The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 17, 1909, Image 10
rp v 1 J A 1" X. >v. iii r ► “-i ♦ 7.90 to ’:.' A. M. 1 »<'•'• H. M. DR. TiiU ). JUJLTON. R F. )>. No. 1, Ui'.x, Ga. Ucf. «• 'l. C. White \) t : \ n UROWN, 1 \ I,' N’TP __ til 1 5.11# »« 1 J .» 1 > Okipick Hocks : Office to .Now .Masonic Building. R. O. JACKSON, Attorney-at-Law, M c DONOUGH. GA. Office over Slur Store. i CAL_L_ j: | And let me fit you with Glasses? |in the most modern way and the? latest styles. t i Satisfaction guaranteed ! ) | P. B. CHEEK, .Jeweler and Optician, ji | McDonough, - Ga. j! locals. 48 different styleß of Gentsßelts from 25c to SI.OO. W. B. J. Ingram Co. Miss Lillian Cathy, of Green county, is visiting Miss Eva Ca* thy this week. It will be money to you to step n and see onr line,of trunk, valises cto. W. B. J. Ingram. Mr. G. W. Cathy who had the misfortune to stick a nail in his foot one day last week is now able to bo out with his friends. A now lot of Gents 25c and 50c Ties. W. B. J. Ingram. on all Mil linary at Miss Blanche Wentzell. We sell the Rayo nickled plated lamps $1.50. _ W. B. .T. Ingram. Don’t forget about those China Calendars at Horton Drug Co. see them when you come to {own. Just returned from Kentucky and Indiana with two onr loads of mules to sell cheaper than they can be bought in Atlanta. See them. H. M. Tolleson • Mrs. Joel Bankston, Miss Bur ma Bankston and Mrs. C.‘W *Ban kston and her little daughter went up to Atlanta last Saturday, the latter two going on to Jonesboro where she remained over with her mother for several days. Toys, Toys, Toys, we have the best line of Toys and Dolls that we have ever shown before. D. P. Cook & Co. Mr. L. R. Ricks who resides a few miles east of McDonough, is so for the champion pork raiser for this season. He killed one a few days ago that tipped the be ams at about 550 pounds. We have all the Good things for Christmas. Nuts Raisins, Yates and Terry apples also the best Florida oranges etc. D. P. Cook and Co. Christmas is foiling! Arc you rt*H(.v loroiu . Li't i : huh. A. beautitui ii xfiiii©B Furs at low prices at n -:. r> * , r ! iViiss biunctv vv cniivii & ]{r»v. A. C. Hruil b. of O riffin, Wiis j a visitt rint in ‘it*;* ;.;omtay. r. !J ■ i 1 C >r,l] •‘' isv*’ 1 \ • r ’ 'r ir a box ball ftil* ;y m lie zoom ; to the Horlon Drri£ Co., which will <riv * noil ere end unto M< * Donor *h s people. r J'ne alley | will be ready in a few days for! rooling them “thnr balls”. A nice line of ladies wool gloves, Fascinators and shawls at Miss Blahche Wentzell’s Mrs. Jack Craft and little son, Jack Jr. of Hartwell, arrived on # Monday for an extended visit to her mother, Mrs. L. A. Turner. Ask to see the China Calendars at Horton Drug Co. Misses Laura May and Leo Davis of Stockbridge were the gnests of Miss Pearl Reeves on Sunday— Jonesboro Enterprise. Come and get prices on Tailor made clothing at. W. B. J. Ingram Co. Miss Lil ie Cone a oharming young lady of Atlanta, arrived Thursday afternoon for a visit to Mrs. R. L. Johnson. F£R SALiE—A few thorough bred Rhode Island Red cockerels, at SI.OO eaoh, J. C. Harria. McDonough. Ga. Mr. A. C. Fincher, of Cave Springs, was a welcome caller at the Weekly office on Tuesday morning. FOR RENT. Mrs. F. T. Kelley, of Atlanta, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Kelley this week. / 1-2 horse farm new house and barn for rent, good farm. Ajiply to Mrs. M. A. Tye. Mr. Whit Russell, of Jackson* was the guest of friends and rela tives here Sunday. Go to the Variety store for Xmas goods. Dr. T. A. Lifsey’s new home on Atlanta street is rapidly being fi nished by tlie workmen. It is just abovo the old McDonald home. l or Diamond Edge Poc ket knives go to The Va riety store. Dr. Hubert Rawiszer, of New York City who is the head of