Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
On Monday morning at 11 I
o’clock at the liomo of Mr. D, J.
Green in this city, Miss Amner
Green, of Julia and Mr. George
Alvin, formerly ,ol the United
States Army, bet now of Atlanta,
were united in the holy bonds ot
Rev. T. A. Simpson, officiating.
The bride is one of the bright
and popular young ladies of this
county. The groom has been in
the army service for several years
The Weekly extends host wishes
to them for along and happy life.
Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 4th,
at the home of the bride’s mother
Mrs. W E. Alexander, of near Oak
land. Miss Mattie Alexander and
Mr. Raymond Foster, were happily
married, Rev. *T. A. Jackson, oi
These young people are mem
bers of two of Henry County’s
most prominent and widely known
families and they number their
friends by the scores.
The Weekly joins their hosts of
friends in best wishes for a long
and happy life.
On Sunday morning at 10 o’clock
at the home of the bride’s father,
Miss Maggie Speer, formerly of
this county, but now of Jasper
county, and Mr. Kenny Smith of
Flovilla, were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony, Elder A. C.
Elliott, of White house, officiating.
The wedding was a beautiful
home affair and many of their
f rio nds were present to witness
the happy event that united these
two prominent and popular young
Their hosts of friends wish for
them much success and happiness.
On Wednesday afternoon at 4
o’clock at the home of the bride’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. A, George
of Burshy Knob district, Miss
Yashti George and Mr. John A.
Sims, were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony, Rev. A. B.
White, officiating.
They are two of Henry’s promi
nent and popular young people
who number their friends by the
score. The W T eekly joins their
many friends m best wishes.
Fifty thousand Drum Head and
Flat Dutch Cabbage Plants for
sale at 25cents per hundred.
Locust Grove, Route 3, Ge.
Hy entire line of BOY’S and HEN’S SUITS. And I will sell them
Boy’s Suits $2.00 to 4.00: Men’s Suits from 3.50 to 12.50.
. ALSO have splendid line of Boys’ and Men's ODD PAN TS at reasonable prices.
, r tirronvr 1 UU r px r W-TiAW lam still selling them —EVERY MAN who
Have you ever worn one ot our famous I ix.OlN \:b lhiv 1. SlAo iv > * '•
1 have just received another lot ol the SWISS ARMY RIFLES-they are worth $40.00 and lam selling them lor $5.00.
We have a lull line ol General Merchandise, Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Gents’ I* urnishings.
Come to see us when in McDonough.
McDonough, Ga-, - Phone 27.
The Trip To The Fair A
Memorable Occasion.
Not in a long time has such a
happy, bright bevy of young wo
men gone on a pleasure trip as that,
of the successful contestants of j
the Henry County Weekly popular !
voting contest in which 14 secured j
a free trip, to the State fair at j
Macon, and on last Thursday
made the trip, as st reward for
their untiring efforts, with the ed
itor and his wife.
The day was one long to be re
membered by all who were in the
party, and especially to the editor
and-liis wife, whose privilege it
was to pilot these happy hearted i
winners to the state fair.
But there was one surprise in
store for the entire party, save
one of the successful contestants.
On Sunday afternoon previous
to the trip Thursday, Miss Bessie
Collins, of Love district and Mr.
Charlie Patterson were married at
the home of the bride’s parents at
White house.
The winners were the “most
popular girls” from their several
districts, but we had not anticipa
ted tha t one of them would so soon
“prove” her popularity. Best
wishes and may all life be as plea
sant to you both as our trip to the
fair was.
Domino Party.
One of the most delightful par
ties of last w r eek was the domino
party given by Mrs. J. G Smith
on Saturday afternoon.
The houso was beautifully deco
rated with chrysanthemuns and
pot plants.
After several interesting games
a delicious salad course was ser
Week of Prayer.
The Womans Foreign Missionary
Society of the McDonough Metho
dist church will observe the week
of prayer ordered by the Board of
Missions, begining Nov 22 at the
! Methodist church. Services at 3
! o’clock P. M. Every body cordially
invited to attend.
