Newspaper Page Text
It. li. .JOHNSON Imljloi.
at the postothce at McT>oa
•mt#h, t& second ciusa ajaittr.
Jui ▼er'Js!ak Rataa: 11.00 per in A
<f*r mouth Reduction on
ascratTftjU by eptclal agreement.
itfcttwM-?' ■■ —t• “ r *
McDonon'rh. tin , Nov. 10 1000.
The Markets Thursday
Cotton 14.%
■Cotton Seed $1.45 per mo
4i2 7K
V“ • "T"hi<o Sliicss - !: Offer EVlade for "tirncs New Year I■ / w
* —and
* The Henry County Weekly
together with the superb FREE OFFERS of PARIS MODES, a woman’s
magazine; or THE SOUTHERN RURALIST; a splendid agricultural
paper; or TALKS FROM FARMERS TO FARMERS, an epitome Ql 7E
of farm wisdom, worth its weight in gold. All for only . . . VlJu
The Tri-Weekly Constitution
brightest, and biggest Southern Newspaper. Av, n Hi \Ssa V CM VO d V
Almost a Daily, yet 2t the pries of a Weekly. v>■ j . vr * a go. h CM, IVsCI 1
or The Weekly Constitution once a week, with each of the above (except that
The Weekly Constitution is substituted for the Tri-Weekly)—all for one year for only $1.40
The Tri-Weekly Constitution presents at one sweeping view the whole area of events. The
news of the country, state, nation, and the world is given in each complete issue. Each week
the departments of Farm and Farmers, Woman’s Kingdom, Great Agricultural South, Farm
ers’ Union, Rural Free Delivery, Poultry and others of wide interest, edited by experts,
appeal directly to those addressed.
The Weekly Constitution contains all these special features and the difference between it
and The Tri-Weekly is that the one is issued once a week (on Monday only) and the
other three times a week—Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
If you want the Constitution alone, without any clubbing Offers, you can get the Tri-Weekly
Constitution at $1 per year, or The Weekly at 50c per year, by addressing The Constitution,
Atlanta, Ga. One sample copy sent, free on request, giving with it six of your neighbors.
A club of 40 or 50 or more will keep an R. F. D. route above the minimum average required
for daily mail service. It is the great news purveyor of the whole Southland, as good in
the gulf states as on the Atlantic seaboard.
Clubbed with The Atlanta Constitution, we have/the superb FREE OFFERS shown
from which you may make your choice of one:
(1) Talks From Farmers to farmers, a symposium of Southern farm knowledge that
should he in the hands of every practical farmer, young or old. The articles have all ap
peared in Tri-Weekly Constitution under same title and made one of the greatest features of
tins plendidi fanners’ paper. It will he mailed to you immediately upon receipt of order.
(2) The Southern Ruralist, one of the best agricultural papers in the south. It is a
semi monthly edited by a fanner on his own farm, and is intensely practical and helpful.
(4) Paris Modes, a woman’s magazine, monthly. There are fashions in it, as the title
ii and they are right up to date. Do not think-they are all of the sylph-like, hipless,
elm >in s'vies of the extreme devotees of the changeable flirt called ‘ Fashion.” They
: T pretty and becoming and up to date, so that tl; ladies may feel well-dressed and in
the style who follow them. But you get more than m re fashions. There are stories, poems,
si-'rye ;os, iw;id< u s of travel, seasonable articles for entertainments, honfte keeping, cookery,
care o' ihe person, sanitation and hygiene, plant culture and all the rest that go to make tip
a monthly feast for the busy woman who reads as she works, who relaxes from one task and
finds charm in the ever-varying features of woman’s work that is said to he never done.
Re: 'ember, our paper one year, and THE TRI-WEEKLY CONSTITUTION, Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday, three times a week, for one year, and your selection of one
t! ■ three alternate free offers, all for $1.75: or the whole combination (except that The
\V< ■ dy Constitution is substituted for the Tri-Weekly) for only $1.40
'end at once. Get right on. Don’t miss a copy. Address all orders for above com
bination to
ufpfN mrrr -mil n rph nmiMii fifpsio
rf if Ip I rSil r- rPii rfriSlllii I Jiff X 1
• tv? .! liai'ifcatai i il W ik;li i 2 fe' f !i 4 ils lea S3P kS &ai %I y\j %>'R
The feed fo< cows '* to be considered well by everybody especially those who own cows.
We inv; - yor.r verj special attention to our feed In seventy five pound bags, made
from toe f.: of;. ..erst, t r <he sugar has been extracted, this is.a fresh thoroughly tested
feed resemb : ng cotton •ed hulls in appea,ranee.
Cows, w fen prop ■ u- tel> fed v< ith cotton seed, meal, corn meal, bran or shorts and
our dried Bt it : ; ulp ease in milk, by actual test, from ten to twenty per cent.
Come 05 send ar a sack and try it. Price is reasonable.
» *
S- \ • AT - » P OQL £3 /***?>. S '"W % A
Wv i t t , • |
The BID STAPLE ol the South has begun to move and everv =
ivUmiP •!j H’. ; ha.'ids places m ■ Gey ju some nr.Ts picket—A part;
of it goes to you.
Why not saye a portion, if only a small one?,
Don’t blow it ill, but si rt .- Run!, account. The best way is to j
DEPOSIT ALL your merry, and pay all your aoernnts WITH A !
CHECK on the Ban':, liras giving yon >1 double receipt.
, Our 1 • •') nodal ions are ampl- and we will gladly assist yonnn all
’ays. ' Pi> rh * lit do (hat F >utr< 1 NOW that will take care ol you
in ynnrOLD DAYS i
' hen you se i 1 that, bule . t Cotton, bring the proceeds
here, and we \vi!l Adi \ou how to make it grow.
T he Bapk of Henry County
IcDO NO 5J G t':, Ft, 0 1 { CIA.
Complete Vine of Ca-kets all styles and prices,
Careful and pTdealt ntion given all fni.eigls entru
sted t o me.
Embaltiii: g done according to latest ar:d most- im
proved’ methods.
Newest and most ijp to date equipment.
Calls ms-v-. d promptl > uuy and night.
Phones and 30.
• ficDonough Ga.
-•r » •
I fl’ ' I #ll
i HI ftll .V 3
H $ €«sipfi I § n m-wrap if 11 .
ti -y 4/ l/ & wm, m fe \w to if w □
' , ir-ssfe,
' •ET"' • TT'T/'r' "|l l» MM I I HI fill 11 (I II I j»B /' /
-. ’ -
■:.. '/ \,. ■ , ’; ’- \ ■*• »
!? you w-*tt your hind prcperly turned, yet ycur
Plows from us. 1
Oliver Coil!,, V* m. J. Oliver, Lynch
- .
burg and Blount, vM the extras carried.
Th egre a; es t on e r: orse tu-rn er s © n Ihe- • -in ark e t
tad ay are found with u.s.
Our goods are right, our prices win.
Very truly, ,
McDonough, Ga.
Phone 35.