Newspaper Page Text
Leading Undertaker.
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
- S 2* e ? u * an( i polite attention given all
cndfflfils entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to latest
and most improved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Lull answered promptly day and night.
Phone 30.
McDonough, ga.
Attorney =at> Law,
Office over Star Store.
McDonough, Ga,
It. L. JOHNSON Editor.
Saterod at the postoffic* at McDcn-
Bggfc, as second-class mail matter.
gluiwn—... •■■■ - 1 1 - "
Advertising Rntaa: SI.OO per
*ssr month. Reduction on it tending
®Ea£?&ct* by special agreement.
McDonongli,'Ga , Sept. 24 100 b.
There are many who have let
their subscriptions lapse consider
ably and we want to ask that all
in arrears conic at earliest conve
nience and settle up.
Remember that those who are in
arrears get 200 totes for each year
m arrears in the popular voting
contest. Remember US,
Miss Susan Henry Dead.
Miss Susan Henry died at the
home of her brother, Mr. J. C.
Henry, near Flat Rock, on Tues
day morning about 3 :30. after an
illness of several weeks.
She was about 73 years old, and
was a most excellent Christian,
member of the Protestant Meth
odist church at Anvil Block. The
funeral and interment was held at
Tanner’s church, near Ellenwood,
on Wednesday morning at 11
o’clock, Rev. J. R. Anderson, of
She is survived by three broth
•ers, Messrs. J. C. and J. T. Hen
ry, of Henry county, and Mr.
Ben Henry, of Atlanta, and Mrs.
Ruth Adamson, of Albertville,
A Narrow Escape
Edgar N. Bayliss a merchant of Robin
sonville, Del., wrote; ‘‘About two years
ago I was thin and sick, and coughed all
the time and if I did not have consump
tion. it was near to it. I commenced us
ing Foley’s Honey and Tar, and it stopped
my cough, and have gained twenty-eight
pounds, all due to the good results from
taking Foley’s Honey and Tar. Sold by
Morton Drug Co.
What is kaewn as the “Blues’
is seldom occasioned by acts to! exist*
ing extents! conditions, but in the
great majority of cases by a disorder*
ed LIVER. _l—
which may be desnonstra*
ted by trying a course of
030 k, „ I 8 11
I II I i ills
They control and regulate the LIVER.
They bring hope and beuyancy to the
mind. They bring health and elastic*
ity to the body.
New Barber Shop.
Mr. Herman A. Mays lias opened
up a new barber shop in corner of
•the Farmers Union Y areliouse
Co’s, building where they have
just moved out of. He invites his
many friends to call on him when
in the city. He will in the near
future put in bftth tubs and other
up-to-date features.
Work Day for Orphans Home,
Sat, SeDt. 25,
Bearing the burden of the heart
broken and neglected children of
Georgia, we ask the friends of
these, the helpless of the
universe, to join in observing tne
annual Work Day for the orphans
of Georgia. Let every man, wo
man and child give his day’s
earnings or income to any Home
he prefers. One day’s unselfish
work for humanity at its fountain
head! Nothing can be nobler,
nothing more far-reaching than
to save a child. Nothing more
dangerous than to right one fvr
he may become a ciiminal or a
moral fire-brand.
The Methodist Orphan’s Homes
at Decatur and Macon, the Baptist
Home at Hajicvillo, the Christian
at Baldwin, the Ga. Industrial at
Macon, the Hebrew in Atlanta,
Dodge Memorial at St. Simons
Island, the Presbyterian at Clin
ton, S. C., besides local Homes,
ask a glad day’s work, and a joy
ous gift to any Orphans’ Home on
Saturday, Work Day, Sept. 25.
Sheriff’s Sale.
State of Georgia, Ilemy County.
Will be sold before the courthouse door
in thecity of McDonough, Henry county,
Ga., within the legal hour - of sale on the
first Tuesday in October next, the follow
ing property to-wit: A certain house and
the land on which said house is situated
on certain real estate in the county of
Henry belonging to T. c. Burford. Said
house and real estate described as follows:
situated in Henry county, Ga. near the
central of Georgia railroad, south of
Hampton, Ga., adjoining the property of
W. P. Adair, being part of what is known
as the Campbell place and designated as
the old Campbell homestead, levied upon
as the property of T. c. BurfflMby virtue
of and to satisfy a ma terial man's lien ii fa
in favor of Barnesville Planing Mill Com
pany vs. T. c. Burford issued from the su
perior court of said county upon the fore
closure of a material ma n’s lien against the
above described property at the April
term 1909 of said court. Tenant in posses
sion legally notified. TbisSept. 2nd. I‘.H)9.