Just received lot new ribbon
cane syrup fresh and good. •
J. H. Jeff ares.
It is the sonrceof much genuine
pleasure to the many friends of
Mr. Marvin Turner, cf the Mc-
Donough Drug Co., who has been
in Atlanta for treatment at a
hospital for his eyes for ten days,
to know that he was able to come
i back to McDonough on Monday.
He went back on Tuesday for a
continuanceof the treatment. He
hopes to he entirely ivell tu the
:near future.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday November 12,1909.
Young Man Dies At
Locust Grove.
Mr. J. M Castellaw, d-d at the
home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Castellaw, near Locust
Grove, on last Thursday. Nov. 4,
after a lingering illness from con
He lacked just three days of be
ing 22 years old at his death.
He was a most excellent young
man and the announcement of his
death was the source of it inch gen
uine sorrow to his host of friends
The funeral and interim nt was
held at Beersheba charcli on
Saturday morning, Elder E. Og
lesby, officiating.
The deceased was a member of
the church from which the last
sad rites were held.
Miss Etta Shields Dead.
Miss Etta Shields died at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C, M, Shields, at one o'clock Tues
day morning after a lingering ill
Miss Shields was about 39 years
old, and had suffered much for
sometime, but she bore her suffer
ings with true Christian fortitude.
The funeral and interment oc
curred at 10 o’clock Wednesday
morning, Rev.J.E. England, of
Child Burned to Death.
Early last Thursday morning a
negro tenant house was burned on
Mr. J. W. Bledsol’s place nerr Mt.
Bethel, and a small child perished
in the building. It was only by
the timely assistance of Mr. Bled
sol that two other children of the
same family were not binned,
I wish to express through your
paper my many thanks to the
people who have been so kind to
help me in the Henry County
Weekly contest. Also many thanks
to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson for their
kindness through out the day
spent in Macon,
Pearl Strickland.
caro of TsiA r :;:s.
I wish to express my thanks
through the Weekly for the kind
ness of those who so kir.dly con
tributed to mv success in the con
test of the trip to the State Fair at
Macon and especially do I wish to
thank Mr, and Mrs. Johnson who
so very kindly chaperone us
through our trip and showed us
| such a pleasant time.
Anna McKibben.
Miss Lena Moore, spent last Sun.
day in the Gate City with friends.
Mr. G. M. Adamson and family
spent Sunday in Flippon with Mr.
11. Riley and family,
Misses Tinnic Alls and Kittle
Muo Mitchell returned to their
home here after several days stay
in Atlanta.
-Mr. und Mrs. J. W. Foster visi
ted Mr. and Mrs. E. 11, Foster Sun
| Jay.
Messrs John Johnson. Gario
Strickland, Wayne Floyd and
Henry Strickland went to Atlanta
Mr, and Mrs. George Adamson
attended quarterly meeting at
Pomona Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Strickland
was tlio guests of Mr. C. E. Clay
ton and family Sunday.
=& Indian
-aaateEAfflfc. Motor
Bicycles $11.50 to $20.00
Supplies for Bicyle, Motor Cyclo and Automobile,
Repairing of all kinds.
JOHN R. SMITH, McDonough, Georgia.
!f vou want your land properly turned, get ycur
m/ *
Plows from us.
Oliver Chill, Syracuse, Wm. J. Oliver, Lynch
burg and Blount, all the extras carried.
The greatest one horse turners on the market
today are found with us.
Our goods are right, our prices win.
Very truly,
McDonough, Ga.
Phone 25.
Little Miss Mattie Riley visited
her aunt Mrs. R. W. Exum last
Mr. und Mrs, Walter Brown o
Hampton spent Friday night hero
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Mrs. Katie Exum is visiting her
daughter Mrs. Henrietta Allen in
Atlanta at present.
‘Little Maude Tidwell of Dutch
town spent a few days last week
here with Mr. W. R. Jarrett and
family, also W. N. Strickland and.
Mamye Gem Foster was the
guest of little Misses Lillie Mao
and Willie Foster Sunday
Mr. W. W. Mitchell left Satur
day for Godfrey where he will bo
the guest of his brother, Mr. T. G.
Mitchell untill Monday.