Newspaper Page Text
Tlie Henry County Weekly
To Those Who Owe Us.
There are many who have al
lowed their subscriptions to lapse
far in arrears, and during the past
several weeks statements have
been sent out to those who owe us
but many have failed to respond
to these notices.
Please do not longer delay in
sending the Weekly waht you owe
yours may be but a small amont,
yet when there are several hun
dred of these it makes quite a little
sum to'us, and we have obligations
to meet that necessitates us urging
upon all who owe to settle up at
once what you owe on your sub
Preachers are assigned.
Monday afternoon the North
Georgia Conference c atne to a close
in Atlanta and there were many
changes in the severrl districts,
Rev. J. E. England was returned
to the McDonough charge as was
also Rev. T. J. Marshburn to Ham
pton but new men were sent to
Stockbridge and Locust Grove.
The appointments for the Griffin
district are:
Rev. J. H.Eakes, Presiding Elder
Griffin First church, Dr C. O. Jones
Griffin, Hanleiter, E. M. Stanton.
Griffin, Third church and Kincaid.
W. P. Carmichael.
Griffin Circuit, J. R. Allen-
Barnesville, W. T. Hamby.
Barnesville Circuit, M. K. Patillo
Culloden and Yatesville, J. B. Allen
Fayetteville, W B. Keithley.
Flovilla, J. A. Sprayberry.
Forsyth, G. W. Grimer.
Forsyth Circuit, E. A. Ware.
Hampton, F. J. Marshburn.
Inman, J. S. Askew.
Jackson, R. C. Cleckler.
Jenkinsburg, B. F. Dodson, supply
Jonesboro, J A. Quillian.
Locust Grove, W. J. Deßardeleben,
McDonough, J. E. England.
Milner, R. F. Smith.
Senoia, E. W. Jones.
Stockbridge, W. O. Butler.
Thomaston, R. B. O. England.
Thomaston Mission, L. G. Bowden
Zebulon, W. H. Speer.
The Corn Show.
The co r n show of the Farmers
Co-operative Demonstration work
will be at the Court House in Mc-
Donough on Saturday Nov. 27th.
Be sure and be present and bring
10 or 12 ears of your best corn, and
tell your neighbors to come.
Mr. E Gentry will be there and
make.a talk on seed selection.
Yours Very truly.
J. B. Brown. Special Agent.
An Entertanment at Ellen
A very interesting program has
been prepared by the pupils of the
Ellenwood School and will be ren
dered in the school building Fri
day evening. The principle fea
ture of the program will be a
comedy “Miss Topsy Turvy or,
Deacon Jones Courtship.”
An admission fee of 25 and 15
cents will be charged the proceeds
to’go towards painting the house.
Barber Shop Moved.
I have moved my shop from ti e
Joe J. Smith corner up stairs over
the new Horton Drug Co,* store
next to the telephone exchange,
I am prepared to do better work
than ever in my new quarters and
when in town don’t fail to come to
Bee me. All work guaranteed to
be satisfactory. Tools always
sharp. *
T. N. Moseley.
McDonough, Ga.
Masons In New Home.
On last Saturday afternoon the
first meeting of Fraternal Lodge
No, 37, F. and A. M. was held in
their handsome new temple on the
West side of the public square.
The building is not entirely com
pleted yet it likes but a little finish
ing work and when all is done.Me
Donough will have one of the fin
est and most commodious lodge
rooms in the state. Tlio building
is a beauty and has been built with
the idea of the future in view-thc
building will ever afford ample ac
commodation to the local masonic
Baby Show at Grove.
The ladies of the Locust Grove,
Methodist church will have a Baby
Show at the Brown skating rink
Monday afternoon Nov. 29 from 2
to 4 o’clock. All babies under 3
years old may enter the contest.
Five cents admission will be
charged and 10 cents to vote.
Every body cordially invited.
Be sure to come and bring your
If you haven t a baby borrow
one. If you can’t borrow come and
Fresh home made candies will
be sold and gifts for Xmas.
The baby show will be followed
by an oyster supper that night
from 6 to nine o’clock some good
old fashioned music on the violin
will be furnished and we are ex
pecting a large crowd and a good
All who eiajoy oysters will find
a square meal for 25 cents.
-500 acre farm, 8 room house ten
ant houses, five miles from Fors
yth, 10 miles from Barnesville,
$12.60 per acre, terms.
