Newspaper Page Text
How’s This? y-
We off, -r one hundred dollars reward
fer any case of Catarrh that Cannot be
■•ured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J.
Cheney A Co., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J.
Chaney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
■out any obligations made by his firm.
Walding, Kinaan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O.
Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally
•■aating directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
TaKe Hails's Family Pills for constipa
Memory has no trust more sacred
than to treasure tenderly the lives
and characters of those who have
made our homes attractive and
loved ones happy. The ideal wife
and mother occupies a place all her
own in. the family circle ; she rei
gns as queen and serves r mill •
istering ang; 1: her life is conse
crated to high and holy things
her ambition is direcred to divine
ends. Nothing but the interven
tion providenoe can effectually
disturb her usefulness or finally
dismiss her unselfish activities.
How sad when these sweet and
hallowed relations that centre in
such a life are severed, and the
radiance of such a presence is
totally eclipsed in death But so
it is now and then in human life,
and so it must be sooner or later
in every household and Sept 6 1909
will remain as the darkest day in
the home calendar of B. H. Welch
-and children.
Miss Mary Itura Hunt daughter
•of J. H. Hunt, was born Aug 22
•1872 was baptised in her teens and
for more than twenty years
dived true tc the teachings and
innermost spirit of her church.
She was married to B. H Welch,
iNov,9 1893, and become the fond
mother of four children, Charlie,
Flossie, A. J. and Ralph, all of
whom survive her. Mrs. Welch
■was stricken with fever in August
taking her bed one day in advance
of Flossie, the only daughter, and
/for days these two loved ones
struggled lieavially against 1 lie
insidiou-s disease till death claimed
the mother, leaving Flossie to
struggle on unconscious of her
great loss, until it was deemed
safe to break to her the shocking
news of “mamas death.” Few if
any can ever know the double
anxiety and keen anguish of hus
band and father, of children and
brother, as lojig days and weary
nights passed till the awful climax
came death was triumphant.
What a tribute to a mothers life
and character are these words of
her first born, written by his own
hand “mothers counsel was so
sweet to me, her life so fine, mak
ing home bright all the time,” and
and again, “she was a bright shin
ing Christian ever since I can' re
member,” well done, mother when
yonr children rise npand call yon
blessed, “well done,” wife when
the husband speaks only to praise
you, .joyous, contented and self
sacraficing but uncomplaining,
lifes journey went to its praise and
then under the touch of God’s
finger, she fell asleep in his ever
lasting rest to abide a glorious re
union some day we trust with
loved ones left behind.
W. W. A.
forced Into Exile.
Win. Upchurrh of Glen Oak, Okla, was
an exile from home. Mountain air, he
thought would cure a frightful lungrack
ing cough that had defied all remedies for
two years After six months he returned,
death dogging his steps. ‘ Then I began
to use Dr. King’s New Discovery, he
writes, “and after takingsix bottles I am
tts well as ever. It saves thousands
yearly from desperate lung diseases. In
fallible for Coughs and Colds, it dispels
Hoarsoness and Sore Throat. Cures Grip,
Bronchilis. Hemorrhages, Asthma. Croup
Whooping Cough. 50c and *I.OO, trial
bottle free guaranteed by All Druggist
After an absence of a few weeks
I will send in a few more dots
from tjaissection again,
Cotton and corn nr* almost ga
thered ’n this part of the diggins
and tl e farmer is almost sold.
From the looks of our settlement
some of the farmers are preparing
to live better another year for
they are sowing wheat and oats if
they all wonlrt do that and not
plant so much cotton times would
be more prosperous.
Miss Leotie Thompson spent Sun
day most pleasantly with Miss
Nora Helley.
On last Monday week Prof. C. R.
Aiken opened his school at Plea
sant Grove ably assisted by Miss
JetHe Bnnn of McDonough ns as
sistant litterary teacher, Miss
Pearl Nash of Lovejoy as music
| teacher and Miss Nina WaH of Mc-
D Dough as expression teacher,
The school opened with an at ten
dance of 45 pupils but we under
stand that the school is somewhai
I *
better t ins week,
The many friends of Mr. ami
Mrs. V. L. Crumblcy will be
grlev dto learn that tlieir three
months' C’l4 infant is quite sick at
this date.
