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Thursday night about IC. CO
o’clock the Merchants and Plan
ters Warehouse ut Locust Grove
was discovered on fire, and by the
time the alarm was given the
warehouse was enveloped, in
flames, and the bui dingand about
9CO bales of cotton was totally des
troyed. The origin of the fire is
The loss falls heavily upon a
number of farmers who had stored
their cotton in the warehouse,
some not having any insurance,
while others had only a small am
ount anion those who lost thehea
viest are, A G Combs, 125 bales
with $6,000 insurance ; J M John
son 14 bales with SI,OOO insurance,
J F Heflin 10 bales insured ; Wil
son and Pruitt 28 bales with SI,OOO
insurance, W I Parr 18 bales in
sured, D T Copeland # bales insu
red, W A Smith 31 bales insured.
The following had no insurance:
E O Hammock, 4 bales ; J W Mid
dlebrooks, 12 bales ; R F Smith 30
bales ; Bud Allen 7 bales ; J F Da
vis 25 bales, S H Cftfttellaw 25
H T Colvin 16 bales ; J T Coan 10
hales, A L Combs 7 bales, W W
Gibson 9 bales, W J Smith 3 bales
J L Gardner 1$ bales, W J Combs
32 bales Mrs Maud Cox 5 bales, B.
J Williams and a number of others
the amount of loss not known. ’
F. and A. M. Elect Offi
cers Saturday Night.
The regular annual election of
officers for Fraternal Lodge will
occur on Saturday night Dec. 18,
at the Lodge room.
The lodge will be called to order
at the regular time Saturday af
ternoon at 2.30 o’clock, and after
the afternoon session will be called
off until Saturday evening at 7
o’olock for the purpose of holding
the annual election.
T. J, Brown, W. M.
A. P. S.
The land of Beersheba has gone
wet by a good majority. *
Considerable plowing lies been
done, but has ceased till after
Christmas now.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bartlett
visited relatives beyond McDon
ough Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Bartlett
of Tussahaw visited the latters
parents here Sunday,
Will Austin went up to McDon
ough Saturday.
Oliver Jones went up to Atlanta
Lucky number of people are
feasting on ribs, souse, and sau
sage since winter set in.
Good looking girls abound in
Beersheba but jar beads needn’t
They say Austin Rossea’s mule
is used to standing where he stood
Those who met the new prea
cher at Mtßethel Sunday reported
a good attendance, oonsieering
the weather.
No more natural looking sight
has greeted my eyes since my re
turn to the landd of Beersheba
than No. 4, Bryans and his mail
Dr. and Mrs. B, E. Horton have
moved into their handsome new
home on Griffin St. and Mr. How
ard Stansell has moved in the
Ihome they vacated on the same
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Misses Norman and Thrasher,
have inangerated a contest by
which they.will give away a top
buggy absolutely FREE to the
successful party.
With each five dollar's purchase
a ticket will be given which will
entitle holder to a chance at this
handsome buggy, which will be
g ven away the latter part of Jan
uary. The number that will draw
the buggy will be placed in a
sealed envelope and put in the
bank vault and at the end of the
contest the one holding duplicate
number will get the buggy FREE.
School to Close Friday.
The McDonough publio schools
will close today (Friday) for the
fall term for Christmas holidays.
This has been a very successful
term of the school and Prof. Green
and his able corps of assistants as
well as all the students have well
earned this rest for nearly three
weeks for the Christmas season.
A !1 tne teachers will leave today
for their several homes to spend
the holiday’s with friends and rel
Their bright and eba¥mif>£ pre
sence will be greatty missed ddfo*-
ing their home #tay, but the
Weekly joins their boats of friends
in wishing them all a most plea
sant stay and a happy return for
the New Year.
Mallet Agent For Buick
Mr. George Mallet of Jackson
has secured the agency for the
celebrated Buick automobiles for
several counties in middle Geofgie
and Henry County is included in
his territory.
He is one of Jackson’s most pro
minent young business men and
owing to his prominece and the
high grade machine that he will
handle it is safe to predict for him
much success with the sales of the
If you contemplate buying a
machine he cordially invites you
j to see him before you buy.
K of P's Elect New Offi
At-the last regular meeting of
; M.-iJononH- Lodge No 253, Kni
| gilts of Pytheas the regular semi
annual election of officers was held
Tiie following are the officers.
E M.. Copeland, Chancellor,
Bailor Smith, Vice Chan. Com.
O. O. Tolleson, Prelat.
H. C. Hightower, Master of
J. E Hooten, M&ster at Arms.*
E D. Tolleson, K. R. and S. and
M. of F.
H J. Turner, Master of Exche
J. R Turner, Inner Guard.
A. M. Bowden, Outer Guard.
We are agents for the
celebrated Badger and
Albert 1 ire Extinguisher
"you ought to protect your
home, office and Property
by keeping one on hand
come and let us show you.
