The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 24, 1909, Image 6

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And ready to serve al! our old Customers and
Friends better than than ever Before.
We have just finished moving our entire stock of merchandise to our New Store just com=
pleted on Macon Street, next to Jeffares’ Grocery Store. New goods are coming in daily to
add to our already large stock of merchandise.
Our Store]is new, modern, and in every detail made so as to better enable us to serve the public with the “best" of everything.
Thanking all our friends and customers for past favors and patronage and trusting to merit a contiuance of same by having all
call on us in O U R N EEW HOME, we are, Yours for business,
Phone 7 B. vJ ■ iNGIRAIVI COj McDono., Ga,
Ladies’ Cuff Pins, solid gold 75c to $5.00
Ladies’ Shirt-waist Sets, 75c to SB.OO
Neck Chain solid and tilled SI.OO to $-30.00
Gents’ Vest Chains, SI.OO to $15.00
t I the handsomest line of genuine Tortoise Shell Comb
ALoU ever shown in the city, gold and gold filled mounted
75c to SIO,OO
Call and let me show you the goods.
Will store your Cotton FREE f° r 30 Days.
Insurance Rates : 10c. per month.*
Storage after 30 Days 25c. per month for foui
months; Balance of the Year
Southern Railway
Tickets on sale September 23rd to 30th inclusiye,
limited to leave New York returning not later than
midnight of October 10th, IQO9.
For complete information relative to rates, sched
ules Etc., call on or write to,
A.G. P. A., T. P. A.,
Atlanta, Ga. Hacon, Ga.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia. Henry County.
Hy virtue of an order granted by the
court of Ordinary in and for said county,
at the regular September term 1909 there
of, will be sold before the court house
door in the city of McDonough, said
state and county, on the first Tuesday in
October 1909, between the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the
following real estate to-wit;
Fifty-6 acres of land, more or less, being
parts of lots Nos. 49 and 60 in the 7th land
district of Henry county, Ga., bounded
north by lands of W. H. Burch, east by
lands of Mrs, W. A. Hilling, south by
lands of J. T. McDonald and west by lands
of W. H. Burch. Also Fifty acres of land
more or less in the same district, state and
county, bounded north by lands of J. B.
Rowan, east by lands of G O. Branan,
rfouth by lands of J. It. Pair and Mrs. J.
H. Varner, and west by lands of W. L.
Glass. Also Fifty acres of land in the
same district, state and county, in the
southwest corner of lot No. 62 and bound
ed north by lands of Mrs. J. H. Varner,
east by lands of G O. Brannan, south by
landsof Mrs. M. A. Tyeandwest by lands
of estate of Lee Nipper. Also one hun
dred and fifty four acres of land more or
less, in the same district, state and county
being parts of land lots Nos. 6J5 and 04,
and bounded on the north by lands of W.
L. Glass, east by lands of the estate Of Lee
Nipper, south by Jonesboro road and oth
er lots of the estate of B. J. Brannan and
west by right of way of the Southern Rail
way Company. Alsoone half acre of land
in the town of Flippen on which is situat
ed a five room frame dwelling house, said
lot bounded north by lands of the estate
ofß. J Brannan, east by same lands of
B. J. Brannan, deed, south by the Jones
boro road and west by lot of the estate of
B. J. Brannan. Alsoone half acre of land
in the town of Flippen adjoining the last
mentioned lot, on which there is situated
a five room frame dwelling house, same
being in the 7th land distirct of Henry
county, Ga., bounded north, east and
west by other lands of the estate of B. J.
Brannan and south by the Jonesboro road
Also two store rooms and the land on
which same are situated, in the town of
Flippen, same district, state and county,
bounded north and east by lands of the
estateof B. J. Brannan, south by the
Jonesboro road and west by the right of
way of the Southern Railway Company.
Said property sold as the property of B.
J. Brannan. late of said state and county,
deceased, for the purpose of paying the
debts of said deceased and distribution
among the heirs of said estate. Terms
cash. Sept. 6tli, 1909. R. H. Brannan,
Administrator of theestateof B. J. Bran
nan, deceased.
For Leave to Sell.
Gcorgi.’, Henry County:
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed hasapplicd to the Ordinary of said
couiity forleave to sell all the Mmdbelong
inar to the estate of A. .1. kitchens for the
purpose of payment of debts and distribu
tion. Haiti application will be heard at
the regular term of the court of Ordinary
for said county to be held on the first Mon
day in October 1900, this 6th day of Sept.
1909. W. J. Kitchens, Administrator. '
* For Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has applied to the Ordinary of said
county for leave to sell all lands belonging
to the estate of W. F. Miller, deceased, for j
the purpose of paying debts and distribu
tion. Said application will be heard atthe
regular term of the court of Ordinary for
said county to be held on the first Monday
in October 1909, this Sept.6th, 1909.
J. E. Miller, Administrrtor.
I-'or Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry TCounty.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has applied to the Ordinary of said
county, for leave to sell all the lands be
longing to the estate of Thos. H. Stalls
worth for the purpose of distribution a
mong the heirs. Said application will be.
heard at the regular term of the court of
Ordinary for said county to be held on the
first Monday in October 1909. This 6th
day of September 1909.
