The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 17, 1909, Image 6

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nun a4MEtE
Greatest Sailing Event Ever Offered in This City!
$15.00 Suits $8.93. All Manufacturs Samples.
$3.50 Shoes $1.95. Outing yd.
Sheeting, 1 yd wide, 5%c. $15.00 Ladies Suits $8.91.
$3.50 Trousers $1.89. $2.50 Ladies Shoes $1.49.
H. KLOTCK, McDonough, Ga.
Next Door to Or. Scoot’s Office.
Dec 4th, 1909.
We hail a special <lay at school
last Monday. Abont 20 of our
patrons were present, among them
our neighbor, Rev. Jackson. We
have a larger school now than at
this period lust year. Rev. Ar
nold, of McDonough, fa- ored us
with an address on “Obligation of
parents to educate their children”
Ho said in part:
“Making a n .isc with the mouth
is thinking shallow, with the mind
deep thinking is done. It, it a du
ty of parents to educate their chil
dren parents and child express a
relation and their duty grows out
of this relation. There are three
relations existing between parents
and their children. The natural
relation between a parent and
child is in the divine order of
things and this relation suggests a
child. There is the providential
relation which is not under our
control. Then there is a funda
mental relation which is at the
bottom and makes manhood.
Out of these existing relations is
its service that you must pet from
your boy ! If so then we have not
departed very fur from the slavery
condition over 200 years ago. Sla
very was abolished with the over
throw of feudalism. Yon have a
natural right for the service cf
your chile hut not a property light
You can’t buy and sell your chil
dren. Our children are ,he foun
dation of our hemes, and wo par
ents are the tirst teachers they
have, you have laid a foundation
iu their education that Johnson
canned change. I tell yon that you
parents lay the foundation of your
child’s life, let it Ire worthy or un
“Bishop Wright bought his son
a toy airship and now from the he
liocopter Wilbnr Wright is riding
daily in the air—one ot the mar
vels of our time. You are the tirst
educator of your child. America
has the glory of this invention and
President Taft has given Bishop)
Wright’s son a gold medal for his
triumph. Linnaeus, the great
botanist, was taught the elements
of botany in the garden by his fa
ther and the world will never get
over that man’s work.
“I attended a convention recent
ly and one good old brother, Wil
lis, had to leave the convention,
he expressed his grief on having
to leave to me. Said he, I am so
densely ignorant that lam asham
ed to stay in this great body cf
highly learned men any longer;
my father denied me the benefit of
an education
“A young man brings me a let
ter from his sick father in a far
country to read for him. I asked
him who read his letters for him.
He suid I take them over thero in
the field to a negro boy and he
reads them to mo. Well why cant
yon read your letters? My father
said he, made me work ; you have
your pointer dog trained, and
make your hoy work in the held
till Christinas and then give him a
few months in school and that cut
into pieces by work at home in the
fields. Oh, what a sad neglect on
the part of most people in this
“Mt n with an education are ma
king dead things speak. Give your
hoy a chance in the schools and
then he can do things.
“You wonder why my boy is so
restless ; your boy by nature seeks
to know things. He runs here and
there with his limited opportuni
ties and naturally st eks to find the
secret things. Why do you want
those teachers? Can you calculate
their value? Go buy iron in the
rough and it will cost you $28.00
per ton ; send it to the high school
of the blacksmith and have if
worked into horse shoes and it will
be worth SIOO per ton ; send it to
the high school of the knife facto
ry and it will he worth $2,000 per
I ton : send it to the high school of
i needle factory and it will be worth
se,ooo per ton ; send it to the high
, school of the watch spring factory
and it will be worth $250,000a ton.
j “So yen see crude iron under the
i horse becomes something valua
! ble in the watch springs. Tlio
common idea of children is that
, they are incidents in life. The
common aim of men is to succeed
! for his child. Which is best to
succeed for the child or to succeed
in the child? 1 would rather suc
ceed m my child.
i “In :ny school days we read at
jLb now they read at 6. What edu
| cation may do for us is wonderful.
| W. G. Barrett was a common ig
: norant man. He married an edci
j cated woman. She raised his am
bition and he through her made a
success. Andrew Johnson, but
for an educated wife would never
have been president of the United
“It is a reflection on any state to
have to compel its people to edu
cate their children. Mrs. Wesley
told her boy the some lesson 19
j times. This boy was John Wes
j ley. She succeeded in her boy. I
1 believe it is in mothers at least
, Mother has the power above all.