A. C. Oglesby & Co.
Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott who
for a long time have made their
home at the Brown House, have
moved to the home of his father,
Dr. D. W. Scott next to the Me
thodist church on Macon St.
hibLE dsbLk-lis
One 1 1 ick hcise rmie 3
years old, about 15 hands
high and weighs about9oo
pounds, fresh si ipped
with a little car rub on the
root of its tail, a little Ro
man nose, was stolen from
my stables on Wednesday
night, Dec, 15. $25.00 re
ward for return of mule
and thief.
Joe J. Smith.
McDonough, Ga.
Farmers Union Elect Of
Tho regular annual election of
the officers for the Henry County
division of the Farmers Union was
held last Friday with the folldw
ing offices elected.
H.A. Crumbley, President.
R. W. Cash, Vice President.
J. H. Rape, Secy-Treas.
J. L. Combs, Organizer.
J. J. Thompson. Chaplain.
J. J. Knight, door keeper.
C. M. Shields, door keeper.
W. J. Goss, J. R. Elliott, J. C.
Jinks, Ex. Com.
C. M. Shields. J. L. Combs, J. C.
Jinks, J, T. Hendon, J. W. Cul
pepper, H. T. Elliott, Com on the
goodofthe order,
R. W.Cosh, Com. on good agri
Remedy for Pile# instant
Relief and Cure,
I want every man and woman
suffering from the excruciating
torture for piles to tr£ W. D, Ken
nady’s remedy for Piles, The way
to prove what this remedy will do
in your own case is to give it a
tiial. Remedy for idles reduces
all inflamation, makes congestion,
irritation, itching, sores and ul
cers disyppear and the Liles sim
pleyquit. Remedy for piles SI,OO
W. L. Kennedy,
Stockbridge Ga, Rt. 3.
No Carnival This Season.
It is proverbial of the ups and
downs that the “Show Man” has
i but the Carnival Company that
was scheduled here this week mot
with some new’ experiences here
Their entire trocp came here on
a special train Sunday night or
early Monday morning and when
t hey came over w ith several dray
loads of tlieir tents and other ac
cessories of their shows
could not find a place to put them
up. As soon as one location
w’onld be secured some objection
would be raised to their putting
up-so at last about ten o’clock
Monday morning they decided to
go to Butler, Ga,, and about 3
o’clock their special train left for
that point.
For Rent.
Nice well furnished 5 room
liouso for rent, for particultrs ap
ply to
H. B. Carmichael Plaining Mill.
McDonough, Ga.
The Markets Thursday
Cotton 14 34
Cotton Seed $1.55 per 100
We want you to try Man Zan iu cases of
Piles. This excellent remedy is being used
by a great many people with satisfactory
results. Sold by Horton Drug Co
Z. D. Ward Stockbridge, Ga.
Mrs. Paul T urner Enter
A bright event of the past week
j was the 42 party given by Mrs.
Paul Turner on last Saturday af
The house was fragrant with
white narcissi which were used
for decorations. Mrs. Turner was
assisted in entertaining by her at
tractive daughter, Miss Nona Tur
ner and the more than a score of
guests greatly enjoyed the entire
afternoon and the “goodbye”
time came all to soon for them.
Barber Shop Moved.
I have moved my shop from the
Joe 0. Smith corner up stairs over
the new Horton Drug Co, store
next to tho telephone exchange,
I am prepared to do better work
than ever in my new quarters and
when in town don’t fail to come to
see me. All work guaranteed to
be satisfactory. Tools always
T. N. Moseley.
McDonough, Ga.
Livery Stable For Sale.
On the first Tuesday in January
1910, I will sell before the Court
house door my livery stable loc
ated in MoDonough Ga. known as
the old McDonough Buggy Faotory
Part cash and other on good
J. R. Graves & Co.
McDonough, Ga.
After this week ginning,
days Tuesday and Friday
until further notice.
A. N. Brown.
The BIG STAPLE of the Sontli has begun to move, and every
bale that changes bands places money in some ono’s pocket—-A part
of it goes to yon.
Why not saye a portion, if only a small one?
Don’t blow it all, but start n Rank account. Tho best way is to
DEPOSIT ALL your money, and pay all your accounts WITH A
CHECK on tho Bank, thus giving you a double receipt.
Oar accomodations are ample aud wo will gladly assist you in all
ways. ’ Pis the little that is saved NOW that will take care of you
in your OLD DAYS.
When you sell that bale ol Cotton, bring the proceeds
here, and we will tell you how to make it grow.
The Bank of Henry Comity
mcdonouch, ga.
Funeral Directors and Embalmers.
l>ay Phone No. 51 Night Phone No. 51i
J- -
All calls answered promptly day or night.
All embalming carefully done and according to best methods
Onr stock of metal and wood caskets aud robes are unequalled.
Our services, hearses and ecjui] meet, are the best to be hud.
We furnish the best steel, brick or celnent Vaults.
I Before
: Be
J\l oveltie^
“ d Fruits
T.J. Patterson
McDonough, ga.
$i A YEA