Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
To Close Thfcnks^ivir- j.
We the undersigned merchants
agree to close our Moi ■ s next
Thursday Nover-inev hod), Thanks
giving day.
T. A. Sloth & '(1.
'Walker ? or • ('.a.
Miss-Blaiu life Wentz/h
• B B. Car.'.iielniel/c Sous.
H. Klontz. * (
Sow hi !■ >.::rht.
„ Horton Drug Co.
Tho McDonough Drug Co.
Turner Bros Bunkers.
Fir st National Bank.
J. H -i ti'-res.
A. C. Oglesby.
\y_, B. J Ingram.
D. . Coo a & Co.
E. Goodwin.
The Bank of Henry County.
Howard Carmichael Fur Co.
Week of Prayer.
The Wornans Foreign Missionary
Society of the McDonough Metlio
(list church will observe the week
of prayer ordered by the Board of
Missions, begining Nov 22 at the
Methodist church. Services at 3
o’clock P. M. Every body cordially
invited to attend.
Fifty thousand Wakefield and
2 varieties for sale at sl.f>o a 10C0
or in less quantities if desired,
Locust Grove, Route 3, Ge.
Advertising Copy
Any intelligent person may earn
a good income corresjronding for
newspapers ; experience unneces
sary. Send stamp for full partic-
Inlars. Empire Press Syndicate,
Mnidleport, N. V.
Strayed or Stolen.
One sorrel horse, blind in right
eye, white spot in face and rather
below medium size about 9 years
old from McDonough Wednesday
night, Nov 17, had saddle on.
Finder will be rewarded by ad
S. G. Bryant,
Rt 2, McDonough, Ga
Notice To Policy Holders’.
Mutual Life Industrial Associ
ation of Ga, Butts County Division
Sec. and Treas office First National
Bank building,
Jackson, Ga. Nov. 12 1909.
On 7th assessment 1909 923
notices were mailed 920 members
paid same issued and mailed on Bth
assessment 933 cards, Oet 25 Inst.
This must be paid at my office
within thirty days from Oct 25,
Let every member pay the assess
ment, help his neighbor 951 mem
*bors in good standing^today.
Speak to your neighbor, if he is
in good health secure his applica
tion for a policy in the Butts and
Henry county division before the
1000 limit is reached, make appli
cation now, tomorrow may he too
Jas. F. Carmichael, Sec. and Tres.
!f your wants are in
the Shoe line let them be
known to us and we can
supply you.
D. P. Cook & Co.
' See ns when you come to Mc-
Donough. /
Walker Turner Co.
Mrs. J. P.'Nichols, of Griffin,
spent Tuesday in McDonough with
her parents, Mr. and,Mrs. J. C.
| The K2..7 Home of Horton
Dr or; Company,
I It :l! , s with pardonable pride ev
er.. heart in rh-Donuugh at d Hen
ry county, to eo into the new drug
r\l'ore ■>' t : • Her?- n Drug Go., art!
1.. hold tin u arvelt ns beauty and
artistic d lign of every feature
and part Of this new drug store.
There lias not been left undone
fci i i necessary to
make a thoroughly modern drug
s:ore in every particular.
M 'ln. y sT’.d ] kite glees, with
Intlian marble is used throughout
lie. sto v, an’d the floor is of mn
plo, with th; ceiling of a new de
sign that depicts a pleasing and
artistic, a ppe are nee.
Nothing has been spared to make
this one of the finest drug stores
in middle Georgia, regardless of
tin; size of the city. The fount is
one of the latest model 20th Cetu
ry Innovation type, and has all
the improvements for the dispen
sing of Cm best cold drinks, ices,
creams, etc.
Dr. Horton has a lovely suite of
rooms in the rear of the drug store
hind has ample accommodations
to give file best of attention to his
patients and the public.
Mr. .T. E, Wollenhanpt did the
work of remodeling the store and
the Columbus Show Case Co. in
stalled the furniture and fixtures.
-500 acre farm, 8 room house ten
ant houses, five miles from Fors
yth, 10 'miles from Barnesville,
$1.2 50 per acre, terms.
550 acre farm, 9 room house,
several tenant houses, large barn.
Fine place, lies partly on 11. R., 8
miles from. Barnesville, 0 miles
I from station s'de and one
ipiie'from ,station on other side,
$12,50 per acre, terms.
125 acre farm, 0 miles from
Barnesville on public roald, 4 room
house about 5 horse farm cleared,
$1500.00, Terms.
200 acres just outside city limits,
of Barnesville 2 tenant houses,
good for subdivision into small
farms, ask for price.
74 acres, good 8 room house, just
outside limits'of Barnesville. Fine
borne for one wanting to educate
eh ldi . . 1 - Terms.
200 acre dr arm near a small vil
lage on ft. R.‘ good farm, $3500.00
100 acaes inside town limits of
host little {own in state, goodland
small house, >yd 'F t r acre, some
of it right in town and fronting
R. Rk, worth SIOO.OO per aero.
These two last propersitiors open
only a few d; ys for quick sale.
