Newspaper Page Text
T~"~~ I enry County Weeks y
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gir 0 & cp b 11 ~i ■.■ :-i; icn c ,c tLc 1
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mu,s Eriimii J, Hurley.
The librry- lias. proveo. tho
source of m jeh pleasure and profit
to uii its iiiear ws a. u i. is hoped
that all will renew their irember
ship and continue this library for
another six months. —fid.
Mr Editor as there is no news
from this part of the moral vine
yard I will write yon a few dots, if
you will spare me space in your
Thr farmers are all through
gathering and there is a lot of
wheat and oats sown.
Every body is trying to move
this beautiful weather.
There was a fine singing at Tan
ners church Sunday was attended
by a large crowd, led by Prof. Will
Lee of Forest Park.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Campbell
are all smiles over a new boarder
at their home, a big bouncing boy.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stephens
made a business trip to Atlanta
V Mr. and Mrs. Deverd Campbell'
Jhnd their little daughter, spent last
Thursday night with their uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. M
Mr. Otis Campbell, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday with home felks.
Mr. L. C. Huff moved to Pviver
dale one day last week.
.Mr. J. H. Williamson has bought
the Burks phe- • near Elleuwcod
and will move to it soon.
G. Z. Williamson says it looks
like Xmas will in ver come, he cun
almost gear it w e.isti .
horse a few day: ago.
Rev. Tom* ■yacved Bis
fare-. eU-soim oat banners Sun
Tho school at Tanners is pro
gressing mace.
We are sorry to note the illness
of Mrs. Mack Blackburn, of Anvil
Block, hope for her a speedy re
Mr. Alf Clark, one of our pro
gressive young farmers and mail
carrier, has made a change in
hands for anoter year.
Mr. J. G. Campbell will occupy
the place vacated by L. C. Hull'
If yon are in need of
any monumental work see
me before placing your
orders as the McNeil mar
cle Co ! ; ne is the best in
the entire South and prices
are very reasonable.
Howard Caamichacl.
After this week ginning,
days Tuesday and Friday
until further notice.
A. N. Brown.
FMu , ■ :.r BuieV
Mr. George , Hot of .l. : ck> -s
has secured the ag«ney for the
y Ic< HUii luoliit'? U’l
m . r urit ore.
. is ..c ..1 .Tac iM):i s n ]•
■;iincut y outeg business and
j» vs . rtuu-n.a*.; ii c ibur ho wifi
•:io i I 1.- sal. ‘ • v i’: 1 . .. •
mmai success With tuesalvs oi the
i you contemplate buying a
biue lib cor . alii invites you
to sco him before you buy.
Run Away From Home.
This is to notify the public not
to harbor or give employment to
my minor daughter, Blonnie Amis
16 years old, ginger cake color,
low and stout, weighs about 130
pounds Any one who finds her
please notify me.
, Tom Amis.
Rt 2 McDonough, Ga.
I will try to write a few items
as I havent seen any from this
place lately.
People are about through gath
ering and I guess they are about
ready for Xmas.
R. B. Steele went to Forsyth
R. R. Roan'and George Alexan
deg went to Jacksonville Fla. last
night for a few days pleasure trip.
Mrs. A. J. Bates visited at Vau
ghns a.£pw days this week.
Mrs. R. R. Roan and children
visited atOnCord Sunday.
We are glad to state that W. E.
Rape is convalescing.
Miss Willie Bates visited Mrs.
V. . E. Copeland last Friday night.
Albert Dorton of Pleasant Hill
visited Arthur Sowell Saturday
night and Sunday.
Miss Lizzie Pend ley visited Miss
Willie Bates Friday .
Mrs. R. 3. St.-eh and children
visited Mrs. Mick /Henderson til
Concert last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. -Paul Martin oi
Laelln visited Mr. r:.u I is. W. E.
, t *
€■: in ; d one da; 1. d ..cek.
•• i *
. Miss Lizzie Penalty visited Mi-•/
Vviilie Bates one.d..j lus-t week.
Mr;-. B. B. Dingh s and Miss;Vv'il
lie Bines, visited: McDonough one
uay tnis week.
•I nry Chapp 11 of Ola is visiting
his cousin zlnie Chappell this
Walter W illiams of Jackson vis
ited R. R. Steele one night last
To Contributors.
The Weekly has had several
complaints recently about articles
that have been sent for publica
tion not appearing as soon as ex
pected. We have been crowded
much by advertising recently and
just as soon as we can do so we
shall publish all these articles,
most of them tributes to departed
A Scalded Boy’s Shrieks.
Horrified his grandmother. Mrs. Maria
Taylor, of Xebo, Ky., who whites that,
when all thought he wouln die, Bncklen’s
Arnica Salve wholly cured him. Infal
lible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts. Corns,
Wounds, Bruises. Cures Fever-Sores,
Boils, Skin Eruptions, Eruptions, chil
blftins, Chapped Hands. Soon routs Piles.
