The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 24, 1909, Image 7

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We are now ready with the most complete line of fall and winter:
dress goods, shoes, millinery, etc., we have ever shown. We bought
’ ' N N ' L *
our goods when cotton was selling at at 9c, so we are in a position:
to save you money on your fall bill. :
A Glanoe at the Prices Below If ill Convince You: :
American Indigo Prints A. +
Simpson Black and white prints j
‘ 4 Silver grey 4 4 /
Garner’s Turkey red k 4 " 4
Claret 44 > Hfa
Hamilton Turkey red 4 k I
American Shirting 44 I vl* 4$ n
Garner's 4 4 4 4 ? J
Best 25-inch Checks / \ £UTO
Radium Stripes \ A a.
Satin Sheath Stripe j 1-
Soisette / S*
Epingline . l £ gft
Shimmer Silks m aj| 1
Scotch Zephyr i am 3
Satin Prunella i
Cotton Suitings / J *-
Dress Trimmings.
We have trimmings in all the new things, such as gold
and silver Bands, Motifs, Pendants,. Jets are very strong
this season, and we have them in everything from the tin}’
Jet Bead to the great Cabachons an,d ornaments.
New Nets, the effective big mesh kinds, embroidered
and tucked, in the White, Ecrue and colors; in fact we haye
most anything you want in up-to-date trimmings.,
Ladies’ Suits and Coats.
We have added to our already immense Stock, a La
dies’ Ready-to-wear department. We can give you suits
made up in the latest style, long Coats trimmed in braids and
Jet buttons, at $7.48 to 20 00.
We guarantee a saving of 25 per cent, on these Suits.
6 yards Braid 5c fancy Crepe paper lCc
5 dozen Pearl Buttons 5c Pair Side-Combs 10c
Pair_Hose 5c Burettes 10c
1 dozen Shoe laces 5c Bottld Cologne 10c
'5 Cedar Pencils 5c Goo(1 Purse 10c
Good Comb "° Boj; (1 p aper 10c
Box of Face Powder »c
Cake good Soap 5c 3 Cleopatra l»ns 10c
Extra large Tablet 5c Set of Beads 10c
Our stock ot Millinery is now ppened up and ready lor
your inspection. Our Miss Moore has been in the mark
et several weeks picking out the newest and most up-to
date things in Ladies’ Headwear to be found. Call and
see what w lav.e to show you in this line.
T. A. SLOAN & CO.,
42in Black Mohair •
42in 44 Prunella \ '
42m 44 Talfeta 1 \4-
42in ‘ 4 Batiste -J ,
4 2in “Serge 0b
42in 44 Henrietta 'W* * B|||
soin 4 4 Panama M
42in 4 4 Prunella (all colors) 1 |j §
42in 44 Cordura Suiting l
4i i a ; ‘ | an T ° v ' - \ Yard
42m 4 Bengalme 1
soin 44 Broadcloth, all colors and black.
Extra heavy Cotton Flannel .
Extra heavy Cheviot \ *s"
Best Mattress Ticking j
Best Extra Fine Sea Island f j£!
Best Outing Flannels 1 J)
Extra Quality Bleaching )P f j? I r
[ tilitv Dressing Ginghams j $ l| $ $
Llama Fleece \
Vicugna Cloth .) If 3 TQ
M«rrimack Suiting /
36m Striped Mohair 4-
381* Chiffon Panama „ \ “*■*-*'
36in Albatross /
38in Panama (C|| g*
3<Sin All Wool Suiting 1| Jj |
3Sin AH Wooj Serge 1 %Jp |yp H
42ir> Brilliantine \
3Sin Cashmere f 'STCIVfI
3Sin Henrietta / * ajL U
Smart Shoes For Winter Wear.
Our line of Shoes is complete in every department. We
arc prepared to suit everyone, even the most fastidious.
We handle the Irving Drew line of Ladies’ line Shoes.
These people coniine themselves strictly to this line, that is
the reason they make superior Shoes lor the price.
In Men's Shoes we handle the “King Quality. ’’Every
pair guaranteed—we have them in the Patent, Vici, Velour
and Gun Metal leathers. We have them in the latest Style
lasts and toes. Try a pair and see what values we give lor
the price.
Buys’ Clothing.
We are showing a complete line of these and at prices
that defy competition.
Boys’ Suits, 3 to 8 years, at $1.25 to 3.98.
Suits, 8 to 10 years, at $1.50 to 5.00.
Come in and see how cheap these values are.
27in Silk Paplin, all shades at 75c
27111 Corded Silk „ SI,OO
27m Messaline, all colors and black SI.OO
36m Taffeta, all colors and black SI.OO
36m Black Taffeta sl-25, 1.50, 1.75
36m Black Peau DeSoie $1.25
The above are only a few of the many things
we carry in stock. If you don’t see what you want
on this list, come to us, we have it in stosk.
Remember our prices are guaranteed. If auy
body will sell you goods cheaper than our price, all
we ask you to do is return our goods and get your