Carmichael,
Mr. Howard Swann, Newt Askew,
Hugh Callaway, Dawson Moss and
Howard Scarbrough to the A. and
M at Barnesvillo, and several oth
ers are going to enter this school
about the first of November.
Contract and Building
Finn for McDonough.
Mr. «T, E. Wollenhaupt and Co.,
have ope'ned an office over the
“Star Store” in the Lemon’s Buil
ding and are prepared to do all
kinds of contract and building
work and will shortly open up a
repair shop in the rear of the
Lemon building and will repair all
classes furniture etc cabinet work
and fine wood work done.
They will be glad to give esti
mates on architectural designing,
drawings, etc.
Good Woman Dies After
Long Illness.
About noon Wednesday the
spirit of Mrs. Beulah Askew, wife
of Mr, U. Askew, left this tene
ment. of clay, and went to the rea
lms of the blessed after many
weary months of intense suffering.
She was a member of Concord
Methodist church and wasa loyal
and zealous member, exemplifying
truly the teachings of the lowly
She was a daughter of the late
Dr. R. H. Hightower and is sur
vived by her husband five sons
and two daughters. She was ab
out 47 years old.
The funeral services were con
ducted from Concord church at
Stockbridge about noon Thursday
Rev. M. B. Sams officiating.
The remains were carried to
Flippen where they were laid to
rest beside that of her danghter,
Mrs. Phillips who died a few
months ago.
Mrs. S. P. Love died at her home
at Flippen on Sunday morning at
11 o’clock afteT a lingering illness
of many months.
She was about 45 years old, and
survived by her husband and
three children, Mrs. W H. Burch,
Jr. Henry and Howard Love.
The funeral and interment was
at Salem church Rev. J. J. Steve
son officiating on Monday at 3
New line of Ginghams and Per
Walker-Turner CO.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday September 24, iposu
Standing of Contestants in
Popular Voting Contests
m’donouchi district.
Miss Rubio Langston Is'.
Miss Annie Kieharihion sv)o
Miss Elon Mason 325
Miss Eva Mae Woods 260
Miss Mamie Stanfield 100
Miss Rird Mitchell. glib
Miss Posie Bright 465
Miss Ellen Knight 390
Miss Willie Rountree ftfjO
Miss Kate Glass y.. X 955
Miss Lois Davis 195
Miss Allie Gardner 4 245
Miss Pearl Strickland 125
Miss Cora Hand 135
Miss Lizzie Cra ig 325
New Restaurant.
Mr. T. S. Mays and son have
opened up a restaurant in the
room just back of the Now bar
ber shop in the Farmers Union
Building and will be prepared to
serve* lunches and meals at any
time you get hungry don’t fail to
call on them when you come to
We can sell you a suit of clothes
from stock or Tailor you one.
Come and we will save you mon
ey. 200 pairs boys pants, 50c, 75c
SI.OO, 51.25,
Walker-Turner Co.
Purity reigns supreme
here in our Pure Cooking
Oil. You rim no risk in
buying from us. We ab
solutely guarantee every
ounce we sell to give en
tire satisfaction. You can
get it here in any size
Copeland Mer. Co.
Dame Fashion has never quite so out shown herself
in millinery as she has this season. For proof of it,
see the many new ideas at this
You will note that the Picture Hat prevails. Those which turn up on the
side, or up in the back, or the flare front. The Russian draped Turban or the
Toque is one of the distinctively new ideas brought out this season.
The three cornered hat worn in the days of George Washington is another
new idea; also the Morie silk hats are having great sale at present. Velvet,
Heaver and Fur will take the lead for the winter.
lam prepared to show you a number of fascinating models. Corded silk
% . *
and satin hats are also features of the hour. The leading shades are Catawba
Wisteria, Khaki, (a leather shade) Taupe, Old Rose, Bronze, Olive Green, and
with Navy in the staple shades.
All are invited to come see that there has been careful selection for stylish
and up-to-date goods. Respectfully,
/iliss. Blanche WentzelL
Stockbridge is one of the most
J: rospercus little towns in Henry
Co. Ga located about 9 miles from
McDonough, the Co seat on the
Southed Railr o a d,
The morning 1 was there most
everybody was going or lmd gone
to Rex to tlie Odd Fellows picnic
so I missed some of the most im
i portant citizens.-
The Bank of Stockbridge belong.
; ing to the Witham system over a
! hundred of which he is tlie finan
cial manager, was organized in
1906, capital 825.000 paid in SIB,OOO
8 the hank paid 20 per cent the first
j year and 10 per cent the next.
The hank lias had deposits run
| ning up to $55,000, Mr. G, M. Power
the popular cashier was born at
Comer, Ga.. in 1882 he was partly
educated at the University of Ga.
he has been in Stockbridge since
April one year ago, he is an expert
accountant and has. given satis
faction t-o-tlie bank officials.
Cotton receipts of Stockbridge
3.500 bales Stockbridge has 3 chur
ches 7 business houses 3 doctors,
one livery stable, one drug store.
Mr. .1. G. Ward postmaster has
been an important factor in the up
building of Stockbridge and thinks
he sees a good future for the vil
lage which issituated in the midst
of fine agricultural section.
Mr. Ward was appointed May 3
1897 under the McKinley adminis
tration, office is 4th class 'with 3
rural routes.
Mr. Ward was born in Henry Co.
in 1876 and educated in Atlanta in
1897 the receipts of the office,in
Stockbridge did not exceed $28.00
per quarter, now they are about
$232. Mr. Ward is manager of
the telephone Co, from Atlanta to
Macon on the Southern Railroad,
Has charge of four telexdione ex
changes. He has been ten years
building up the telexdione system,
he started in 1901 with 10 teleph
ones in 1909 has 700 stations.
The telexdione Co has sxient over
SIOO,OOO building nx> the line Mr.
Ward also has a. good business in
harness and bnggies he is one of
the leading citizen 9 of Stockbridge
and has spent his time and money
building uxi bis town. He is a K. P.
Mr. B.C. Ward his uncle is the
biggest stock man in this part of
the county 15 years in the businc s.
Mr. W. IL Van Zant is the very
clever and obliging R. R. agent,
was from Popes Ferry, Jones Co.,
Ga., has been'two years at Stock
bridge. The'Southern does a good
business at Stockbridge.
Mr. Van Zant, lpis made many
friends at, Stockbridge ho is al
ways ready to do his patrons a
favor and is highly spoken of.
There are several excellent bus
iness houses in Stockbridge.
■The Ellcnwocd Sunday
Has planned a most enjoyable
evening for Saturday. Sei't. 25 at
the Ellen wood School building an
interesting programme of music
and recitations .will bo rendered.
There will be a number of booths
under the management of the
ladies where delicious creams and
other good things Will bo sold.
Tlie proceeds to go to the (Irphans
The public are most cordially in
vited a good time is assured to all
come lot us not forget these little
Ones who are looking #ns for the
necessities of life.
Calico scts, Riverside checks 6
cents, 1000 yards good checks 5
cents, best grade Hickory Shirt
ing lOcts, 3 yards a Sheeting 7
Walker-Turner Co.
Bagging and Ties to
pleasclhc customer, our
line consists of Sugar
Bag Cloth, two and two
and one-half pound new
Jute Bagging,’new and sec
ond hand ties. Every
thing guaranteed to give
entire satisfaction.
Prices under the market.
Copeland Mer. Co.