25c at All Druggist.
.. c x - 7 i' |-| r |,'qrn*iv -
til ■ Vdl * f
* . - I.ii. if i*** •
ho much of onrrem* V"nu
merely entertaining at Le r r r ,t
Ik v 'ion nrTin By .'
v v i•; *? Your * c
gofer:- :t' iiO’i <■ to vo
tbit They it c w v for
■• *i tv ko tli in to >
! f.' p <vV 1b ' ‘ «'
» ft »> ■ >•, c I or;
* * . .. T . .. oiV *■ .
.'oh reading without put • ru into
i i.oirT.::nd ; tl\ -lift ratun is
either siliy or do-..ore 1 id- . The
editor of the Youth’s Co munitm
believe that a periodical can be
made entertainirgand yet *• wcrt-1
while,” and The Companion is con
ducted on that theory. And that
is one reason why more than half
a million American families read
it. The paper is safe, hat not dull
Its tales of adventure illustrate
the advantag s of fortitude and
self-reliance. Its stories of char,
acter lay stress on the truth that
right conduct is never a mistake.
Every new subscriber will find
it of special advantage to send at
once the $1.75 for the new 1910
volume. Not only does he get the
beautiful “Venetian” Calendar for
1910, lithographed in thirteen col
ors and gold, but all the issues of
The Companion for the remaining
weeks of 1909 from the time the
subscription if received.
The Youth’s Companion,
Boston, Mass.
Go sea it’s a beauty. It stands out
among all its neighbors, because the col
oring Is so bright and clear. Mr. Ericson
painted with L. & M. Paint and says it
cost 1-3 less than any before. He bought
only 12 gallons of ,L. & M. Paint and ft
gallons of Linseed Oil to mix tyifh it.
This made 21 gallons of pure paint, and
cost only $1.20 per gallon. It’s as harnl
someas the finest in town. The L. <fc. is
sold by; Hampton KuggYCompany, Ham
h.j. Copt-Lucl Mercantile Company Mc-
Donough G a.
Remedy for Piles iiistant
K.e!iefaud Cure,
I want' every man nr 1 woman
sni'foric;: irom the excruciating
tortn. f ...v piles o tr_v V. .D, JCen
uadv’s r. mod., for Piles, The way
to prove what t£is remedy will do
ia, v ov.'h C:i. : -> 'is t; ; i ve" it i
t.ii'. Kfimedv for piles reduces
ma! o- ,
ii', ioi.uoii. iicL.ii::., soi v*> end ul
o .dis; upenr and the- PL s sim
pi y quit. iieiH.:dy for piles sl,ol
W r . L. Kennedy,
Stocknriitge Ga. Rt. 3.
News is scarce this week but
will write all there’s.
Mrs. R. F. Nutt, has just returned
home from a weeks visit with her
parents at Gainesville.
Miss Mamraie Everette has re
turned homo from a week’s visit
with relatives in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Adams spent
Monday in Atlanta.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs.
J. N. Welfßis very sick.
Mr. Horton of Locust Grove will
give a Sunday School lecture at
this place next Sunday P. M at
3 o’clock let every one' come that
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Brown spent
Saturday and Sunday with the lat
ters parents at College Park.
Mr. B. F. Thompson had a nar
row escape last Tuesday with a
runaway horse.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bailey spont
last Saturday in Hamptcn.
Mr. C. V. Henley made a busi
ness trip to McDonough last Satur
ij. - iJv-. d’Jsii
» . • f » *, T l, t
Mr a. Butler and Mrs. Py
i . I oli.tiv , S at (.; . .Cs'Vll
M s. W. T Barits t >, i.
■ Mvcsat \ i n’s stall
lay .n: ;-c,vu y.
Mr Roan and G> orge Alev? r
! I } ■ F’
Ma last week.
.! ■ Lcrii' -lard visiicd Mr.
'V. T. 1-p ■ and •f»m.Py F Tr ' .
in glit,
Mr. John Copclaml and
tvr visited Mr. A b u I-iape ant;
i family Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Paul Chapel and wife were
out riding last Sunday.
Miss Lizzie Pondley visited Miss
Willie Bates last Friday.
Mr. Bogue Sowell visited Mr.
Butler Steel last Sunday.
Mrs. W. T. Bates anti daughter
Mrs. B. B. Dingles went up to Mc-
Donough shopping last Friday.
Miss Willie Bates attended
Sunday School at Lnella Sunday.
Mr. W. E. Rape w-ho has been
sick for some time, glad to know
he is improving at this writing.
We have a nice little school at
this place now.