550 acre farm, 9 room house,
several tenant houses, large barn.
Fine place, lies partly on R. R., 8
miles from Barnesville, 3 miles
from station on one side and one
mile from station on other side,
$12.50 per acre, terms.
125 acre farm, 6 miles from
Barnesville on public road, 4 room
house about 3 hcrseNfarm cleared,
$1500.00, Terms.
200 acres just outside city limits
of Barnesville 2 tenant houses,
good for subdivision into small
farms, ask for price.
71 acres, good 8 room house, just
outside limits of Barnesville. Fine
home for one wanting to educate
children, $1,000.00, Terms.
200 acre farm near a small vil
lage on R. R.* good farm, $3500.00
100 acaes inside town limits of
best little town in state, good land
small house, $50.00 per acre, some j
of it right in town and fronting
R. R., worth SIOO.OO per acre.
These two last propositions open
only a few days for quick sale.
Some bargains in south Georgia
Some desirable homes in Barnes-,
ville from SBOO.OO to $8,000.00.
Barnesville is a hustling little
manufacturing city with the best
schools in the state and the best
people in the South. Come quick
while lands and property are
cheap here.
$20,000,00 in good notes, would
sell cheap or trade for good real
Estate or Business, address
Barnesville, Ga.
Young Girls Are Victims.
Of headache, as w r ell as older women,,
but all get quick relief and prompt cure
from Dr. Kings New Life Pills, the worlds
best remedy for sick and nervous head
aches. They make pure blood, and strong
nerves and build up your health- Try
them 25c, at All Druggist.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday November *>, 1909.
Tiie public school here opened
with 80 pupils, Miss Ojfhtlu:
Banks is orr assistant, she appears
to know her business.
If the pupils put. in whole term
we can graduate 14 this year. The
following Misses Allie Hopkins,
Lillie Craig, Edna Rodgers, Beulal:
[lessor, Lucy Sowell. Eunice Hop
ins, Roth Craig, Annie Hubbard,
Ralph Culpepper, Rufus Rogers,
Oma Whitaker, Herman Wliitukoi
Glen Rosser.
We desire to make this flic most
profitable year of our work here.
School is graded throughout, all
classes reciting some subjects.
Great economy of time in graded
class work.
We will celebrate Thanksgiving
with appropriate exercises at
Bethany church, Rev. J. F., Bled
soe will preach sermon for us.
We kindly invite all patrons to
attend our Friday exercises, deba
tes, recitations, . declamations,
songs etc.
Rev. J. E. England pastor at
McDonough was with us at open
ing last Monday and said to several
of our patrons in past, “Educati
onal work in this country is above
all other activities in this life but
religion, future usefulness depends
on what work and the Character
of the work done here.
I met two boys and asked them
what they were going to make of
themselves, “one said, going to
make a man,” I said we want men
for we have enough of folks.
A man has three parts, intelle
ctual, moral and physical, these
parts all carefully developed make
a man, but intellect accomplishes
most. A strong body and religion
makes a goqd farmer, and strong
body, intellect, and religion will
make a good teacher of children,
There is nothing of real value in
auto races etc except to make
money for automobile factories.
A well developed physicial form
stands for a pedestal for a tower
ingintellect. Just such games in
school should be allowed as will
contribute to the making of well
developed bodies, and muscles.
Many people raise children to
advertise, derbys, red ribbon, and
buggies and thereby help buggy
It is a great mistake for people
to turn their girls loose to ride
around over the country in bug
gies not knowing whether they
will return for dinner, supper or
God gives us the material of
which we are to make goodmen
and women and leaves the respon
sibility on us, How are we turning
out the jobs?
It takes father, mother, prea
cher, and teacher to make men,
are we making them? Some fath
ers are utilizing the whole time of
their boys and girls to make money
and a. living, and some folks hav
ing the religion of the Lord Jesus
Christ work their children till
school is nearly half gone and then
the teacher to do as much
for hischildren as any
God pity men w T ho are spending
all they have to make money I
have no place I can call my own
but I expect to love my master
with all my power.”
We desire that all the patrons
visit school on Monday Nov., 29
and hear Dr. Arnold the pastor at
McDonough on his best theme on
education. Let us have a good
crowd then and show- the interest
we are taking in the education of
O. W. Johnson.
See us when you come to Mc-
Walker Turner Co.