Some bargains in south Georgia
Some* desirable homes in Barnes
vill£ from SBOO.OO to $8,000,00 ‘
Barnesville is a hustling little
manufacturing city with tlie best
schools in the state and the best
people in the South. Come quick
while lands and property are
cheap here.
$20,000,00 in good notes, would
sell cheap rr trade for good real
Estate or Business, address
Barnesville, Ga.
No Case On Record.
There is no case on record of a cough or
cold resulting in pneumonia or consum
ption after Foley’s Honey anil Tar has
beentaKen, as it will stop yohr cough and
break up your cold quickly. Refuse any
but the genuine Foley’s Honey and Tar
in a yellow pacKage. Contains no opiates
and is safe and sure. Sold by Horton
Drug Co
McDonough Drug Co.
For Backacms Kionevsano Biaocer
McDonough. Georgia.. Friday n • c r ■<», too?.
My 1 V..;- v 4
DOuddwtui xavVia i. v ,
W . Engeve •' • V 3.1 : * r
doctor on the Southern 3
was caught in the wheels
train ill .*icL‘on< i , v -
• 'ay ijfte Dtp >op aft.en? i
step and*-was ton ir .me
l oatiled his lust jh.-t a: w- -
ironght into the n in d a
•.Vtl Ip ~l V! No. 15
[( is not kno vn joss ’ ov.
cident-occurred, ns tkm e v. no
eyewitnesses on ; m - ••••,
is suppose • •
train orders at . D m
waved tlm engineer to stun « •
train and that in ation p«>.
catch the caboosb lie m ;:eu
the distance and'ifell uinh . tin
Almost immediately, after so v
eral of the train crew ran t. his
aid. He was placed on the ineom
ing train, which arrives itiA i a ta
at about 8 o’clock, but it v;n seer
at the time that he \vr. - i i ' in<
Examination show* (1 tlk b
skull was crushed badly and that
both his legs were mangled. Con
mission of the brain was probably
the immediate cause of his death.
He was removed to the under
taking parlors of Greenberg, Bond
and Bloomfield, where the body
was prepared for burial.
Jenkins was a man about 32
years old. He had been in the em
ploy of the Southern Railway for
over eight years and was regarded
as one of their most efficient, men.
He resided at 381 Luckie street.
The deceased is survived by his
father four sisters and one b? other
No funeral arrangements have ret
been made. —Atlanta Constitutions-
A Scalded Koj'- ' ' P
Horrified his grandmother. 51 v. Iv. Ga
Taylor, of Nebo, Ivy , who whites that,
when all thought he wouln die, Bncklen's
Arnica Salve wholly cured him. Infal
liable for Burns, Scalds, ('iris. Corns,
Wounds, Bruise . Cures Fever-Sores,
Boils, Skin Eruptions. Eruptions, chil
blains, Chapped Hands. Soon routs Pil .
As e at All Druggist.
mt. ziqn.
Most of tile farmers through this
section will soon he ush
The candy pulling at Mr. C. O.
Mitchells lest Tuesday night v. as
very much enjoyed.
•. . i
The literary school is improving
rapidly had. 45 scholars the st corn]
Mr. Gordon Morris and a Mr.
Clark from Conley wore driving j
through this section Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Clark visited
her mother Mrs. Morris White
Mrs. John Ward and Mrs Char-,
les Mitchell visited’ relatives at j
East Atlanta Sunday and Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Martin visited
at the home of Mr. .T. F. Mitchell
Mr. Andrew Ward paid Conyers
a business .trip Monday.
Misses Lillie Belle and Annie
Pearl Cook were the guest of theif
grandfather Mr. John Ward Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Ozmore McKee
visited their father and mother,
Mrs. Z. T. McKee Sunday.
Mr. BilJ Miller and Miss Idell
Preston were out riding Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mitchell paid
Ccnyers a business trip Saturday.
j-h„ V, i*.. ~ 4.' X b a
I *- O-lllvldift;g I V
ikc bluekbi £Git
l .ciiange.
A now fnvmwh tel* l hone line
n has jm ,
...« a < • i:< d it h »!*«-• Kb c!i
--o .dye • :c? oof the Houih*
801 l k u i 0,0 V 0i1.p.1ll .V . 'j. A.,
•in *-e\ .v- ' • .-I. \on m:!* < out ’ .
i * I*7 - *’ Itna iUi’lii I.K.N ir>V-T >l'
to' .• »uo\,ii)g well know a ; ■
• vl
jm .
1 . W.klo ris. Residence ; d.
Bower.., He sidei ce; O' J*. Bo wet.,
lb* Cm*’ - .1 Be on, IN .
donee; 11, M. Villinghaiu K--d ; A, C, R&Uarilson, Res'
donee ; J. G. Jackson, Residence;
Joseph iviam.l, Residence; J. J.
Mann, Residence.
The subscribers on this line arc
now in constant telephonic com
munication with each other aril
through the Southern' Beil exch
ange with tele phono users* in
Si ;ckbridge.
