Newspaper Page Text
[p 7 HI AW F INI/fir
> * 11 L lUIU/Wlii's'Ui - j
i • -f'f TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, 28th and- 29th. J
Our creations and importations possess the daring but graceful lines and '§'l|>
* a \%' jMlfrj that exclusive air and charm that mark the handiwork of the true artist. ’A,s
'ifM&Jnr*' tliss Hattie Brewer is in charge of our work room, assisted by Hiss Hamit .A. .Jk j,
yfjj A!exandcr - Hiss Brewer comes to us from Churchweil at .Cordeie. One of the'
I \' ' largest dry good houses in Georgia. ' iApi
>— - " ' “ ' mm "’
IM,. JOHNSON ion It or.
Hntered at the postofflc* at McDoa-
Bc £h, as cecond-clase mail matter.
”luTart,islng Rrtte>«: U-00 per
jr month. Reduction on (.taadia 1 *
»• -rtrtcta by special agreement
MeDonoug i. Ga , Sept. 24 1909.
- -TT- * “~
Tii e M a rfc ets Th u red a y
Cotton I 3
Cotton Seed $1.0,14 per 100.
H ul you really thought, what is
to be gained by bringing yonr rot
flini and sc, a to the McDonough
market. The highest prices for in years now prevails here
and the priors paid for cotton is
that of the seaport towns Bring
your cotton and seed to McDonough
Tn the death of Gov. John A,
Johnson, of Minnesota, wo all
learn a beautiful lesson of true op
tonnsm. Ills last words to his
wife as he was entering the por
tals of eternity wore ;“well Nora
1 guess lam going ;ve have made
a brave tight.” He was indeed
one of earth's noblemen and his
life’s work and inilnt ne e will live
long in the Is arts and lives of all
true Americans',
photo souiTTriveiTassogTaticn
Mr. Kuhns will take pictures of
the South diver Association and
have the pictures for sale at the
Shield’s nous u
All kinds of photos taken at
tent on Saturdays and Mondays.
Don’t delay as Mr. Kahns will re
main only a short time.
Mr. Kuhns will have some large
Pictures of “Laying tie Corn r
►Stone” Saturday. Get them at
Tent-, or at Mr. Shields' house. Al-;
su those of,the South River Asso
ciation ,r m> muc-e at Bethany
will be on sale.
» . j
Cow For sale choice of three,
. S. C. Sherwood.
R. F. D no 4 McDonough, Ga.
Land Posted.
This to notify the public that I
have posted all my lands from
hunting, fishing»or any way tres
pnssing up n it, under penalty
of the law.
This Sept 22 1909.— h. M. Amis,
McDonough, Ga
We are making closing
out prices on our entire :
line of Mitchell and
Thornhill Wagons. If
you are going to buy a one
or two horse wagon any
time soon, now is the time.
Copeland Mer. Co.
-'•-r? r. '• V •• ~
• ..4. - i X
-t. hA.t Jti % A -yC\
' w
• i - • - \
' •' .
K-- • • . - c.
An absolutely perfeot and sale apparatus for SHOEING WILD
and VICIOUS HORSES and MULES—no straps nor ropes used on feet
with these Stocks If in need of a brake for voui' wagon see us ; we
manufacture one of tho best on the market. Wo carry a full and
complete stock of material at all times and by so doing we are pre
pared to do all kinds of Buggy. Carriage and Wagon Repairing on
short notice. We make a specialty of Horseshoeing, Tire Setting and
Putting on New Rims and Tires. If you have broke or lost the keys
to any of your locks we are prepared to flt-them with new’ ones. So
bring us your work and we will guarantee to please you.
The BIG STAPLE of the South has begun to move, and every
bale that changes hands places money in some one’s pocket—A part
of it goes to you.
Whv not saye a portion, if only a small one?
Don’t blow it all, hut start a Rank account. The best way is to
DEPOSIT ALL your money, and pay all your accounts WITH A
C E( K on the Bank, thus giving you a double receipt.
Our accomodations are ample and we will gladly assist you in all
ways. ’Tis the little that i<; saved NOW that will take care oi you
in your OLD DAYS.
