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To Aft Friends mi the TsidiEig Public Generally.
I will for the next 30 Days offer SPECIAL' BARG P!S in
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Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Slices, Hats, Caps, Odd Pants, Under
wear, Men’s, Ladies’and Children’s Sweaters, Fascinators, Shawls
and in fact everything in my line for the next 30 days.
tarn offering seme rare Bargains; ? have not got space to give Prices, all you have
to do is on me and I wit I make you some EYE OPEINiEt? PRICES. So please
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The Tri-Weekly K Atlanta Constitution
/ rr
The Henry County Weekly
Together with New Home Library Wall Chart Showing a
Spiendid New Map of Georgia and its Governors ; all for only
The Tri - Weekly Constitution Monday, Wednesday, Friday, three
times a week. The newsiest, best,
brightest, and biggest Great Southern Newspa- Oip n Vos^r
per. Almost a Daily, yet the price of a Weekly
or The Weekly Constitution— twelve pages cnce a week, with each, of the
above (except that The Weekly Constitution is substituted for the Tri- Weekly)— all
for one year for only OhCS
The Tri-Weekly Constitution presents at one sweeping view the whole area of events. The
news of the country, state, nation, and the world is given in each complete issue. Each week
the departments of Farm and Farmers, Woman’s Kingdom, Great Agricultural South, Farmers'
Union, Rural Free Delivery, Poultry, and others of wide interest, edited by experts, appeal
directly to those addressed.
The Weekly Constitution contains all these special features and the difference
between it and the Tri-Weekly is that the one is issued once a week (on Monday
only) and the other three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
If you want The Constitution alone, without any clubb-ng offers, you can get the
Tri-Weekly Constitution at SI.OO per year, or the Weekly at 50c pei year,
by addressing The Constitution, Atlanta, Ga. One sample copy sent free on request.
A club of 40 or 50 or more will keep an R. F. D. route above the minimum
average required for daily mail service.* It is the great news purvey r of the whole
Southland, as’good in the Gulf and Mississippi States as on the Atlantic Seaboard.
Clubbed with The Constitution we have the New Home Library Wall Chart.
The Constitution has had engraved, at heavy cost, a splendid map of the state of Georgia, surrounded by the
portraits that could be secured of the governors of the state, in an almost unbroken line from our first Governor,
James Kdward Oglethorpe, in 1732, to the last of the distinguished gentlemen -^] lo have fri'ed the high offic'’ ,-omi
to lion. Hoke Smith, whose term will expire In 1509. The map is upon a larg e scale, showing the counties in cojoA,
giving the congressional districts in clear outline, bringing out the county sites prominently, together with the whole
water system in our state, as well as the railroad lines. A splendid feature of the railroad system is given in the
distance between stations shown in plain iigures in every case.
The nine new counties recently established are properly given, with every detail correctly shown up to date.
Besides the splendid Georgia map, which is but faintly outlined above, the second slmet of the Library Wall
Chart gives maps of all the insular possessions of the United States, together with a newly engraved United
States map surrounded bv portraits of the presidents of the United States. 'Another page shows the growth of
our country in the population of all towns of 3,000 and over for the last three census periods. The third sheet
gives Mercator’s Projection of the World, together with a United States map showing the various accession* of
territory up to date. This page is surrounded by flags of all nations in proper colors and also by the portraits
of the rulers of the world correctly giver, to date. The last page gives a topographical relief map of the Pan
ama Canal and surrounding territory, together with a profile, or cross section, of the country to be excavated.
With this feature is a historical sketch and map of the Isthmian Canal that is quite complete.
Remember, our paper one year, and the Tri-Weekly Constitution, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, three times a week, for one year and all of the above
splendid maps for $2.00; or the whole combination, (except that the Weekly Con
stitution is substituted for the Tri-Weekly) for only $1.65
Send at once. Get right on. Don’t miss a copy. Address all orders for
above combination to
Some oi Oisr Ciubbing
file Henry County Weekly \ AjS n A
The Tri-Weekly Constitution ( AhUSIG
ocle R. mus s Home Mitiuizino / \/ r \ |eg
The Southern Rimilist J iGcT TO f iJJflnlljU
Tri-Weekly Constitution hthl Weekly si .75
(Home <£-F:<vm, So. Knmlist- or So Cu]ti\nt(.i aspdi vi’ll ]ih<lTo)
Journal find i*Zf>
Union News mid 1 < }
.Tonvrnil, Union Nows and 1 1 o 25
Unnle R runs M t .M7.ine and ‘ • 1,110
Weekly .lefforsonian and 11 1.7%
Constitution, W all Man and ‘ ‘ v.(10
i Henry County Weekly.
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4 1 “H i.UijK wJ fc/srU . y
wasa you boy a SEWING MACHINE. You’ll find ill lJC ;ti and kinds at
corzes,. ;s But if you Want a reputable serviceable Mach'ns, tiiea take
f7V» 'fZZSmsa*. W WITF
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j- G V« V - ‘VU out a HANDkCAE, SYMMETRICAL *-d
U ■’>*?■; tOlnn sYid WELL-BUILT PRODUCT, combining in Its
Y . F Make-up all the good points found on high grade
lair machines and otters that "are exclusivity
m WHIT E, which will appeal to careful buyers.
f Ad Drop Heads have Automatic Lilt and btJ«>
... | j tiful Swell Front, Ccfdea Oak Woodwork. Ws
T ax A sell only through c:r authorized dcalziz, v/ho
v. will furnish our iro vdad guarantee duly counter
signed by themselves. Beware of buying a White with a defaced or altered plate
number. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotiry Shuttle Styles,
the Rotary doing lock or chain stitching. T
For Sale By H..J. COI'FI.WI) MKKCANTILfc CO., McDonough; <,a.
Funeral Directors and Embaßrners.
Day*Phone No. 51 Night Phone No. 53
ifi-ife fcfl|
All calls answered promptly day or night.
All embalming carefully done and according to best methods
Our stock of metal and wood caskets and robes are unequalled.
Our services, hearses and equi] inert, are Ihe test to be ln.d.
We furnish the best steel, hiick or cement Vaults.