A. C. Sowell, Sheriff.
Testifies After Four Years
Carlisle Center, N. Y., G. B. Burhans,
writes: “About four years ago I wrote
you that I had been entirely cured of kid
ney trouble by taking two bottles of Fol
ey's Kidney Remedy, and after four years
lam again pleased to state that I have
never had any return of those symptoms
and I am evidently cured to stay cured.
Foley’s Kidney Remedy will do the same
for you. Sold by Horton Drug Co.
Georgia Henry County:
Will be sold to the highest bidder on
first Tuesday in October next (1909) before
the court house door in said county for
distribution among the heirs of William
Pendley deceased to wit: Mary C. Dorsey,
heirs of John M. Pendley, S. A. Pendley,
W. .T. Pendley, E. J. Pendley, L. N. Moore
N. N. Roads, T. J. Pendley, M. C. Roads,
H. R. Callaway all of said county to wit:
Fifty acres of land, more or less, being
part of lot of land number (167). One
hundred and sixty seven, situated lying
and being in the 6 land Dist. of said coun
ty and being in the North West corner of
said lot and bounded as follows, East by
land of J. A. Barrett, North by lands fur
mely owned by Medlock. on West by lands
formerly owned by en iv Hale, on South
by lands owned by Banks. Terms cash.
Sept. 1, 1909.
W. J. Pendley, Agent for heirs.
A very good remedy and one that we can
highly recommend in all cases of Kidney
trouble, is Pineules, the new kidney rem
edy. They are especially good in all cases
of rheumatic pains, weak back or back
ache, urinary disorders and weak kidneys
Sold by orton Drug Co.
Z. D. Ward, Htockbridge, Ga.
Farm For Sale,
One hundred acres of land for
sale 1% miles north west ot Jen
kinsbnrg. Also oak lumber for
bridges and pine, for building
purposes. A] ydy to
4t Locust Grove, Ga.
One of the most desirable farms
in Henry county for sale, 8 miles
northeast of McDonough in Love
district, for further information
call on J. M. CIIAFIN,
RFD No. 7, McDonough, Ga.
Health and Beauty Aid
Cosmetics and lotions will not clenr
your enmpleotion of pimples and blotches
like Foley's Orino Laxative, for indigest
ion stomach and liver trouble and habi
tual constipation. Cleanses the systtm
and is pleasant to take. Fold by Horton
Drug Co.
Colic Quickly cured.
colic is one of the most severe and pain
ful diseases. It isquite common, too/AJ
most everyone has a n occasional attack.
Fortunately there is a remedy that always
affords quick relief and that has never
been known to fail in any case. It is
called chamberlain's colic, cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Tod Robinson,
a prominent merchant of Point Blank.
Texas, says, “I have had several attacks
of colic and in every instance one dose »f
Chamberlain's colic, cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy relieved me, and 1 never
had to take more than two doses to effect
a cure." For sale by Horton Drug Co.
We are having some rainey,cool
weather at this writing.
Mi* and Mrs. Mance Rowan are all
smiles over a fine gill at their
Miss Mary and Miss Charlie Blan
' kinship ..of near McDonough hav«
been visiting their cousin, Miss
Epsie Wilkinson of this place.
Mr. Henry and Mr. George Mos
ley passed through here last Sun
day P. M.
Mr. Lee Ilill of near MtCr.rmel
was in our midst last Sunday P.
Miss Cynthia Rowan visit ’d Miss
Epsie Wilkison a short while Sun
day P. M.
Mr. Clarence Smith and Mr. John
Coker were riding about last Sun
Miss Willie Wyatt and Mr. Jurdo
Johnson were out riding Sunday.
Mr. B. H. Harrell tied his horse
at. the same place lust Sunday.
Mrs. L. T. Rowan spent Sunday
night with Mrs. Mance Rowan Mr.
O. J. Bowen is going to have a
phene put in his house now shortly
The entertainment given by Mr.
Frank Wyatt last Tuesday night
was highly enjoyed by all present.
Ask Mr. Henry Rowan why he
looked so sad Sunday night.
Mr. Joe Gleaton and Mr. Gilbert
was in our section last Sunday
Mr. (*. W. Rowan of Flat Rock
visited his son Mr. Mance Rowan
The girls all had a jolly good
time jumping the rope at Mr L. T.
Rowans Saturday.
As this is my first in a long time
l will ring off.
Black Eyes.
The Road to Success.
Has many obstructions, but none so des
perate as poor health. Success to-day de
j mauds health, but Electric Bitters is the
1 greatest health builder the world has ever
known. It compels perfect action »f
: stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, purifies
i and enriches the blood, and tones and in
vigorates the whole system. Vigorous
j body and keen brain follow their use.
You can't afford to slight Electric Bitters
ifweaiY, run-down or sickly. Only 50c.
Guaranteed by all druggist.
Only One Obituary Free.
