The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 24, 1909, Image 10
CA L_ U f‘ I A nd let me fit yon with Glp&csj in the most modern and the< latest, styles. & ■ < Satisfaction guaranteed ! P. B. j .Jeweler and Optician, J ncDondugh, =. Ga. ‘ locals. Everything we have in fresh and now—come to see ns when in town. Misses Norman & Th.ashcr. Mr. Paul England, and Misses Kate and Mao Glass, of Flippen, spent Saturday and Sundfty with friends at Jonesboro. New line of Laces and Embroid eries will arrive in a few (lays— come to see them—just what you want. Misses Norman & Thrasher. The many friends Mrs. W. C. Hamilton are know that she is quite sick at her home near town. Make life’s walk easy by buying a pair of Queen Quality or Cros sett Shoes. Walker-Turner Co. For Rent—The old Lemon home stead % mile east pf McDonough, on the Covington road. For fur ther information address. —Mrs, A. M. Nolan, McDonough, Ga. Deco-Mura the wall tinting that stands, the New Sanitary wall finish easily prepared, all colors. Copeland Mer. Co. Misses Blanche Wentzell, and Annii- Nolan who went on an ex tended trip to Richmond, Norfolk, Harpers Ferry, Ya., Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, returned home on last Tuesday. They are busy this week opening up the large stock of millinery that they purchased while in the eastern markets. They report a most delightful vacation season. Miss Ethel and Emma Moore, two little brothers, Dooley and McNair of Morton, Miss., left for their home after an extended visit to friends and relatives at McDon ough, Fayetteville, Orchard Hill and Woodbury. Mias Ethel is pleasantly remembered here as a former pupil of the McDonough school. Rev. R. A. Edmondson of Thom pson, formerly pastor of the Me thodist church at this place, will preach at the Methodist church in McDonough next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock in the interest of the Emory College endowment fund. Every body invitod and especially all Methodist of the community. # Every woman is asking what are the correct Styles for Fall. The correct answer is at Walker- Turner Co’s. Come and let us show you what the Fashion Mak ers of the world have stamped with their approval in Woolen Press Goods, Silks, Milinery and Notions. Walker-Turner Co. FARM For Sale—l 22 acres of land 2 miles north-east ef Mc- Donough, on Camp ground road. J. W. Weems. Rt. 2, McDonough, Ga. Horses, Mules, Cattle and Hogs thrive when us ing our Medicated Salt Brick. Shipment just in. Copeland Mer. Co. T. xV. IxLFSFY. DKNTIST Office Hours : 7.80 to 12 a. M. 1 to 6 r. M. I). A. 1 DENTIST Office Hours : 7.30 fo 12 A. M. 1 to 5 P.M. DR. TJ LOS. .1. HOLTON, Physician and Scugeon, R. F. D. No. 1, Rex, Ga. Bell Phone. Res. at M. C. White CHARCOAL Bc. per bushel paid fur charcoal delivered to onr yards on wagon, Decatur Street, Atlanta, Ga. Carroll & Hunter Coal Co. Foley’s Kidney Pills cure backache, rheumatism, kidney. I.ladder and urinary troubles. l)o not risk having Bright’s disease or diabetes. For sale at Horton Drug Co. Mr. Ray McGill, of Dawson was the guest of relatives at the Brown House first of the week. He was on route to Chicago, where he goes to take a course in Commercial drawing and illustrating. Found —A small draw string purse with small amount in it on streets of McDonough, Owner can get same by describing and paying for ad. — W. D. Tarpley, McDonough. Ga, Prof. Lawrence DnfTey left on Monday night fora two weeks trip to Galveston, Texas, where he goes to look after the adjusting of the estate of his late brother who died there severul months ago. I am prepared to do any and all kinds of cement work. If you want your walks, hearths, walls around your square at the ceme tarv layed with cement or flower pitts dug, give me the job and 1 will do you some good work. Green Harper, McDonough, Ga. MERRY WIDOW is a rich man’s tobacco at a poor man’s price, get it from Sowell &: Knight. My books, notes and accounts may he found at the drug store at any time, and in my absence, Mrs. Horton, or either of the young men in the store, will take pleas ure in showing therh, receiving payments and giving’ receipts for same. I shall not have a collec tor out. to seo’yod, so will appre ciate your prompt attention to them. Respectfully, \Dr. B. E. Horton. T. A. SLOAN & CO. Request the pleasure ot your presence at their exhibit ot “Exclusive Fall and Winter Millinery” which has been plan ned tor next Tuesday, September Twen % ty-Eight and Twenty-ninth, Nineteen Hundred and Nine: Last week we offered 100 Dozen Chairs *■' . • ’* in this ad-vertisenient at a price that got" them 1o moving, and from the way people - are taking ndynptage ~of this cut ratfY'we .will have,them all sold in a short :> If you need chairs some tiling strong, handsome, serviceable, and durable, with f ' t a neat, denn'shVing of $1.23 on every set; . ■ we would-an vise 'that you supply your * needs before our supply is exhausted f , ; / .. .. ¥ In the past five years we have sold over 400 dozen of these Chairs at $4.50 the set, anti,they are mighty good values at that moderate figure, BUT WE HAVE REDUCED THEM TO Hi 'jp p i , furniture Company, McDONOSJGH, GEORGIA. Mrs, A. C. Dunn returned to her | home at Bullockville, after a | week’s visit to her daughter Mi s. R. A. Sloan. Did you knowthat MER RY WIDO W is the best 10c plug of tobacco in McDon ough? just one trial will convince you, get it from Sowell & Knight. All accounts with the Horton Drug Co. are now due, and as we will have heavy expenses getting installed in our new quarters, will appreciate prompt settle ment of them. Hor’ton Drug Co. B. B. CARMICHAEL & SONS, MCDONOUGH, GA. Funeral Directors and Emtoalmers. Day Phone No. 51 Night Phone No. 1 '52 All calls answered promptly day or night. All embalming carefully done and according to best methods Our stock of metal and wood caskets and robes are unequalled. Our services, hearses and equipment, are the best to be had. We furnish the best steel, brick or cement Vaults. THE GEORGIA TRADING COMPANY, Forsyth, Ga„ Offers for sale cheap and on KASY terms, homes in Forsyth and farms in Monroe county. Write for descriptive booklet, prices and terms. SPECIALS. 130 acres of land 6 miles from Forsyth and two miles from Smarrs, $860.00; just about $6.60 per acre This place has on it one 2-room and two 1-room tenant houses. Pay $260.00 cash, balance seven annual payments with 7 per cent, interest. 400 acres six miles from Forsyth, has one 6-room residence, large barn, several smaller tenant houses, one new 3-room frame dwelling and good new barn; some fine bottoms and saw timber, six miles from Forsyth, school near, price $4,600.00. Pay $1,600.00 cash, balance i, * and 3 years with 8 per cent, on deferred payments. For full particulars address THE GEORGIA TRADING COMPANY Forsyth, - Ceorgia- Mr. Ed Reagan McDonough’s crack ball player, who has been with the East Liverpool, Ohio team of the Ohio-Penn. league, where he made a most excellent record, is at. home now to the de light of his hosts of home friends. Ed’s team second in the league in which he played and he famished his full quota of success attained by his team. Cabbage, Onions, Irish and Sweeet potatoes, Li ma Beans, Full Cream Cheese, and many other nice things to eat. Fresh Select Oysters expected every Saturday. Copeland Mer. Co.