Seven 1 from this settlement at I
tended the State Fair at Macon
Miss Dessie Chafin had as her
guest Miss Lucile Thompson a
short while Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Mc-
Donough visited the latters rela
atives in our community Sunday,
Mr and Mrs. Robert Helms
spent Saturday and Sunday with
the formers brother over near
Mr. John Philips and family
spent Sunday in McDonough as
the guests of his brother Mr. Jess
Philips Jr.
Mrs Kate McUollough of Con
yers in company with her chil
dren spent a few days with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Helms last, week.
Kills Her Foe Of 120 Years.
“The most merciless enemy I had for 20
years.” declares Mrs. James Ducan, m
lia/nesville, Me., “was Dyspepsia. I suf
fered intensely after eating or drinking
and could scarcely sleep. After many
remedies had failed and several doctors
gave me up. I tried Electric Bitters,
which cured me 'ompletely. Now I can
eat anything. lam 70 years old and am
overjoyed to get my health end strength
buck again.” For Indigestion, Loss of ap
petite, Kidney Trouble, Lame Back, Fem
ale Complaints, its unequaled. Only 50c
at All Druggist.
Misses Nettie and Maud Banks
returned home last Sunday alter u
weeks visit with their sister, Mrs.
Lora Stanfield and Mrs. Fannie
Wallace, who live down near
Miss Posie Bright, of this dis
trict, who won the most votes in
this district in the contest atten
ded the fair at Macon the 4 and
reported a nice time
Mr. Woodson Mays and Miss
Janie Mays wore the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. L. FI. Barnett last week.
Mrs. Hattie Campbell and her
daughter visited relatives in
Griffin last Saturday and Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. W. A. Callaway
visited Mr. and Mrs. McClenic, of
Lovejoy last Sunday.
The singing at Mr. H&rvie Bur
nett last Sunday night which was
given to Mr. Jess Stanfield was
largely attended and enjoyed very
much by all.
Mrs. Bcaly Barnett and son were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
Sti'-nfield Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. R. IF, Chinn visi
ted Mr, and Mrs. Tom Dorsey last
Sunday afternoon.
The candy pnlling at Mr. Harvie
Barnetts which was given in
honor of Miss Maud Steverson and
Miss Mattie Wallace was enjoyed
by all who were present of which
there were about fifty. They were
there from Griffin, Hampton and
Hr IBs. 4-
ps pm i \ . fi 3p t
I ill! w y mi
stimulate the TOPPJD LIVt g
strengthen the digestive orgen<
revuiate trt bowels, and arc n;
In muiarial districts their virtues r.r
widely recognized, as they posses
peculiar properties in freeing th
system from that poison. Elegant!,
• sugar coated.
iake No Substitute.-*
i - - r
Miss Leola Dorsey, who has
been visiting her relatives and
friends for quite awhile has re
turned home. We were all glad to
have her with us. as sue oucq lived,
among us.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom ('lowers visi
j ted their son and daughter, Mr.
j and Mrs. Horry Andrews Sundav
Mr Muscat, of Kurt county
opened up his school at, liberty
lilil last Monday, Nov bill.
Mrs. Jane Batiks and Mrs. Betsv
Campbell were ilie gia sts of Mrs.
R. b. Stanfield last Saturday
Mr. anl Mrs. Graver Campbell
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George Callaway Saturday night,
Mr. Sam Campbell has sold out
liis home to Messrs Emitt and Os
car tarpley. We are sorry to see
Mr. Campbell’s folks lyave but, we
wish Them god speed wheresoever
they may go.
Miss Lillian Stanfield visited her
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R.
H. Hale, of Morrow Station, last
fifth Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Tom Dorsey is all smiles
over a new visitor—a little girl.
Mr. Porter Moore, of Flovilla
was the guest of Miss Stella Bar
nett last Sunday afternoon.
Cotton picking will soon be over
in this section.
Mr. and Mrs. L, H. Barnett and
Misses Mumie and Susie Stanfield
all attended the big Lilly opos
sum dianer at Mr. and Mrs. New
bon Barnett li st Sunday.
Mrs. Louie Ilite, ICsOutkn Si., Dan
ville, 111., writes, October Ist: “Foley’s
Kidney Pills started me on the road to
health. 1 was treated by four doctors and
took other kidney remedies but gu*w
worse, and was unable to do my house
work, and tin doctors told me 1 onl could
live from twotosix months, 1 am now
so much better thatl do all of my own
work. an-. 1 shall be very glad to tell any
one afflicted with kidney or bladder
trouble the good results 1 received from
taking Foley’s Kidney Puls.” Commence
today and be well. Do not risk having
Bright s Disease or Diabetes. Sold bv
Horton Drug Co.