E. B and A. B. Stallsworth.
A Hurry Up Call.
Quick; Mr. Druggist—QuicK;—A lx>x
of Bucklen's Arnica Salve —here’s a
quarter —for the love of Moses, hurry!
Baby's burned himself, terribly—John
nie cut his foot with the axe —Mamie’s
scalded—Pa can’t walk from piles—Billie
has boils —and my corns ache. She got it
and soon cured all of the family. Its the
greatest healer on earth. Sold by all
Hello: wedding bells are still
Quarterly conference at MtZion
was attended by a large crowd Sat
Farmers Union meeting is in a
flourishing condition, alargecrowd
attended Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Riley one day last week
Mrs Lou and Miss Emma Mitch
ell visited at the home of Mr. A.
D. Paco last week.
Mr. Andrew and stster, Miss
Pansy Ward visited their aunt
Mrs, Beck Skelton Thursday night.
Mr. Grady Mitchell, of Atlanta,
is with home folks for awhile.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lyon were
the gnests of her parents, Thurs
day night.
Rev. L. .T.Ehrlick, the converted
Jew, filled brother Anderson’s reg
ular appointment at thisplace Sat
urday and Sunday and a large
crowd attended.
Mr. William Stanfield was the
welcome guest of Miss Ohelia Mit
chell Wednesday P, M. and also
Saturday P. M.
Mr. Curtis Thurman and Miss
Essie Preston were out riding Sun
day P. M.
Miss Emma Mitchell and Mr Vic
tor McKee were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony Sunday A. M.
at ten o’clock at the home of her
parents, Rev. J. R. Anderson offi
Mrs. A. D. Pace of East Atlanta,
is visiting relatives at thisplace.
Miss Pansy Ward and Mr. Bert
Martin were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony Sunday P. M.
at live o’clock at the home of her
parents. Rev J. R. Anderson offi
ciating and a largecrowd attended.
Pr. yer meeting at Mr. S. K. Aus
tins Tuesday night was attended
by a larg'e crowd.
A Sprained Ankle.
As usually treated a sprained ankle
will disable the injured person for a
month or more, but by applying cham
berlain’s Liniment and observing the
directions with each bottle faithfully, a
cure may in most cases, be effected in less
than one week’s time. The liniment is a
most remarkable preparation; try it fora
sprain or a bruise, or when laid up with
chronic or muscular rheumatism, and
you are certain to be delighted with he
prompt relief which it affords. For sale
by Horton Drug co.
Please print. Dear Weekly and
readers we are somewhat blest
with cotton picking and general
gathering season is now on.
Corn about 80 per cent, cotton 65
per cent r cool and dry weather has
cut off the cotton crop in this sec
tion .
Our local merchants Norman
and Turner Co, S. W. Rape, J. C
Craig, are in very good business,
gins, shops and cane mills and
other industry are makeing their
best efforts here.
Dr. Fred Cooks discovery of the
north poieamounts to a great deal
in honor in the first place to dis
covery and isolated or unhabita
ted portion of land or water furni
shed to the geographical studies
and the defence of the same adds
to scince of the earth and with the
registered facts to the desired his
tory. If Dr. Cook furnishes his
own means of discovery then the
Dr. has a rightaway to the pole
and a title of tue same but if the
U. S. furnishes the means of such
discovery the rightaway and title
belongs to the U. S.
A remedy that simply gives temporary re
lief is not the right remedy to cure Piles.
You must use something that will not
only allay inflammation on the surface,
but that will promptly act on all parts
affected. Man Zan, the great Pile remedy
does this. It is conveniently applied hy
means of a tube with nozzle attachment.
Sold by Horton Drug Co.
Z. 1). Ward, Stockbridge, Ga
Misses Lizzie and Genie Crnm
bley visited relatives at Greens
boro last week.
Mr. B. H. Crumbley and family
were the guest of Mr. Will Lester
Mr. Sam Chafin and mother have
moved into their new residence.
Its beauty adds much to the ap
pearance of our community.
While endeavoring to readjust
some part of the harness which
had become unfastened in cross
ing the Cotton River bridge on.
last Wednesday morning, G. C
Kelley had the misfortune to get
caught between the wheel and
bridge. His body was bruised in
several places and a frightful
gash was cut in one of his legs.
He is doing finely, although una
ble to walk any yet.
On last Thursday evening a
shadow of gloom was cast over
our community by the sad news
of the sudden death of little Fan
nie Lon. the twelve year old
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. V. L.
Crumbley. Fannie Lou was aia
unusually bright child, the sun
shine of her home, the father's
idol, the mother’s pride and a joy
to all of her friends. She pos
an exemplary character and ex
pressed a desire to become united
with the church before she ar
rived at the age of ten. She was
followed to her last resting place
by a large concourse of relatives
and friends. The funeral exer
cises were conducted by Revs. ,T.
A. Simpson and A. C. Elliott.
The community as a whole shares
with the family in the feeling
A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in our home
Which never can be tilled.
God in His wisdom has recalled
The boon His love had given,
And though the body slumber here
The soul is safe in Heaven.