J. Saul and Co. of Atlanta, has come to McDonough to prepare the manufacture Sample Sale for Mr. Klotz which opens today. Two Store Houses for Rent at Flippen Ga. apply to D. P. Cook and Co. McDonough, Ga. Miss lone Price, a charming young lady of Flippen who lias many friends in Jonesboro, was the gnest of Mrs. J. C Hanes last Sunday—Jonesboro Enterprise. FOUND —Ladies' hand-bag con taining trincketsand money. Call, describe contents, pay for adver tisment and secure hand tyag. D. C. Brantley, Frin. Col. School,' McDonough. Ga. Miss Ruby Walker, one of Me Donough’s most beautiful and at tractive young ladies, visited Miss Frankie Lee this week—Jonesboro Enterprise. Col, Ogden Pearsons, C. B, Wil linghrm and J. M. Fletcher,, of Forsyth, and C J. Lester, of Bar nesville, were in the city yester day morning on the way to Mc- Donough where Judge Reagan heard some motions in chamber’s court.—Griffin News- We are the Busiest p>W if| t* i fl !5? r? A h. .*•'/• i. Wr* JWk -A JsL V* T V iN ®l vL- A 'Wit J tl # © < <r% *rys r-w y $ f-n y W> -W* .tv a&U aIW4, ii3.VC Li if. s vu t write up an Ad this WEEK, But be sure to come to see us for TOYS, DOLLS and XMAS GOODS. We can suit You no matter what kind of a present You Want! Be sure to buy a few pounds of RED BAND CANDIES A, C. OGLESBY &. COMPANY. i Jgfefc What is more useful -tV/dIHAM * Mp than a good Watch for pJhskcft a'Christmas gift, some wn’tte beat <-^^^WAT.CHES I have a larger selection of everything this season than ever before. Come and get what - You want before the last day. Bracelets Solid Gold and gold filled $2.00 to SIB.OO. Lockets Solid gold and gold filled sl. to $20.00. Necklace Solid gold and gold filled SI.OO to $15.00. Watch fobs any style gold filled SI.OO to $15.q0. Cuff Links Plain gold and dimend set 50c to $12.50. Broaches, a large selection 50c to $25.00. Combs, Solid gold mountings and filled SI.OO to SB.OO. Emblem goods in Pins, buttons and fobs 50c to SIO.OO. Rings, set rings of most any styles $2.50 to $40.00. e have a good selection of Sterling silver table ware knives and forks. Spoons, ladles, Butter knives, Berry spoons, Jelly spoons, Coffee, aiso Imyg a nice sine of souvernir spoons, Hand mirrors, toilet sets, risn’cns Sets, Cut Glass and China. The goods are here for inspection. P. B. CHEEK, JEWELER MCDONOUGH, GA. Miss Nettie Bess Forclie retur ned last Saturday from a visit of some time to her grand parents and other relatives at Dawson. There are many of the girls and boys who are in College who will arrive home in a few days for the holiday season. Also quite a num ber who are teaching will be here to spend the vacation period. A series of pleasant evenings have been enjoyed by the young people in the basement of the new Masonic buildine. The young men have secured this spacious plaee for the holiday season where they will have many pleasant evenings during the coming weeks until New Year’s. The above is the name of a German chemicol, which is one of the many val uable .ingredients of, Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine is recognized by medical text books and an thorities as a uric acid solvent and anti septic for iirine. Take Foley s Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregu larities and avoid a serious malady. For Sale By Horton Drug Co. McDonough Drug Co. We have on hand now a lot of 1910 Calendars and Almanacs Which we will be glad to give to our friends and customers if called for. Also, we have a lot of China plates with eqio Calendar painted on them They are very neat and pretty. These we give away on following conditions: With each cash pur= chase made we give ticket of amount, and *when the amount reaches $2.50. two and one half dol= lars, we give the Calendar. far Ask to see them when you come in. HORTON DRUG CO.