The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 17, 1909, Image 5

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    Some One Will Get a
Don’t You Want It?
K. I*. JOHNSON Editor.
at the postofflc* at McDon
a*. second-class mall matter.
—■ ■ ~ ■ 1 ' '
<fL4hr«rtLslag Rate*: SI.OO per i*ch
fuar sno&tli. Reduction on etftnd**«
aaratoaota by special agreement.
jr.-crr —i-. l ™ l
SSrlJemugh, Gi , Dec. 17, 190 U.
Th.B kiif vast time is nearly over
:in 4hie section,
The wedding tells are ringing
•flU'onnd lie re.
'Mr. Harvie Barnett and Miss
Tffettte Muxie were happily united
tin the bonds of matrimony Thanks
givi&gat the home of Mr. Will
Barttcfcts, Rev. A. S. Ulin officiat
Me and Mrs Tom Darsey were
’ibe gneste of Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
Stanfield Sunday.
Miss Maud Banks was the guest
of .Kiss Susie Stanfield last Sunday.
Miss Rebecca Myers died at the
borne of her father, Mr. John
Meyer*, who lives in Hampton,
Juki, Saturday and was laid to rest
-at the Babb grave yard Sunday
•af te ration,. we will say to her loved
ones to weep not for their loss is
lier eternal gain.
Mr. and Mrs. Mat Barnett were
the 'guests of Mr. J. S. Barnett
Sunday last.
The many friends of Mrs. Caro
line Darsey are glad to know of
iter recovery from a spell of sick
The candy palling at Mr. Willie
Cti i ’a way"s last Saturday night,
which vts <-iven in h'-uor of Miss
Hu-. ’ " in i-Id and Miss Maud
Bin' j . . nioyed very much by
a.ll Km* w re presell'.
Miss Lillian Stanfield spent a!
few days with Mrs. Ayceck ot
X»i>vejoy last week I
[ Mrs. Hattie Campbell and her
daughter Miss Lela, wero tlie
guests of Mrs. Turnipseed lastJSat
urday night and Sunday.
We are sorry to note the change
of Mr. S. E. Campbell and his son
Mr, Grover who moved to River
dale last Monday. They were
good neighbors ard had lived in
this vacanity all of their lives and
the people here had learned to love
them, may God bless them and
keep them, and may he use them
for his service there just as he
did here.
The Sunday School at Liberty
Hill elected Mr.B. C, Bright for
theie Superintendent in the place
of Mr. Grover Campbell, who re
signed last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stanfield vi
sited their daughter, Mrs. Am Mi
tchell Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Gildon Banks visi
ted their daughters, Mrs. Ada Wal
lace and Mrs, Cora Stanfield of
near Macon last Friday. Saturday
and Sunday.
Mrs. Georgia Stokes, of Fayette
ville is visiting her daughter Mrs.
Doscar Barnett at this writing.
Rev E. B. Aycock is pastor at
the church for the coming year.
- -
Why don’t the correspondence
answer to the roll call ami come
back again and let us know what
they are doing.
We ar ' sorry to note the illness
of the little infant baby of Mr
Tom Your™.
Three of Atlanta’s charming
j young ladies. Misses Pm key,
! Clara Turnipseed and Miss Bird*
Gray were the guests of Miss Lola
| Campbell last first Surday.
Mr. Am Mitchell and Miss Ma
' mie Stanfield were happily mar
ried last third Sunday at the home
|of Mr Smith Griffin, Mr. Griffin
officiating Miss Sallie and Miss
Ella Mitchell, Miss Susie Stanfield,
Mr. Jessie Stanfield, Mr, Tom
Foster and Mr. Tom Kennedy were
present. Their many friends wish
them a long and happy life.
Alone In Saw Mill AtMidnigni
Unmindful of dampness, drafts, storms,
or cold, W. J. Atkins worked as Night
Watchman, at Banner Springs, Tenn.
Such exposure gaxe him a severe cold
that set (h don hi: lungs. At last he had
to giqe up ail work, lie tried many re
medias but al[ failed till he used Dr.
King’s New Discovery.‘‘After using one
bottle” he writes, “I went back to work
as well as ever.” Severe Colds, stubborn
Coughs, inflamed throats and sore lungs,
Hemorrhages, Croup and Whooping cough
get quick relief and prompt cure from
this glorions medicine. 50c and SI.OO.
Trial bottle free, guaranteed by All
Georgia Henry County,
Whereas, W. J. Kitchens, administrator
of A J Kitchens, represents to the court
in his petition, duly filed and entertd on
record, that he has fully administered
A J Kitchens, estate: This is, therefore,
to cite all persons concerned, kindred
and creditors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said administrator should not
be discharged from his administration,
and receive letters of dismission on the
first Monday in Jan. 1910.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Georgia, Henry County.
T L Bond, a resident of said state, hav
ing duly applied to he appointed guardi
an of the person and property of Gertrude,
Lizzie and 1/ora Shettiesworth. all minors
under the age of fourteen years of age,
residents of said county. Notice is hereby
given that said application will be passed
on at the next court of Ordinary for said
county to bo h°ld on the first Monday in
Jan. IHIO. Witness my hand and ollicia
signature, this nth Dec. 190 b.
A. G. Harris,Ordinary,
GJat£ t: t£' i 5 £» ai e ■
Will lc so’d b"f<uv 'he ::!••■ hou-e
door m the city of McDonough, said
suite and county, on the fir.-t Tuesday in
January IMitt, tetween the legal hoars
of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the
following property to-wit: One house and
Jot in the 7th land district, Berry < ’o. Ga.
said lot containing V 4 acre ar d bounded
north by Woolward and Amis, vast by
Macon iinad. south by lot of Pate
and west by lot of Gant Creddelle. Lev
ied on as the property of Elihu Sat ten to
satisfy a Justice Court fi/ti in favor of
Cole Broth* rs. Tenant in possession no
tified of levy. Levy made by B. F. Grant
L. and turned over to me this Nov. 30,
A C. Sowell, Sheriff.
oSmmf t : > % v: ■ ‘ #.
. .vUA jfe.JLV '* V .1
Complete lino of Caskets all styles and prices.
Careful and polite attention given all funerals entru
sted to me.
Embalming done according to latest and most im
proved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Calls answered promptly'day and night.
Phones 28 and 30.
HcDonough Ga.
b'» >it DISM JsSH ).n—Guardi unship.
Geoigi.t Henry County.
Alil/iney, guardian of Ailie M. Laney,
has applied to me for a discharge from
his guardianship of Alfie M Limey. 'This
is therefore to notify all person.- concern
ed to tile t heir objections, if any t hey havn
on or before th • first Monday in Jan. 191(1
next else he will be discharged as applied
for. This Dec. «, 1909.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary
The best j ills are Kings Little Liver
Pills "hey fl-e easy to take, pleafant in
effect aie’ resit Je in action. At any time
anil atine* I’i a’ve Carbolizt <1 will
be fount use sv'.at is needed for burns,
cols and bruises. They are sold here by
Sold by Horton Drug Co.
McDonough Drug co.