When you sell that bale ot Cotton, bring the proceeds
here, and we will tell \ou how to make it grow.
The Bank of Henry County
McDonough, Georgia.
Expended $8.35 for L. and M. Paint to
flix up his house. If for sale it will fetch
a goi.d price. The painters’said it was 3
gallons of oil they mixed with 4gallons of
L and M. that did the jodat 13 less cost
than ever before. Its coloring is bright,
beautiful and lasting. It won't have to
be painted again for 12 to 15years because
the L. and M. Paint is Metal, Zinc, Oxide
combined with White Lead and wears
and conversed like gold.
Hampton Auggv company, Hampton.
H. J. Copeland Mercantile company, Me
The Orphans’ Day
Orphans day exercises will he
held at Mount Bethel church Sun
day 26th, following work day on
Saturday. A nice program has
been arranged. The public cor
dially invited.
Mis. J. W. Jackson,
Mrs. F. B. Swann,
Mrs W. k. Austin,
Kings Little Liver Pills for sick headache
and biWiousnvss. They are easy and pleas
ant to take. A cooling, healing, soothing
cleansing salve is Pinesale, Carbolized.
irold by Horton Drug Co,
Z. D. Ward Stockbridge, Ga.
Why do you spend your
money for inferior tobacco
when you can buy MERRY
WIDOW from Soweliand
Knight at the same price
that the common kind will
cost you elsewhere?
If you want to get your
money’s worth in a wag
on buy the Mitchell. There
is more genuine satisfac
tion in using a Mitchell
Wagon than any other.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Many people delude themselves by say
ing “It will wear .away” when they notice
symptons of kidney and bladdei trouble.
This is a mistake. Take Foley’s Kidney
Pillsand stop the drain on the vitality
1 hey cure backache, rheumatism, kidney
and bladder trouble and make every trace
of pain, weakness and urinary trouble
disappear. Sold by Horton Drug Co.
Grand Master. T. H. Jeffates
of Atlanta, was the guest of the
Brown House during his visit here
on the occasion of the laying of
the Masonic corner stone.
>S§ Is lipi
*ssary gjyf j Kc|4§ M
►strate the /*Vpfjfll
ie telephone / Ijj '? j I
1 home. in
mey tlie tele
orms a func- V> N\
.no other agency A. n $1
The doctor can be
ker than the horse can i
up. Neighbors can he summoned n
It is invaluable for the convenience and
□f the housewife. g
For information and booklet 1
about the Bell plan write 8-
to nearest Bell telephone 1
manager or to U
F ( I
( , SoE&crn Sell Telephone I
k sud TeSepggli Co. ’ i
4B SoufSs Prycr Street
SiktH Oist. and liilcchanlcal.
School, Barnesvsile, Ga.
This is the place for a boy or a girl to get a good, practical edu
cation at a cost as cheap as he or she can live at home.
The only cost is SIO.OO per month for board. Half or two-thirds
of this can be paid for in work on the farm, etc, at 10c per hour
Nine months of solid training at *5,00 uer month ! You can’t
beat it- anywhere. Write for catalog and particulars to
M. B. DENNIS, Principal,
4* Barnesville, Ga.
Left Home.
Ben Pec Treadwell left home on
Sept 2nd—K3 years old dark color
teeth perfect, about 4>.> ft high
weigh about 100 lb any one having
him employed most send him home
at Locust Grove cr be prosecuted.
Gus Tread well.
Groceries—staple and fancy
—. r jsh and good.
Misses Norman & Thrasher.
\ fl|
i - »»» mi » ‘i
ss! -fy C. • sss
ii iisali
QA V p
by us'iig *
Made Right —Sold Right.
Send for illustrated catalogue cf
engines, wind mills, and feed
The Ladies, of the Woman’s
foreign Missionary Society will
meet at the home of Mrs. ,T. F.
Wall Saturday Sept 25 to sew for
the orphans of the Decatur Home
All members requested to be pres
M anted to purchase 40 acres of
lard in 1 or 1% miles of some
rnral school in Henry Co.