Tiu construction of this lim and
its connection with the tt hipbone
| exchange hoi eis arother- step iii
I the progress of telephone devel
jopuu nt v. liich is being made by
the residents of the nnui sections
of Henry County. I nd* r flu plan
of the Southern 801 l Cor pan; 1
mers and ot her rural dv tell ci; ; r o
enabled to secure tobq hoi.
viee on an economical basis. As »
result, farmers in all sections of
| the state arc installing belt phones
in their homes.
1909 nearly gone prepare for 1910
Mrs. J. W. hosier visited Mrs, .1.
i F, Johnson Monday afternoon.
i Mrs /Ivlollio ( rano of near H t
s'-cnb Saturday night and Bur Jay
hero the guest of Mrs,. G. M. An am.
Mitts Bessie DaviS of H.anpton
spent, from Friday untill Monday
here with friends and relatives.
Mrs. Roe Alexander was the
guest of Mrs. E. 11, Foster {Satur
day afternoon.
Mr. J. F. Johnson Jr. spent .Sat
urday night with T. J. Strickland,
Misoes Matriye Brown and Rube.)
Oxford two t;f Ham].tons charm-j
ing young ladies spent Sunday!
h >ro with Miss Mattie Lee Foster.
Mr. A. A. Exutn and family was
the.guest of Mr. G. M. Adams*;n
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Johnson
s]>ent Thursday night Friday
near Hampton with relatives.
Miss Annie Pearl Strickland
was the delightful gubst of Miss
Mattye Lee Foster Saturday.
Just received a fresh car!
load of mules.
B. C. Ward.
Stockbridge Ga
Rev. J. E. England, the beloved
j pastor of the Methodist churches
lot this coircuit left on Tuesday
for Atlanta, where he went to at
tend the annual conference. It is
hoped by all that ho will be re
turned to this work another year,
so that his full four years service
may be completed. All the
churehos made a fine record this
year along all lines* of church
work, and it is couT lerit’y expec
ted th{tt he will be returned for
another year's work.
Cali at J. H. Jeffares
store and ask for a Key
stone Coupon card and
get $3.00 kitchen set.
■ ■" uL, 01* Ti(. V* T 1 S*
il ei r;.. inly isu, sad state ot at
nil's exist 1 : \» i»cu visitors lo ctir longer respect the
ilumecitae Dead but desecrate
j Ii is laiu * iiough to rob your own
i bur. when people are so anxious
Ii ■■ a tew a ; w«rs they rob the rest
i ;• pine-e of oucs dead, taking the
; >i* on,-causa s olu gxi* i.
Many people thus desecrating
| ;festii place of tin* dead know
M.on* is a lew protecting ocme to
rn sl'roui u eaations and it can
JjO oiii. ’ e iCi a .
The Champion Turnip
Mr. George Welch, who resides
one mile east of McDonough
jbie.u; htin a turnip to the Weekly
on last; Saturday. It was or Ibe
rutiibeggu variety and weighed 8‘- a
Mr. Web- ‘i has quite a ntimbt r of
tliesw turnips all of which arc very
i >o. He i : Loses in railing tur
nips at h0.e.0 and has the happy
ilooi 1 on hi. face of genuine con
j ten ii; *it ter he does not have ko
I eto tow n” for his supplies hut
m kes them in abundance liim
| seif.
We wish to thank through tlio
Weekly all who assisted us in any
way.during thr sickness and death
of our clear .son.
May God's richest blessings rest
upon one and all.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ciwtellawu
Will he sold before the Ccugt
eor ■, d iln ’eDonoiurh, Ga cm
.. fit\C T •< y in December 19(,9
to the highest bidder for cash, one
i dv eliing house, six rooms, and 1 %
! acres of land, on Hampton street,
in the city, of McDonough also one
livery stable on Key’s Ferry street
For further information call on
or write.
J. F. McGarity.
McDonough, Ga.
Barber Shop.
I have.moved here and am lo*
cated in the shop formerly owned
by Mr. He "man Mays in the Far
mer's Union Building.
I have h u located at Hampton
for ; emetine and I want to ask nil
my friends and patrons there to
still remembt r me, and I cordit.lly
invite the general public to visit
me when in need of any tonsorial
work My prices are reasonable
and guarantee my work to he sat
isfactory. Come and see me the
next time you come to town.
L. J Hand.
A Card.
Tie is ’ > certify that all druggist are
authorized to refund yoir money if Fol- »
ey.s Honey and Tar fails to cure your
cough or cold, It stops the cough, heals
the lungs and prevents serious results
from a cold, prevents pneumonia and con
sumption, Gontaing no opiates. The gen
uine Is in a yellow pack see. Refuse
substitutes'. Sold by Horton Drug Co.
McDonough jrug Co.
It costs more If you don’t Your house
wears out if not painted. Then it costs
mon.-y to re] air it and men, y to paint it.
It dont cost much money to paint with
the L. and M. Paint, because 4 gallons of
the Ij. and M. and :i gallons of Linseed
Oil s, ale s 7 gain ns of ready for use paint
at only $1.29 per gallon. Thirty five years
use in every part of the Uniti d States lias
proven it. sold by.
Hampton Buggy company, Hampton.
H. J. Copeland Mercantile company, Mc-