McDonough Drug Co.
Telephone Connection
With The Henry
' County Con
vict Camps.
Mr. A G. Harris, Ordinary cf
Henry County has just construct! d
a telephone line between the Mc-
Donough exchange cf the South
ern Bell Telephone Company and
the Convict CaJ*ips. and has in
stalled telephone in the residence
of the Superintendent of Public
Works, a telephone will be inst
alled on this line at an early date
in the Convict Camps for the use
of the Guards.
Ordinary Harris constructe d this
line under a farmers line contract
made with the Southern Bell Tel
ephone Company, by which far
mors in all sections of the state
are enabled to secure telephone
service through the great Bell s.vs
tern on an economical basis.
Many farmers and rural resi
dents are taking advantage oi this
proposition to secure telephone
service in their homes.
She AYas Pleasantly Surprised.
Miss H. E. Bell Wausau, Wis., writes:
■‘Before I commenced to take Foley’s
Kidney Pills 1 had severe pains in my
back, could not sleep, and was greatly
troubled with headache The first few
doses of Foley’s Kidney Pills gave me re
lief, and two bottles cured me. ThequicK
results surprised me, and I can honestly
recommand them, cold by Horton Drug
Iho BIG SI Al LL of the South lias bognn to move, and every
bale that changes hands places money in some one’s pocket—A part
of it goes to you.
Why not save a portion, if only a small one?
Don t bio v it all, but start a Rank account. The best way is to
DEPOSIT ALL your money, and pay all yonr accounts WITH A
CHECK on the Bank, thus giving you a double receipt.
Our accomodations are ample and we will gladly assist you in all
ways. ’Tis the little that is saved NOW that will take cure of you
in your OLD DAYS.
When you sell that bale ol Cotton, bring the proceeds
here, and we will tell you how to make it grow.
The Bank of Henry County
Choose Wisely ..,
wlic ' you buy a SEWING MACHINE. Ym/U find all sorts and kinds at
corrc'poridK; prices, But if you Want a reputable serviceable Machine, then take
: 33 years' experience fus enabled us to bring
• . Jisi l WJ 'LL-EUIL'I PRODUCT, combining in its
T > taakt-tip all the good points found on high grade
'• jf machines and others that are exclusively
ff} * I / yq'jtvj Y HITE, which will appeal to careful buyers,
y jf Vs All Drop Heads have Automatic Lift and beau
-- 'ii'4 'I tiful Swell Front, Golden Oak Woodwork. We
only through our authorised dealers, who
—will furnish our iron-clad guarantee duly counter
si?ll by themselves. Beware of buying a White with a defaced or altered plate
number. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Styles,
the Rotary doing lock or chain siitching.
For Sale By H..J. COIMibAM) MICKCANTII JO CO., McDonough; (La.
McDonough, ga.
Funeral Directors and Embalmers.
Day Phone No. 51 Night Mione No. 5g
All culls mi.-wrii d promptly day or night.
All embalming carefully done and according to bent methods
< )nr steel: of metal and wood caskets and robes are unequalli d.
Our services, hearses tmd equipment, are the best to bo had.
We furnish the best st< el, brick or cement Vaults.
)c' }t T* URAL telephone communication with the world is
I I j Iw proving a boon to the farmer. It increases his
I t ij _lJ|! profit-producing possibilities; it keeps him in close
I |jj touch with prospective weather conditions; it affords
r“ him instantaneous communication with a physician or
Til neighbors in case of sudden family illness or accident—
J -W" Ti- 7 / be can telephone to ad< ns tor in Jess time than it takes to
> ; T’-'T J/ hiMi up; and he.and hi* family e*n talk to neighbor*
and to person* at a distance any minute in the day.
W.jf My /,x % } Wo have formulated a plan by which rural teie
%s' # '... i J phones may be installed iri country homes at asurpris-
M/ -IL inl'ly low figure. The plan is for half a dozen or more
residents of one nei. liborhood to hand together and
Wa gT ’ d build the line to the’town limits and connect with our
\ l\V\v«vu » % For full details of thip, consult the nearest Bell tele
l \-a i l a phone manager, or write to us for descriptive booklet.
XW& % Fanners’ Line Department
m Jp m
Salens SeO Mephose
& Telegraph Co.
South Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga.
See US for our Clubbing Offers.