Newspaper Page Text
Office Hours :
7.30 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 P. M.
11. F. 1). Ko. 1. 10 , Ga.
dJa. broWls*.
i '•<;?<tint '
Office tlouits:
7.1J0 to > ; A. M. 1 to 5 V. M.
Office' In ‘ ittFonic I'vlUliiiK.
R. 0 .^AgKSQN,
Attorney *at-Law,
M r j fONOi ic; i.i, <; a.
Bc. per busl -. l pu id . n charcoal
delivered to > ' "fb on wo^u.
De< :itor Street, Atlanta, Ga.
1 * ■ ■ ■ •' ■
“. - A ■: ■
And let me fit yon with Glasses
in the most modern way and the
latest styles.
Satisfaction guaranteed!
Jeweler anil Optician,
HcDoiriioyglhi, = Ga.
Only one mere week until Than
Now lino of Snndres just received
T' . ton Drag Co.
Mrs. F. H. Dunn and .*; iss Helen
Dana Spout Tuesday in Atlanta.
Fresh lino Downey’s candies al
ways on hand,
Horton Drug Co.
We have the goods to please you
and at right prices.
Walker Turner Co.
The real Hair net-can bo found
Miss Blanche Wontzell Store.
Misses Mary and My rite Cook,
of College Park wore the e’narwiug
guests of their sister, Mrs. B. E
Horton, Sunday.
Our line of dress goods is eom
• plote, comprising all the latest
goods from the best markets.
Wulker Turner Co.
” f
Mr. Harvio Jackson is now with
the H. -D Copeland Mer. Co., where
he will be glad to have his many
friends call on him.
It will do money to you to step
in and see our line of trunjj, valises
W. B. J, Ingram,
Can supply the demand now for
pretty Black Beaver hats.
Miss Blanche Wentzell’s Millinery
Wo have the warm, stylish goods
for this winter-come to see us
when in town.
Walker Turner Co.
48 different styles of Gents Belts
from 25c to £I.OO.
W. B J. Ingram Co.
If you are going to buy
a suit of clothes or over=
coats come in and give
ours a look.
D. P. Cook & Co.
Mr. Kimble Patterson and his
excellent family have moved into
the T. .T. Patterson place on Law
rence ville street. Mr. Patterson
oomps here to enter into the mer
cantile business with Mr. A. C.
Oglesby in the variety store.
Special prices on milliaerv now.
Walker Tamar Co.
Go to Horton's for your station
arv-a new and artistic line just
Mr. J. G. Enbanksof Union City
st t- ngen for ho .‘armere Union,
was here on business on Tuesday, j
(land painUal < na anti Omf lass.
Horton Drug Co,.
Quite a party oft lie local Shrines j
>f McDoiionwh w nf t>p to Atl
anta Wedrcsdu” to attend'a mccte
iiig pf the .Sfifinu in that city.
Cofiu ;ndp A. n. ices on T. ilor
• *
made clothing, nt,
W. li. .!. Ing! 4 : e Co,
Cant. C.-'M.Sp ' ■!%, of Cel--m«n.
has -been the gtsost ol his htn-.ts.oi
A ends h. re tl:in v\ eek.
We,ha vtj the shoes for comfort
and daiabiijtv -Croscit and Queen
1 Walter Turner Co.
Mrs. R L. Johnson J< ft Tuesday
fora visit to her mother, Mrs. Z.
F. Stanton of 'Winder.
Call at J. H. Jeffares
store and trade $5.00 worth
and get $3.00 kitchen set.
On account, of The races in At
lanta ll i;)i we -1. our Mr. Davis will
be in McDonough on Mend ay loth,
instead of Saturday. * • ,
C. A. Kuhn, Photographer.
Try a pair of our Pro
gressive Pants, they are
the kind that give satis
D. P. Cook & Co.
Foley’s Kidney Remedy will cure any
case of kidney or bladder trouble that is
not beyond the reach of medicine. Cures
backache and irregularities that if neg
lected might ivsult*in Di i. ht’s disease or
diabetes. For mb* by Horton Drug co.
MeDonough Drug Co.
All accounts with the Horton
Drug Co. arc now due, and as wo
will have heayy expenses getting
installed in our new quarters,
will appreciate prompt settle
ment of them.
Horton Drug Co.
Mr. Fred Walk r of Cordele was
here first of the week, where he
received a warm and cordial wel
come from his many home friends
See us for your millinery all
new and stylish patterns.
Walker Turner Co.
Mrs. 11. D. Carmichael and chil
dren have returned homo from
a visit to South Georgia find Flor
The Beacon Shoes show
the way, at $3 00 and
$3.50. JFor sale by
D. P. Cook & Co.
Bring us your liorso shoeing and
repair work, first class workman
ship guaranteed and prices right
It. M. Griffith.