The columns of the Weekly have
always been open to all for a tri
bate of respect to deceased mem :
hers of the families of its subscri
bers and patrons, b”t recently its
space has been crowded b'y several
tributes being written about the
same person.
In future only one obituary of a
moderate length will be published
FREE, and if more than one" tri
bute is desired published a charge
of % cent- a word will be made for
the same. When a second tribute
is written, count, the number of
words and von will know what the
cost for puhlisemg it will be.
And the name and address of the
writer Must accomnanv the article
so that we ~ay know who they are.
Sheriffs Sale.
State of Georgia, County of Henry:
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in
October next at public out cry before the
Courthouse door in said county, within
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid
der for cash, the following property towit
i What is known as the Southern Railway
1 depot and the land on which isbiult, being
[ situated at or near McDonough. Ga., in
said county, near the corporate limits of
i McDonough. Ga., Levied on as the pro
pertyof the Southern Railway Co. by
virture of and to satisfy a tax fifa issued by
Wm. A . Wright Comptroller General of
Georgia in favor of said Stateand County
against said Southern Railway co. for
| balance due on state and county taxes for
I the year 1908. Tenant in possession leg
ally notified. This 19th day of August 1909
I A. c. Sowell, Sheriff Henry Co. Ga.
N igiitUn Bald Mountain.
On a lonely night Alex Benton of Fort
Edward, N. Y. climbed Bald Mountain to
the home of a neighbor tortured by As
thma, bent on curing him with Dr Kings-
New Discovery, that had cured himself of
asthma. This wonderful medicine soon
relieved and quickly cured his neighbor.
Later it cured his son's wife of a severe
lung trouble. Millions believe its the
greatest Throat and lung cure on Earth.
Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hemorrhag. s ami
Sore Lungs are surely cured by it. Best
for Hay Fever, Grip and Whooping Cough
50c ands.loo. Trial bottle free. Guaran
teed by all druggist.
Tho rains during the past week
has been refreshing to the people
and htts done the crops a great
deal of good,
The many friends of Janie Mayo
will be glad to know that she is up
and will soon be out. again. We
also learn that the Misses Sorrows
are doing very well at this writing
Mrs. Drue Rutledge died last
Thursday night in Atlanta in the
hospital where she went for treat
ment. She was a sister of Mrs.
Jim Elliott. The funeral and in
terment was at Stark in Butts
county her former home she leaves
one son and two daughters besides
a host of relatives and friends to
mourn her death.
Mr. and .Mrs. G. W. Hand visited
their daughter, Mrs. Oscar Mays
Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Waynion Price, of Locust
Grove visited his uncle, Mr. li. 11
Stewart Saturday.
Mr. Jim Elliott raised soma of
the largest corn this year that ’fte
have heard of; for further infor
mation just cull at his home and
he will tell you all about it.
Mr, G. w. Hand visited Mr. H. K.
Stewart Sunday morning,
Mr. Louis Spinks and Mr. Charly
Parker, who moved from Henry
and Butts counties two years ago
to Dodge county were mingling
with friends and relatives in Old
Henry the latter part of this week
they were looking for a location
for another year; come on back
home boys wo will give you a wel
Wonder what the attrretion is
over at Hampton that causes Billy
Hand to go so often.
The prospect is good now for
“Possum and taters” this fall
Mr. Hiram Dorton spent. Sunday
afternoon with Mr. H. H. Stewart.
Misses Lucile and Ruby Hand
and Mrs. II 11. Stewart spent Sun
day afternoon with Mrs. Carrie
Bankston and Miss Minnie Bank
Miss Mattie Bell Mays visited
Miss Ruby Hand Saturday night
and Sunday.
Some of the hoys that sold their
cotton t.t 10 and .11 cents in the
summer are mighty sick ove: it
since it went co 13% ; you had bet
ter go slow boys and hear what
uncle Dan Sully has to say before
you sell next time.
There is in ore Catarrh in this section of
the country than all other diseases put to
gethur, ;sud until the last few years was
»apposed to lx* incurable. For a great
many years doctors pronounced it a local
disease and prescribed local remedies, and
by constantly falling to cure with local
treatment, pronounced it incurable
Science has proven caturrah to be a con
stitutional disease and therefore requires
constitutional t reatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. .J, Cheney & Co
Toledo. Ohio, is the only constitutional
cure on the market It is taken internally
in doses from It) drops to a teaspoonful.
It acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. They offer one
hundred dollars for any case it. fails to
cure. Send for circulars and testimonials.