Mr. Roy Bates went up to Mc-
Donough on business Saturday
On last Wednesday at the resi
dence of the brides parents in De-
Kalb’s county. Mr. Jesse Upchurch
and Miss Atuenda Turner were un
ited in marriuge Rov I. G. Wal
ker officiating. The bride' is one
of DeKalb, best and most lovely
young ladies, while the groom is
one of the county’s best yonngmen
and wo join their many friends in
extending best wishes,
Rev. W. .f. Deßardeleben of the
Locust Grove circuit preached his
first sermon at Philadelphia
church last Sunday. His sermon
was listened to with close atten
tion, and ho made a most favor
able impression on his hearers.
He has only boon in the} ministry
two years, but from tfie üble nrmu
ner in W iich ho deliver d his first
, ...1 4, _ v . fL • t r L*
SET liOil ]Ja <• > id fob) uli LL+iiit .JUjQuUL P
ii r. sve circtiit is• to <>e coui
fitted upon securing' such'
ihie n isi as pa:?' ,»• fur the in com
ing year.-
Union Graded School‘has cr.-
ro'.ied 80 pupils to date and the
principal is being ably assisted bv
Miss Ophelia Banks. The music
department is in charge of Miss
Pitts of Locust Grove who has se
cured a class in music in connection
with the school.
T. H. Stallworth has had the old
Norman and Rosser, gin house
torn down, and has converted it
into a barn.
We do not claim to be a matri
tn jnial prophet, but we feel deeply
impressed that wedding bells wih
soon ring again.
Mrs. S. A. Edwards, Ham
Hampton, Ga., December 7. The
funeral of Mrs. S. A. Edwards,
who died Sunday evening at her
residence, was held at the Mftthc
dist church yesterday at 'J o'clock.
Rev. F. J. Marshburn officiating
The interment was at Berea cem
etarv. Mrs. Edwards was 7G year
ojd at the time of her death. She
is survived by one son, W. M. Har
ris, of Hampton and one brother.
S. E. Glass of Jenkinsbu’-g, Ga.
s, f • on*** £&
i • '4 %mri
M» s. Kmnvi 1 w n$ la*~f week
i t. ; T r !■••• .* .her lather .Mr. J.
\ : i h.
I : Pel 1 Ei uipn and
Id* Ul’.l bt v« the u< St of
Ml . ■ . etitl iV. t: :.» v ' j -
ijji .
'r. •(- Rove of N rtb Gnerv^a,
t''- ": ,iv , s >
Mr. aid .fauuly
of iicDoi. igli vibited our c< m
•munit, ‘.'.y duy.
Ti.ert has lie< n more grain
sown and more preparation for
another crop, up to the present
time, than in many years before.
Not only is this an indication of
bettor times, hut of bette r lards
On last Sunday night at the con
clusion of an eight duys meeting
in which was delivered some of
the most soul inspiring elevating
and ennobling sermons that ever
fell from the lips of mortal man,
21 members were added to Kelly’s
church and many public confessi
ons made. Dr. Hunt’s visit to onr
church will ever he regarded as
one Gf the land marks in its his
After a short absence I will try
to give a little of the news from
this section,
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Martin of East
Atlanta visited relatives and frie
nds in our midst last week.
Rev.’C. M. Dunaw-ny and Miss
Tommie Welington of Atlanta
closed a twelve days revival Ht
this place /Tuesday, the meeting
will be long remembered by many,
Great good was done many souls
were saved back sliders roclimed.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Pace and son
Lanson of East Atlanta visited rel
atives at this place lust week.
Miss Ophelia Mitchell and Mr.
William Stanfield were happily
married last. Thursday at the home
of the brides metis" Mis. W. A.
Miichell, Rev, •), R. Anderson of
ficiating, A large crowd of rel
atives and a few friends visited
fh’o pro! pi .mtpee, we wish them a
Gg; nft • - fin fi". eveVLitinptheir
ceu.- ju Mr. Fra/iik. Mitchell and
T;. r ( f
Stoeklo idge visited in r parents
Mr. W, E. {Stanley Sunday.
Miss Tennic Alls of Dutch Town
visited her aunt Mrs. Emily Mit
chell recently.
Mr. Floyd Cook cf Conyers was
seen driving through our midst
Sunday, wonder what’s the attra
Mr. Alonzo H. Glore of Marietta
visited his friend Mr. Lon Martin
last week.
Mrs. R. Lizzie Guinn and Mrs.
Cone Maddox of Atlanta visited
their avut Mrs. \Y. A. Mitchell
part of last week.
Barber Shop Moved.
I have moved my shop from the
J «> J. Smith corner up stairs over
t}.e new liomon Drug Co, store
next to the telephone exchange,
1 am prepared to do better work
than ever in my new quarters find
when in town don’t fail to come to
see me. All work guarantees to
be satisfactory. Tools always
T. N. Moseley.
McDonough. Gh .
Si A \ EA r