Hampton Ga,
The infant of Mr*, and Mrs Amer
iens Elliott died on Saturday after
noon and the funeral was held on
Sunday at Flippon.
Mr. Leon Oglesby has been the
happy recipient of many glad
hands this week on account of a
dainty little lady arriving atTis
home first of the week.
Lost—On Monday a gold pin. tw°
rose leaves, with pearl in center of
eachloaf. Liberal reward paid if
returned to.
«Miss Blanche Wentzell.
The latest and best line of cold
drinks served at our new fount.
Try a drink from our new 20 Cen
tury Iff no va t i on* fon n t.
Horton Drug Co.
Mr. Tom Tolleson, who for some
time has been with the McDonough
Drug Co., has accepted a position
with one of the leading drug
stores in Griffin.
Early Monday morning tli* in
fant of Mr. and Mrs. H, C. Elliott
of White house died. The inter
ment occurred near their'home in
the family lot Monday afternoon.
r, ? r - 14 ' i •nlcf
JL w .L \ v.vO> SLSLJty \~sjLA W ,J -x. w k* V>'
anno inee 'that we are now in
. . ?
ar Itandso ;r sw qua erson
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H ■■ r r •" * 5l S /P W ’\p* l jm,. 3 f» *», j C *’ »
• *- :,/* c j ■• * $ i : >: 4\ '
L 1 ,•> $ i* i 38 £ 1 O' iA liiU Ci O - 5 ii tUii i i
r, :: ? K X 1 ?i ; « J. 1 S
•iuHA-i a uoj a o ii jI HI 11 L-:ou 9
i'&ints, Oils, Varnishes, Etc.
We have a thoroi ; hly capable licensed pharmacist \ l:o will
* • ;
carefully fill all prescriptions.
jgftrDondt PkH to visit cor 20th CsmitiLiity loimovsitiinm FoyEtt.
0 I |P| .j "
1 j]|
D?av Wf I*l Q! i? a * Q a Mj o n\i " hiPO'T S I*l A'f Va j %
3 in wd odvc ou many inihgs tnai sun
f. * '
V). TT. <n m &h rL— v: T -l W
■■ kJuiit CO Duy
You/Must Be Sure to Cali On Us Before
Ig , &
Ja. Hi li. .Ali mL ai. ' * 22
' ; ’ .. , ’ ‘ . ' .. ", ' ' I
Be sure to try a yoirnd of our Red Baud'
\ •
Candies. Only 10 cents.
1-2 horse farm new- house and
barn for rent, good farm. Apply
Mrs. M. A. Tyo.
Rev. Wa W. Arnold, Prof. Otis
TollesTm, Mr. A N. Brown, and
Mr. .T. B. Low have been in at
tendance of the State Baptist Con
vention at Dublin this week.
On next Tuesday night at tlia
school house at Stockbridge the
U. D. C’s of that place will have a
speeling bee for the benefit of the
Joe Wheeler chapter library. It
i- urged that all attend this event
and aid this worty cause.
The easy, pleasant, safe, sure pic.nipt
pills, ai’e Rings Little Liver Pills. In any
emergency Pine salve Carbolized is the
salve to use, It soothes pains. It heals
bruises. Sold by Horton Drug Co.
Z. I). Ward, Stockbridge Ga.
The U. D C’s. will have an
oyster supper tonight (Friday) in
the basement of the Court hous
for the benefit of the-monument
fund. Mrs. Scott the president,
urges that all come out and make
the evening one of rare pleasure
as well rs help this worthy and
patriotic cause.
'ffiicTjclcs to $20.00
Supplies forßicyle, Motor and Automobile
Repairing of all kinds.
JOHN R. SMITH, McDonough, Georgia.
Foley’s Honey and Tar cures coughs
quickly, strengthenstbe lungsand expels
olds. Gat th ■ genuine in a yellow pack
age. Sold by gorton Drug Co
McDonough Drug Co.
Misses Sallie Fannie and Lucy
Gleaton and Miss Kate Smith, of
Conyers, are the charming guests
of Miss Lena Price this week. On
Tuesday evening Miss Price de
lightfully entertained in honor of
her guests, which proved one of
the pleasing social affair ot the
, season.
Go sea it's a beauty. It stands out
among all its neighbors, because the col
oring is so bright and clear. Mr. Ericson
painted with L. & M. Paint and says it
cost 1-3 less than any before. He bought
only 12 gallons of L. & M. Paint and 9
gallons of Linseed. Oil to mix with it.
This made 21 gallons of pure paint, and
cost only £1.20 per gallon, it’s as hand
some as the finest in town. The L. &. is
sold by: Hampton Kuggy Company, Ham
h.j. Copeland Mercanttle Company Mc-
Donough Ga.