I Women should he wise in the keep
i ing of the character of their cliil
| dren. Yon are not first of all a
housekeeper ; you are a character
builder.; no despotism can rob your
| child of its education. It should
be your holiest aim to give it an
education. They will advertise
vour life and your fldelidyas noth
-1 ing else can.”
i "
Mr. Duffey made us a visit last
week ; lie made a good talk for us
which was every word a gem. We
are always glad to see Mr. Duffey.
| lie is a very useful factor in my
! personal work at school; has given
, me much encouragement in many
phases of the work. There is no
doubt hut that he is much inter
ested in the schools and children
of Henry county, I heard a re
sponsible man, a lawyer in McDon
ongh, shv he is one of the best
commissioners in the state.
O. W. Johnson.
Catarrh Cannot lie Cured.
With Local Applications, as they can-
I not reach the seat of the desease, Catarrh
; is a Mood or constitutional disease, and in
.order to cure it you must take internal
remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, and acts direotly on the blood
and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh
| Cure is not a quack medicine. It was
j prescribed by one of the best physicians
| in this country for years and is a regular
j prescription. It is composed of the best
j tonics known, combined with the best
blood purifiers, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combina
tion of the two ingredients is what pro
duces such wonderful results in, curing
Catarrh. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props,, Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, Price 75c.
Tak*' Hall’s Family Pills for constipation
Mrs. A. B. Lane.
We regret to note the death of
Mrs. A. B. Lane which occurred at
her home near here last Thursday
night after a short and severe ill
ness caused from an atttack of
pneumonia. She was one of this
community oldest residents, and
leaves and aged husband and sev
eral grown children to mourn her
death. She was a good woman, a
kind and affectionate mother, and
! a kind, gentle and loving compan
| ion. The writer of this article has
| known her from the days of his
; childhood, and we want to say that
I from the impressions she made
upon ns by her life, that we be
lieve she has gone to receive her
; crown of glory in Heaven, where
she cun rest from the cares of this
She was a good, quiet, and faith,
fnl Christian woman, and to her
bereft and aged husbahd, Uncle
Ben Lane, does the symptahy of
ja. go out to, and as be toils'on
through iifes battles, he can have
the sweet assurance that his good
wife who has been so faithful to
him in his declining years, is stan
ding on that beautiful shore, bec
koning and waiting for him to
corno. May Gods richest blessing
rest upon the aged husband in bis
sad hour. Her remains were laid
to rest here Friday afternoon Rev.
J. A. Jackson conducting the f un
Looking One’s Best
Its a woman’s delight to look her best
but pimples, skin eruptions, sores and
boils rob life of joy. Listen! Bucklen’s
Arnica Salve cures them: makes the skin
Soft and velvety. It glorifies the face,
cures Pimples, Sore Eyes, Cold Sores,
cracked Lips, chapped hands. Try it, In
fallible for Pilrs. 25c at All Druggist.
A Belled Buzzard.
On last Friday Dec. 11, Mr. J. C.
Babb, who resides in the Sixth dis
trict, saw a buzzard with a small
bell tied to it. The bird was close
enough to him so that he conld see
the bell as well as hear its ring.
fie wants to know if any one in
this part of the country has tied a
bell to a buzzard and how long it
has been since it was done, Write
him at McDonough Rt 3 if you
know of one who has.
More Danville Proof.
Jacob Schrall, 422 South St., Danville,
m*» writes: * For over eighteen months I
was a sufferer from kidney and bladder
trouble. During the whole time was
treated by several doctors and tried sev
eral di: ‘rent kidney pills. Seven weeks
azo I commenc 'd taking Foley’s Kidney
x ills, and lam feeling better every day
and will be glad to tell anyone interested
just what Foley’s Kidney Pills did for
me. ’ Sold by norton Drug Co.
McDonough Drug Co.
Mr. R. L Berry spent tne wet k
end with his father, Mr. W, S
Berry, and family at their home
in Henry county.—Jonesboro En