F. .7. Chenney & Co., Toleado, O.
Sold by all Druggists. 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
For Sale —House and 2
lots in McDonough, on
Daniel St., Carmichael
W. A. Clements.
Administrator's Sale
Georgia, Henry County.
ity virtueof an order of the court of Or
dinary of said county, will be sold at pub
licoutcry on the first Tuesday in October
1909 at the courthouse door in said county
! iet\veen the usual hours of sale the follow
ing real estate situated in Henry county
to-wit: toaerws of land more or less. sit
uated in the (ith land district of Henry co.
hit., bounded as follow . north hv lands of
U L Phillips, east by Will Phillips, south
by McDonourh and Fayetteville road,
west by L, I Phillips Terms cash. This
Fcpr. 0th“909. h. P. Foster, Aclm’r.
Administrator's Sale.
Georgia, Ilwnry Cotyity,
By virtue of an order granted by the
court of Ordinary of said county at the
regular September term. 1909, thereof,
will la-sold before the court house door
in the city of McDonough, said stateand
county, on the first Tuesday in October
1909, bet ween tne legal hours of sale the
following land, towit:-Ono hundred
acres of land, more or less, lying in tho
oth land district of u- nry county Ga.
being the east, half of lot, No. 170, bounded
■north by lands of Jno. it. Stewart, east
by estate of J. W. Alexander, south by
lands of llobt. E. Nail and wesffby lands
formerly belonging to estate of W. E.
Alexander. Said land will be sold as the
property of Mrs. .1. V. Shettlefworth, de
ceased, at public outcry to the highest
bidder for cash, and for the purpose of
paying the debts of the said estate of Mrs.
J. V Shuttles wort h, and distribution
among the heirs of said estate. This
September oth 1999.
J S. Bond, Adm’r Estate of
Mrs. .T. V. Shuttles worth.
Not ice to Debtors and Creditors
Georgia, usury County:
All persons having claims against the
estate of Thus. n. Stallsworth, late of said
county deceased, are requested to present
them to me. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate
settlement of same. Sept. Bth, 1909.
E. n.and A. n. Stallsworth, Adm’rs
Estate of TJtos. vt. Stallsworth.
lor Administration
Georgia, Henry County.
To Whom it May Concern:
Mrs. M. K. Ward having made applica
tion to me in due form to lie appointed
permanent administrator upon the estate
of Tims. A. Ward late of said county, no
tice is hereby given that said application
will be he*-rd at the regular term of the
court of Ordinary for said county, to be
held on tlu' first Monday in Oetol cr
Witness my hand and official signature,
this (i day of Sept. 1909.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Dor Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it mnv concern:
W. J. Turner. administrator of the es
tate of Mrs. F. B. Cleveland, late of Ala.,
deceased having in due turpi applied to
me for leave to sell all the lands belong
ing to thesaid Mrs. F. B. Cleveland, de
ceased, situated in Henry county; this is
to notify you that said application will
be heard at llie regular term of the court
of Ordinary for said county, on the first,
Monday in October icon Gi.vmi under
my hand and official seal, this 6th day of
September 1909.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Notice to Debtors ami ( 1 editors.
Georgia, Henry county.
All persons holding claims against the
estate of Mrs. .1. V. Shettiesworfh, late of
said s»,unty, decenM il, are requested to
present tliei* to me at onee All persons
indebted to said estate are rt quested to
make immediate payment of tin same to
me. September 6th, 1999.
J. S. Bond, Adm’r
Estate Mrs. J. V. Shettlesworth.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Georgia, Henry County.
All persons holding claims against the
estate of James J. Jackson, late of said
county, deceased, are requested to present
them to me ut once. All persons indebt
ed to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment of the same to me.
Sept. 6,1999.
J. W. Foster, Adm’r,
Estate Jas. J. JacKson.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Georgia, Henry County:
All persons lißviffg claims against the
estate of B. .J. Branmin, late of said county
deceased, are requested to present them to
me. All persons indebted to said estate
are request'd to make immediate settle
ment of same. Sept. Bth, 1909.
R. it. Branmin, Adm’r estate B. J. Branan
Why Druggists Recommend Chamber
lain’s Colic CholeraandDiarrhoea
Mr. FiriiK c. Haiirnhanq a prominent
druggist of Portsmouth, Va., says, “for
the past six years I have sold and recom
menth d chnmberlnin'scolic, cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. It is a great remedy
and one of the best patent medicines on
market. I baisdle some others for the
same purposes that pay me a larger profit,
but this remedy is so sure to effecta cure,
and my customer so certain to appreciate
my recommending it to him that I give it
the preference.” For sale by Horton
Drug C«.
Jf\ 37, F & A M
X • 'Tv V/ T J Brown, W M
N/C AiJyT/ j f Bowden, See.
\ Regular Meetings Ist Fri
' XX ' night; 3rd Sat.p. m.
Bees Laxative Cough Syrup moves the
bowels gently, but freely, and at the same
time it heals irritation of the threat and
in that way stops the cough.
Sold bv Horton Drug Co.
‘ Z. D. Ward, Stockbridge, Ga.