StuU'ineut of the culiuitiou of
The Bank of Stockbridge
located ai .''tiKkbridgv, Ga.. at the elost
of business Nov. 10, 1909.
Loans and Discounts 40,290.24
Demand Loans 6,801.00
>verdraitß, secured by cotton 87,109 21
Bonds & Stocks owned by Bank 1,400.01
Banking House 2.169.00
Furniture and Fixtures 1,681.80
Due from Banks and Bunkers
in the State 6,166.89
Due from Banks and Bankers
in ot her states 8,126.79
Currency 2.64 H 00
Gold * 2.50
Silver, Nickels and Pennies 27.78
Checks and cash items 527.9-
Depositors Guarantee Fund 2,879.16
Total 110,480.31
Capital Stock paid in 16,000.1X1
Undivided Profits, less current
expenses and taxes paid 6,845.68
Individual deposit subject took 02,828.00
Time certificates * 26,076.1k*
Cashier s checks 229.82
Total 110,480.31
State of Georgia,-county of Henry:
Before me came C M Power, cashier of
Bank of Stockbridge who being duly
sworn, says that the above and foregoing
statement is a true condition of said
Bank, as is shown by the books of file in
said bank. C M Power, cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this
22 day of Nov. 1909. A H Swann, N P
Statement of the condition of
The Bank of Hampton
located at Hampton, Ga., at the close of
business Nov. 16,1909
Loans and discounts 77,611.00
Bonds * stocks owned by the bank 2,000.00
Furniture and Fixtures 1,200.00
Due from banks and bunkers
in the state 34,398.91
Due from banks and bankers
in other states 22,561.32
Currency 2,017.00
Gold 10.00.
Silver, nickels and pennies 218.81
Total 140,006.54
Capital stock paid in 25,000.00
Surplus fund 20,000.00
Undivided profits, lesscurrent
expenses aud taxes paid 4,480.93
Individual deposits subject toc’k 88,040.89
Time certificates 7,160.00
Casher’s checks 324.72
Total 140,006 54
State of Georgia, Henry county:
Before me came E. R. Harris, Asst,
cashier of Bank of Hampton, who being
duly sworn, says that the above and fore
going statement is a true condition of
said bank, as shown by the books of file
in said Bank. E. R. Harris.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this
20 day of Nov. 1909., J M Tarpley, cN P
Statement of the condition of
The Bank of Locust Grove
located at Locust Grove, Ga., at the close
of business Nov 16, 1909.
Loans and discounts 27,624.23
Demand loans 5,176.41
Overdrafts, principally on cotton 31,286.02
Banking house 4,724.97
Furniture and fixtures .1,651.30
Due from banks and bankers
in the state 6,820.25
Due from banks and hankers
in other states 36.82
Currency 1,886.00
Gold 5-0°
Silver, nickels and pennies 519 47
checks and bash items 438.26)
Total 79,667.73
Capital stock paid in 25,000.00
Undivided profits, lesscurrent
expenses and taxes paid 6,976.31
Individual deposits subject tuc k 46,643.86
Time certificates 885.81
cashier’s checks 162.26
Total 79,607.75
State of Georgia, Henry county:
Before me came J. W. Brown, cashiei
of said Bank, who being duly sworn, say)
that the above and foregoing statement
is a true condition of said bank, as shown
by the books of file in said bank.
J. W. Brown.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, thh
20th day of Nov. 1909. W E Parr, N P
Special prices on millinerv now .
Walker Turner Co.
Get your coat
suit, long coats,
furs and muffs
right away. We
have a nice stock
and w ill bedeligh
ed to have you
call and look thru.
If your millinery'
and ready to wear
hats are not com
plete for the sea
son come to us
and get your
wants supplied.
Thanksgiving awfl
Xmas Prices are Ruling,
Supreme here on pop
ular goods for the sea
Many, many articles
to close out, this will be
a great saving to you.
Pure cooking oil for*
Xmas cooking, cheaper,,
more wholesome and goes,
further than hog lard.
Oysters, Fish, Potato?
Chips and Chicken are de
lightful when cooked with
our pure cooking oil.
The necessaries for Xmas
fruit cakes are expected
this week.
Nice juicy country
raised Yates and Terry
Winter Apples will be a
necessary addition to
Your Santa Clause Pan
As well as all the nice
Nuts, Oranges, Raisins,
and Candy.
Very truly,
I iJ HONE 25.
$l A YKAJt